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Translation of a few more strings...


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New tweak packs are almost done, but we need a few more lines to be translated. :cry:


@2700 = ~Restore SoA Load Screen Logo (ToB Only)~

@2800 = ~Make +x/+y Weapons Consistent~

@2900 = ~Improved Athkatlan City Guard~

@2901 = ~Amnish Soldier~

@2902 = ~Sanctioned Wizard~

@2903 = ~Militia Cleric~


@6 = ~This mod should be installed in your BG2 folder, after the Tutu conversion.~

@4000 = ~Adjust Evil Joinable NPC Reactions~


Thanks in advance for any help!

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@2700 = ~SvA-Logo des Startbildschirms wiederherstellen (nur für TdB)~

@2800 = ~Einheitliche Waffen +x/+y~

@2900 = ~Verbesserte Stadtwache von Athkatla~

@2901 = ~Amnischer Soldat~

@2902 = ~Zauberer mit Lizenz~

@2903 = ~Kleriker der Miliz~


@6 = ~Dieser Mod muß *nach Tutu* ins BG2-Verzeichnis installiert werden.~

@4000 = ~Reaktionen der rekrutierbaren NPCs mit böser Gesinnung anpassen~


regards, Cas


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This is for french translation


@2700 = ~Restoration du logo de SoA (ToB seulement)~

@2800 = ~Rends +x/+y compatible des armes~

@2900 = ~Amélioration des gardes de la ville d' Athkatlan~

@2901 = ~Soldat Amnish~

@2902 = ~Magicien sanctionné~

@2903 = ~Prêtre milicien~


@6 = ~Ce mod doit être installé dans votre répertoire de BG2, après la conversion Tutu.~

@4000 = ~Ajustement de la réaction des PNJ mauvais lorsque le PNJ joint le groupe~

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