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effect target types


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Are these documented anywhere?


I know these:


#define FX_TARGET_SELF 1 - the caster itself

#define FX_TARGET_PRESET 2 - the targeted creature(s)

#define FX_TARGET_PARTY 3 - all party

#define FX_TARGET_GLOBAL_INCL_PARTY 4 - everyone in the area

#define FX_TARGET_GLOBAL_EXCL_PARTY 5 - everyone except the party

#define FX_TARGET_NOT_EVIL 6 - preset, but only if it is friendly to caster

7 ?

8 ?

#define FX_TARGET_ORIGINAL 9 - the original caster (not entirely sure how is it different from self, but there IS difference)

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NI currently has:

"Preset target",
"Everyone and party",
"Everyone but party",
"Everyone or party",
"Everyone except self",
"Original target"

Is 7 crash? I don't know if 8 actually does what it says, though.


I changed the wording for 4 and 5, but if it's accurate, 7-8-9 could be and-but-or self.

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Well, i noticed my sppr713 (greater restoration) employs 6 as target type.

I don't quite see how this spell would target a single creature then.

This is why i started this query in the first place :)


8 - is truly everyone but caster

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6 and 7 only apply to matching specifics in the area. 6 uses specifics of self, 7 uses specifics of target.

When cast from party members, 6 simply sends the eff to the whole party (without checking specifics).


9 adds the effect to the projectile (like 2 does).


1 and 9 set Bit 1 in the dispel/resistance field, 3-8 set Bit 2.

2 can also set Bit 1 if it targets self.

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So basically it's InMyGroup() and GroupOf(), and they hacked it to actually work like it should for the party?

Yeah, but only for specifics instead of a full object.


I still don't understand what's the point of 9? Add/RemoveMapNote() works from the trap?

I'm only looking this up -- interpretation is up to you guys. :party:


By my guess then BG1's probably in the same boat, at least pre-TotSC?

Most likely. Do we have someone who reverses the BG1 executable?

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6 and 7 only apply to matching specifics in the area. 6 uses specifics of self, 7 uses specifics of target.

When cast from party members, 6 simply sends the eff to the whole party (without checking specifics).


9 adds the effect to the projectile (like 2 does).


1 and 9 set Bit 1 in the dispel/resistance field, 3-8 set Bit 2.

2 can also set Bit 1 if it targets self.


Oh wait, so you say 'self' doesn't go into the projectile, only '9' ?

Then i think i KNOW all. :party:


So, 'self' is applied right when the projectile goes off, while '9' is added to the projectile, and applied when the projectile hits?

Also, if '9' is added to a multi hit projectile, it will affect you as many times as the projectile hits?

Like a magic missile with '9' in it, will affect the caster as many times as many missiles were shot.

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