Salk Posted September 16, 2009 Share Posted September 16, 2009 I initially thought BGT might be the cause of this but after experimenting I could pinpoint the BG2 Fixpack as culprit. If anyone could spot the offensive part of code in the .tp2, I would be happy to change it. Thanks! Link to comment
Ardanis Posted September 16, 2009 Share Posted September 16, 2009 Disease: Disease immunity should prevent the nauseated icon as well as the 'stricken by a foul disease' and 'diseased' messages in the text window. Poison: Poison immunity can come in two forms, either as a reducton of poison damage to zero or an immunity to the poison effect itself. Unfortunately neither by themselves actually confer full poison immunity, so they both must be added. Poison immunity should also suppress the poison and bleeding icons and display the protection from poison icon. Unfortunately, it works not as expected. The 'poison' group receives no 100% resistance, while the 'disease' group does get 100% res while it shouldn't. // diseaseCOPY_EXISTING ~demogorg.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~finmel01.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~minhp1.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~misc8j.itm~ ~override~ // boots of the west ~ravag03.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~ring39.itm~ ~override~ // ring of gaxx ~sengua04.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spcl814.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~sword01.cre~ ~override~ // magical sword ~tstatue.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~add_fx_batch_prep~ // defines vars for rest of patch PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE >= min_size) BEGIN SET "new_fx" = 0 FOR (index = (0 - global_loop) ; index < abil_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN PATCH_IF ("%cosmetic%" = 1) BEGIN // if cosmetic effects needed SET "new_fx_2" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN // if no cosmetic effects should be added SET "new_fx_2" = 1 END SET "new_fx_1" = 0 SET "new_fx_3" = 0 SET "new_fx_4" = 0 SET "new_fx_5" = 0 PATCH_IF ("%index%" < 0) BEGIN // if loop through globals needed SET "abil_fx_idx" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN // otherwise normal ability SET "counter_offset" = ("%abil_off%" + 0x1e + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) "abil_fx_idx" SET "abil_fx_idx" = ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%new_fx%") WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) ("%abil_fx_idx%") END READ_SHORT "%counter_offset%" "counter" // fx_num on global loop, otherwise abil_fx_num FOR (index2 = 0 ; index2 < counter ; index2 = index2 + 1) BEGIN READ_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "opcode" READ_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "param1" READ_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "param2" READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (0x14 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "resref" PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 101) AND ("%param2%" = 78)) BEGIN // disease immunity SET "new_fx_1" = 1 READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "template" ((0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%"))) END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 169) AND ("%param2%" = 7)) BEGIN // prevent nauseated icon SET "new_fx_2" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 267) AND ("%param1%" = 39752)) BEGIN // disable string "stricken by a foul disease" SET "new_fx_3" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 267) AND ("%param1%" = 54337)) BEGIN // disable string "diseased" SET "new_fx_4" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 173) AND ("%param1%" = 100)) BEGIN // reduced damage from poison - 100% SET "new_fx_5" = 1 END END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_1%" = 1) BEGIN PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_2%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 169 // prevent portrait icon WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 7 // nauseated SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_3%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 267 // disable string WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 39752 // strref SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_4%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 267 // disable string WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 54337 // strref SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_5%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 173 // reduced damage from poison WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 100 // value SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END END WRITE_SHORT "%counter_offset%" "%counter%" END LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~add_fx_batch_final~ // wrapup creature offset patching END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES // poison COPY_EXISTING ~amcst02.cre~ ~override~ // mercenary ~amcst03.cre~ ~override~ // mercenary ~ammgrd01.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammgrd02.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammgrd05.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammlegs.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk01.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk02.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk03.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk07.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk08.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~amul22.itm~ ~override~ // periapt of proof against poison ~balelite.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~balth.cre~ ~override~ // balthazar ~barl.cre~ ~override~ // barl ~barlfl.itm~ ~override~ // flail ~bazdra02.cre~ ~override~ // draconis ~bazdra03.cre~ ~override~ // fll'yissetat ~bazmonk.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~bazpatrg.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~bhaalhp1.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~bhaalimm.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~chalslay.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~chwraith.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~cutamgrd.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~cutbalth.cre~ ~override~ // balthazar ~demogorg.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~demosum1.cre~ ~override~ // marilith ~deriny01.cre~ ~override~ // erinyes ~devaevil.cre~ ~override~ // fallen deva ~devagood.cre~ ~override~ // deva ~devast01.cre~ ~override~ // astral deva ~devmon01.cre~ ~override~ // monadic deva ~dimp01.cre~ ~override~ // imp ~elemprin.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~fangel01.cre~ ~override~ // einhiris ~finmel01.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~finsol01.cre~ ~override~ // solar ~finsol04.cre~ ~override~ // fallen solar ~fsdragon.cre~ ~override~ // dragon ~fsspir.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~golbra.itm~ ~override~ // brain golem item ~golbra01.cre~ ~override~ // brain golem ~golcla.itm~ ~override~ // clay golem item ~golcla01.cre~ ~override~ // clay golem ~golem01.cre~ ~override~ // clay golem ~golfle.itm~ ~override~ // flesh golem item ~golice01.cre~ ~override~ // ice golem ~goljug01.cre~ ~override~ // juggernaut golem ~golmag01.itm~ ~override~ // magic golem item ~golsan01.cre~ ~override~ // sand golem ~golsto01.cre~ ~override~ // stone golem ~golstone.itm~ ~override~ // stone golem item ~gorbat1.cre~ ~override~ // ka'rashur ~gorbat2.cre~ ~override~ // erinyes ~gorbat3.cre~ ~override~ // cornugon ~gorbat4.cre~ ~override~ // imp ~gorcamb6.cre~ ~override~ // fell cat ~gorcamb7.cre~ ~override~ // fell cat ~gorfirg.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gorgua01.cre~ ~override~ // aurumach rilmani ~gorgua02.cre~ ~override~ // ferrumach rilmani ~gorjelfu.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gorjelgr.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gormisti.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gormistp.cre~ ~override~ // poison mist ~gormistp.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gorwom01.cre~ ~override~ // nalmissra ~gorwom03.cre~ ~override~ // y'tossi ~gorwom04.cre~ ~override~ // ameralis zauviir ~helm30.itm~ ~override~ // thieves' hood ~hgber01.itm~ ~override~ // two handed sword +1 ~hgfel01.cre~ ~override~ // fell cat ~holdring.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~icbone01.cre~ ~override~ // bone golem ~imoenhp1.itm~ ~override~ // imoen's belt ~innoc.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~invulner.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~irongol.itm~ ~override~ // iron golem item ~killmonk.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~mdog1.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~mel01.itm~ ~override~ // imoen's belt ~melsum05.cre~ ~override~ // marilith ~mindva01.cre~ ~override~ // vampiric illithid ~mindvam.cre~ ~override~ // vampiric illithid ~minhp1.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~mistpo01.cre~ ~override~ // poison mist ~morsword.itm~ ~override~ // mordenkainen's sword ~nishrusu.cre~ ~override~ // nishruu ~objring.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~planet01.cre~ ~override~ // planetar ~planevil.cre~ ~override~ // fallen planetar ~plangood.cre~ ~override~ // planetar ~planwish.cre~ ~override~ // fallen planetar ~ppguy01.cre~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~ppiron.cre~ ~override~ // clay golem ~pudden01.cre~ ~override~ // dense pudding ~pudden02.cre~ ~override~ // dense pudding ~ravag03.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~ring39.itm~ ~override~ // ring of gaxx ~ring46.itm~ ~override~ // ring of anti-venom ~ring94.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~ring95.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~ring98.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~ring99.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~ringdemn.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~ringkora.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~scrl08.itm~ ~override~ // protection from poison ~sengua04.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~senmonk.cre~ ~override~ // master bennon ~shalt01.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~shararm.itm~ ~override~ // darkmail +3 ~solar.cre~ ~override~ // solar ~solar01.cre~ ~override~ // solar ~spcl221.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spcl415.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spcl818.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spcl924.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spin853.spl~ ~override~ // otiluke's resilient sphere // ~spwi413.spl~ ~override~ // otiluke's resilient sphere ~spwi853.spl~ ~override~ // otiluke's resilient sphere ~stalker.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~surehp1.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~sw1h34.itm~ ~override~ // albruin +1 ~telimp1.cre~ ~override~ // imp ~telpit1.cre~ ~override~ // pit fiend ~telslav2.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~tobpar03.cre~ ~override~ // long po ~tomegol2.cre~ ~override~ // clay golem ~tomegol3.cre~ ~override~ // stone golem ~trolldie.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~tstatue.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~udgolem.cre~ ~override~ // brain golem ~udvamp.cre~ ~override~ // vampiric illithid ~vampreg.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~vampreg1.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~vampreg2.itm~ ~override~ // ring LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~add_fx_batch_prep~ // defines vars for rest of patch PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE >= min_size) BEGIN SET "new_fx" = 0 FOR (index = (0 - global_loop) ; index < abil_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN PATCH_IF ("%cosmetic%" = 1) BEGIN // if cosmetic effects needed SET "new_fx_3" = 0 SET "new_fx_4" = 0 SET "new_fx_5" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN // if no cosmetic effects should be added SET "new_fx_5" = 1 PATCH_IF ("%SOURCE_RES%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "imoenhp1" = 0) BEGIN SET "new_fx_3" = 0 SET "new_fx_4" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SET "new_fx_3" = 1 SET "new_fx_4" = 1 END END SET "new_fx_1" = 0 SET "new_fx_6" = 0 SET "new_fx_7" = 0 PATCH_IF ("%index%" < 0) BEGIN // if loop through globals needed SET "abil_fx_idx" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN // otherwise normal ability SET "counter_offset" = ("%abil_off%" + 0x1e + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) "abil_fx_idx" SET "abil_fx_idx" = ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%new_fx%") WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) ("%abil_fx_idx%") END READ_SHORT "%counter_offset%" "counter" // fx_num on global loop, otherwise abil_fx_num FOR (index2 = 0 ; index2 < counter ; index2 = index2 + 1) BEGIN READ_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "opcode" READ_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "param1" READ_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "param2" READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (0x14 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "resref" PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 101) AND ("%param2%" = 25)) BEGIN // poison immunity SET "new_fx_1" = 1 READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "template" ((0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%"))) END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 169) AND ("%param2%" = 6)) BEGIN // prevent poison icon SET "new_fx_3" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 169) AND ("%param2%" = 137)) BEGIN // prevent bleeding icon SET "new_fx_4" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 142) AND ("%param2%" = 30)) BEGIN // display protection from poison icon SET "new_fx_5" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 267) AND ("%param1%" = 14662)) BEGIN // disable string "poisoned" SET "new_fx_6" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 267) AND ("%param1%" = 14017)) BEGIN // disable string "poison" SET "new_fx_7" = 1 END END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_1%" = 1) BEGIN PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_3%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 169 // prevent portrait icon WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 6 // poison SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_4%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 169 // prevent portrait icon WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 137 // bleeding SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_5%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 142 // display portrait icon WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 30 // protection from poison SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_6%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 267 // disable string WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 14662 // strref SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_7%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 267 // disable string WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 14017 // strref SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END END WRITE_SHORT "%counter_offset%" "%counter%" END LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~add_fx_batch_final~ // wrapup creature offset patching END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES I've moved the 100% poison resistance from 'disease' to 'poison'. // disease COPY_EXISTING ~demogorg.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~finmel01.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~minhp1.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~misc8j.itm~ ~override~ // boots of the west ~ravag03.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~ring39.itm~ ~override~ // ring of gaxx ~sengua04.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spcl814.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~sword01.cre~ ~override~ // magical sword ~tstatue.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~add_fx_batch_prep~ // defines vars for rest of patch PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE >= min_size) BEGIN SET "new_fx" = 0 FOR (index = (0 - global_loop); index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN PATCH_IF ("%cosmetic%" = 1) BEGIN // if cosmetic effects needed SET "new_fx_2" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN // if no cosmetic effects should be added SET "new_fx_2" = 1 END SET "new_fx_1" = 0 SET "new_fx_3" = 0 SET "new_fx_4" = 0 PATCH_IF ("%index%" < 0) BEGIN // if loop through globals needed SET "abil_fx_idx" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN // otherwise normal ability SET "counter_offset" = ("%abil_off%" + 0x1e + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) "abil_fx_idx" SET "abil_fx_idx" = ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%new_fx%") WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) ("%abil_fx_idx%") END READ_SHORT "%counter_offset%" "counter" // fx_num on global loop, otherwise abil_fx_num FOR (index2 = 0; index2 < counter; index2 = index2 + 1) BEGIN READ_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "opcode" READ_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "param1" READ_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "param2" READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (0x14 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "resref" PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 101) AND ("%param2%" = 78)) BEGIN // disease immunity SET "new_fx_1" = 1 READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "template" ((0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%"))) END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 169) AND ("%param2%" = 7)) BEGIN // prevent nauseated icon SET "new_fx_2" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 267) AND ("%param1%" = 39752)) BEGIN // disable string "stricken by a foul disease" SET "new_fx_3" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 267) AND ("%param1%" = 54337)) BEGIN // disable string "diseased" SET "new_fx_4" = 1 END ELSE END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_1%" = 1) BEGIN PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_2%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 169 // prevent portrait icon WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 7 // nauseated SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_3%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 267 // disable string WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 39752 // strref SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_4%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 267 // disable string WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 54337 // strref SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END END WRITE_SHORT "%counter_offset%" "%counter%" END LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~add_fx_batch_final~ // wrapup creature offset patching END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES // poison COPY_EXISTING ~amcst02.cre~ ~override~ // mercenary ~amcst03.cre~ ~override~ // mercenary ~ammgrd01.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammgrd02.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammgrd05.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammlegs.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk01.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk02.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk03.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk07.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~ammonk08.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~amul22.itm~ ~override~ // periapt of proof against poison ~balelite.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~balth.cre~ ~override~ // balthazar ~barl.cre~ ~override~ // barl ~barlfl.itm~ ~override~ // flail ~bazdra02.cre~ ~override~ // draconis ~bazdra03.cre~ ~override~ // fll'yissetat ~bazmonk.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~bazpatrg.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~bhaalhp1.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~bhaalimm.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~chalslay.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~chwraith.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~cutamgrd.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~cutbalth.cre~ ~override~ // balthazar ~demogorg.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~demosum1.cre~ ~override~ // marilith ~deriny01.cre~ ~override~ // erinyes ~devaevil.cre~ ~override~ // fallen deva ~devagood.cre~ ~override~ // deva ~devast01.cre~ ~override~ // astral deva ~devmon01.cre~ ~override~ // monadic deva ~dimp01.cre~ ~override~ // imp ~elemprin.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~fangel01.cre~ ~override~ // einhiris ~finmel01.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~finsol01.cre~ ~override~ // solar ~finsol04.cre~ ~override~ // fallen solar ~fsdragon.cre~ ~override~ // dragon ~fsspir.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~golbra.itm~ ~override~ // brain golem item ~golbra01.cre~ ~override~ // brain golem ~golcla.itm~ ~override~ // clay golem item ~golcla01.cre~ ~override~ // clay golem ~golem01.cre~ ~override~ // clay golem ~golfle.itm~ ~override~ // flesh golem item ~golice01.cre~ ~override~ // ice golem ~goljug01.cre~ ~override~ // juggernaut golem ~golmag01.itm~ ~override~ // magic golem item ~golsan01.cre~ ~override~ // sand golem ~golsto01.cre~ ~override~ // stone golem ~golstone.itm~ ~override~ // stone golem item ~gorbat1.cre~ ~override~ // ka'rashur ~gorbat2.cre~ ~override~ // erinyes ~gorbat3.cre~ ~override~ // cornugon ~gorbat4.cre~ ~override~ // imp ~gorcamb6.cre~ ~override~ // fell cat ~gorcamb7.cre~ ~override~ // fell cat ~gorfirg.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gorgua01.cre~ ~override~ // aurumach rilmani ~gorgua02.cre~ ~override~ // ferrumach rilmani ~gorjelfu.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gorjelgr.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gormisti.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gormistp.cre~ ~override~ // poison mist ~gormistp.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~gorwom01.cre~ ~override~ // nalmissra ~gorwom03.cre~ ~override~ // y'tossi ~gorwom04.cre~ ~override~ // ameralis zauviir ~helm30.itm~ ~override~ // thieves' hood ~hgber01.itm~ ~override~ // two handed sword +1 ~hgfel01.cre~ ~override~ // fell cat ~holdring.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~icbone01.cre~ ~override~ // bone golem ~imoenhp1.itm~ ~override~ // imoen's belt ~innoc.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~invulner.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~irongol.itm~ ~override~ // iron golem item ~killmonk.cre~ ~override~ // monk ~mdog1.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~mel01.itm~ ~override~ // imoen's belt ~melsum05.cre~ ~override~ // marilith ~mindva01.cre~ ~override~ // vampiric illithid ~mindvam.cre~ ~override~ // vampiric illithid ~minhp1.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~mistpo01.cre~ ~override~ // poison mist ~morsword.itm~ ~override~ // mordenkainen's sword ~nishrusu.cre~ ~override~ // nishruu ~objring.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~planet01.cre~ ~override~ // planetar ~planevil.cre~ ~override~ // fallen planetar ~plangood.cre~ ~override~ // planetar ~planwish.cre~ ~override~ // fallen planetar ~ppguy01.cre~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~ppiron.cre~ ~override~ // clay golem ~pudden01.cre~ ~override~ // dense pudding ~pudden02.cre~ ~override~ // dense pudding ~ravag03.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~ring39.itm~ ~override~ // ring of gaxx ~ring46.itm~ ~override~ // ring of anti-venom ~ring94.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~ring95.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~ring98.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~ring99.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~ringdemn.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~ringkora.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~scrl08.itm~ ~override~ // protection from poison ~sengua04.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~senmonk.cre~ ~override~ // master bennon ~shalt01.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~shararm.itm~ ~override~ // darkmail +3 ~solar.cre~ ~override~ // solar ~solar01.cre~ ~override~ // solar ~spcl221.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spcl415.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spcl818.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spcl924.spl~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~spin853.spl~ ~override~ // otiluke's resilient sphere // ~spwi413.spl~ ~override~ // otiluke's resilient sphere ~spwi853.spl~ ~override~ // otiluke's resilient sphere ~stalker.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~surehp1.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~sw1h34.itm~ ~override~ // albruin +1 ~telimp1.cre~ ~override~ // imp ~telpit1.cre~ ~override~ // pit fiend ~telslav2.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~tobpar03.cre~ ~override~ // long po ~tomegol2.cre~ ~override~ // clay golem ~tomegol3.cre~ ~override~ // stone golem ~trolldie.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~tstatue.itm~ ~override~ // <invalid strref -1> ~udgolem.cre~ ~override~ // brain golem ~udvamp.cre~ ~override~ // vampiric illithid ~vampreg.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~vampreg1.itm~ ~override~ // ring ~vampreg2.itm~ ~override~ // ring LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~add_fx_batch_prep~ // defines vars for rest of patch PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE >= min_size) BEGIN SET "new_fx" = 0 FOR (index = (0 - global_loop); index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN PATCH_IF ("%cosmetic%" = 1) BEGIN // if cosmetic effects needed SET "new_fx_3" = 0 SET "new_fx_4" = 0 SET "new_fx_5" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN // if no cosmetic effects should be added SET "new_fx_5" = 1 PATCH_IF ("%SOURCE_RES%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "imoenhp1" = 0) BEGIN SET "new_fx_3" = 0 SET "new_fx_4" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SET "new_fx_3" = 1 SET "new_fx_4" = 1 END END SET "new_fx_1" = 0 SET "new_fx_6" = 0 SET "new_fx_7" = 0 SET "new_fx_8" = 0 PATCH_IF ("%index%" < 0) BEGIN // if loop through globals needed SET "abil_fx_idx" = 0 END ELSE BEGIN // otherwise normal ability SET "counter_offset" = ("%abil_off%" + 0x1e + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) "abil_fx_idx" SET "abil_fx_idx" = ("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%new_fx%") WRITE_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%abil_length%" * "%index%")) ("%abil_fx_idx%") END READ_SHORT "%counter_offset%" "counter" // fx_num on global loop, otherwise abil_fx_num FOR (index2 = 0; index2 < counter; index2 = index2 + 1) BEGIN READ_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "opcode" READ_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "param1" READ_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "param2" READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (0x14 * "%fx_type%") + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "resref" PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 101) AND ("%param2%" = 25)) BEGIN // poison immunity SET "new_fx_1" = 1 READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + (("%abil_fx_idx%" + "%index2%") * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "template" ((0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%"))) END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 169) AND ("%param2%" = 6)) BEGIN // prevent poison icon SET "new_fx_3" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 169) AND ("%param2%" = 137)) BEGIN // prevent bleeding icon SET "new_fx_4" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 142) AND ("%param2%" = 30)) BEGIN // display protection from poison icon SET "new_fx_5" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 267) AND ("%param1%" = 14662)) BEGIN // disable string "poisoned" SET "new_fx_6" = 1 END ELSE PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 267) AND ("%param1%" = 14017)) BEGIN // disable string "poison" SET "new_fx_7" = 1 END PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 173) AND ("%param1%" = 100)) BEGIN // reduced damage from poison - 100% SET "new_fx_8" = 1 END END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_1%" = 1) BEGIN PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_3%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 169 // prevent portrait icon WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 6 // poison SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_4%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 169 // prevent portrait icon WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 137 // bleeding SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_5%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 142 // display portrait icon WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x08 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 30 // protection from poison SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_6%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 267 // disable string WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 14662 // strref SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_7%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 267 // disable string WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 14017 // strref SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END PATCH_IF ("%new_fx_8%" = 0) BEGIN INSERT_BYTES ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")) WRITE_ASCIIE ("%fx_off%" + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) "%template%" // clones immunity effect WRITE_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x08 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 173 // reduced damage from poison WRITE_LONG ("%fx_off%" + 0x04 + (0x10 * "%fx_type%") + ("%abil_fx_idx%" * (0x30 + (0xd8 * "%fx_type%")))) 100 // value SET "new_fx" = ("%new_fx%" + 1) SET "counter" = ("%counter%" + 1) END END WRITE_SHORT "%counter_offset%" "%counter%" END LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~add_fx_batch_final~ // wrapup creature offset patching END BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES Link to comment
Salk Posted September 16, 2009 Author Share Posted September 16, 2009 Thank you for fixing this, Ardanis! UPDATE: I actually get a parse error from weidu when running the fixpack after swapping the original block with yours. The error message says: [bG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 24893 column 1-9 Near Text: END GLR parse error [bG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2] ERROR at line 24893 column 1-9 Near Text: END Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [bG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: problem parsing TP file [bG2FIXPACK/SETUP-BG2FIXPACK.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error Can you check it again? UPDATE2: I am not a modder but I think that the problem is an "ELSE" too much here: SET "new_fx_4" = 1 END ELSE END Thanks! Link to comment
devSin Posted September 16, 2009 Share Posted September 16, 2009 The problem is that "Poison resistance bonus" also negates damage from disease, which is why we removed it from the items which granted only "Immunity to effect" poison in the default game. I don't know why Cam or Nythrun went back and added it to disease-immunity items; it's possible it'll be removed for player-facing items in the future (except RING39, which gives immunity to poison AND disease), unless somebody can make a good case for it (it will never come back for poison-only items, however, because of the issue with disease). Link to comment
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