Guest Guest_Aeowulf_* Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 First off, this is a great mod and I am glad it was constructed. That being said, I always seem to want to take a good thing and make it better, so with text editor open I have been trying to add portraits that will come up when the NPC is involved in dialogue. I have followed the NPC creation tips outlined by Ace and have added the following script to the Setup-RE.tp2 file (added text in bold & italics): // Chanelle, by cmorgan BEGIN @12 COMPILE ~RE/Chanelle/RE_Chane.d~ COPY_EXISTING ~KPMAID01.cre~ ~override~ SAY INITIAL_MEETING @13 SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT @14 SAY SELECT_COMMON1 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON2 @15 SAY SELECT_COMMON3 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON4 @16 COPY ~RE/Chanelle/RE_Chane.bmp~ ~override~ AT_NOW ~RE/Audio/ChanelleInstall.bat~ AT_UNINSTALL ~RE/Audio/ChanelleUninstall.bat~ Where RE_Chane.bmp is a bitmap in 38x60 format I added to the Chanelle subfolder in the RE subfile in my SOA directory. I have also updated the .cre file to use the same 110x170 and 38x60 portraits and placed the updated .cre file in my override folder. In theory this should bring up the RE_Chane.bmp image when I initiate conversation (just like the RE_Sheri.bmp is shown when you converse with Sheri). I am not sure what I am missing here, any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks! Aeowulf
cmorgan Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 Doesn't Chanelle already have a portrait assigned, so you could just rename the new portrait and put the .bmp in override? (I could have sworn I put a portrait in there... will check when I get home).
berelinde Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 No, you didn't. You wanted to, but you allowed yourself to be persuaded that it was a bad idea, that different players had different standards of beauty and that they should be free to imagine Chanelle the way they wanted to. I probably still have the dozens of portraits you considered, though. To use the portrait of your choice, simply open up setup-RE.tp2 and find this block COPY_EXISTING ~KPMAID01.cre~ ~override~ SAY INITIAL_MEETING @13 SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT @14 SAY SELECT_COMMON1 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON2 @15 SAY SELECT_COMMON3 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON4 @16 Make it look like this COPY_EXISTING ~KPMAID01.cre~ ~override~ SAY INITIAL_MEETING @13 SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT @14 SAY SELECT_COMMON1 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON2 @15 SAY SELECT_COMMON3 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON4 @16 WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~chanels~ #8 //small portrait and reinstall the mod. Make sure the portrait you choose is named chanels, that its dimensions are 38x60 pixels, and that it is an 8-bit BMP. Put the portrait in your installation override folder and you will be good to go.
Aeowulf Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 No, you didn't. You wanted to, but you allowed yourself to be persuaded that it was a bad idea, that different players had different standards of beauty and that they should be free to imagine Chanelle the way they wanted to. I probably still have the dozens of portraits you considered, though. To use the portrait of your choice, simply open up setup-RE.tp2 and find this block COPY_EXISTING ~KPMAID01.cre~ ~override~ SAY INITIAL_MEETING @13 SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT @14 SAY SELECT_COMMON1 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON2 @15 SAY SELECT_COMMON3 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON4 @16 Make it look like this COPY_EXISTING ~KPMAID01.cre~ ~override~ SAY INITIAL_MEETING @13 SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT @14 SAY SELECT_COMMON1 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON2 @15 SAY SELECT_COMMON3 @13 SAY SELECT_COMMON4 @16 WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~chanels~ #8 //small portrait and reinstall the mod. Make sure the portrait you choose is named chanels, that its dimensions are 38x60 pixels, and that it is an 8-bit BMP. Put the portrait in your installation override folder and you will be good to go. That's it! I was missing the WRITE_ASCII 0X34 ~chanels~ #8 //small portrait line. I assume the #8 is a referance to the 8-bit image? Once again Excelent Mod!
berelinde Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 #8 is in reference to the number of spaces the portrait name should have. If there are less than 8, the remainder is taken up by blank spaces. The medium-sized portrait that gets used for joinable NPCs is a 24-bit BMP, but it too uses the WRITE_ASCII offset ~blahm~ #8 format
cmorgan Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 heh! (thanks for the code posting, too, Berelinde - I was so caught up in trying to remember what I did that I forgot to actually answer the question in the first place. Bleh!)
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