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Quest Quandries: Quixotic? Queenly? Quiet?


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OK, not a lot of activity on the boards, because what free time I do have is being invested in writing/rewriting. Plus, the nature of lots of small files built over five minutes here, ten minutes there... let's just say that the first alpha was notable only in the fact that it installed. In fact, it installed only due to triage, where sections that will eventually be linked were capped off with a temporary state easy to find and replace:




I should have written that as




But, since I have only a few minutes here before work once again swarms over me, here is some work in progress dealing with both quest materials and areea dialog for the new tavern Berelinde has graciously created for me.


I thought I had quest stuff up here, but can't take the time to search right now, so if i am overlapping myself, so be it. he first question I think was answered elsewhere -


Q: Does Aran have a quest?

A: Hells, no. What could possibly be the point of adding yet another friend to be rescued, ex-lover to exact revenge upon, or "I must do this or leave you FOREVAR"? It makes sense for some of the other NPCs out there. For example, Gavin not resolving family issues before potentially being removed from the very weave of existence would be just plain stupid. Decent dads don't say "Yo, might be hideously imprisoned in the depths of hell for the next two centuries, because that's how <CHARNAME> is rolling these days. There's a PB&J on the table, Lanie. If I am not back in two days, go find someone else to take care of you." Some other NPCs I have less understanding of why it is so important that they deal with the quests, but that is actually true in the game, too... Watcher's Keep is a nice little dungeon, but it never made in-game sense to me in terms of the plot. "Hey, the world is falling apart, and you are dealing with all sorts of bhaalspawn opponents... take a load off, and visit the Temple of doom. All the experience and loot you can gather, for a low, low price. Act now! Limited time offer!".



Q: Does having Aran in the party add more quest content?

A: Hells yes. An established mercenary will be on the lookout for contacts, job opportunities, adventures to join in, loot to gather, all the normal stuff that makes coin. It just is likely to be a little more mundane and simple stuff. Your average merc deals with trivial stuff, for very low pay. You know - "Stand here and look tough. Oh, and did i mention, though your pay is only a few copper coins a day, i never actually paid off the Thieve's Guild, so there might be an attack today?" Or worse... "Lady Kinsa needs a package taken over to lord so and so, and she really wants it delivered without anyone looking into it. Go take care of that".


So, what can we come up with?


Contact 1: Orrin, tavern keeper and Jeweler(*cough* fence).


Simple FedEx quest, the meat of any regular life. Pick up critical tax paperwork, make sure it gets into the right hands, return with rec't. The equivalent of being a Brinks Truck, only for paperwork.


Contact 2; Teldra, mercenary recruiter.


This one is trickier. What makes sense in-game? Her usual gig would be to send them to Maztica, or assign the party to one of the many Bhaalspawn armies ad such recruiting during game events. That takes the party out of play, which is silly. So, lots of allusions to potential work, but not much in the way of useful stuff... but there are two loopholes that spring to mind.


1. magic is bad, banned, and deviant. But Cowlies will let anyone purchase a license, no questions asked. So what happens when a sage has limited book study of magic, and has logically worked through all the things needed for a cute little research project "on paper", concerning a certain set of writings about this malevolent being? I could subtitle this "Holmes on Homes", or "Why You Need A Licensed Electrician To Install That New Lighting".


I. Sage's Guild supports a research project, and Teldra contracts the party to go over there "just in case" something happens. Cute little project, simple enough - make sure some fool doesn't disturb me, oh big thug-like sellswords I know what I am doing - I graduated top of my class at Harvard, and that silly Oxford set really doesn't know what they are talking about. Besides, they talk with funny accents...


Only it turns out the "research" involves someone with magical or bardic skill (or a decent amount of reading time in fantasy literature) might recognize as a scroll of summoning, or a book protected by a minor demon. Hilarity ensues, leaving the party with an interesting set of choices:

a. if trouble realized, pursuade the researcher to stop; contract over, minor payoff, crisis averted, Miller Time™.

b. if trouble realized, have a minor "accident", wherin said researcher accidentally falls head first into his vat of ink, after having somehow bound himself tightly and fallen head-first out of a third-story window. Twice.

c. do the job right, allowing research to continue, and be faced with a new set of quandries:

  • Run. Screw this gig - a few gold coins to face *THAT*? I am breaking this contract, and quick!
  • Negotiate. Heya, big fellow - answer a few questions, and we will let you take this silly researcher as a prize. It is a win - win scenario, and we all go home happy! So, this place they call 'Spellhold'... any idea where it is?
  • Fight. Back, foul fiend! Though I am armed with but a paper mache sword and a few rotting clubs, I shall defend this poor researcher unto the death! (Hey, i never said i was smart. Just dedicated. A job's a job, right?).
  • negotiate with winning charm and insider knowledge, and/or the wisdom of Soloman (because hey, this is FR, and anything might be possible) [available to high charisma/intelligence/wisdom PCs] - find a win-win situation where the researcher gets his information, the protector/demon gets something he wants, and the party gets a contract completed without 92% casualty rate and the use of every spell and item available to them, just for a measly little 20gp a day rate.

Well if they complete that, that might be a fun boss battle opportunity, or a fun roleplay opportunity. So what else might a happy headhunter do with someone who made an impossible situation right? Well, how about hand them a politically suicidal hot-button issue that noone else wants to touch? We could subtiltle this "Help, Help! I'm Being Repressed!"


II. The Army doesn't want it. the Council wants nothing to do with it. The various Guilds have no real skin in the game... but this stupid guy has managed to tick off his tenants to the point that they are threatening to revolt. Well, techincally, as most of them have never really bathed and have the table manners of a Kobold, they are a little revolting already, but now they want to kick the idiot who rules their section out. Ordinarily, this would be the work of a few good regiments of the army, or perhaps a couple of Shadow Thief enforcers making some "suggestions".... but the idiot kid trying to make his mark as a lord is well connected, and the peasants are reasonably well Guild-connected themselves. So, enter the Contract Mercenary - Heads Bashed, Solutions Enforced. Have Mace, Will Travel.

Options for resolution:

  • Convince the kid to negotiate with the unwashed hordes, resolving the dispute and making everyone breath a great sigh of relief. A lousy payday and no loot, but job well done is its own reward, right? Just another day as a contract merc, unthanked, and underpaid, ready for a nice stiff drink and a good grousing session on why the world should be ruled by mercs, because civilians just don't understand how to solve problems.
  • Convince the peasants that being unwashed is just fine, compared to being unwashed and pushing up daisies from underneath.
  • Convince the kid that washing the peasants and perhaps even letting them eat once a week might improve profits - especially as it is hard to take any profit from them when a wannabe-landlord is explaining the sword run through his forehead to Kelemvor, who has heard it all before.
  • The truly and uniquely mercenary option - get a contract from the noble to clobber the peasants, and one from the peasants to do away with the noble, and then confront them both. Now a merc is not an assassin, but perhaps if you play your cards right, both sides will be so upset that you had the audacity to do such a thing that they ignore the whole point of doing this (allowing a settlement to be enforced, as you have a valid contract from each side, so they can negotiate together or else), and they both join up together and attack you - wherin you get a contract finished, you get the experience, and you get to sell all their various body parts to the highest bidder. Hey, the contract said settle the dispute - it said nothing about keeping anyone out of harm's way!

This set of ideas provides some fun, a battle (or not), some loot and experience (or not), and does not interrupt the flow of the game. Do these, or not - completely immaterial to the main plot, or Aran sticking around. Of course, if Aran isn't around, you did pay your union dues, didn't you? You didn't? Golly, gee... Teldra can contract with Aran, but if he is not around, she just can't pay off the party, now, can she?

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OK, so that was an interesting set of miscoding, mismarking, and miswriting! Today was "sit and install/uninstall area, tinker with spawning, and edit/unedit AR0700 for the in (The Broken Sword, I think... generic enough.)


I did some dialog testing and tweaking for the barmaid (c-ar01) and the barker/bouncer (added to ar0700) and this is coded and tested/retested. Of course, if anyone sees a loophole, let me know, please.


/*eventaully tobe merged into c-arandialog.d */

BEGIN C-ARAN   /* pre-joining SoA */
BEGIN C-ARANJ  /* joined SoA */
BEGIN C-ARANB  /* banter SoA */
BEGIN C-ARANP  /* post-joined SoA */

/* pointer to C-AW01.ARE */

BEGIN ~C-AW01EP~  /* Area C-AW01 Entry Point - Bouncer on Promenade */
BEGIN ~C-AW01W1~  /* server 1 - erika */

/* Dialogs for C-AW01.ARE, built by berelinde */
// BEGIN ~C-AW01P1~  /* patron 1 */
// BEGIN ~C-AW01P2~  /* patron 2 */
// BEGIN ~C-AW01P3~  /* patron 3 */
// BEGIN ~C-AW01W1~  /* server 1 */
// BEGIN ~C-AW01TK~  /* Tavern Keeper Orrin */
// BEGIN ~C-AW01TL~  /* Merc Recruiter Teldra */

/* quest characters located in other areas */

//  BEGIN ~C-AWSAGE~  /* Teldra's Contact: Sage */


IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN startup
 SAY ~[CMORGAN] Heya. Starting test.~
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~join up.~ DO ~JoinParty()~ EXIT
 IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~hold on... forgot something...~ EXIT


/* chains loop through the sequence of 0 -> 4 - */

CHAIN C-ARANJ boredtalking1 
~[ARAN] Hells, Manson, what did you do to Teldra to draw this blighted contract again?~
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ 

CHAIN C-ARANJ boredtalking2
~[ARAN] You have th' worst luck, boyo. Fighting again, eh?~
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ 

CHAIN C-ARANJ boredtalking3
~[ARAN] I thought you had headed out for Rasheman on that caravan contract. Problems wi' your fists again, or just your mouth?~
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~
== C-AW01EP IF ~GlobalGT("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~  DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~

CHAIN C-ARANJ boredtalking4
~[ARAN] Better you than me, eh? How did you piss Teldra off this time?~
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~
== C-AW01EP IF ~GlobalGT("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~  DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~

CHAIN C-ARANJ boredtalking5
~[ARAN] Manson, my friend... whe are you goin' to learn to lead wi' your brain, an' not wi' your brawn?~
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Does it matter? I'm in the doghouse until she says otherwise.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Someone said the Han make lousy fighters.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh. Terria. Right. I'll drink to that one's memory for you. Good sword.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Another fight. I have no blighted idea why I can't just relax.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] It was their fault. But there were three of them. Probably not the best idea to take them all on at once with no backup.~
== C-ARANJ IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You know, we could help out a bit wi' that fightin' problem. Mayhap get an intelligence potion, or mayhap two...~ 
== C-AW01EP IF ~Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] Oh, shove it up your arse, Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~
== C-AW01EP IF ~GlobalGT("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN ~[C-AW01EP] The usual. Don't worry none, though. I'll be back working soon enough.~  DO ~SetGlobal("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~

/* barker */


IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN testing1
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] You look like the right sort. If you want, The Broken Sword is that door north of you. No civilians allowed, unless they are hiring. This place is only for people who live and die on the sharp edge.~

IF ~RandomNum(9,1)~ THEN BEGIN testing2
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] If you are looking for sellswords, step on in. Daggerford isn't the only hiring place, you know.~

IF ~RandomNum(9,2)~ THEN BEGIN testing3
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Look, this ain't Asbravn. If you want hospitality, step inside. If you don't, blighted well move along.~
 IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXIT
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking1
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking2
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking3
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking4 
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking5

IF ~RandomNum(9,3)~ THEN BEGIN testing4
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Yeah, yeah... tell it to the 'Fist. My whole contract is to stand outside and make sure idiots who can't hold their own in a fight stay out here. You folks can go on in anytime.~
 IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXIT
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking1
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking2
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking3
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking4 
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking5

IF ~RandomNum(9,4)~ THEN BEGIN testing5
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] This duty is boring enough, I am almost tempted to sign up for another tour in Maztica. Almost.~
 IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXIT
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking1
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking2
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking3
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking4 
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-mundanetalk","AR0700",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ boredtalking5

IF ~RandomNum(9,5)~ THEN BEGIN testing6
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Door. There. North. You know, the opposite of South.~

IF ~RandomNum(9,6)~ THEN BEGIN testing7
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] If you are looking for sellswords or mercenaries, The Broken Sword is the right place. If you are looking to fight anyone in particular, bugger off and do it someplace else. I cause enough trouble all on my own.~

IF ~RandomNum(9,7)~ THEN BEGIN testing8
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Drinks, yes. Rooms, yes. Goods and services, a few. Look, if you really have to ask this, you really shouldn't wander in. Nothing starts a fight faster than some blighted greenhorn fool making a crack about the Red Cloaks or the 'Fist. Last time, we had to scrub the blood out of the woodwork with wet sand for a week.~

IF ~RandomNum(9,8)~ THEN BEGIN testing9
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Would I recommend drinking here? Sure. It's your funeral.~

IF ~RandomNum(9,9)~ THEN BEGIN testing10
 SAY ~[C-AW01EP] Do I look like a signpost? Tyr's Eye, just blighted well go in and hire someone. Or, get a decent contract and get the hells out of this place. Gods know things are strange enough around here to make anyone need hirelings. Talk to Teldra. She'll set you up, either way.~


/* server 1 */

IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN a2396
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Now, I do have a good selection of drinks, but I am only one person. If you order your drinks at the bar, I will be happy to bring them to you.~
 IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO a2402
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO a2404

IF ~RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN BEGIN a2397
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Orders for food or drink are at the bar, <SIRMAAM>. If you are looking for anything else, it is not on the menu.~
 /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip  without advancing global) */
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_one
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_two
 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters  are used up */
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO 
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_one
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO neworrinreference_two
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_three 

IF ~RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN BEGIN a2398
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] I will get you as much water as you like, as quickly as I can.~
 /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip  without advancing global) */
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_one
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_two
 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters  are used up */
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO 
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_one
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO neworrinreference_two
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_three 

IF ~RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN BEGIN a2399
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Did you order the D'Tranion and Meat Pie? I have two orders, both getting cold, and not a patron to claim it. But if you want to pay for it...~
 /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip  without advancing global) */
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_one
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_two
 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters  are used up */
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO 
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_one
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO neworrinreference_two
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_three 

IF ~RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN BEGIN a2400
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] We have a good selection of food and spirits. We can even help you with some money changing, if you want...~
 /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip  without advancing global) */
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_one
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_two
 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters  are used up */
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO 
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_one
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO neworrinreference_two
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_three 

IF ~RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN BEGIN a2401
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] You do realize I am just a barmaid, not a Lorekeeper of Oghma, right?~
 /* panel of "aran flirts" - random #s 7 or 8 mean no flirt (skip  without advancing global) */
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,8)~ THEN GOTO a2402
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,7)~ THEN GOTO a2403
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,6)~ THEN GOTO a2404
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,5)~ THEN GOTO a2405
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,4)~ THEN GOTO a2406
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,3)~ THEN GOTO a2407
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,2)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_one
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalLT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9) RandomNum(8,1)~ THEN GOTO newbanteringstate_two
 /* panel of " no aran flirts" - kicks in if Aran is not valid, or if all 8 banters  are used up */
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,1)~ THEN GOTO 
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,2)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_one
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,3)~ THEN GOTO
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,4)~ THEN GOTO neworrinreference_two
 IF ~OR(4) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8) RandomNum(5,5)~ THEN GOTO  neworrinreference_three 

IF ~~ a2402
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Orrin will be happy to help you, I am sure.~

IF ~~ a2403
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Orrin handles everything but the cleanup.~

IF ~~ neworrinreference_one
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Orrin is over at the bar.~

IF ~~ neworrinreference_two
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] I do not handle any coin. You will have to deal with Orrin.~

IF ~~ neworrinreference_three
 SAY ~[C-AW01W1] I need to get this order out right away, so go talk to Orrin.~

IF ~~ a2404
SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Keep your feet off of the table, please, Master Whitehand. This is a respectable establishment.~
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ zerotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ onetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ twotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ threetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fourtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fivetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ sixtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ seventest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ eighttest

IF ~~ a2405
SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Perhaps you should take Aran to a place more worthy of his status... like a stable. Or a pigsty.~
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ zerotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ onetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ twotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ threetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fourtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fivetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ sixtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ seventest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ eighttest

IF ~~ a2406
SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Let me guess... Aran wants a nice curry, and he expects it on his tab. Gods forbid that he actually pay for anything.~
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ zerotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ onetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ twotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ threetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fourtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fivetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ sixtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ seventest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ eighttest

IF ~~ a2407
SAY ~[C-AW01W1] I see you are still saddled with this sorry excuse for a sellsword. I'd renegotiate that contract, if I were you.~
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ zerotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ onetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ twotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ threetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fourtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fivetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ sixtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ seventest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ eighttest

IF ~~ newbanteringstate_one
SAY ~[C-AW01W1] Dirty feet, wayward gleam in the eyes, sniffing around every available kitchen... wait, was I talking about the cat, or Aran?~
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ zerotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ onetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ twotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ threetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fourtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fivetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ sixtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ seventest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ eighttest

IF ~~ newbanteringstate_two
SAY ~[C-AW01W1] You will make some poor girl marry you someday, Aran, but not until you learn to GET YOUR FEET OFF THE TABLE.~
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",0)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ zerotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ onetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ twotest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ threetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fourtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ fivetest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ sixtest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ seventest
IF ~Global("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ eighttest

END // of append

CHAIN C-ARANJ zerotest
~[ARAN] Ah, Erika, m'ladylove... I would go to th' ends o' Faerun for you.~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] I am sure you would. But would you remain there?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",1)~ EXIT

~[ARAN] How come you are not married off yet, Erika?~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Well, I am still of apprentice age, for one thing. For another, marriage always seems to saddle a girl with a baby.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Not always. You don't have to have children, you know.~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] I was talking about the husband.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",2)~ EXIT

~[ARAN] Any news worth repeatin' around here, Erika?~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Not to you.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",3)~ EXIT

CHAIN C-ARANJ threetest
~[ARAN] Do you realize you mut have told me to get my feet off o' th' table a million times by now?~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Yes. Next time I shall ask Teldra to call in a favor, and have your ankles broken. She owes me a favor or two, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",4)~ EXIT

CHAIN C-ARANJ fourtest
~[ARAN] Get me an ale, eh, lass?~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Now, Master Whitehand, you look like someone just killed your best friend.~
== C-ARANJ ~[C-ARAN] I be pinin' away, on account o' your hard heart, Erika.~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Do it quickly, then, and make sure you remember me in your will.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",5)~ EXIT

CHAIN C-ARANJ fivetest
~[ARAN] Now, when are you goin' to give a lad th' chance to compliment you, eh? I keep tryin'.~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] I prefer actions to words... HEY! Not that kind of action...~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",6)~ EXIT

~[ARAN] Now, Erika, I can pay good coin. I have come up in th' world, you know.~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Well, that is good, because you couldn't go much further down!~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",7)~ EXIT

CHAIN C-ARANJ seventest
~[ARAN] Any news worth repeatin' around here, Erika?~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Why, yes, there is. I heard Alisson was by the other day, looking for you.~ 
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] errr... Did she say why?~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] I think it was something about a broken heart, or broken promises, or some other sob story. But don't worry. She was very discreet, if you call screaming 'I am going to make him pay!' at the top of her lungs 'discreet'.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",8)~ EXIT

CHAIN C-ARANJ eighttest
~[ARAN] Ah, blighted flask... I have to get me one o' those infinite flasks one day. Fill me up, eh, Erika?~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] You look like someone just tossed you in an unmarked grave.~
== C-ARANJ ~[C-ARAN] I be pinin' away, on account o' your hard heart, Erika.~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] Oooh, the words I have been waiting for, all of my life! I'll go tell Orrin where he can shove this job...~
== C-AW01W1 ~[C-AW01W1] ...You should see your face, Aran. I don't think I have ever seen a man turn that particular combination of white, red, and panicked.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-awbarflirt","C-AR01",9)~ EXIT

Link to comment

Untested - playing with the inkeeper dialog.


/* references; Gold & Glory, Tim Beech, TSR FR Supplements */
/* Tavern Keeper Orrin */

/* States that are conditional (start the dialog, filtering the conversation) */

/* 1. Quest Blocking: Aran not in party and Orrin's quest in progress */
IF ~OR(2) PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1") PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2") OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEGIN c_questfinished_missing_aran
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Any word on that work you were doing for me? I do hope you can come with Aran in tow. He is Guild, and I cannot pay off a contract without him present and in good healh. Teldra holds most of my business hostage. One bad word from her, and my entire clientele will go elsewhere.~
 ++ ~[PC] Not yet. I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I am working on it. But I was thinking... I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I am working on it. But I was thinking... I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + c_6_tavernkeeper
 + ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ + ~[PC] I have the package. I just have not delivered it yet.~ + c_orrin_notfinished
 + ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2")~ + ~[PC] I have delivered the package, but I think I want to renegotiate my fee...~ + c_aran_guild
 ++ ~[PC] What do you think - does this outfit match my hair?~ + c_what_am_i_a_fashion_consultant

/* 2. If #1 is not true, then check for Aran being in the party and Orrin's quest being in progress. */
IF ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2") Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEGIN c_questfinished_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, the package. My thanks to you for your assistance in this small matter. I feel sure that it was nothing for a person of your stature.~
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, it was quite difficult. So difficult, in fact, that I am going to have to request a greater reward.~ + c_1_questfinished 
 ++ ~[PC] It was nothing. I was glad to be of help.~ + c_2_questfinished
 ++ ~[PC] Judging by the number of stupid 'take this packet and go from here to a random person, then return' errands I seem to attract, it seemed like a usual day of adventuring.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_2_questfinished
 ++ ~[PC] Look, next time, handle your own parcel delivery. That was a large chunk of my life I just wasted playing fetch-and-carry.~ + c_2_questfinished
 ++ ~[PC] Hey, even Aran can't mess up a simple delivery.~ + c_2_questfinished
 ++ ~[PC] What package?~ + c_mums_the_word

/* If #1 is not true and #2 is not true, then the quest is not in progress. So, check for things not so immediately concerning Orrin, like Teldra's quest progress. She is his primary business, after all. Hard to do business in the Microsoft company cafeteria when you are selling iPhones...*/
IF ~OR(2) Global("c-arancontract","GLOBAL",9) Global("c-arancontract","GLOBAL",17)~ THEN BEGIN c_brokecontract_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Good tidings to you, <CHARNAME>. A word of concern... Teldra does not take kindly to those who break her contracts. She provides most of my business, as well as a good deal of protection. Stay away from her, please.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] I am doing business with you, not Teldra. Just show me what you have.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I am here to take a look at your more select offerings. We had a deal, remember?~ + c_i_will_but_dont_tell_teldra
 + ~Global  + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_nothing_to_see_here
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + c_nothing_to_see_here
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO c_12_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",1)~ THEN GOTO c_13_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",2)~ THEN GOTO c_14_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",3)~ THEN GOTO c_15_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",4)~ THEN GOTO c_16_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",5)~ THEN GOTO c_17_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ THEN GOTO c_18_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ THEN GOTO c_19_tavernkeeper
 IF ~!InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1) Global("c-aranorintalk","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO c_teldra_tavernkeeper
 IF ~!InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",0) Global("c-aranorintalk","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO c_20_tavernkeeper

/* If #1 is not true and #2 is not true, and those globals are not set, there really is only one master state to work with. It can be customized further by adding "peel off" states at the bottom of the stack of replies, or making some replies show up only under certain conditions. So, this plays whenever everything above it evaluates "false". "Always true" is a PITA... but just means EXTEND_TOP or adding into regular material. Many BioWare bit players use this as a catch-all. The prblem with using this is that if someone adds in more dialog, it has to be added *above* this state, or it will never, ever play. */
IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN c_1_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Good tidings to you. How might I be of assistance?~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + c_6_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain   
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO c_12_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",1)~ THEN GOTO c_13_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",2)~ THEN GOTO c_14_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",3)~ THEN GOTO c_15_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",4)~ THEN GOTO c_16_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",5)~ THEN GOTO c_17_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ THEN GOTO c_18_tavernkeeper
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ THEN GOTO c_19_tavernkeeper
 IF ~!InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1) Global("c-aranorintalk","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO c_teldra_tavernkeeper
 IF ~!InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",0) Global("c-aranorintalk","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO c_20_tavernkeeper

/* small talk sequence, shuffled around using TextTools 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative

/* all the states that are unconditional (directly linked) */

IF ~~ c_nothing_to_see_here
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] No, nothing at all. Not much of interest.~
 ++ ~[PC] Are you just saying that, or is there really nothing to find here?~ + c_doesnt_matter_nongratis
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know each other.~ + c_just_business_orrin
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] I suppose that everyone around here is just minding their own business and would not be paying any attention to rumors anyways, right?~ + c_no_now_go_away

IF ~~ c_doesnt_matter_nongratis
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing, of course. Do you wish anything else?~
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. You have not seen anything of interest around here at all?~ + c_no_now_go_away
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know eachother.~ + c_just_business_orrin
 ++ ~[PC] I would not mind a few free drinks, and perhaps some entertainment.~ + c_copper_coronet_go

IF ~~ c_4_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, <SIRMAAM>. But somehow, no matter how grandly or decrepitly one dresses, the weight of your coinpurse is all that matters to me. Perhaps my <LADYLORD> would prefer the more usual offerings?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes, that will be fine.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] What might you consider a weighty enough purse?~ + c_weighty_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain 
 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know eachother. perhaps work out an alternate arrangement...~ + c_just_business_orrin

IF ~~ c_tavernfilter_smalltalk
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] If I can assist you, please let me know what I may do to make you comfortable in this establishment.~
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain 
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your services, then.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anyhing interesting happening?~ + c_6_tavernkeeper

IF ~~ c_anything_else
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Now, is there anything I can get you?~
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anyhing interesting happening?~ + c_6_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper

IF ~~ c_need_anything
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Did you want anything else?~
 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anyhing interesting happening?~ + c_6_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative

IF ~~ c_weighty_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am afraid that falls into the old saying, 'if you have to ask, then you do not have enough'.~
 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Has anyone ever told you that you have a supercilious attitude?~ + c_super_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. You seem like a very interetsing man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know eachother. perhaps work out an alternate arrangement...~ + c_just_business_orrin
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] You mean my winning personality and minor notoriety are not enough?~ + c_that_and_a_nickel

IF ~~ c_8_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] This was mildy entertaining. A pair of dwarves visited a few days ago, attempting some expedition for some reason or other. Something about temples, and dead gods, and finding mithral. Unfortunately, they had a falling out, and left unhappy. Alive, but unhappy. I do not know where they went after that minor incident.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ + c_11_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] You don't happen to know where I could purchase some pure mithral, do you... I heard that you might have a private stock you are willing to sell.~ + c_you_heard_wrong
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You don't happen to know where I could purchase some pure mithral, do you... I heard that you might have a private stock you are willing to sell.~ + c_3_tavernkeeper

IF ~~ c_9_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] There were some travelers seeking protection on their journeys to Trademeet here yesterday, but Teldra already set them up with assistance from one of the minor mercenary groups she represents. There could be others who are interested in such protections, I imagine.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ + c_11_tavernkeeper

IF ~~ c_10_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I have heard that the Copper Coronet has many opportunities for freelance work. I wish that I had the connections that establishment seems to have, for I could greatly increase my profit. Most of what Telrda offers is long term... which means she empties my bar as well as my ale supplies.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ + c_11_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative

IF ~~ c_11_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] ...Hmmm. To tell you the truth, I have heard little that could be of true interest to you.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_tavernkeeper

IF ~~ c_just_business_orrin
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am flattered. I must decline.~
 ++ ~[PC] Fair enough. Just business then.~ + c_anything_else
 ++ ~[PC] What, do you not find me atractive?~ + c_no_now_go_away
 ++ ~[PC] Do you have some policy against fratenization with potential customers?~ + c_no_now_go_away
 + ~Global("c-aransunekit","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Have you not felt the grace of Sune? Would you deny the warmth and comfort of friendly companionship, even if chaste?~ + c_no_now_go_away

IF ~~ c_6_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing of interest, <SIRMAAM>. Unless...~
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO c_7_tavernkeeper
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ THEN GOTO c_8_tavernkeeper  
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ THEN GOTO c_9_tavernkeeper
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ THEN GOTO c_10_tavernkeeper
 IF ~GlobalGT("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ THEN GOTO c_11_tavernkeeper

IF ~~ c_7_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] If you are looking for work as a hired soldier, there is a mercenary recruiter wandering around collectong fools and madmen. Ask around for Teldra.~
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] I have already met her, thanks. Just show me what you have available.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ + c_11_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] I heard you were the right man to sell some goods to, no questions asked.~ + c_you_heard_wrong

IF ~~ c_super_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My dear <PRO_SIRMAAM>, you suprise me! Why, a certain mercenary named Whitehand has expressed just such sentiments. Though you pronounced the words with much clearer diction, and less colorful additions.~
 IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO c_tavernfilter_smalltalk
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ c_notmeicantspell

IF ~~ c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do have a standard response, of course. I find it helps keep customers happy if I am civil, impartial, and dispassionate. It reduces the chances of someone taking offense.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1)~ GOTO c_tavernfilter_smalltalk

IF ~~ c_everyone_has_a_place
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Blacktalons are welcome here as equally as Solara's Elite. Every mercenary needs a place to go where the battles remain outside, and good stories can be told. If a rust monster from Mindulgulph Mercenaries wants to drink, I will give him a stoneware mug and ask he not drip on the other customers.~
 = ~I do draw a clear line, though. A contract is a contract, and I do not serve those who break their word. I have had a Blue Boar thrown out of The Broken Sword, and my word drummed him out of his corps and his noble title. Guid is Guild. You do not break your word to another, though tomorrow you may have to kill them if a contract requires it.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_give_away_drinks
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My drinks often receive compliments, but I rarely hear them giving commentary to my customers, complimentary or not. If you mean give you free access to my wares, I must decline.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ GOTO c_need_anything

IF ~~ c_bugger_off_better_yet 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Well, if it were your business, I might be pursuaded to answer. Since it is not, I will politely decline to respond.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_if_you_call_it_that 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Alas, my adventuring consisited of delving deep into a small set of ruins, and being poisoned by the very first trap I encountered. When my party revived me, I decided that support roles were much more my style.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_too_many_mercs 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Erika may be young, but she has spent much of that time fending off unwanted advances from inebriated mercenaries. I think that it would take a very special person to convince her to even attempt a minor flirtation.~
 + ~!Global("c-aransunekit","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That explains it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + c_need_anything
 + ~Global("c-aransunekit","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps the grace of Sune will warm her heart, and quell any fears about my interest.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + c_need_anything
 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I will just let her do her job, and not bother her.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + c_anything_else
 ++ ~[PC] Ah. A conquest. I do like a challenge.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + c_anything_else
 ++ ~[PC] Pity. She could find so much happiness with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + c_undoubtably_sarcasm
 + ~InPartyAllowDead("c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Perhaps she has a thing for Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + c_absolutely_not_at_all

IF ~~ c_ok_cant_complain 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I might be able to find something to complain about, but then I would have to seek out someone who actually cared to listen. So, a polite "everything is going well" will have to suffice.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",7)~ GOTO c_need_anything 

/* repeatedly plays at GT(7) to signal that there is no more small-talk */
IF ~~ c_beats_alternative 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I have it on good authority that it beats the alternative.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_copper_coronet_go
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am sure the Copper coronet could serve you better than I, then. Do come back when you wish fair services rendered for fair prices.~

/* Living Forgotten Realms stuff - not canon, but fun! */
IF ~~ c_that_and_a_nickel
 SAY ~[ARAN] I am afraid that if I granted such requests to every famous or notorious personage ever to grace my establishment, I would no longer be in business. Rustybeard Orcwall himself could not sway me, even if he brough half of the Vilhon Company with him.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_absolutely_not_at_all
 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I think that is much more friendly teasing than romance. She has seen enough of Aran's... peculiarities.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_undoubtably_sarcasm
 SAY ~[ARAN] Undoubtably.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_what_am_i_a_fashion_consultant
 SAY ~[ARAN] I usually refrain from commenting on a customer's choice in fashion attire. Suprisingly, many mercenaries get a little touchy about the strangest things.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_no_now_go_away
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I believe that is what I indicated.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_aran_guild
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do not think negotiation is appropriate at this time. Aran is Guild. That means payoff or any discussion of that comes when he is healthy, present, and part of your team. That is all part of the contract.~

IF ~~ c_orrin_notfinished
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Well I do hope you can finish that soon. I need that matter resolved.~

IF ~~ c_2_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, <SIRMAAM>.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("c-awtav1",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_3_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, <SIRMAAM>. But if the Watch comes calling on me, rest assured the Guild will not take kindly to your interference.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("c-awtav2",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Consider my establishment your home away from home, with the exception of the small matter of remaining fully clothed in all public areas at all times.~

IF ~~ c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Enjoy your time here, then. Just remember, I have decent drinks, reasonable prices, and a low tolerance for shennanigans.~

IF ~~ c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I wish you well, then. Be sure to think of The Broken Sword after your next successful campaign. We handle parties as large as a standard platoon.~

IF ~~ c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I wish you well, then. Be sure to think of The Broken Sword after your next successful campaign. We handle parties as large as a standard platoon.~

IF ~~ c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] A Pearl to you, and to your return visit.~

IF ~~ c_you_heard_wrong
 SAY ~[ARAN] You heard incorrectly. Rather, to be more precise, you received incorrect indformation. Whether or not your hearing is impaired is something that I cannot judge.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_20_tavernkeeper
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do have a lad who needs some work, if you are hiring. He is a bit rough around the edges, but he means well. Here, take one of his advertisements.~
 ++ ~[PC] I'll take a look at it later. Why are you helping him out?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_worthmytime
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not interested right now. I wish to see your selection of services.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. Rumor has it that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. Rumor has it that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem a little stiff. Do you say the same thing to every customer?~ + c_you_dont_always_say_what_you_want
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + c_everyone_has_a_place
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + c_give_away_drinks
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + c_bugger_off_better_yet
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + c_if_you_call_it_that
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + c_too_many_mercs 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + c_ok_cant_complain  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  c_beats_alternative
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper

IF ~~ c_20_tavernkeeperteldra
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I saw you talking to Teldra, but a copper piece is a copper piece. I do have a lad who needs some work, if you are hiring. He is a bit rough around the edges, but he means well.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] You have to be joking. He gives you a copper piece for each of these pieces of flimsy woodpulp you hand out? Is it really worth your time?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_worthmytime
 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + c_whereswaldo

IF ~~ c_worthmytime 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] At a copper per broadside given to a new customers, I will not gain much. Still, anything that provides a profit, no matter how small, is worth pursuing. In addition, he is running up quite a bar tab, and getting him employed might mean I get some return on my loans to him.~
 ++ ~[PC] So... you loan out money? Any chance I could get one of these loans?~ + c_pcloan
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + c_whereswaldo

IF ~~ c_whereswaldo
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Where he always seems to be. Standing at the bar, with my ale running down his throat and my barmaid trading insults with him. Wait... no, he seems to have stepped to the back. Try the center room. There are usually some dice or card games progressing there.~

IF ~~ c_pcloan
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] No, I am afraid I am not in a position to help you. I am sure there are others who can do so, but my own ventures have me stretched rather thin right now. Besides, twenty percent is more interest than most are willing to pay.~
 ++ ~[PC] I am still interested. Is there nothing I can do to pursuade you?~ + c_nowaynohow
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + c_whereswaldo

IF ~~ c_nowaynohow
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing can sway me, I assure you. I have already tied up any capital I might have. But I do hope you find Whitehand useful. Perhaps he will be able to repay me after some successful adventuring in your company.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + c_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) GlobalGT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + c_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_1_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_2_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_3_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_4_tavernkeeper
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + c_5_5_tavernkeeper
 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + c_whereswaldo

IF ~~ c_1_queststarted
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My esteem, and of course permanent access to some of my grander wares, hidden from view of those with little coin. Perhaps even a single jewel, from among my minor wares. It is a small enough task, but as I must get this done immediately I am willing to be magnanimous.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_5_queststarted

IF ~~ c_3_queststarted
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Paperwork. The costs of doing business in this fair city do not rest solely with Linvale's tithes and the common bribes to Cowled Enforcers and the Flaming Fist goons. Unfortunately, legitimate businesses have the registry. And since my usual messenger has suddenly become available in a way not favorable to good business, of course the first punishment I receive is an audit.~
 ++ ~[PC] I think we can help you accomplish this.~ + c_6_queststarted
 ++ ~[PC] No. I am not interested~ + c_7_queststarted
 ++ ~[PC] Do you really expect me to believe you would send an entire adventuring party to deliver paperwork?~ + c_4_queststarted  

IF ~~ c_4_queststarted
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] With the problems and challenges facing this city, I am certain that I wish to ensure safe delivery. I have enough troubles with Linvale right now that I do not wish to antagonize anyone else. It is obvious that the audit I face is a punishment arranged for me, and I wish it to be over without delay or any hint of noncompliance. This is truly a simple delivery, for legitimate business. If you do not wish to help, I will pay the smae to the Flaming Fist to have the delivery made.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_5_queststarted

IF ~~ c_5_queststarted
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] So, will you accept this small task, and gain my esteem and admiration?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + c_6_queststarted
 ++ ~[PC] No.~ + c_7_queststarted
 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps later.~ + c_7_queststarted  

IF ~~ c_6_queststarted
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I thank you, and my business thanks you.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg1",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_need_anything

IF ~~ c_7_queststarted
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, I apologise for thinking you would entertain such a menial task. I am afraid the work is time sensitive, so I will find another who can accomplish it. No matter.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

IF ~~ c_1_questfinished
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK]  I can but guess at the troubles that you faced in such an insurmountable task. I shall remain forever in your debt. But my rewards are not negotiable.~
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* pearl */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* Ruby Ring */

IF ~~ c_2_questfinished
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My thanks for this. I shall remember your kindness, and of course reward your efforts.~
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* pearl */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* Ruby Ring */

IF ~~ c_mums_the_word
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Of course. Oh my... I seem to have just found a few gems lying about, lonely and unclaimed... I shall go over there and help some customers.~
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* pearl */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO c_quest_reward /* Ruby Ring */

END /* of APPEND to C-AW01TK */

CHAIN C-ARAN reply_quest_finished
~[C-ARAN] Now, to be fair, there have been a few o' these what turned out to be true adventures, eh? Just not this one.~
== CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] ~
== JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] ~
== KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] ~
== KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] ~
== VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] ~
== AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] ~
== MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] ~
== EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] ~
== ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] ~
== YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] ~
== JANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] ~
== IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] ~
== VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] ~
== HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] ~
== NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] ~
== MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] ~
== C-AW01TL ~[C-AW01TL] You do seem to be a talkative lot. No matter. I appreciate your attention to this small matter.~

CHAIN C-ARANJ c_quest_reward
~[C-ARAN] I should have guessed Orrin would be payin' off usin' stock. His business has not been that solid dlately, on account o' all h' hirin' out. Everyone comes in tradin' for coin, then spendin' it on gear an' such elsewhere.~
== CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] ~
== EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] ~
== HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] ~
== JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] ~
== JANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] ~
== KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] ~
== KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] ~
== MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] ~
== MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] ~
== NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] ~
== VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] ~
== VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] ~
== YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] ~
== IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] ~
== AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] ~
== ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] ~
++ ~[PC] Well, a simple quest gets a simple reward.~ EXIT
++ ~[PC] Orrin owes me access to his best items now. A quick favor, with a good return on the investment.~ EXIT
++ ~[PC] The standard letdown. I drag myself around Faerun doing odd little favors here and there, for little or no reward. I need a drink.~ EXIT
++ ~[PC] Perhpas I shall teach Orrin a lesson. Noone turns me into a messenger and then drops a paltry gem an vague promises. I expecyed hard, cold coin, and a good deal of it.~ EXIT

CHAIN C-ARANJ c_notmeicantspell
~[ARAN] I did no such thing, you stuck-up ol' bugger!~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Really? Ah, you are correct, of course. You could not spell 'supercilious', let alone say it. My error,  do so apologise.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] No worries. It is tough for you, after all, stuck in this place all day, wi' no hope o' adventure. Makes a sorry life, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] I shall endeavor to live vicariously through your heroic efforts, of course. By the way, you still have not made your latest payment...~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, blighted... right. I will get that to you by th' end o' th' tenday.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_2_queststarted
~[C-AW01TK] You have Whitehand along, which makes it unlikely you would successfully make it past two orcs and a kobold. Do I need to say more?~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fists, that be right mean! I say bugger off, you blighted ol' jackass!~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Now, now... it was a jest. Seriously, I hesitated to suggest the menial messenger task, but I need to get this done immediately. And despite our verbal acrimony, Whitehand can be trusted. therefore, you probably can be trusted.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_5_queststarted

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_12_tavernkeeper
~[C-AW01TK] Perhaps you are looking to settle Whitehand's accounts? ~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now, I done settled wi' you clean an' fair, Orrin. Don't be playin' any games wi' my employers, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Why, so you did. Well, you can't blame me for trying, of course. It is all part of the job.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_13_tavernkeeper
~[C-AW01TK] I see that you have been unable to remove Aran's presence from your company. Perhaps I can interest you in a wide assortment of mercenary-be-gone amulets?~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, funny, you jewel of a man. Just remember who knows what an' how, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Of course. I do so enjoy our little sparring, Whitehand.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_need_anything

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_14_tavernkeeper
~[C-AW01TK] By now, I am sure the esteemed mercenary Whitehand has appraised you of my interest in any jewels or jewelry that you might come across in your travels...~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Actually, you told me to keep my fat mouth shut, an' I did. So who be th' blabbermouth now, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] My, I am astounded. Well, no matter. I am a collector, of course. So if anything does happen to cross your path, I would be very interested.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_15_tavernkeeper
~[C-AW01TK] I see that you have not yet succumbed to the inevitable death and destruction inherent in your profession, Aran? ~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Well, I wouldn't exactly say that, now. But it be true I haven't taken up no permanent job pushin' up flowers from underneath, so to speak.~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] It is a blessing and a pearl that you have not yet been torn from our presence and sent along the Great Wheel.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_need_anything

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_16_tavernkeeper
~[C-AW01TK] And Aran, I do have a letter for you. One straight from Waterdeep, I might add. It is yours for only four iron crescents.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Right, then. It came paid, on account o' she never sends anythin' unpaid. But here be a crescent for your troubles.~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Why, so it did. It must have slipped my mind. Your letter, sir. Do you require my literary services to decrypt the contents? I am not sure that you can actually read.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Funny, there. On account o' you had me run up two sets o' books for you, an' get that contract work all squared away. But you'd forget your arse, if it weren't stuck right on your face permanent-like.~
IF ~~ THEN EXTERN C-AW01TK c_anything_else

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_17_tavernkeeper
~[C-AW01TK] Ah, <CHARNAME>... well met. Aran, given our longstanding friendship and good relations...~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Cut the bullshit an' stop lyin' through your nose, you soddy ol' bastard. What do you be wantin'?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] As gracefully eloquent as ever, I see. Actually, I would say this is so meager a request that only you need to be present, but perhaps your adventuring party might enjoy a small walk in the fresh air.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Your regular messenger get sick?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] In a manner of speaking. Apparently he developed sticky palms, and Linvale had them cured.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Right nice o' him. Do we now call th' lad Righty, or Lefty?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] I am afraid we call him Dusty.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, now, that changes things a mite. Nothin' like goin' straight to the heart o' the matter.~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] In this case, I am afraid Linvale felt this was a matter of head rather than heart.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Nothin' messes up your day more than losin' your head, that be for sure. So, you need somethin' delivered?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Yes, and I am ashamed to say it is even a legitimate delivery, one to the Government District. A small package, delivered to Corneil at the Council Building.~
++ ~[PC] What is the reward?~ + c_1_queststarted
++ ~[PC] I suppose there will be trouble, and we will get into a fight, and nothing will be as it appears...~ + c_2_queststarted
++ ~[PC] This is a small enough task. I think we can help you.~ + c_6_queststarted
++ ~[PC] No thank you. I have had my fill of wandering Faerun as an itinerant errand<PRO_BOYGIRL>.~ + c_7_queststarted
++ ~[PC] What is in the package?~ + c_3_queststarted

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_18_tavernkeeper
~[C-AW01TK] And Aran, you look as... distinctive, I would say, as the day I met you.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] An' you are th' same ol' slick bastard what emptied my purse an' delivered me up to Teldra wi' a smile an' bow, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Just business, of course. And you have prospered, from what I can see.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_need_anything

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ c_19_tavernkeeper
~[C-AW01TK] You seem as aware as you usually are, Aran. I do hope the cooking experiments are more successful now?~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] I don't rightly hear no complaints.~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] You must be traveling with such polite companions, then. I feel sure that they will appreciate a well cooked meal from this fair establishment.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO c_anything_else

Link to comment

tested (except for the added dialog into government district and the interaction with Teldra's materials which are still in draft - tested those by setting the variables manually)


Edited for variable opening/closing loopholes, etc. I am not sure it is worth putting another filter state to run between to enable all of the dialog options the opportunity to immediately progress. Just like other variables, area vars do not set immediately, so going directly from one state to the next will not allow the global to increment. This means that fiolks might see the same "smalltalk" option displayed twice within the dialog if they choose to cycle responses entirely on smalltalk.


/* references; Gold & Glory, Tim Beech, TSR FR Supplements */
/* Tavern Keeper Orrin */

IF ~OR(2) PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1") PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2") OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEGIN a2437
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Any word on that work you were doing for me? I do hope you can come with Aran in tow. He is Guild, and I cannot pay off a contract without him present and in good healh. Teldra holds most of my business hostage. One bad word from her, and my entire clientele will go elsewhere.~
 ++ ~[PC] Not yet. I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472
 + ~PartyGoldGT(3000)~ + ~[PC] I am working on it. But I was thinking... I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I am working on it. But I was thinking... I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + a2453
 + ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg1")~ + ~[PC] I have the package. I just have not delivered it yet.~ + a2471
 + ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2")~ + ~[PC] I have delivered the package, but I think I want to renegotiate my fee before giving you the receipt...~ + a2470
 ++ ~[PC] What do you think - does this outfit match my hair?~ + a2468

IF ~PartyHasItem("c-awpkg2") Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BEGIN a2438
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, the package. My thanks to you for your assistance in this small matter. I feel sure that it was nothing for a person of your stature.~
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, it was quite difficult. So difficult, in fact, that I am going to have to request a greater reward.~ + a2492
 ++ ~[PC] It was nothing. I was glad to be of help.~ + a2493
 ++ ~[PC] Judging by the number of stupid 'take this packet and go from here to a random person, then return' errands I seem to attract, it seemed like a usual day of adventuring.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2495
 ++ ~[PC] Look, next time, handle your own parcel delivery. That was a large chunk of my life I just wasted playing fetch-and-carry.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2495
 ++ ~[PC] Hey, even Aran can't mess up a simple delivery.~ + a2493
 ++ ~[PC] What package?~ + a2494

IF ~OR(2) Global("c-arancontract","GLOBAL",9) Global("c-arancontract","GLOBAL",17)~ THEN BEGIN a2439
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Good tidings to you, <CHARNAME>. A word of concern... Teldra does not take kindly to those who break her contracts. She provides most of my business, as well as a good deal of protection. Stay away from her, please. Actually, the same applies to my humble personage.~
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2508
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I am doing business with you, not Teldra. Just show me what you have.~ + a2508
 + ~Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I am doing business with you, not Teldra. Just show me what you have.~ + a2507
 + ~Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I am here to take a look at your more select offerings. We had a deal, remember?~ + a2507
 ++ ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2509
 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + a2508

IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN a2440
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Good tidings to you. How might I be of assistance?~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  a2463
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 
 ++ ~[PC] Is there anything of interest that you might tell me? Interesting goings on, or work available?~ + a2453
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462   
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO a2499
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",1)~ THEN GOTO a2500
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",2)~ THEN GOTO a2501
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",3)~ THEN GOTO a2502
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",4)~ THEN GOTO a2503
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",5)~ THEN GOTO a2504
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ THEN GOTO a2505
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~ THEN GOTO a2506
 IF ~!InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1) Global("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO a2481
 IF ~!InParty("c-aran") Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",0) Global("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO a2480

IF ~~ a2441
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] No, nothing at all. Not much of interest.~
 ++ ~[PC] Are you just saying that, or is there really nothing to find here?~ + a2442
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know each other.~ + a2452
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] I suppose that everyone around here is just minding their own business and would not be paying any attention to rumors anyways, right?~ + a2469

IF ~~ a2442
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing, of course. Do you wish anything else?~
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Not right now.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] Oh, come on. You have not seen anything of interest around here at all?~ + a2469
 ++ ~[PC] Yes. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know eachother.~ + a2452
 ++ ~[PC] I would not mind a few free drinks, and perhaps some entertainment.~ + a2464

IF ~~ a2443
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, <SIRMAAM>. But somehow, no matter how grandly or decrepitly one dresses, the weight of your coinpurse is all that matters to me. Perhaps my <LADYLORD> would prefer the more usual offerings?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes, that will be fine.~ + a2472
 ++ ~[PC] What might you consider a weighty enough purse?~ + a2447
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2477
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  a2463
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2478
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 
 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. You seem like a very interesting man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know eachother. perhaps work out an alternate arrangement...~ + a2452

IF ~~ a2444
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] If I can assist you, please let me know what I may do to make you comfortable in this establishment.~
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  a2463
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your services, then.~ + a2472
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anyhing interesting happening?~ + a2453

IF ~~ a2445
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Now, is there anything I can get you?~
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anyhing interesting happening?~ + a2453
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2474
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + a2472
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2476
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  a2463
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2475

IF ~~ a2446
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Did you want anything else?~
 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + a2472
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No. I do not need anything right now.~ + a2478
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 ++ ~[PC] Can you tell me about how I might get freelance work in the area, or tell me about anyhing interesting happening?~ + a2453
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  a2463

IF ~~ a2447
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am afraid that falls into the old saying, 'if you have to ask, then you do not have enough'.~
 ++ ~[PC] Just show me your usual wares, then.~ + a2472
 ++ ~[PC] Has anyone ever told you that you have a supercilious attitude?~ + a2455
 ++ ~[PC] Hmmm. You seem like a very interetsing man. Perhaps we could share a drink, and get to know eachother. perhaps work out an alternate arrangement...~ + a2452
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] You mean my winning personality and minor notoriety are not enough?~ + a2465

IF ~~ a2448
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] This was mildy entertaining. A pair of dwarves visited a few days ago, attempting some expedition for some reason or other. Something about temples, and dead gods, and finding mithral. Unfortunately, they had a falling out, and left unhappy. Alive, but unhappy. I do not know where they went after that minor incident.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2443
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2451
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] No, I think I am done here.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2478
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] You don't happen to know where I could purchase some pure mithral, do you... I heard that you might have a private stock you are willing to sell.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2479
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] You don't happen to know where I could purchase some pure mithral, do you... I heard that you might have a private stock you are willing to sell.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ + a2473

IF ~~ a2449
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] There were some travelers seeking protection on their journeys to Trademeet here yesterday, but Teldra already set them up with assistance from one of the minor mercenary groups she represents. There could be others who are interested in such protections, I imagine.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2472
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Actually, I think I will be moving along.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2478
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] Do you say that to every customer?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2457
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2461 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2462  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ +  a2463
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2443
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ + a2451

IF ~~ a2450
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I have heard that the Copper Coronet has many opportunities for freelance work. I wish that I had the connections that establishment seems to have, for I could greatly increase my profit. Most of what Telrda offers is long term... which means she empties my bar as well as my ale supplies.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2451
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have the same greeting for me each time I meet you. Do you say that to every customer?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2457
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2461 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2462  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ + a2463

IF ~~ a2510
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I heard that the Blue Boars have begun recruiting for a campaign agains some young woman claiming to be a Bhaalspawn up Tethyr way. They say the Prophecies are coming to pass, but I am not so sure. I suspect it is all the usual subjects... trade rights, taxes, and who gets to control what.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2451
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have the same greeting for me each time I meet you. Do you say that to every customer?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2457
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2461 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2462  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",5)~ + a2463

IF ~~ a2451
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] ...Hmmm. To tell you the truth, I have heard little that could be of true interest to you.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have the same greeting for me each time I meet you. Do you say that to every customer?~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ + a2457
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ + a2461 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ + a2462  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ +  a2463
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478

IF ~~ a2452
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am flattered. I must decline.~
 ++ ~[PC] Fair enough. Just business then.~ + a2445
 ++ ~[PC] What, do you not find me atractive?~ + a2469
 ++ ~[PC] Do you have some policy against fratenization with potential customers?~ + a2469
 + ~Global("c-aransunekit","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Have you not felt the grace of Sune? Would you deny the warmth and comfort of friendly companionship, even if chaste?~ + a2469

IF ~~ a2453
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing of interest, <SIRMAAM>. Unless...~
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",0)~ THEN GOTO a2454
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ THEN GOTO a2448  
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",2)~ THEN GOTO a2449
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",3)~ THEN GOTO a2450
 IF ~Global("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ THEN GOTO a2510
 IF ~GlobalGT("c-araninfo","C-AR01",4)~ THEN GOTO a2451

IF ~~ a2454
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] If you are looking for work as a hired soldier, there is a mercenary recruiter wandering around collectong fools and madmen. Ask around for Teldra.~
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps I will do that. I might be back later.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2478
 + ~Global("c-aranemployment","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] I have already met her, thanks. Just show me what you have available.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2472
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2443
 ++ ~[PC] Are you sure there is nothing else of interest that you might tell me?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2451
 ++ ~[PC] I heard you were the right man to sell some goods to, no questions asked.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-araninfo","C-AR01",1)~ + a2479

IF ~~ a2455
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My dear <PRO_SIRMAAM>, you suprise me! Why, a certain mercenary named Whitehand has expressed just such sentiments. Though you pronounced the words with much clearer diction, and less colorful additions.~
 IF ~OR(3) !InParty("c-aran") !InMyArea("c-aran") StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN GOTO a2444
 IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN EXTERN C-ARANJ a2497

IF ~~ a2456
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do have a standard response, of course. I find it helps keep customers happy if I am civil, impartial, and dispassionate. It reduces the chances of someone taking offense.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ GOTO a2444

IF ~~ a2457
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Blacktalons are welcome here as equally as Solara's Elite. Every mercenary needs a place to go where the battles remain outside, and good stories can be told. If a rust monster from Mindulgulph Mercenaries wants to drink, I will give him a stoneware mug and ask he not drip on the other customers.~
 = ~I do draw a clear line, though. A contract is a contract, and I do not serve those who break their word. I have had a Blue Boar thrown out of The Broken Sword, and my word drummed him out of his corps and his noble title. Guid is Guild. You do not break your word to another, though tomorrow you may have to kill them if a contract requires it.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + a2445

IF ~~ a2458
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My drinks often receive compliments, but I rarely hear them giving commentary to my customers, complimentary or not. If you mean give you free access to my wares, I must decline.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ GOTO a2446

IF ~~ a2459 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Well, if it were your business, I might be pursuaded to answer. Since it is not, I will politely decline to respond.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2460 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Alas, my adventuring consisited of delving deep into a small set of ruins, and being poisoned by the very first trap I encountered. When my party revived me, I decided that support roles were much more my style.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2461 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Erika may be young, but she has spent much of that time fending off unwanted advances from inebriated mercenaries. I think that it would take a very special person to convince her to even attempt a minor flirtation.~
 + ~!Global("c-aransunekit","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] That explains it.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2446
 + ~Global("c-aransunekit","GLOBAL",1)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps the grace of Sune will warm her heart, and quell any fears about my interest.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2446
 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps I will just let her do her job, and not bother her.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2445
 ++ ~[PC] Ah. A conquest. I do like a challenge.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2445
 ++ ~[PC] Pity. She could find so much happiness with me.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2467
 + ~InPartyAllowDead("c-aran")~ + ~[PC] Perhaps she has a thing for Aran.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + a2466

IF ~~ a2462 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I might be able to find something to complain about, but then I would have to seek out someone who actually cared to listen. So, a polite "everything is going well" will have to suffice.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-pctavern","C-AR01",7)~ GOTO a2446 

/* repeatedly plays at GT(7) to signal that there is no more small-talk */
IF ~~ a2463 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I have it on good authority that it beats the alternative.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2464
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am sure the Copper Coronet could serve you better than I, then. Do come back when you wish fair services rendered for fair prices.~

/* Living Forgotten Realms stuff - not canon, but fun! */
IF ~~ a2465
 SAY ~[ARAN] I am afraid that if I granted such requests to every famous or notorious personage ever to grace my establishment, I would no longer be in business. Rustybeard Orcwall himself could not sway me, even if he brough half of the Vilhon Company with him.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2466
 SAY ~[ARAN] No, I think that is much more friendly teasing than romance. She has seen enough of Aran's... peculiarities.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2467
 SAY ~[ARAN] Undoubtably.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2468
 SAY ~[ARAN] I usually refrain from commenting on a customer's choice in fashion attire. Suprisingly, many mercenaries get a little touchy about the strangest things.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2469
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I believe that is what I indicated.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2470
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do not think negotiation is appropriate at this time. Aran is Guild. That means payoff or any discussion of that comes when he is healthy, present, and part of your team. That is all part of the contract.~

IF ~~ a2471
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Well I do hope you can finish that soon. I need that matter resolved.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2472
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, <SIRMAAM>.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("c-awtav1",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a2473
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Certainly, <SIRMAAM>. But if the Watch comes calling on me, rest assured the Guild will not take kindly to your interference.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("c-awtav2",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a2474
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Consider my establishment your home away from home, with the exception of the small matter of remaining fully clothed in all public areas at all times.~

IF ~~ a2475
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Enjoy your time here, then. Just remember, I have decent drinks, reasonable prices, and a low tolerance for shennanigans.~

IF ~~ a2476
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I wish you well, then. Be sure to think of The Broken Sword after your next successful campaign. We handle parties as large as a standard platoon.~

IF ~~ a2477
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I wish you well, then. Be sure to think of The Broken Sword after your next successful campaign. We handle parties as large as a standard platoon.~

IF ~~ a2478
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] A Pearl to you, and to your return visit.~

IF ~~ a2479
 SAY ~[ARAN] You heard incorrectly. Rather, to be more precise, you received incorrect indformation. Whether or not your hearing is impaired is something that I cannot judge.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2480
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I do have a lad who needs some work, if you are hiring. He is a bit rough around the edges, but he means well. Here, take one of his advertisements.~
 ++ ~[PC] I'll take a look at it later. Why are you helping him out?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2482
 ++ ~[PC] Actually, I am not interested right now. I wish to see your selection of services.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. Rumor has it that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. Rumor has it that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2443
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",0)~ + ~[PC] You seem a little stiff. Do you say the same thing to every customer?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2456
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",1)~ + ~[PC] You seem to have a wide variety of people here. Is that man over there really a Mindulgulph?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2457
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Perhaps you can lighten up a little, and give out a few complimentary drinks.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2458
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",3)~ + ~[PC] So, what is the deal with you and Teldra? Are you two... you know?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2459
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",4)~ + ~[PC] I have heard a rumor that you used to be an adventurer yourself.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2460
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",5)~ + ~[PC] Is Erika attached? She seems to be unreceptive to flirting.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2461 
 + ~Global("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How are things going around here?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2462  
 + ~GlobalGT("c-pctavern","C-AR01",6)~ + ~[PC] How is life?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2463
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I think I am done here.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2478

IF ~~ a2481
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I saw you talking to Teldra, but a copper piece is a copper piece. I do have a lad who needs some work, if you are hiring. He is a bit rough around the edges, but he means well.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] Sure, sure... but I am more interested in what you can do for me. I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] You have to be joking. He gives you a copper piece for each of these pieces of flimsy woodpulp you hand out? Is it really worth your time?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2482
 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ DO ~GiveItemCreate("c-alttr1",Player1,0,0,0) SetGlobal("c-orrinbroadside","C-AR01",1)~ + a2483

IF ~~ a2482 
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] At a copper per broadside given to a new customers, I will not gain much. Still, anything that provides a profit, no matter how small, is worth pursuing. In addition, he is running up quite a bar tab, and getting him employed might mean I get some return on my loans to him.~
 ++ ~[PC] So... you loan out money? Any chance I could get one of these loans?~ + a2484
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + a2483

IF ~~ a2483
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Where he always seems to be. Standing at the bar, with my ale running down his throat and my barmaid trading insults with him. Wait... no, he seems to have stepped to the back. Try the center room. There are usually some dice or card games progressing there.~

IF ~~ a2484
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] No, I am afraid I am not in a position to help you. I am sure there are others who can do so, but my own ventures have me stretched rather thin right now. Besides, twenty percent is more interest than most are willing to pay.~
 ++ ~[PC] I am still interested. Is there nothing I can do to pursuade you?~ + a2485
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + a2483

IF ~~ a2485
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Nothing can sway me, I assure you. I have already tied up any capital I might have. But I do hope you find Whitehand useful. Perhaps he will be able to repay me after some successful adventuring in your company.~
 ++ ~[PC] I wish to peruse your selection of services, if I may.~ + a2472
 + ~OR(2) PartyGoldGT(3000) Global("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2473
 + ~GlobalLT("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) PartyGoldLT(3001)~ + ~[PC] I have heard that a wealthy, well connected person might peruse some of the more... interesting wares?~ + a2443
 + ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2474
 + ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2475
 + ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2476
 + ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2477
 + ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] I wish nothing at this time.~ + a2478
 ++ ~[PC] So, where is this mercenary?~ + a2483

IF ~~ a2486
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My esteem, and of course permanent access to some of my grander wares, hidden from view of those with little coin. Perhaps even a single jewel, from among my minor wares. It is a small enough task, but as I must get this done immediately I am willing to be magnanimous.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2489

IF ~~ a2487
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Paperwork. The costs of doing business in this fair city do not rest solely with Linvale's tithes and the common bribes to Cowled Enforcers and the Flaming Fist goons. Unfortunately, legitimate businesses have the registry. And since my usual messenger has suddenly become available in a way not favorable to good business, of course the first punishment I receive is an audit.~
 ++ ~[PC] I think we can help you accomplish this.~ + a2490
 ++ ~[PC] No. I am not interested~ + a2491
 ++ ~[PC] Do you really expect me to believe you would send an entire adventuring party to deliver paperwork?~ + a2488  

IF ~~ a2488
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] With the problems and challenges facing this city, I am certain that I wish to ensure safe delivery. I have enough troubles with Linvale right now that I do not wish to antagonize anyone else. It is obvious that the audit I face is a punishment arranged for me, and I wish it to be over without delay or any hint of noncompliance. This is truly a simple delivery, for legitimate business. If you do not wish to help, I will pay the smae to the Flaming Fist to have the delivery made.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2489

IF ~~ a2489
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] So, will you accept this small task, and gain my esteem and admiration?~
 ++ ~[PC] Yes.~ + a2490
 ++ ~[PC] No.~ + a2491
 ++ ~[PC] Perhaps later.~ + a2491  

IF ~~ a2490
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I thank you, and my business thanks you.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",1) GiveItemCreate("c-awpkg1",Player1,0,0,0)~ GOTO a2446

IF ~~ a2491
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, I apologise for thinking you would entertain such a menial task. I am afraid the work is time sensitive, so I will find another who can accomplish it. No matter.~
 IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

IF ~~ a2492
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK]  I can but guess at the troubles that you faced in such an insurmountable task. I shall remain forever in your debt. But my rewards are not negotiable.~
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* pearl */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Ruby Ring */

IF ~~ a2493
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] My thanks for this. I shall remember your kindness, and of course reward your efforts.~
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* pearl */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Ruby Ring */

IF ~~ a2494
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Of course. Oh my... I seem to have just found a few gems lying about, lonely and unclaimed... I shall go over there and help some customers.~
 IF ~RandomNum(3,3)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("MISC36",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* pearl */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,2)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("AMUL05",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Studded Necklace with Zios Gems */
 IF ~RandomNum(3,1)~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItem("c-awpkg2") SetGlobal("c-awtavkquest","C-AR01",2) GiveItemCreate("RING19",Player1,0,0,0)~ EXTERN C-ARANJ a2496 /* Ruby Ring */

IF ~~ a2507
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] This is awkward. I do not ordinarily serve those who break contracts. Teldra is my biggest source of income, and she has indicated she feels you have broken your word. Ordinarily, I would simply refuse to serve you.~
 = ~[C-AW01TK] Unfortunately, I did make a contract with you, if only a paltry one. And I do not break my word. So, grudgingly, I will honor my cotract.~
 IF ~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("c-awtav2",LastTalkedToBy())~ EXIT

IF ~~ a2508
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] Ah, I  must not have made myself clear. Teldra contracts mercenaries. Therefore, mercenaries come here, and they spend coin. They trade for gems and jewelry. They talk to eachother, and they drink. If Teldra goes away, most of my business follows her.~
 = ~[C-AW01TK] In addition, I have a reputation to maintain. I serve Blue Boar and Blacktalon equally, under the bond that says 'a contract is a contract - nothing personal'. That only works when everyone knows there si a single golden rule... don't break a contract.~
 = ~[C-AW01TK] So, I am afraid that you have become persona non grata here. I am sure you can find another establishment to frequent. Do have a nice day.~

IF ~~ a2509
 SAY ~[C-AW01TK] I am sure you can find some place more suited to your kind. Your abrupt departure would be appreciated.~

END /* of APPEND to C-AW01TK */

~[C-ARAN] Now, to be fair, there have been a few o' these what turned out to be true adventures, eh? Just not this one.~
== CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] ~
== JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] ~
== KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] ~
== KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] ~
== VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] ~
== AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] ~
== MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] ~
== EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] ~
== ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] ~
== YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] ~
== JANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] ~
== IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] ~
== VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] ~
== HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] ~
== NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Look at it this way: perhaps it is just the gods' way of telling you that there are far more people who need assistance in minor ways than in major ways, yes?~ // naliaj 133 rewrite
== MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] ~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] You do seem to be a talkative lot. No matter. I appreciate your attention to this small matter.~

~[C-ARAN] I should have guessed Orrin would be payin' off usin' stock. His business has not been that solid dlately, on account o' all h' hirin' out. Everyone comes in tradin' for coin, then spendin' it on gear an' such elsewhere.~
== CERNDJ IF ~InParty("Cernd") InMyArea("Cernd") !StateCheck("Cernd",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[CERND] ~
== EDWINJ IF ~InParty("Edwin") InMyArea("Edwin") !StateCheck("Edwin",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[EDWIN] ~
== HAERDAJ IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] ~
== JAHEIRAJ IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] ~
== JANJ IF ~InParty("Jan") InMyArea("Jan") !StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAN] ~
== KELDORJ IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] ~
== KORGANJ IF ~InParty("Korgan") InMyArea("Korgan") !StateCheck("Korgan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KORGAN] ~
== MAZZYJ IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] ~
== MINSCJ IF ~InParty("Minsc") InMyArea("Minsc") !StateCheck("Minsc",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MINSC] ~
== NALIAJ IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] It's not a matter of what he has to offer, but what we should offer his kind. I am sure he simply does not have the resources to give more.~ // naliaj 32 rewrite
== VALYGARJ IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] ~
== VICONIJ IF ~InParty("Viconia") InMyArea("Viconia") !StateCheck("Viconia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VICONIA] ~
== YOSHJ IF ~InParty("Yoshimo") InMyArea("Yoshimo") !StateCheck("Yoshimo",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[YOSHIMO] ~
== IMOEN2J IF ~InParty("Imoen2") InMyArea("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[IMOEN] ~
== AERIEJ IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] ~
== ANOMENJ IF ~InParty("Anomen") InMyArea("Anomen") !StateCheck("Anomen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ANOMEN] ~
++ ~[PC] Well, a simple quest gets a simple reward.~ EXIT
++ ~[PC] Orrin owes me access to his best items now. A quick favor, with a good return on the investment.~ EXIT
++ ~[PC] The standard letdown. I drag myself around Faerun doing odd little favors here and there, for little or no reward. I need a drink.~ EXIT
++ ~[PC] Perhaps I shall teach Orrin a lesson. No one turns me into a messenger and then drops a paltry gem an vague promises. I expecyed hard, cold coin, and a good deal of it.~ EXIT
++ ~[PC] Coin and a few gems, for walking back and forth with a package? I was lucky to get a coin or two for fetching Hull's sword for him back in candlekeep. I think I have come up in the world.~ EXIT

~[ARAN] I did no such thing, you stuck-up ol' bugger!~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Really? Ah, you are correct, of course. You could not spell 'supercilious', let alone say it. My error,  do so apologise.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] No worries. It is tough for you, after all, stuck in this place all day, wi' no hope o' adventure. Makes a sorry life, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] I shall endeavor to live vicariously through your heroic efforts, of course. By the way, you still have not made your latest payment...~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, blighted... right. I will get that to you by th' end o' th' tenday.~

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2498
~[C-AW01TK] You have Whitehand along, which makes it unlikely you would successfully make it past two orcs and a kobold. Do I need to say more?~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Grumbar's Clay Fists, that be right mean! I say bugger off, you blighted ol' jackass!~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Now, now... it was a jest. Seriously, I hesitated to suggest the menial messenger task, but I need to get this done immediately. And despite our verbal acrimony, Whitehand can be trusted. therefore, you probably can be trusted.~

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2499
~[C-AW01TK] Perhaps you are looking to settle Whitehand's accounts? ~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",1)~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now, I done settled wi' you clean an' fair, Orrin. Don't be playin' any games wi' my employers, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Why, so you did. Well, you can't blame me for trying, of course. It is all part of the job.~

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2500
~[C-AW01TK] I see that you have been unable to remove Aran's presence from your company. Perhaps I can interest you in a wide assortment of mercenary-be-gone amulets?~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",2)~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, funny, you jewel of a man. Just remember who knows what an' how, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Of course. I do so enjoy our little sparring, Whitehand.~

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2501
~[C-AW01TK] By now, I am sure the esteemed mercenary Whitehand has appraised you of my interest in any jewels or jewelry that you might come across in your travels...~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",3)~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Actually, you told me to keep my fat mouth shut, an' I did. So who be th' blabbermouth now, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] My, I am astounded. Well, no matter. I am a collector, of course. So if anything does happen to cross your path, I would be very interested.~
IF ~~ THEN GOTO a2445

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2502
~[C-AW01TK] I see that you have not yet succumbed to the inevitable death and destruction inherent in your profession, Aran.~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",4)~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Well, I wouldn't exactly say that, now. But it be true I haven't taken up no permanent job pushin' up flowers from underneath, so to speak.~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] It is a blessing and a pearl that you have not yet been torn from our presence and sent along the Great Wheel.~

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2503
~[C-AW01TK] And Aran, I do have a letter for you. One straight from Waterdeep, I might add. It is yours for only four iron crescents.~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",5)~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Right, then. It came paid, on account o' she never sends anythin' unpaid. But here be a crescent for your troubles.~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Why, so it did. It must have slipped my mind. Your letter, sir. Do you require my literary services to decrypt the contents? I am not sure that you can actually read.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Funny, there. On account o' you had me run up two sets o' books for you, an' get that contract work all squared away. But you'd forget your arse, if it weren't stuck right on your face permanent-like.~

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2504
~[C-AW01TK] Ah, <CHARNAME>... well met. Aran, given our longstanding friendship and good relations...~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",6)~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Cut the bullshit an' stop lyin' through your nose, you soddy ol' bastard. What do you be wantin'?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] As gracefully eloquent as ever, I see. Actually, I would say this is so meager a request that only you need to be present, but perhaps your adventuring party might enjoy a small walk in the fresh air.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Your regular messenger get sick?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] In a manner of speaking. Apparently he developed sticky palms, and Linvale had them cured.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Right nice o' him. Do we now call th' lad Righty, or Lefty?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] I am afraid we call him Dusty.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Oh, now, that changes things a mite. Nothin' like goin' straight to the heart o' the matter.~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] In this case, I am afraid Linvale felt this was a matter of head rather than heart.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Nothin' messes up your day more than losin' your head, that be for sure. So, you need somethin' delivered?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Yes, and I am ashamed to say it is even a legitimate delivery, one to the Government District. A small package, delivered to Corneil at the Council Building.~
++ ~[PC] What is the reward?~ EXTERN C-AW01TK a2486
++ ~[PC] I suppose there will be trouble, and we will get into a fight, and nothing will be as it appears...~ EXTERN C-AW01TK a2498
++ ~[PC] This is a small enough task. I think we can help you.~ EXTERN C-AW01TK a2490
++ ~[PC] No thank you. I have had my fill of wandering Faerun as an itinerant errand<PRO_BOYGIRL>.~ EXTERN C-AW01TK a2491
++ ~[PC] What is in the package?~ + a2487

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2505
~[C-AW01TK] And Aran, you look as... distinctive, I would say, as the day I met you.~
DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantavern","C-AR01",7)~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] An' you are th' same ol' slick bastard what emptied my purse an' delivered me up to Teldra wi' a smile an' bow, eh?~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] Just business, of course. And you have prospered, from what I can see.~

CHAIN ~C-AW01TK~ a2506
~[C-AW01TK] You seem as aware as you usually are, Aran. I do hope the cooking experiments are more successful now?~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] I don't rightly hear no complaints.~
== C-AW01TK ~[C-AW01TK] You must be traveling with such polite companions, then. I feel sure that they will appreciate a well cooked meal from this fair establishment.~

Link to comment

Right now, the 6th time talking to Orrin with Aran in the party will result in him offering the quest. Still needs:

small downpayment for reward

cleanup of adding on to gov't district

teldra's rebuilt dialog and quest basics

Link to comment

Nope - I opened the doors before taking the screenshot :cringe:


When closed, they still have those missing tiles. I am tinkering with replicating the containers and re-adding them with the new


/* new area added */ 

/* delete original travel trigger */
COPY_EXISTING c-ar01.are override
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_delete = 1 // give me feedback
fj_delete_mode = 0 // (#25 in NI, but count starts at 0 not one...)
fj_structure_type = region
fj_type = 2 // travel

COPY_EXISTING c-ar01.are override
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_loc_x	   = 1170
fj_loc_y	   = 910
fj_orientation = 7 
fj_structure_type = entrance
fj_name  = Trancar01
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_type		 = 2	// travel
fj_box_left	 = 1165
fj_box_top	  = 879
fj_box_right	= 1297
fj_box_bottom   = 984
fj_cursor_idx   = 34   // wheel
fj_alt_x = 1231
fj_alt_y = 931
fj_structure_type   = region
fj_name = Tran0700
fj_destination_area = ar0700
fj_destination_name = Exitc-ar01
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_loc_x		  = 897
fj_loc_y		  = 934
fj_orientation	= 15	 // SSE
fj_structure_type = actor
fj_name	= c-aw01tk
fj_cre_resref = c-aw01tk
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_loc_x		  = 597
fj_loc_y		  = 516
fj_orientation	= 11   // NEE
fj_structure_type = actor
fj_name = c-aw01w1
fj_cre_resref	 = c-aw01w1
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_loc_x		  = 367
fj_loc_y		  = 729
fj_orientation	= 15	 // SSE
fj_structure_type = actor
fj_name = c-aw01p2
fj_cre_resref  = c-aw01p2
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_loc_x		  = 478
fj_loc_y		  = 528
fj_orientation	= 15	 // SSE
fj_structure_type = actor
fj_name = c-aw01p1
fj_cre_resref  = c-aw01p1
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_loc_x		  = 713
fj_loc_y		  = 398
fj_dest_x		 = 1128
fj_dest_y		 = 926
fj_orientation	= 15	 //  SSE
fj_structure_type = actor
fj_name = c-aw01p3
fj_cre_resref  = c-aw01p3


because I am interested in learning (and because instead of adding or changing stuff out by editing an area manually or scripting in changes, I can play with contents and containers by manipulating .tp2 code - no editor needed).

Link to comment

COPY_EXISTING c-ar01.are override
 LPF fj_are_structure

COPY_EXISTING c-ar01.are override
 LPF fj_are_structure

Needn't copy an area twice tae mess with it, as I said to Lollorian. Just COPY it once and LPF fj_are_structure as many structures as ye need tae mess with.


Eh... tho' my advice be: mess with *none*. Area structure messin' be the death of ye. 'T'was nearly the death of Aurora... well, that an' *BAMs*. Dun mess with them, wha'ever ye do. Nae BAMs at all in yer mod, if ye be a smart 'un.


My advice be jes publish the damn thing already. There be wearse v0.1 NPC mods, nae mistake 'boot that.


Eh, whatcha talkin' 'boot messin' with tilesets anyhoo - dinnae think that wear possible...

Link to comment

I was deleting in the first LPF, adding back in the second - still need only one run?


EDIT: duh... I bet you mean I could do


COPY_EXISTING c-ar01.are override
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_delete = 1 // give me feedback
fj_delete_mode = 0 // (#25 in NI, but count starts at 0 not one...)
fj_structure_type = region
fj_type = 2 // travel
 LPF fj_are_structure
fj_loc_x	   = 1170
fj_loc_y	   = 910
fj_orientation = 7
fj_structure_type = entrance
fj_name  = Trancar01

because the LPF reloads each time from default settings, and therefore it is only necessary to change to a "delete this" on the one call...


I will check it out!


No custom .BAM work, unless you are volunteering, Miloch - I am using existing vanilla resources and tweaking them. Plus, he is not a "custom item" kind of guy. I'd rather leverage all the cool new animations, etc. out there becaue of your work then recreate the wheel, for no real gain, and concentrate on dialog!


I wish I could get an alpha release out, but I still have some seriously large holes, including a whole set of things that have


IF ~~ a3470

but I am much more hopeful now that there is a (semi) working area, it successfully patches into AR0700, and I can just put Aran in there instead of tryiong to find a free spot to spawn in a BWP install. Now to find someone who can try the testarea mod on/in an existing BWP (unbiff'd), to see what breaks...


Hey, does anything out there add new entrances/exits/infopoints to AR0700? I couldn't find anything on a search of main files, but if something does, I'd like to check whether I am still patching the right infopoint into a travel region.

Link to comment
I was deleting in the first LPF, adding back in the second - still need only one run?


EDIT: duh... I bet you mean I could do

COPY_EXISTING c-ar01.are override


Eh, yeah... but why use the function on *your* areas at all? If you need to add something to your area, just do it with DLTCEP. Much easier and quicker.
Hey, does anything out there add new entrances/exits/infopoints to AR0700? I couldn't find anything on a search of main files, but if something does, I'd like to check whether I am still patching the right infopoint into a travel region.
From the looks of it on my BWP install, CtB or SOS or something adds some catacombs under it or something? Dunno much about it - might wanna ask on the megamod forums.
Link to comment

Cool - I will take a look and ask around over in those forums.


I am playing with the LPF so I can edit the items/containers/etc. on the fly, changing what I want during testing.


Re-integration of the Big Valley "fight", now for males and females

/* Fight or Flight, otherwise known as The Big Valley, PC initiated in C-AR01 */

/* added to all PIDs except Underdark
+ ~AreaCheck("C-AR01")~ + ~(Have a bar patron try to pick a fight with Aran.)~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",1)~

/* in area script


IF ~RandomNum(3,3) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN c_after_fight_one
  SAY ~[C-TORAN] Hey, don't poke me... I don't want any trouble.~

IF ~RandomNum(3,2) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN c_after_fight_two
  SAY ~[C-TORAN] Worst deal I even made. I'll move over here, out of the way.~

IF ~RandomNum(3,1) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN BEGIN c_after_fight_three
  SAY ~[C-TORAN] No problem here. I  will keep my mouth shut.~

IF ~RandomNum(3,3) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN c_before_fight_one
  SAY ~[C-TORAN] Just drinking my wages, same as always.~

IF ~RandomNum(3,2) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN c_before_fight_two
  SAY ~[C-TORAN] Every time I get a contract finished, I say I am going to quit and invest the money. Then I come here, and all I invest in is more drink.~

IF ~RandomNum(3,1) Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN BEGIN c_before_fight_three
  SAY ~[C-TORAN] Too many contracts for guard duty. It starts to eat at you, standing there for hours, watching a wall. Makes a man want to drink.~

END // of append

CHAIN IF WEIGHT #-1 ~Global("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN C-TORAN c_fight_continued_5
~[TORAN] The <PRO_MANWOMAN> here tells me you used to serve with the pukes that call themselves the Flaming Fist.~
DO ~SeGlobal("c-arantoran","GLOBAL",2)~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Now then, you are a big strappin' boy, you are. I might have. What be your problem wi' th 'Fist?~
== C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] The cowardly crabs got into my business.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] What business was that?~
== C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] None of yours. You talk like a 'Fist, asking lots of questions.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Always pokin' my nose in, that be me.~
== C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] I don't like you.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] That be your perogative, now, don't it.~
== C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] I think you look like a drow-loving orc that has been used too many times in a pleasure pit.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] An' I be thinkin' that you are a mite bit slow, an' perhaps a bit drunk. So run along, laddie, an' you an' me, we'll ignore each other, eh?~
== C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] The Fist is a bunch of cowardly orc-loving bastards, and it is a pity every last one of them wasn't killed when the Iron Throne took over. They should have screamed their last breaths on the torturer's wheel, instead of throwing their lives away protecting vermin.~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] Bugger off.~
== C-TORAN ~[C-TORAN] I said you are a coward, an orc-loving drow-screwing piece of filth who needs to be cleaned up by his mommy. Now what are you gonna do about it?~
== C-ARANJ ~[ARAN] (The motion is almost too quick to follow, but the spray of coppery blood across the wall is easy to trace. The unconscious body on the floor is breathing red bubbles, but is still alive.)~
== C-ARANJ ~[C-TORAN] I'm right sorry, I am. I done spilled some o' my drink on that poor boy's head. Well, I suppose it might wash some o' th' blood away, anyways. Bartender, a refill, eh? an' one for my fine friend here, too. What did that little 'entertainment' set you back, <CHARNAME>?~
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] What are you talking about? That drunk accosted me, and pawed at me. I told him you were with the 'Fist to get him off of my back! I expected you to protect my honor.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_fight_continued_8
++ ~[PC] 2 gold for the attack, 5 gold for learning what words to say to you.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_fight_continued_7
++ ~[PC] You disappoint me. I thought you would fight like a man, and take your time killing him piece by piece.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_fight_continued_6
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] Not enough, apparently. A girl can only do so much. It might be more fun if you were the one provoking, and sending them to me to be sliced and diced. You just keep refusing to do that.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_fight_continued_6
+ ~Gender(Player1,FEMALE)~ + ~[PC] I brought you a present. A strong young buck, all ready to be clobbered. I like watching your muscles ripple as you manhandle someone. It is... exciting.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_fight_continued_8
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] You looked like you needed a good fight to clear your head. You moved too quickly, though. I thought it would last longer.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_fight_continued_8
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Impressive. I wanted to see exactly how much control you have outside of the battlefield.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_fight_continued_9
+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] Why did you wait so long? I would have punched him much earlier.~ EXTERN C-ARANJ c_fight_continued_9


IF ~~ c_fight_continued_6
  SAY ~[ARAN] That might be your idea o' 'fun', <CHARNAME>, but not mine. I don't see no sport in goadin' drunks to their death, when they be no more threat than a fly 'til they get their wings torn off. To each their own, I suppose.~

IF ~~ c_fight_continued_7
  SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, thought as much. Next time, don't be given too much coachin', eh? Th' giveaway was that a man what can't take a dump wi' out lookin' up how to say 'grunt' said somethin' like 'screamed out their last breaths'. Boys like him, they got two words... 'drink', an' 'screw'. Wi' him, I'm not sure he'd know what th' second was nohow.~

IF ~~ c_fight_continued_8
  SAY ~[ARAN] Well, no real harm done. Th' lad was probably lookin' for a good solid barfight to let off some steam. He got what he had comin' to him. Thing is, I don't rightly think we want that level o' attention right now. Mayhap next time, things will be a little easier, an' we can have a good rough 'n tumble. But tonight, I figured it be a bad idea.~

IF ~~ c_fight_continued_9
  SAY ~[ARAN] I can control myself right fine when push comes to shove. I get that way on account o' I don't want to start somethin' unless it be necessary. Once it be started, I have to finish it. I learned that th' hard way up in Targos, talkin' bigger than I could fight. Took three weeks, an' more than a few healin' potions.~

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