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Building An Opportunity: Apology in NPC/PC Relationships


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Commentary to follow, but basics -


taking suggestions for better pathways/responses.



/* APOLOGY: PC approaches ARAN while TIMERNOTEXPIRED - PC is seeking him out for an apology, either given or rec'd */
/* Aran Is Mad PID Responses  (4 random) */
IF ~~ c-aranmad1
 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran glares at you, his face sullen and unresponsive. He moves away.)~

IF ~~ c-aranmad2
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, you be a mite pushy there. I'm not rightly happy. So leave me alone, unless it be business.~
 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care.~ + a1232
 ++ ~[PC] I... I wanted to apologise.~ + c_pc_apology
 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are really pushing it. We need to talk, and you are refusing? You must really want to have a cold bedroll.~ + c_aran_is_still_mad
 ++ ~[PC] I know you are angry. But if you were to talk to me, I think you would find I can make it worth your time.~ + c_pc_i_can_make_it_worth_it
 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry. I did not mean to make you angry.~ + c_pc_apology
 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + c-aranmad1


IF ~~ c-aranmad3
 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran studiously ignores you, stepping away and avoiding your eyes, his jaw set stubbornly.)~

IF ~~ c-aranmad4
 SAY ~[ARAN] We got nothin' to say to one another right now, <CHARNAME>. We got things to discuss, but now is not rightly the time.~
 ++ ~[PC] I... I wanted to apologise.~ + c_pc_apology
 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are really pushing it. We need to talk, and you are refusing? You must really want to have a cold bedroll.~ + c_aran_is_still_mad
 ++ ~[PC] I know you are angry. But if you were to talk to me, I think you would find I can make it worth your time.~ + c_pc_i_can_make_it_worth_it
 ++ ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + c_pc_tears
 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + a1232
 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care.~ + c-aranmad1

IF ~~ c_aran_is_still_mad
 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I done got close enough to you to be able to be hurt. Don't you be thinkin' I am some toy what to screw with. A man's got some pride, though blighted little be left him after th' gods an' womenfolk done had their ways. Just leave me be for awhile.~

IF ~~ c_pc_tears
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, that be no fair. Hey... now, stop th' waterworks... you done hurt me a good bit there. I just need a mite bit o' space...~
 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care. I hate you!~ + a1232
 ++ ~[PC] I... I just wanted to apologise. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to.~ + c_pc_apology
 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are a moody, ridiculous egotistical brat, and I am beginning to think you will never grace my bed again.~ + c_aran_is_still_mad
 ++ ~[PC] A few tears, and you cave like an apprentice in his first year. Do you have any spine, or should I give you sometime to grow one?~ + c_aran_offended
 ++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + c_you_dont_play_fair
 ++ ~[PC] (Keep sobbing, burying your face in his shoulder)~ + c_you_dont_play_fair
 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + c-aranmad1

IF ~~ c_aran_offended
 SAY ~[ARAN] You ruddy hurtfull little vindictive... get away from me.~
 ++ ~[PC] Look, this is coming out all wrong. I... I wanted to apologise.~ + c_pc_apology
 ++ ~[PC] With an attitude like that, you will make no headway with me.~ + a1232
 ++ ~[PC] Still sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + c-aranmad1
 ++ ~[PC] So, you have a little spine. Good. When you come and apologise to me, just remember that I do not appreciate weaklings.~ + c-aranmad3
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a24 // DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ << remember to set this on out

IF ~~ c_pc_apology
 // PC flatters Aran
 ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hand, kissing his palm quickly.) Does this answer the question?~ + c_kiss_palm
 // PC grovels for Aran
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, and I am so selfish and stupid... I just need to be near you, and have you be near me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_1_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_2_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I can't stand you glowering and silent, Aran. My time with you is too important. You make this all bearable. Please... I am sorry. Can't a handsome, wonderful man like you find it in your heart to fogive me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_3_grovel
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. I didn't realize that I could hurt you like that. Will we be able to go bacjk to the way things were?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I apologise for getting you so angry.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Can you forgive me? Do you think we are fine being with each other? ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I don't know what I did to get you angry, but whatever it is can't really be important. So let's make up, alright?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_1_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I mean, I am sorry you got all upset over nothing. I expected you to have a tougher skin.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_aran_offended
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Don't you have something to say to me? like "I'm sorry, <CHARNAME>, for not understanding how you want things to be"?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 // cry
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I know I am not the best at making apologies, but... I... (begin to cry.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. I didn't mean to hurt you. You are very important to me.~ + c_cry_not_fair

IF ~~ c_kiss_palm
 SAY ~[ARAN] (He draws your hands to him, holding them close to his chest.)~
 = ~[ARAN] Aye, it does answer it right well. An' I be a right happy man.~  

IF ~~ c_you_dont_play_fair
 SAY ~[ARAN] <CHARNAME>... You don't rightly play fair, now, do you.~

 = ~[ARAN] (He draws you close into his embrace, his lips barely brushing your ear.)~
 = ~[ARAN] I don't even rightly remember what it was all about, nohow. Fine. I guess it be a waste o' time to be mad at you anyways, seein' as you done got me, hook, line, an' sinker.~  

IF ~~ c_pc_i_can_make_it_worth_it
 SAY ~[ARAN] Fine. I be here, like a good little blighted sellsword.~
 ++ ~[PC] With an attitude like that, you will make no headway with me.~ + a1232
 ++ ~[PC] I was wrong. I don't believe in words without actions, so I am going to let you kiss me.~ + c_toying_with_me
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Can you forgive me?~ + c_it_was_nothing
 ++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + c_you_dont_play_fair
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] Look... this is just not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. I think it would be best if you left the party for awhile, to go settle your head.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_you_are_out
// kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] You are such a pain to deal with. None of this is working the way I want. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a24 // DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ << remember to set this on out

IF ~~ c_it_was_nothing

/* APOLOGY: ARAN approaches PC after TIMEREXPIRED - Aran is seeking PC to give an apology */
/* Remember to remove the GTE to .BCS */
/* Remember to place note in docs: If you make up with Aran after fighting, just like most dudes, he will try to be overly physical in his demostrations immediately post fight. At least that is the rationale I am presenting for why his NPC-Initiated Flirts get set to run, even though a player has told him she doesn't want hem... players will have to tell him to stop flirting again via PID after making up. */
IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranismad","GLOBAL")~ THEN BEGIN c-aranmakeup1
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey... I am right sorry.~
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO c-aran_1_makeup
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO c-aran_2_makeup
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO c-aran_3_makeup

IF ~~ c-aran_1_makeup // 7 to 11 responses
 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I have been mad, but I should know better. You call th' shots, <CHARNAME>. Do we be fine wi' eachother?~
 // Another male as foil
 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Not really. I should have <PLAYER2> beat you senseless. I would do it, but I think it is beneath my notice.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] I can't believe you just walked away angry like that. I should have <PLAYER3> pound some sense into you.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] No. You should be careful, Aran. <PLAYER4> might be convinced that you hurt me, and then where would you be?~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not understand why you were so angry. I asked <PLAYER5>, and he just shrugged.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] If by fine, you mean I should be spending less time with you and more time with <PLAYER6>, then sure.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I accept your apology.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other? ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You will have to do better than that as an apology, Aran. Go away until you can apologise properly.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_1_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] He speaks. Well, sort of - his mouth is moving, but I do not hear anything worth hearing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] You are joking, right? What makes you think I have forgiven you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 // cry
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. You really hurt me.~ + c_cry_not_fair
 // PC expects groveling by Aran
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] On your knees. A proper apology starts with you kneeling in front of me.~ + c_1_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Do it, and I might consider your aplogoly.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_2_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Speak a little louder. And where are my flowers? Where is my gift? This is shaping up to be a sorry excuse for an apology.~ + c_3_aran_grovel
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_you_are_out

IF ~~ c-aran_2_makeup // 8 to 12 responses
 SAY ~[ARAN] I just got so... so mad, I didn't rightly know how to handle it. You mean a good bit to me, <CHARNAME>. Do we be fine wi' eachother?~
 // Another male as foil
 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER2> thinks you are an ass.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] I thought we understood each other. <PLAYER3> would have understood me better.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't understand why you got so upset. If i were arguing with <PLAYER4>, he would never walk away from me like that.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] You got so angry, over so little. I asked <PLAYER5> if all men were like that, and he just shrugged.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] If by fine, you mean I should be spending less time with you and more time with <PLAYER6>, then sure.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other? ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, Aran. I don't want to talk to you right now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_1_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] He speaks. Well, sort of - his mouth is moving, but I do not hear anything worth hearing.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] You are joking, right? What makes you think I have forgiven you?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 // PC expects groveling by Aran
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + c_1_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_2_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Do you really think I will accept such a lackluster performance?  No gifts. No flowers. No chocolate. No clue. That isn't an apology - that is an insult.~ + c_3_aran_grovel
 // PC grovels for Aran
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, and I am so selfish and stupid... I just need to be near you, and have you be near me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_1_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_2_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] (Grab his hand, kissing his palm quickly.) Does this answer the question?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_3_grovel
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a24 // DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_you_are_out

IF ~~ c-aran_3_makeup // ok, some fun with girltalk, but don't laugh - my experience with girltalk is a teacher's lounge in primary and secondary eductaion, and from the outside looking in!
 SAY ~[ARAN] I get so worked up over you sometimes, it jsut seems a bit like I be drownin'. I don't have no hold or call over you, but sometimes I start thinkin' like I do. Do we be fine wi' eachother?~
 // Another male as foil
 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER2> would never turn his back on me, no matter what I did.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go ask <PLAYER3> how a real man apologises. Even he could do better.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know. <PLAYER4> would never treat me like you do.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go off and do manly things with <PLAYER5>. You don't need me around, anyways. After all, I am just a silly little girl who doesn't know how to keep you happy.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER6> says I am too important to be given the silent treatment, but I told him it didn't matter. I am not worth talking to, anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // Another female as foil
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player2) !Name("aerie",Player2) !Name("viconia",Player2) !Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvanistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player3) !Name("aerie",Player3) !Name("viconia",Player3) !Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvanistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player4) !Name("aerie",Player4) !Name("viconia",Player4) !Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvanistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player5) !Name("aerie",Player5) !Name("viconia",Player5) !Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvanistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player6) !Name("aerie",Player6) !Name("viconia",Player6) !Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvanistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologise to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologise to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologise to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologise to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologise to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way  
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, or what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_4_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other? ~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You have to better than that as an apology, Aran. Get on with the job at hand. Perhaps you should just sulk and stew by yourself for a few days.~  DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go away, Aran. You shut me out. I don't care what I did, or what you did... I just don't ever expect to be given the cold shoulder, ever.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_4_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I do not hear anything worth hearing. You can go drown, for all I care.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a24

IF ~~ c_dont_be_that_way
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, don't be that way, eh? I done said I was sorry...~
  // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No... wait. It is my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Yes, you did. And... I guess that I should, too. I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think that is enough torture. Of course we are fine with eachother. In fact, we are more than fine. A little arguement isn't going to kill us.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ + c_4_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You have to better than that as an apology, Aran. Get on with the job at hand, and don't come to me before you have figured out what you did wrong.~  DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] You never specified what you are sorry about. About the stars being in the sky? About you being an ass? About you not listening to my needs and wants?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_4_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] That is not enough. Words are never enough. I mean, you just talk, you don't do anything to back them up. You must hate me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_I_dont_hate_u
 // cry
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. You really hurt me by shutting me out.~ + c_cry_not_fair
 // PC expects groveling by Aran
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] On your knees. A proper apology starts with you kneeling in front of me.~ + c_1_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Do it, and I might consider your aplogoly.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",TWO_DAYS)~ + c_2_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Speak a little louder. And where are my flowers? Where is my gift? This is shaping up to be a sorry excuse for an apology.~ + c_3_aran_grovel
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + a24 // DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_you_are_out

IF ~~ c_1_of_course_we_are
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_2_of_course_we_are
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_3_of_course_we_are
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_4_of_course_we_are
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_1_no_we_are_not
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_2_no_we_are_not
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_1_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_2_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_3_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_4_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_1_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_2_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_3_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_4_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of your crap. Go on... go sulk for awhile. When you decide to grow up, come and talk to me again.~ + c_1_bugger_all

IF ~~ c_3_no_we_are_not
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_4_no_we_are_not
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~
 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_1_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_2_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_3_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_4_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_1_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_2_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_3_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC]  ~ + c_4_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 ++ ~[PC] You are so... so... Go on. Go sulk, or pout, or whatever you want to do. I don't want to talk to you anyways! I... I hate you! (burst into tears)~ + c_2_bugger_all

IF ~~ c_1_bugger_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_2_bugger_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_3_bugger_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_4_bugger_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_1_we_are_through
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_you_are_out
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~

IF ~~ c_I_dont_hate_u
 SAY ~[ARAN] ~


IF ~~ c_cry_not_fair
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, hey, wait... I be right sorry, eh? I just felt you were takin' advantage o' me right an' left, an' I... oh, for Tymora's Smile, stop wi' th' waterworks, eh?~


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OK, commentary:


In very few cases do mods allow the kind of back and forth flow of a close relationship, or even a passing resemblance to one. Canonical BioWare romances have NPC/NPC bickering, followed by an opportunity for PC to give their choice, but no way for the PC to renegotiate without cheating/CLUAConsole resetting. Even kicking out a BioWare NPC kills romances, with no renegotiation - we even have a whole section of Crossmod dedicated to shutting down NPC romances to stop them tripping over each other. And as far as far as arguments go, long-time players have learned that in BG2-Land, saying something like "You are a stupid idiot" is the response that kills the romance permanently, and often leads to the NPC in question leaving FOREVAR in a snit or just sullenly going along for the rest of the game until the player either reloads or dumps them off someplace nasty and leaves.


There are lots of good reasons for this, including but not limited to coding difficulties for multiple romance tracks/states of friendship/timing of multiple romances against eachother/need for clarity or consistency for the player so that they can tell when they are choosing "good" "evil" "neutral" "kick the NPC "/etc. Plus, there are character-drien reasons - Jastey's Ajantis is a Paladin of the Old Skool. Would he be acting as a Paladineven if he were not one? Undoubtably, nequivacably, YES. The dude lives, eats, breathes, and exudes Knighthood and Chivalry; so if you say "kill that slave, boy", he might reason with you, then refuse, or perhaps just leave the party and defend the slave - he is not likely to argue about it, try to have some rapproachment and compromise... it does not fit his character to stand by idly while others do evil, even at the cost of his own life. Similarly, Berelinde's Gavin has a very wide degree of lattitude granted by his personality and background. He might indeed have a set of arguments develop that are long-term (and the opportunities are there in the mod, too). But he has some set limits, and a developed sense of self - he has a family, and things that ground him. There are things that would not be fodder for arguements. There are even times when you could convince him to stay in spite of your (female PC's) abhorrent behavior, and to a certain point and for a certain number of times, that is tolerable in his eyes. But there are limits to everthing, and he does have (a very, very few) times where his sense of himself says forget it".


But here in Aran, we have a Companion. Unless the PC is at a reputation of 1 or 0, he is going to stick around and wait for the PC to kick him out. He might start grumping at a low reputation PC, or even look for ways to get PC to fire him if there is slaver involvement - and in some cases, you can do some pretty nasty things to him as a female PC in the romance. For the guys, well, no so much - he gets quieter and grumpier, but in general, a contract is a contract. He knows PC is the most likely ticket to success. The whole concept revolves around Player Choice - and in that respect it is uncomfortably close to RL, where situational ethics slide deeper and deeper in whatever direction the social group goes. The soldier, police officer, FBI agent, politician, etc. who would never intentionally murder anyone may eventually come to see the necessity of following orders to kill innocents as either collateral damage or as protection/reprisal. Or slide all the way into "the enemy is not human and therefore there are no rules". (getting offtopic. I should write this stuff out firts instead of just blasting it into a post - but where is the fun in that :p )



But we need him to have some mechanism for dealing with an abusive or consistently evil PC. As final writing runs out we may have an opportunity to clone and rebuild some of this apology stuff for male PCs, dealing with party infighting, but they are much easier to resolve; a very broad category of "put up and shut up" comes defacto in many male relationships, and an apology can be two guys bumping fists and saying "we good?" or even "grunt". Plus, in a male PC to male NPC relationship, or in D&D, there is also the party member vs henchman vs hireling relationship, where an NPC can move up and down the scale from full-fledged equal, to loyal friend/backer, to hired sword. So for the male side, if there is a talk that can lead to a friendship fight that demands PC or NPC acknowledge and move on (there currently is not) we can make that one short, siple, and direct:


[PC] Hey. You spoke out of line. Don't do it again. We good?

[PC] Hey. I spoke out of line. We good?

[PC] If you can't follow orders without backtalk, I understand. Do it too many times, and you are history.

[PC] This isn't working out. Get lost.

[PC] Stand still. I am about to hand you your intestines, one square foot at a time.


[ARAN] We be fine.

[ARAN] Got it.

[ARAN] I am out.

[ARAN] **** you an' th' horse you rode in on.




BUT - female PCs have the whole possibility of the romance. And it can be stopped, paused, restarted, have flirts that are initiated by Aran happen or not, be able to flirt or not, have been in bed with the lad before committing to a permanent relationship (which in itelf is completely PC driven - Aran does not shut down anyone's romances - the player has to shut them down, just like in RL)...


Which means for female PCs we need two states that can be referenced multiple times for multiple reasons.


1. Aran apologises - timered, game time of 1, 2, or 3 days, and Aran comes calling. Then PC can do everything from apologise herself to just tick him off more for a longer timered setting, all the way to kicking him out and killing him (or at least trying to) on the spot.


2. PC tries to apologise - PID initiated, 50% chance he will just do the typical "silent treatment", 50% chance there will be talking, in which case the same range of options appear.


The Loyalty Quests in ME2 are a good example of one way of implementing this based on Paragon/Renegade scores built over the course of the game, NPC interactions can be resolved, and with a high enough "influence" PC can deny an NPC their most-wanted resolution, have them go off in a snit, and then talk them back into being loyal. We are a littel limited by my design choices up front; if this were Domi's, Jastey's, or Berelinde's work, there would be increments and de-increments of a central variable that tracks the PC<>NPC relationship. But since that is essentially meaningless for Aran, there is no such variable available. That means we want interesting, spicy, fun ways of allowing PCs to either extend or resolve the argument, open for all playstyles, from the lawful evil fighter to the chaotic good sorcerer and all point in between.


Or, at least as many as I can toss in, and as many ideas as you folks come up with :down:

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apologize, unless you're British (several instances)


should I give you sometime to grow one
Sometime is a word, but it isn't the right one to use here. "some time"


++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + c_you_dont_play_fair
Considering she burst into tears the state before, this is one manipulative PC. If Aran was thinking clearly, he'd start running.


Wow, he's easy.


to go settle your head
Alka-Seltzer to the rescue? "Get your head straight"? Dunno.


each other (several instances)


// Another male as foil
If ever I do another romance mod (don't hold your breath), I'm stealing this whole section. Possibly verbatim.


// do not make up
What? No groveling?


That's all I've got time for right now.

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Great stuff. :p



IF ~~ c_aran_offended

SAY ~[ARAN] You ruddy hurtfull little vindictive... get away from me.~



+ ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. I didn't realize that I could hurt you like that. Will we be able to go bacjk to the way things were?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ +

Those be magic words guaranteed to end, almost, any tiff.

Also typo,



++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. I think it would be best if you left the party for awhile, to go settle your head.~

Like berelinde said it does sound a little odd. Perhaps, "clear your head"(?)


+ ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Do it, and I might consider your aplogoly.~

"apology" another instance of this typo in the post as well


+ ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't understand why you got so upset. If i were arguing with <PLAYER4>, he would never walk away from me like that.~



+ ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way

Heh. :down: Also typo, "don't know if"


+ ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You have to better than that as an apology, Aran. Get on with the job at hand. Perhaps you should just sulk and stew by yourself for a few days.~

"to do better" a few instances of this typo


+ ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think that is enough torture. Of course we are fine with eachother. In fact, we are more than fine. A little arguement isn't going to kill us.~


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OK, full run of this idea out, test installed but not clicked through - edits and suggestions any typos and misspellings reported above integrated:


/* APOLOGY: PC approaches ARAN while TIMERNOTEXPIRED - PC is seeking him out for an apology, either given or rec'd */
/* Aran Is Mad PID Responses  (4 random) */
IF ~~ c-aranmad1 
 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran glares at you, his face sullen and unresponsive. He moves away.)~ 
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c-aranmad2 
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, you be a mite pushy there. I'm not rightly happy. So leave me alone, unless it be business.~ 
 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 // goes to preexisting without global setting
 ++ ~[PC] I... I wanted to apologize.~ + c_pc_apology
 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are really pushing it. We need to talk, and you are refusing? You must really want to have a cold bedroll.~ + c_aran_is_still_mad
 ++ ~[PC] I know you are angry. But if you were to talk to me, I think you would find I can make it worth your time.~ + c_pc_i_can_make_it_worth_it
 ++ ~[PC] I'm sorry. I did not mean to make you angry.~ + c_pc_apology
 // evil-mean-or-teasing-PC
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to  play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + c_I_should_know
 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + c-aranmad1

IF ~~ c-aranmad3 
 SAY ~[ARAN] (Aran studiously ignores you, stepping away and avoiding your eyes, his jaw set stubbornly.)~ 
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT 

IF ~~ c-aranmad4 
 SAY ~[ARAN] We got nothin' to say to one another right now, <CHARNAME>. We got things to discuss, but now is not rightly the time.~ 
 ++ ~[PC] I... I wanted to apologize.~ + c_pc_apology
 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are really pushing it. We need to talk, and you are refusing? You must really want to have a cold bedroll.~ + c_aran_is_still_mad
 // evil-mean-or-teasing-PC
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to  play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + c_I_should_know
 ++ ~[PC] I know you are angry. But if you were to talk to me, I think you would find I can make it worth your time.~ + c_pc_i_can_make_it_worth_it
 ++ ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + c_pc_tears
 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 // goes to preexisting without global setting
 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care.~ + c-aranmad1

IF ~~ c_pc_tears // 7 or 8 possibilities
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, easy now. Hey there... now, stop th' waterworks... you done hurt me a good bit there. I just need a mite bit o' space...~ 
 ++ ~[PC] Fine. Be that way. I don't care. I hate you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 // goes to preexisting without global setting
 ++ ~[PC] I... I just wanted to apologize. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to.~ + c_pc_apology
 + ~Global("c-aransex","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] You are a moody, ridiculous egotistical brat, and I am beginning to think you will never grace my bed again.~ + c_aran_is_still_mad
 ++ ~[PC] A few tears, and you cave like an apprentice in his first year. Do you have any spine, or should I give you some time to grow one?~ + c_aran_offended
 ++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + c_you_dont_play_fair
 // evil-mean-or-teasing-PC
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to  play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + c_I_should_know
 ++ ~[PC] (Keep sobbing, burying your face in his shoulder)~ + c_you_dont_play_fair
 ++ ~[PC] Sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + c-aranmad1

IF ~~ c_aran_offended
 SAY ~[ARAN] You ruddy hurtfullittle vindictive... get away from me.~
 ++ ~[PC] Look, this is coming out all wrong. I... I want to apologize.~ + c_pc_apology
 ++ ~[PC] With an attitude like that, you will make no headway with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 // goes to preexisting without global setting
 ++ ~[PC] Still sulking? Oh, that is *so* adult.~ + c-aranmad1
 ++ ~[PC] So, you have a little spine. Good. When you come and apologize to me, just remember that I do not appreciate weaklings.~ + c-aranmad3
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + c_female_attack

IF ~~ c_pc_apology
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now... you be wantin' to say you're sorry?~
 // PC flatters Aran
 ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hand, kissing his palm quickly.) Does this answer the question?~ + c_kiss_palm
 // PC grovels for Aran
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, and I am so selfish and stupid... I just need to be near you, and have you be near me.~ + c_it_was_nothing2
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ + c_it_was_nothing1
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I can't stand you glowering and silent, Aran. My time with you is too important. You make this all bearable. Please... I am sorry. Can't a handsome, wonderful man like you find it in your heart to forgive me?~ + c_flattery_gets_everywhere
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. I didn't realize that I could hurt you like that. Will we be able to go back to the way things were?~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I apologize for getting you so angry.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Can you forgive me? Do you think we are fine being with each other? ~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I don't know what I did to get you angry, but whatever it is can't really be important. So let's make up, alright?~ + c_1_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I mean, I am sorry you got all upset over nothing. I expected you to have a tougher skin.~ + c_aran_offended
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Don't you have something to say to me? like "I'm sorry, <CHARNAME>, for not understanding how you want things to be"?~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 // cry
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I know I am not the best at making apologies, but... I... (begin to cry.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. I didn't mean to hurt you. You are very important to me.~ + c_cry_not_fair 
 // evil-mean-or-teasing-PC
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to  play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + c_I_should_know

IF ~~ c_you_dont_play_fair
 SAY ~[ARAN] <CHARNAME>... You don't rightly play fair, now, do you.~ 
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ GOTO c_aran_caves
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ GOTO c_aran_uncertain
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ GOTO c_aran_rebels

IF ~~ c_aran_rebels  
 SAY ~[ARAN] You be knowin' my weaknesses, eh, an' playin' on them? Is that what be happenin' here, or do you be tryin' to say you be sorry? ~
 // PC flatters Aran
 ++ ~[PC] (Grab his hand, kissing his palm quickly.) Does this answer the question?~ + c_kiss_palm
 // PC grovels for Aran
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, and I am so selfish and stupid... I just need to be near you, and have you be near me.~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ + c_4_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I can't stand you glowering and silent, Aran. My time with you is too important. You make this all bearable. Please... I am sorry. Can't a handsome, wonderful man like you find it in your heart to forgive me?~ + c_flattery_gets_everywhere
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. I didn't realize that I could hurt you like that. Will we be able to go back to the way things were?~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I apologize for getting you so angry.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Can you forgive me? Do you think we are fine being with each other? ~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] I don't know what I did to get you angry, but whatever it is can't really be important. So let's make up, alright?~ + c_1_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I mean, I am sorry you got all upset over nothing. I expected you to have a tougher skin.~ + c_aran_offended
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Don't you have something to say to me? like "I'm sorry, <CHARNAME>, for not understanding how you want things to be"?~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 // cry
 ++ ~[PC] (Let the tears flow, and bury your face in his shoulder.~ + c_aran_caves
 // evil-mean-or-teasing-PC
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to  play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + c_I_should_know

IF ~~ c_aran_uncertain  // 3 (if only PC and Aran in-party) to 7 responses
 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know how to take this, <CHARNAME>. Look, mayhap give me a bit o' space, an' I will do some thinkin'. Mayhap I got somethin' to apologize for, an' mayhap you do. I don't rightly know right now. You make my brain all confused.~
 // Another male as foil
 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER2> would never turn his back on me, no matter what I did.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go ask <PLAYER3> how a real man apologizes. Even he could do better.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know. <PLAYER4> would never treat me like you do.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go off and do manly things with <PLAYER5>. You don't need me around, anyways. After all, I am just a silly little girl who doesn't know how to keep you happy.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER6> says I am too important to be given the silent treatment, but I told him it didn't matter. I am not worth talking to, anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // Another female as foil: Not Edwina, Aerie, Viconia, or Jaheira
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player2) !Name("aerie",Player2) !Name("viconia",Player2) !Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] I tried asking <PLAYER2> why you would treat me this way, but she didn't know.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player3) !Name("aerie",Player3) !Name("viconia",Player3) !Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER3> thinks I should just ignore you, and you will eventually come begging. But I don't want that kind of relationship with you. ~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player4) !Name("aerie",Player4) !Name("viconia",Player4) !Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER4> says there is no way she would allow you to treat her that way. Why should i allow you to treat me like this?~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player5) !Name("aerie",Player5) !Name("viconia",Player5) !Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] I bet <PLAYER5> thinks I should just let you walk away.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player6) !Name("aerie",Player6) !Name("viconia",Player6) !Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] I asked <PLAYER6> if anyone had ever treated her this way, and she said that no one had. ~ + c_this_be_between_us
 // Another female as foil: Edwina
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 // Another female as foil: Aerie
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Aerie thinks I should make you sit down and talk to me, and tell me why you are mad, but I already know why. I am just not sure I care.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 // Another female as foil: Viconia
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says I am an idiot for letting a stupid male ignore me like you are.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 // Another female as foil: Jaheira
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + c_this_be_between_us
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I need to be more considerate of you, but she wasn't there.~ + c_this_be_between_us  
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Can you forgive me?~ + c_it_was_nothing1
 // evil-mean-or-teasing-PC
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry that you didn't understand - I am not going to apologize. I like to  play mind games with you. Sometimes I even like to hurt you. Don't you understand that is what makes me fun to be with?~ + c_I_should_know
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. I didn't realize that I could hurt you like that. Will we be able to go back to the way things were?~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I apologize for getting you so angry.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Can you forgive me? Do you think we are fine being with each other?~ + c_3_of_course_we_are  

IF ~~ c_I_should_know
 SAY ~[ARAN] You... you be right. Sometimes I forget that you are a cold, calculatin' vindictive bitch at your very core, no matter what you present to th' rest o' Faerun. An' I still can't say much about it, on account o' I still... I still can't get you out o' my head. But one thing I can do, that be for certain.~
 = ~[ARAN] If you push it too far, then you had better expect I come back wi' one o three responses - ignore you, fight back, or walk away. An' right now, I am stickin' wi' ignorin' you, until I get my head back proper.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_this_be_between_us
 SAY ~[ARAN] What she be sayin' brings naught to bear on what falls between us. She weren't there. You were, an' I were. An' we be th' two what has th' problem, eh?~
 ++ ~[PC] With an attitude like that, you will make no headway with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232  // goes to preexisting without global setting
 ++ ~[PC] I was wrong. I don't believe in words without actions, so I am going to let you kiss me.~ + c_toying_with_me
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Can you forgive me?~ + c_it_was_nothing2
 ++ ~[PC] I may have hurt you, but I think you should apologize. No matter what I do, I expect you to talk with me about it.~ + c-aran_2_makeup
 ++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + c_you_dont_play_fair

IF ~~ c_pc_i_can_make_it_worth_it
 SAY ~[ARAN] Fine. I be here, like a good little blighted sellsword.~
 ++ ~[PC] With an attitude like that, you will make no headway with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 // goes to preexisting without global setting
 ++ ~[PC] I was wrong. I don't believe in words without actions, so I am going to let you kiss me.~ + c_toying_with_me
 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. Can you forgive me?~ + c_it_was_nothing1
 ++ ~[PC] I may have hurt you, but I think you should apologize. No matter what I do, I expect you to talk with me about it.~ + c-aran_2_makeup
 ++ ~[PC] Can you really be so angry with me? I mean... with my fingers walking up your chest to your cheek like this? Or my lips coming so close to yours?~ + c_you_dont_play_fair
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] Look... this is just not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. I think it would be best if you left the party for awhile, to go get your head straight.~ + c_you_are_out
// kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] You are such a pain to deal with. None of this is working the way I want. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + c_female_attack

/* APOLOGY: ARAN approaches PC after TIMEREXPIRED - Aran is seeking PC to give an apology */
/* Remember to remove the GTE to .BCS */
/* Remember to place note in docs: If you make up with Aran after fighting, just like most dudes, he will try to be overly physical in his demonstrations immediately post fight. At least that is the rationale I am presenting for why his NPC-Initiated Flirts get set to run, even though a player has told him she doesn't want them... players will have to tell him to stop flirting again via PID after making up. */
IF ~Global("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) GlobalTimerExpired("c-aranismad","GLOBAL")~ THEN BEGIN c-aranmakeup1
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey... I am right sorry.~
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN GOTO c-aran_1_makeup
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN GOTO c-aran_2_makeup
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN GOTO c-aran_3_makeup

IF ~~ c-aran_1_makeup // 7 to 11 responses
 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I have been mad, but I should know better. You call th' shots, <CHARNAME>. Do we be fine wi' each other?~
 // Another male as foil
 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Not really. I should have <PLAYER2> beat you senseless. I would do it, but I think it is beneath my notice.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] I can't believe you just walked away angry like that. I should have <PLAYER3> pound some sense into you.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] No. You should be careful, Aran. <PLAYER4> might be convinced that you hurt me, and then where would you be?~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not understand why you were so angry. I asked <PLAYER5>, and he just shrugged.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] If by fine, you mean I should be spending less time with you and more time with <PLAYER6>, then sure.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + c_it_was_nothing1
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now. I accept your apology.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other? ~ + c_it_was_nothing2
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You will have to do better than that as an apology, Aran. Go away until you can apologize properly.~ + c_1_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] He speaks. Well, sort of - his mouth is moving, but I do not hear anything worth hearing.~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] You are joking, right? What makes you think I have forgiven you?~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 // cry
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. You really hurt me.~ + c_cry_not_fair 
 // PC expects groveling by Aran
 + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + c_1_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] On your knees. A proper apology starts with you kneeling in front of me.~ + c_2_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] Do you really think I will accept such a lackluster performance?  No gifts. No flowers. No chocolate. No clue. That isn't an apology - that is an insult.~ + c_3_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ + c_4_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet, licking my boots. Do it, and I might consider your apology.~ + c_4_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ + c_3_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] Speak a little louder. And where are my flowers? Where is my gift? This is shaping up to be a sorry excuse for an apology. A dog could do better.~ + c_2_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + c_1_aran_grovel
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + c_you_are_out

IF ~~ c-aran_2_makeup // 8 to 12 responses
 SAY ~[ARAN] I just got so... so mad, I didn't rightly know how to handle it. You mean a good bit to me, <CHARNAME>. Do we be fine wi' each other?~
 // Another male as foil
 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER2> thinks you are an ass.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] I thought we understood each other. <PLAYER3> would have understood me better.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't understand why you got so upset. If i were arguing with <PLAYER4>, he would never walk away from me like that.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] You got so angry, over so little. I asked <PLAYER5> if all men were like that, and he just shrugged.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] If by fine, you mean I should be spending less time with you and more time with <PLAYER6>, then sure.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It was my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other? ~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] Go away, Aran. I don't want to talk to you right now.~ + c_1_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] He speaks. Well, sort of - his mouth is moving, but I do not hear anything worth hearing.~ + c_2_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] You are joking, right? What makes you think I have forgiven you?~ + c_2_no_we_are_not
 // PC expects groveling by Aran
 + ~RandomNum(8,1)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + c_1_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,2)~ + ~[PC] On your knees. A proper apology starts with you kneeling in front of me.~ + c_2_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,3)~ + ~[PC] Do you really think I will accept such a lackluster performance?  No gifts. No flowers. No chocolate. No clue. That isn't an apology - that is an insult.~ + c_3_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,4)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ + c_4_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,5)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet, licking my boots. Do it, and I might consider your apology.~ + c_4_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,6)~ + ~[PC] You should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Actually, you should be kissing my feet, and begging me for forgiveness.~ + c_3_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,7)~ + ~[PC] Speak a little louder. And where are my flowers? Where is my gift? This is shaping up to be a sorry excuse for an apology. A dog could do better.~ + c_2_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(8,8)~ + ~[PC] Don't you think I deserve a better apology than that? Perhaps you should be kneeling, or groveling, or something more suitable?~ + c_1_aran_grovel
 // PC grovels for Aran
 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] I am so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, and I am so selfish and stupid... I just need to be near you, and have you be near me.~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] I don't deserve to be with you. You are careful and considerate, and I was horrible to you. You mean more to me than I ever imagined.~ + c_4_of_course_we_are  
 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] (Grab his hand, kissing his palm quickly.) Does this answer the question?~ + c_kiss_palm
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + c_female_attack

IF ~~ c-aran_3_makeup // lots of states, but only 6 to 8 are available in any given party
 SAY ~[ARAN] I get so worked up over you sometimes, it just seems a bit like I be drownin'. I don't have no hold or call over you, but sometimes I start thinkin' like I do. Do we be fine wi' each other?~
 // Another male as foil
 + ~Gender(Player2,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player2)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER2> would never turn his back on me, no matter what I did.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go ask <PLAYER3> how a real man apologizes. Even he could do better.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player4)~ + ~[PC] I don't know. <PLAYER4> would never treat me like you do.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go off and do manly things with <PLAYER5>. You don't need me around, anyways. After all, I am just a silly little girl who doesn't know how to keep you happy.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,MALE) !Name("c-aran",Player6)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER6> says I am too important to be given the silent treatment, but I told him it didn't matter. I am not worth talking to, anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // Another female as foil: Not Edwina, Aerie, Viconia, or Jaheira
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player2) !Name("aerie",Player2) !Name("viconia",Player2) !Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER2> says men can't help themselves, they just are naturally stupid. But i thought you were different. I guess I was wrong. ~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player3) !Name("aerie",Player3) !Name("viconia",Player3) !Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Why don't you go try to flirt with <PLAYER3>? Maybe she can make you happier than I can.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player4) !Name("aerie",Player4) !Name("viconia",Player4) !Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] If <PLAYER4> had her way, i would be out looking for another person to fill your shoes.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player5) !Name("aerie",Player5) !Name("viconia",Player5) !Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] <PLAYER5> says I am too important to be given the silent treatment, but I told her it didn't matter. I am not worth talking to, anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) !Name("edwin",Player6) !Name("aerie",Player6) !Name("viconia",Player6) !Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Oh, don't mind me. <PLAYER6> is probably  more fun than I am, anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // Another female as foil: Edwina
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("edwin",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Edwina says you are a chauvinistic, egotistical, self-centered moron. And I tend to believe her... after all, she has lived both sides of the equation.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // Another female as foil: Aerie
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("aerie",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Aerie says I should apologize to you right away, because we make such a good team, but she is no real judge of relationships.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // Another female as foil: Viconia
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("viconia",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Viconia says you are a spineless wimp, and I should beat you, hurt you, or manipulate you until you do my bidding without getting angry.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // Another female as foil: Jaheira
 + ~Gender(Player2,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player2)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player3,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player3)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player4,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player4)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player5,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player5)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 + ~Gender(Player6,FEMALE) Name("jaheira",Player6)~ + ~[PC] Jaheira says I should smack you hard on the side of the head, and tell you to stop being a silly male, but I don't know if I care anyways.~ + c_dont_be_that_way  
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] It is my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I do not always understand you, or what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ + c_4_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think so. Do you think we are fine with each other?~ + c_1_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You have to do better than that as an apology, Aran. Get on with the job at hand. Perhaps you should just sulk and stew by yourself for a few days.~ + c_3_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Go away, Aran. You shut me out. I don't care what I did, or what you did... I just don't ever expect to be given the cold shoulder, ever.~ + c_4_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I do not hear anything worth hearing. You can go drown, for all I care.~ + c_dont_be_that_way
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3)~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + c_female_attack

IF ~~ c_dont_be_that_way
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, don't be that way, eh? I done said I was sorry...~
  // make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No... wait. It is my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] Yes, you did. And... I guess that I should, too. I do not always understand you, and what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] I think that is enough torture. Of course we are fine with each other. In fact, we are more than fine. A little argument isn't going to kill us.~ + c_4_of_course_we_are
 // do not make up
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] No. You have to do better than that as an apology, Aran. Get on with the job at hand, and don't come to me before you have figured out what you did wrong.~  + c_3_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] You never specified what you are sorry about. About the stars being in the sky? About you being an ass? About you not listening to my needs and wants?~ + c_4_no_we_are_not
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] That is not enough. Words are never enough. I mean, you just talk, you don't do anything to back them up. You must hate me.~ + c_I_dont_hate_u
 // cry
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] (Burst into tears.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] I... I... you... (Begin crying.)~ + c_cry_not_fair
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. You really hurt me by shutting me out.~ + c_cry_not_fair 
 // PC expects groveling by Aran
 + ~RandomNum(3,1)~ + ~[PC] On your knees. A proper apology starts with you kneeling in front of me.~ + c_1_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,2)~ + ~[PC] After your words and actions over the past few days, you should be crawling to me on your hands and feet. Do it, and I might consider your apology.~ + c_2_aran_grovel
 + ~RandomNum(3,3)~ + ~[PC] Speak a little louder. And where are my flowers? Where is my gift? This is shaping up to be a sorry excuse for an apology.~ + c_3_aran_grovel
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. Stop that grinning, servile smile. I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it.~ + c_female_attack

IF ~~ c_1_no_we_are_not
 SAY ~[ARAN] So it is not important enough to be talkin' about. I see. You can hold bloody diatribes wi' all manner o' creatures, but I'm not important enough to you to talk wi' when I be th' one wronged. You know, I'd tell you to go to th' nine hells, but you've already been there.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_2_no_we_are_not
 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, that be right ugly, eh? I be ready to talk, an' you...~
 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] ...would rather eat sand than talk to you.~ + c_1_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, shut up and go sulk. You can go to the nine hells. While you are there, get someone to teach you to speak properly. I hear gibberlings actually have less of an accent then you do.~ + c_2_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] ...will end up having to smile like a good little girl and say "yes dear, no dear" while you try to worm your way back into my good graces, while your eyes never actually make it up past my breasts.~ + c_3_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] We are not 'fine', Aran. I think I shall give you the 'silent treatment', and see how you like it. Wait... if I use your definition of 'silent', then I must remember to talk about unrelated garbage every ten seconds.~ + c_4_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(4,1)~ + ~[PC] Wait. I am... I don't know why I said that. Yes, of course we are fine.~ + c_1_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,2)~ + ~[PC] Hey, you were the one shutting me out. How does it feel to be mistreated? But in terms of the fighting, I think we are even. I accept your apology.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,3)~ + ~[PC] Oh, forget I said anything. Yes, I accept your apology.~ + c_3_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(4,4)~ + ~[PC] ...I obviously was not. I do accept your apology. I just wanted to remind you how words can hurt.~ + c_4_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 ++ ~[PC] I have had enough of your crap. Go on... go sulk for awhile. When you decide to grow up, come and talk to me again.~ + c_1_bugger_all

IF ~~ c_3_no_we_are_not
 SAY ~[ARAN] You blighted well want more than... you know, this were a mistake. Forget it. You are the largest pain in my rear end I ever did have. Luckily, it be less big than your actual rear end.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_4_no_we_are_not
 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I already said I was sorry. I don't rightly remember all th' details, an'...~
 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] You didn't think it was important to remember the details of communication between the two of us? I must mean so little to you.~ + c_1_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Why are you apologizing if you don't remember what started the fight? Do you think you can just patronize me, tell me "yes dear", "no dear", and not really pay attention to my feelings?~ + c_2_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] You said you were sorry. Big deal. I can say I am the Queen of the Dale Lands, and that does not make it true. You just want me to go back to the way things were.~ + c_3_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Forget it. I am mad at you, and I refuse to let you come around trying to manipulate me and patronize me. Go away.~ + c_4_bugger_all // reconsider, no
 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Aran, shut up. I should be apologizing to you. I just feel a little out of control.~ + c_1_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Oh, Aran, forget I said any of that... I don't want us fighting any more. We belong together.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] The details do not matter. My feelings matter, though. If you are willing to keep that in mind in the future, I think we can consider this matter settled.~ + c_3_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] Wait. I am sorry. Let's forget any of this happened.~ + c_4_of_course_we_are // reconsider, yes
 ++ ~[PC] You are so... so... Go on. Go sulk, or pout, or whatever you want to do. I don't want to talk to you anyways! I... I hate you! (burst into tears)~ + c_2_bugger_all

IF ~~ c_cry_not_fair
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, hey, wait... I be right sorry, eh? I just felt you were takin' advantage o' me right an' left, an' I.. oh, for Tymora's Smile, stop wi' th' waterworks, eh?~
 ++ ~[PC] That is not enough. Words are never enough. I mean, you just talk,I just talk, and then we fight... You must hate me.~ + c_I_dont_hate_u  
 // make up
 + ~RandomNum(2,1)~ + ~[PC] Gods, I am crying like a little girl. It is my fault, Aran, not yours. Of course we are fine.~ + c_3_of_course_we_are
 + ~RandomNum(2,2)~ + ~[PC] I don't know why it hurts so much that I have to cry. I do not always understand you, or what you want of me, Aran. But you are a part of my life now.~ + c_4_of_course_we_are
 ++ ~[PC] I don't know why you don't hate me. I am a soulless monster, driven in so many different directions I don't even know why I wake up in the morning. You do not need to be weighed down by all of this. You deserve better.~ + c_deserve_you  
 ++ ~[PC] Do you love me?~ + c_words_deeds
 // Gratuitous stealing of song lyrics, and if you don't know from which song, you are missing out on some great music...
 ++ ~[PC] It doesn't matter. Nothing really matters. Easy come, easy go, every way the wind blows... nothing really matters to me.~ + c_deserve_you

IF ~~ c_1_aran_grovel
 SAY ~[ARAN] You want me to... blighted hells. You do.~
 = ~[ARAN] For any other person on th' face o' Toril, I'd die rather than have no dignity. But this be me, droppin' on' my knees, an' tellin' you that I were wrong to hold anythin' from you, or be any way you don't want me to be.~
 ++ ~[PC] That is sufficient. I accept your apology.~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come here and kiss me, you big idiot. I didn't mean for you to take me so seriously. Forget anything happened, ok?~ + c_2_of_course_we_are
 ++ ~[PC] Gods... I hate myself. I just made you grovel like some servant. You must hate me.~ + c_I_dont_hate_u
 ++ ~[PC] You really are a worm, you know. I guess I can make you do just about anything.~ + c_aran_offended
 ++ ~[PC] Aran... you don't have to do that ever again. I can answer your question about whether this fight is over... (kneel swiftly with him, taking his hands in yours.)~ + c_kiss_palm

IF ~~ c_2_aran_grovel
 SAY ~[ARAN] You want me to... Cyric's Balls. When th' nine hells freeze over, mayhap.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 // goes to preexisting without global setting

IF ~~ c_3_aran_grovel
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, your highness, miss "my crap don't stink, a' you should bow before me", don't be holdin' your breath for that. On account o' you should be apologizin' to me for even suggestin' it. If you want some ragdoll to order about an' mistreat, go get some other poor bastard to play your games.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 // goes to preexisting without global setting

IF ~~ c_4_aran_grovel
 SAY ~[ARAN] Shar's Spit, you want me to drop on my belly like a worm an' strip every inch o' my pride? I done got two words for you, an' they don't be "good mornin'". Use your imagination to fill in exactly what I be sayin'.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_kiss_palm
 SAY ~[ARAN] (He draws your hands to him, holding them close to his chest.)~
 = ~[ARAN] Aye, it does answer it right well. An' I be a happy man.~  
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_toying_with_me
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, I do believe you be tryin' to get around me, eh? Myhap toyin' wi' me? Good thing for you, though, on account o' it be workin'.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_flattery_gets_everywhere
 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you be flatterin' me somethin' fierce, there. But I do think it be workin'. I am right glad to just be around you, an' there be no strain between us.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_I_dont_hate_u
 SAY ~[ARAN] Sune's Rump, I don't hate you. Not one bit. You make me so angry sometimes, it hurts. An' then you smile, an' it be like th' first day o' spring. Gods, <CHARNAME>, I don't hate you. Let's just forget this whole thing, eh, an' go back to th' way it was?~
 // stop romance
 ++ ~[PC] No, you hate me. I can see it. You just want my body. This is not working out, Aran. We should stick to business, and absolutely nothing else.~ + c_we_are_through
 // kick him out
 ++ ~[PC] None of this is working the way I want. You are a pain and a distraction. You should leave the party for awhile.~ + c_you_are_out
 // kick him out for good and try to kill him
 ++ ~[PC] I think... yes. I will just kill you now and be done with it. If you love me, you will hold very still while I cut your throat and burn your head so you can't be revived.~ + c_female_attack
 // cry
 ++ ~[PC] These aren't jewels running down my cheeks, Aran. You really hurt me by shutting me out. It was as if you didn't want me, or didn't need me.~ + c_deserve_you 
 ++ ~[PC] I don't know why you don't hate me. I am a soulless monster, driven in so many different directions I don't even know why I wake up in the morning. You do not need to be weighed down by all of this. You deserve better.~ + c_deserve_you  
 ++ ~[PC] Oh, just go away. I ... I hate you!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ + a1232 // goes to preexisting without global setting

IF ~~ c_deserve_you
 SAY ~[ARAN] Corelon's Bowhand, you got this all wrong, all wrong completely. I don't rightly know what I would do wi' out you. Look, forget all this arguin' an' apologizin' an' such. You mean more to me than any words ever made.~
 ++ ~[PC] Are you saying that you love me?~ + c_say_I_do
 ++ ~[PC] You can't be saying that you love me.~ + c_say_I_do
 ++ ~[PC] No. You cannot say you love me. That would ruin everything.~ + c_words_deeds
 ++ ~[PC] Are you saying that you will serve me without reservation, even if I don't really love you?~ + c_service_unconditional
 ++ ~[PC] Are you saying that you will serve me without reservation, even if I truly love someone else?~ + c_service_unconditional

IF ~~ c_say_I_do
 SAY ~[ARAN] By this point, I don't think it be a matter o' words, but deeds, eh? I don't rightly know how to answer th' question more than I already have. Except to say th' words. An' this be th' wrong place an' time to be havin' that discussion. But as for th' fight, it be over right proper.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_service_unconditional
 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I be man enough to want you. An' I be man enough to choose if I be served best by havin' you love me, or just tolerate me. I'll serve, even when I don't rightly agree. An' my heart's my own, Sune curse Herself. Believe me, it be th' laughter o' th gods mockin' me, fallin' for someone what don't necessarily reciprocate. But I can make my own choices, an' I chose servin' you awhile back.~
 = ~[ARAN] Just be a mite bit more careful how much you play wi' my attentions, on account o' every man has his limit. An' most don' know exactly where that limit be.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT // no NPC initiated flirt restart

IF ~~ c_words_deeds
 SAY ~[ARAN] No words, then. That saves you th' trouble o' balancin' an' fussin' about anythin'. I know you have your own mind on th' way things go. But you an' I both know, deep down, what th' real answer to that question be.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_aran_caves  
 SAY ~[ARAN] (He draws you close into his embrace, his lips barely brushing your ear.)~
 = ~[ARAN] I don't even rightly remember what it was all about, nohow. Fine. I guess it be a waste o' time to be mad at you anyways, seein' as you done got me, hook, line, an' sinker.~  
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_it_was_nothing1
 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, it was naught but a misunderstandin' anyways. I think it be best to let bygones be bygones, eh? We have more important things to be worryin' about.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_it_was_nothing2
 SAY ~[ARAN] I just can't rightly stay mad at you, nohow, <CHARNAME>. I guess I was a bit o' an idiot to shut you out like that.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_1_of_course_we_are
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, on my part, I am blighted glad to be around you, no matter what. When we be gettin' along, I feel like I can accomplish almost anythin'. ~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_2_of_course_we_are
 SAY ~[ARAN] I have naught in th' way o' knowledge o' what you truly need an' want, <CHARNAME>, but I try every day to fill in th' blanks. As for me, you be a right large part o' my life. I am blighted happy just to be at your side.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_3_of_course_we_are
 SAY ~[ARAN] I know I be in th' right place, as long as it be at your side. I am glad we put that behind us an' we can move on.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_4_of_course_we_are
 SAY ~[ARAN] You know, there be times when havin' words or coldness between us hurts worse than a good solid swordcut across th' gut. Th' physical, well, there be spells an' bandages an' potions. But havin' things go cold between th' two o' us, well, that don't have no quick resolution. But one kiss from you heals my spirit right proper, it does.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",0)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_aran_is_still_mad
 SAY ~[ARAN] Look, I done got close enough to you to be able to be hurt. Don't you be thinkin' I am some toy what to screw with. A man's got some pride, though blighted little be left him after th' gods an' womenfolk done had their ways. Just leave me be for awhile.~ 
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_1_bugger_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fists, you be a right bloody pain in my arse.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_2_bugger_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] You... I... I gotta go kill somethin'. Preferably somethin' what splats.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_3_bugger_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] You can go to th' nine hells an' rot.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_4_bugger_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] May th' gods preserve us from blighted fools, orcs, an' the nastiness of a vindictive, frightful, spiteful woman.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobalTimer("c-aranismad","GLOBAL",ONE_DAY)~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_we_are_through
 SAY ~[ARAN] Fine. I get it. I stick to business. It's not like I have any feelin's or naught for you. But I get th' message; shut up an' soldier. Gods, let's just be gettin' to somewhere wi' some alcohol right quick.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3)~ EXIT
END  // remember journal entry

IF ~~ c_you_are_out
 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, don't that be a kick in th' head. Mayhap I should just rip my heart out while it be beatin'. Fine. Saved me several years o' heartache, I guess.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-aranfight","GLOBAL",0) SetGlobal("c-aranflirtstop","GLOBAL",1) SetGlobal("c-aranromance","GLOBAL",3) SetGlobal("c-arankickedout","LOCALS",1) ActionOverride("c-aran",SetLeavePartyDialogFile()) ActionOverride("c-aran",ChangeAIScript("",DEFAULT)) ActionOverride("c-aran",LeaveParty())~ EXIT
END // remember journal entry

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