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v15 bug reports


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1) 'abazigal/abazigal.tph' - since dragon staying power is now applied separately in this lib, you probably want to omit the manual setting of 450 and 550 hp values for dw#abgre & dw#abred, otherwise they may end up with 1500.


2) tp2 - Smarter Abazigal executes SSL macro twice. If I understand correctly, it is harmless though.

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1) 'abazigal/abazigal.tph' - since dragon staying power is now applied separately in this lib, you probably want to omit the manual setting of 450 and 550 hp values for dw#abgre & dw#abred, otherwise they may end up with 1500.


They should be commented out, for that reason (they are on my local version). (Or am I missing something?)


2) tp2 - Smarter Abazigal executes SSL macro twice. If I understand correctly, it is harmless though.


Yep, harmless (as shown by the fact that it's been like that since God knows when). The only effect is to add a pointless 5 seconds to the install time. I'll fix it next time round. Thanks.


& while I remember, thanks for the beautiful solution to the clones problem. (If I get any irate comments that the relevant battles have just got much harder, I'll send them in your direction :blush: )

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After installing the fiends component NI reports DW#SUMBF.SPL as corrupted:

File: DW#SUMBF.SPL  Offset: cah  Error message: 1 unused bytes after Unknown(c6h)

I think it happens because you are replacing the regex ~spcaco.~ which is 7 symbols length with 8 symbols ~dw#sumbf~

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After installing the fiends component NI reports DW#SUMBF.SPL as corrupted:

File: DW#SUMBF.SPL  Offset: cah  Error message: 1 unused bytes after Unknown(c6h)

I think it happens because you are replacing the regex ~spcaco.~ which is 7 symbols length with 8 symbols ~dw#sumbf~


Yep, you're right.


It's harmless, though, at least on my install. (There's some theoretical chance it might lead to compatibility problems.)

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WTARSGT : ennemy with a ranged weapon and a shield (and SCS ranged script) seems unable to attack properly. Sometimes they attack but more ofen they walk around.

For exemple, Illych (sling and shield) seems a bit lost. He doen't attack properly in my game.

Not a big deal coz ennemy with ranged weapons and shield are rare but in BG1 and BG2, it can happen sometimes.

I also wonder if characters with SCS ranged script and shield can use Ranged axe.

Futhermore, ennemy with ranged weapons tend to hit and run with your script. But omo they should stop to do this when they come out of amunition and use melee weapon.




I think it's a vanilla bug but they ofen don't want to lay down if you hit them continuously(especially with hasted characters). You must stop to fight them for one or two second witch allow them to lay down.

===> very more BORING to kill trolls coz of this bug. I don't understand why nobody complain about this.


Maybe coz of of AttackReevaluate(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),5). I don't know.





Don't you think it could be cool to have a component allowing warrior to drink all potions they have in round round like prebuff for mages? (except healing potions)

Coz sometimes, warrior can't drink healing potions considering they must drink others potions before.

Futhermore, sometimes, drinking a STR pootions can be a waste of time for ennemly with a good STR.


Just suggestions of course ^^


ICMIN01.cre got no better call for help script. It's the minoture near beast master in copper coronet.


AR18DWAF got no melee weapons. (a dwarf in north forest)


About Illych : he walks to the library if you fight in this area. (surely coz of his call for help script). Not a big deal (it makes the fight in libreary more difficult) but maybe he should stay with his friends and wait you.


Can you give to SCS dwarfs in Irenicus lair a berserk ability ? (I mean you make scripts to handle this cool feature and you don't give some to your own CRE ?) :beer:

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WTARSGT : ennemy with a ranged weapon and a shield (and SCS ranged script) seems unable to attack properly. Sometimes they attack but more ofen they walk around.

For exemple, Illych (sling and shield) seems a bit lost. He doen't attack properly in my game.

Not a big deal coz ennemy with ranged weapons and shield are rare but in BG1 and BG2, it can happen sometimes.

I also wonder if characters with SCS ranged script and shield can use Ranged axe.


OK, I'll do some more testing on this. (As you say, enemies like this are rare, so there may be latent problems I haven't really identified).


Futhermore, ennemy with ranged weapons tend to hit and run with your script. But omo they should stop to do this when they come out of amunition and use melee weapon.


Don't they already? If not, then yes: agreed, in principle. (In practice there may be some codelength issues.)




I think it's a vanilla bug but they ofen don't want to lay down if you hit them continuously(especially with hasted characters). You must stop to fight them for one or two second witch allow them to lay down.

===> very more BORING to kill trolls coz of this bug. I don't understand why nobody complain about this.


Maybe coz of of AttackReevaluate(NearestEnemyOf(Myself),5). I don't know.

It is a vanilla-game issue, yes (and not readily fixable, unfortunately).




Don't you think it could be cool to have a component allowing warrior to drink all potions they have in round round like prebuff for mages? (except healing potions)

Coz sometimes, warrior can't drink healing potions considering they must drink others potions before.

Futhermore, sometimes, drinking a STR pootions can be a waste of time for ennemly with a good STR.


I have thought about this, but (i) my own playtesting suggests it doesn't make a truly dramatic difference; (ii) it's a bit fiddly to code (you have to make spell versions of all the potions, though doubtless this could be automated); (iii) I think it's easier for players to understand what's going on if not tooooo many things happen in a flash at the start of a fight; (iv) it might cause slight lagging. Perhaps I'll revisit it, though.


ICMIN01.cre got no better call for help script. It's the minoture near beast master in copper coronet.




AR18DWAF got no melee weapons. (a dwarf in north forest)


Vanilla issue, I guess; I'll fix it, though.


About Illych : he walks to the library if you fight in this area. (surely coz of his call for help script). Not a big deal (it makes the fight in libreary more difficult) but maybe he should stay with his friends and wait you.

Indeed he should: nice catch.


Can you give to SCS dwarfs in Irenicus lair a berserk ability ? (I mean you make scripts to handle this cool feature and you don't give some to your own CRE ?) :beer:


That's a nice idea, actually. I'll think about it.

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re, 2 small things :cringe:



Some humanoides monsters are not able to drink and have potions. ORC can have and drinks potions in BG2 but not OGRE/gnoll and hogobelins ? (and some hogebelins have potions in inventory in vanilla)

It happens in BG2 so maybe also in BG1.

I don't know what should be the rules but I think all theses creatures should be able to have potions.





Wisdom provide aditional spells for clerics but I wonder if SCS take it into account.I see with Ctrl+D that clerics with a good wisdom have some level 1-2-3 empty slot. (again it could make a real difference only in BG1)

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Hello, I have played v15 for a couple of weeks now and noticed the following, although these may already have been fixed (many are bugs in vanilla game or vanilla Ascension):


From improved Sahaugin, DW#SASPE.ITM has a zero percent chance to actually inflict poison (although poison icon is displayed)


From Abazigal enclave, DW#LIZWP (all lizard weapons) are flagged as nonmagical (inspite of being enchantment level 2 or 3)


MVGUARD1.CRE have THAC0 and saves of first level fighters (actually lvl9) and no profficiency in the weapons they use.


FINCAMB2.CRE (Ascension) does not have the ring which grants demon immunities equipped.


Some archer and kensai characters are missing their archer (opcode 167 & 286) and kensai (opcode 284 & 285) bonuses to hit and damage - I'm not sure if you want to bother with fixing this but anyway here is my list:






The weapons of mist creatures (MISTCD through MISTWA.ITM) are flagged as nonmagical (inspite of having magical effects like draining hp, cause fear etc.).

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Guest Guest_pol

I've discovered a possible incompatability with kits from Oversight/Ashes of Embers


Holy Liberator (Oversight) and Priest of Yathar (AoE) get innate Chaotic Command like spells, but these are not "detectable" to enemy casters, can spells be patched on installation if those mods are detected? Files in question are J#YA05 and KISH11

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I've discovered a possible incompatability with kits from Oversight/Ashes of Embers


Holy Liberator (Oversight) and Priest of Yathar (AoE) get innate Chaotic Command like spells, but these are not "detectable" to enemy casters, can spells be patched on installation if those mods are detected? Files in question are J#YA05 and KISH11



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