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Updated .dat files

Guest DevArrah

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I don't think an extra file could break our engine, except that it won't be played.

But if you miss it, you can always add a GemRB.PlayMovie("macplay") in the gui scripts :D


The mpeg format is a bit more of a problem, since we don't have an mpeg player.

But the movie player will just skip the missing movies then.

There is already a possibility to call an external player in case of non-mve files too.

But the external player should be named 'BinkPlayer' or something like that :D

This is because IWD2 has binkvideo movies.

So, if you got a commandline mpeg player, you can already rig GemRB into playing movies.

Or, we could add some mpeg player code, if it is GPL compatible. We need a non-proprietary movie format anyway.

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