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Appreciation Thread


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So, I noticed that there wasn't an appreciation thread for this mod. (Or maybe an old one got buried. Sticky? :undecided: ) I think it deserves one!


I've finished the rescue of Amber from Ymmrt (sp.?), and I just love that area. You sure put a lot of work into that. I enjoyed it immensely. Granted, it took me awhile to figure out how to kill the mage himself; BUT once I swarmed him with melee, he went down quick. I was heartily impressed with the storyline and quests so far!


Excellent mod!

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IMO Amber is the most extensive SoA romance mod out there for male PC's, and I love her personality. Great music, portrait, voicing, writing, etc . . . If ToB gets finished I'll be very happy.

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Guest Toggboy

As a hardcore fan of the game, I am really critical on mods and how they integrate themselves into BG2. The only type of fix I would suggest would be not so much blocky texts per window. Other than that, I believe to be one of, if not the best mod for BG2; right up there Kelsey mod. Now, if only it had a certain extra element. I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with Schrone of Schmaal. :cool:

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I still love Amber as well! :laugh: I still hope to see her in ToB someday . . .


As a side note, it's kind of strange that most female mod characters have no ToB, while most of the male ones do. AFAIK, only the Tashia and Saerileth romances have ToB content out of the mod girls.

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Guest Thaldar

Hi guys and girls, i am also totally in love with Amber (one of the two best romance npcs (the other is Tashia) in my opinion) and would love to continue my journey with her (through TOB).

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Guest Quezvax

I have to say, I absolutely love the Amber mod. The only problem is the lack of ToB content :) I'll totally replay the entire thing given half a chance, if you finish a ToB portion for her...

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I have to say, I absolutely love the Amber mod. The only problem is the lack of ToB content :) I'll totally replay the entire thing given half a chance, if you finish a ToB portion for her...


LOL, yes replaying Amber doesn't take much motivation. I find certain parts of her romance to be even better with prior knowledge. That particular star lit talk that is interrupted seems to be better with every play through and with more thought toward Amber's character as a whole. I specifically admire her courage more and more with each play through! The leap she takes with the PC is pretty daring when considering what we know of her character and even when considering all 2we learn of her character.


WOW, sweet totally off topic but the random setting in my cd player just netted me fairies wear boots by BS while typing this post. Can't complain I still say that song is esp for TSCC with Cam and her boots.

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So, I am on Pirate Island, near Spellhold, at the bar looking for a place to sell some of my junk, the inn keeper only rents rooms and sells alchool.


So I figure I would just let amber try one of each drink for fun and see if there are any odd rummors, then Amber gets drunk and starts singing!!! :)


Thank you sooo much for makeing Amber, that just made my day! :p

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