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IA v6 Final

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If I ever get to a no-reload run without using exploits, will definitely make an exception and use an infinite gold exploit just to pay for the reputation loss immediately after turning Valygar to the authorities.


Edit: I think that geh4th can have far better advices on a party composition for a IA newbie. My experience with the mod is 3 days only.


My input about party compositions in IA v6.


1) You want to have a Riskbreaker. It's not required but the class is so overpowered you can hardly skip it. It's one of Sikret's pet projects and he's made the mod assuming one will be in the group.


2) As we ALL know, Sikret has a love affair with Valygar. Many of the later encounters are very specifically designed under the assumption that Valygar is present, because his ability "Racial Combat" is needed to defeat them. It's possible to win without him but the difficulty is greatly increased (and if you were a paying member asking Sikret for help, his response to trouble would be "go get Valygar in your party.")


3) A Sorcerer is very useful, for the reasons Saros pointed out: spell availability. Of course, spell selection is very important. In improved Anvil many spells are gone and/or replaced, many remaining existing spells are useless, and only a few are really useful.


4) What you DON'T want or need: Bards or Thieves. Bards because of the nerfing we've already discussed, but to recap...


-loss of spells above 5th level

-their special armor doesn't give the permanent alacrity any more (that needed to go)

-much slower level progression, similar to mages now

-Bard songs aren't useful at all

-no combat benefits at all. They're a liability in combat, much like thieves. Anything that doesn't have multiple attacks-per-round had better bring VERY strong non-combat abilities to the table or the character slot is wasted on them.



Other pointers:




As mentioned, they're totally unnecessary.


-The experience gains from traps and locks has been severely nerfed.

-No traps or locks are nasty enough to REQUIRE a thief be present to disarm them. Just have someone trip the trap, or use the Knock spell (an excellent 2nd level choice for your sorcerer!)

-Backstabbing is pretty useless. It doesn't affect most enemies that Sikret has designed. Most of them detect invisibility automatically anyhow.

-Pickpocketing has been nerfed. I never experimented with it in v6, but according to reports you can no longer get really nice goodies.

-Just forget about moving silently/hide in shadows (i.e. scouting). It doesn't work well at all.

-like Bards, thieves simply offer nothing useful in combat. A single APR is a terrible liability in a game that is so melee-oriented.


Now, late in the v6 design stages Sikret himself took an interest in trying to make the Swashbuckler a viable class. He added in a bunch of new swashbuckler item upgrades and some HLA's, and then ran a test group himself to try to prove that the class would work. He failed utterly, by his own admission; the group was terribly hampered by the Swashie and he would have been FAR better off with another pure melee basher.





Well, at least one is highly suggested if nothing else for the Grand poo-bah of all spells: Greater Restoration. Nothing else really matters, although divine buffs are very useful.


I always preferred a Ranger-7/Cleric dual-class to get some useful weapon/melee abilities (extra 1/2 attack per round, ability to specialize, and the all-powerful Ironskin spell.) Anomen is "meh" because he doesn't have Ironskin and will get his butt kicked constantly.

And just forget about using any single-class cleric.




IA v6 is heavily Auramaster-oriented, but it's not required. Sikret put a lot of effort into trying to make the Auramaster a viable alternative to any type of "real" cleric. He improved their spells and especially HLA's to give them more effective late-game abilities. It still takes a lot of effort to play one (I never tried).


I did have a lot of fun with a dual-class Beserker-9/Druid, but you can forget about any othe type of single or multiclass druid. They're too weak to be useful. (Adios, Jaheira.)




Besides Riskbreaker and Valygar, IA is designed most for Beserkers and Barbarians. Paladins have the overwhelming liability of being turned (as detailed before) and simply don't add enough to make them worth the effort. Trust me, I tried. The only tactic that worked with a Paladin was to avoid enemy clerics and have other party members lure enemies to the paladin. Otherwise you're playing certain tough battles missing a party member. Turning paladins is the worst idea Sikret ever came up with.


Of course, if you want a melee-type protagonist, there's only ONE way to go in Improved Anvil: the all-powerful Vagrant. (Sikret's ultimate kiss-kiss-love-love class.)




I mentioned the usefulness of Sorcerers. Necromancers are very powerful but only if he's the protagonist (non-protagonist Necromancers miss out on all the cool items and will never get the spell Recast Vital Energy.) Forget all other single-class mages otherwise, too weak to help.


Forget illusionists altogether: most illusion spells are removed (project image, simulacrum, etc) or nerfed badly because enemies simply ignore their effects. Nearly all NEW spells are necromancies, specifically so that illusionists can't use them.


(Note: This is a specific effort by Sikret to eliminate what he considered to be cheesy play by Kerkes and others who favored Fighter/Illusionists.)



Non-Human and multiclass characters:


Not really useful any more. Most vanilla racial abilities are nerfed or eliminated. Why be a non-human when humans are pretty much just as good and can dual-class?


The "little people" lose their save bonuses for constitution, replaced by a pathetic flat +1 save bonus. So Dwarves - who can't be mages - now lose their primary characteristic, a strong resistance to magic. Ditto Halflings.


You can have a dwarf barbarian or berserker, but what is the point? You're losing a point of DEX by being a dwarf, so you really need to like dwarves to want to do it.


Elves simply don't give anything useful over humans in my mind. The Con penalty makes Elven Vagrants pointless and actually unable to use at least one Vagrant item upgrade (req. 19 Con).


Non-humans can multi-class, but Sikret considers multiclass characters cheesy so he's taken steps to prevent them from being as useful later in the game. HLA's are pushed back and many of the better HLA's are not available to multiclass characters.


The "Favored" non-human is the half-orc: no penalties (other than Charisma) and still have their strength + constitution bonuses. The best option for the single-class Berserker or Barbarian. Just don't have one as your protagonist. Speaking of which:



In Improved Anvil, you literally have only two choices for protagonist: Vagrant or Necromancer. If you use ANY other class, you're missing out on a large part of the mod's content, not to mention making it far more difficult on yourself.


These are Sikret's favorite classes, and if you don't play Sikret's way, he thinks you shouldn't play at all.


The party composition that I preferred in my IA v6 tests.


(Keep in mind that Sikret dictated testing party compositions, but this is the one I liked the most. There really isn't much wiggle-room, either. Most successful parties are going to end up pretty darned close to this.)



-Necromancer Protagonist. Note: Make sure he's "good aligned". (silly...a good using necromancies and animating the dead??)


-Riskbreaker. Has to be Human. Designed to dual-wield.


-Valygar. Too many perks, ZERO penalties. Designed to dual-wield.


-Some sort of Cleric or Auramaster. You need a healer. If a Cleric, you almost HAVE to go with a dual-class fighter/cleric or ranger/cleric. R/C preferable due to spell selections and free dual-wielding. If you prefer Grand-Mastery over dual-wield, go F/C dual (but remember you don't get the all-powerful ironskin spell.)


-Sorcerer. This is for additional mage firepower and ESPECIALLY SUMMONING. Many of the better summoning spells are simply not available to a scroll-needing mage (Necro) until WAY late in SoA. The sorcerer is really valuable as the party's primary summoner. And you can't play IA if you don't summon TONS of cannon fodder.


-Member 6 HAS to be another tank/melee type. Barbarian, Berserker, or (gah!) Paladin (if you're into pain.) You might be able to get by with a multiclass fighter here, but be advised that late game they're weaker than a single class. This slot MUST be capable of high APR fighting. I did prefer dual-class fighter/mage here, usually a Beserker/Mage. I like having someone with spell protections and stoneskins for damage sponging.

This guy also is practically required to be a two-handed weapons user, or else you won't have anyone capable of using them.




Now if you want to play the other alternative - a Vagrant Protagonist - then just switch out the Necromancer with another mage type (likely a dualled Berserker/Mage) and Make member 6 the Vagrant. This preserves the same general composition regarding tanks and mages.


Either way, the goal is to have enough TANKS in the group to survive intense melee combat. My best mix:


3 (ideally 4) tanks (one or two might be dual, to cover a mage and cleric need)

1 divine user, often dual-class (you don't have the space for the luxury of more)

2 to 3 mages (one might be dual class)

ZERO thieves.




There's really no room for traditional NPC's in this group excepting Valygar. If you like banter, romance, or back-story, Improved Anvil is NOT the mod for you. There's no place for any of that silly stuff in IA (so sayeth the wise Sikret.)


(Edit: added notations about who dual-wields and the lone 2-handed weapons user.)


Regarding the necessity of having Valygar...here's his details. (Someone might have posted this already.)


This is Sikret's new "protector" class, which Valgar is switched to. It will help explain why he's so needed as a party member. As you can see, he functions as a backup healer as well as an uber-powered melee tank.


Improved Anvil V6

Protector Kit Description



PROTECTOR: Protectors are dedicated defenders of people and nature. They usually take residence

close to people who are in need of help, but they are also always prepared to travel when the

cause is fighting evil. While being great warriors, they can also learn and cast more spells than

other rangers. Protectors have such a strong affinity with mother nature that they never wear

armors greater than the studded leather. This self-imposed limitation has been compensated with

mental and physical abilities. A protector sacrifices a portion of his own health and stamina to

start learning the special protective methods and abilities of his kit.



- +1 bonus to Armor class for every 6 levels.

- Can memorize 2 additional spells per spell level.

- Has access to two special 3rd level spells (Great Berries & Mental Equilibrium).

- Gains "Cure Serious Wounds" at levels 7, 11 and 15.

- Gains "Mass Cure" at levels 10 and 16.

- Gains "Racial Combat" at level 19.




- May not wear armor greater than studded leather

- Incurs a -1 penalty to constitution

- Cannot dual class

- Requires 10 Intelligence and Charisma.


Racial Combat:


Once per day, the protector can use this powerful innate ability to be prepared for fighting a

special race of his or her choice. The ability will grant useful bonuses against enemies of the

selected race, but will also make the protector subject to penalties against other races. The

effects (bonuses and penalties alike) won't be dispellable and will remain active for 2 turns.


The detailed bonuses and penalties are as follows:


1- Prepared for Demon:

1-1) +4 to hit and damage bonus vs. demons

1-2) -4 to hit and damage penalty vs. other races

1-3) Immunity to Demon Fear


2- Prepared for Dragon:

2-1) +2 to hit and damage vs. dragons

2-2) -4 to hit and damage penalty vs. other races

2-3) Immunity to Dragon Fear

2-4) Immunity to Greater Silence


3- Prepared for Golem:

3-1) +4 to hit and damage bonus vs. golems

3-2) -4 to hit and damage penalty vs. other races

3-3) +4 AC bonus vs. blunt weapons

3-4) -4 AC penalty vs. other weapon types

3-5) +2 bonus to critical hit modifier

3-6) Immunity to Golem Slow


4- Prepared for Lich:

4-1) +4 to hit and damage bonus vs. liches

4-2) -4 to hit and damage penalty vs. other races

4-3) Immunity to Grave Silence


5- Prepared for Mind Flayer:

5-1) +4 to hit and damage bonus vs. Mind Flayers

5-2) -4 to hit and damage penalty vs. other races

5-3) +4 AC bonus vs. blunt weapons

5-4) -4 AC penalty vs. other weapon types


6- Prepared for Skeleton:

6-1) +4 to hit and damage bonus vs. skeleton (lords, warlords, grandlords)

6-2) -4 to hit and damage penalty vs. other races

6-3) +4 AC bonus vs. slashing weapons

6-4) -4 AC penalty vs. other weapon types


7- Prepared for Spider:

7-1) +4 to hit and damage bonus vs. Spiders

7-2) -4 to hit and damage penalty vs. other races

7-3) -4 AC penalty vs. all weapon types except piercing

7-4) Immunity to Improved Web, Vortex Web and web


8- Prepared for Vampire:

8-1) +2 to hit and damage bonus vs. vampires

8-2) -6 to hit and damage penalty vs. other races

8-3) -6 AC penalty vs. all weapon types except blunt

8-4) Immunity to level drain.


Because of the Armor restrictions, you want any protector you have to be Valygar. Why? Special items, of course. Valygar's items:


Corthala Family Armor

Shadow dragon Armor

Protector of the Second

Aeger's Hide

Scroll of Protection from Fire (blue)

Scroll of Protection From Magic Energy

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> Improved Corthala Family Armor




Immunity to Charm and Confusion

+50% Resistance to fire, acid and magic damage

Armor Class: -1

Usable By:



Corthala Family Blade

Corthala Family Scabbard

A +3 Katana

Adjatha The Drinker +2

Malakar +2

Two Demon Hearts

Three Golden Star Garnet gems

75,000 gp


-> Corthala Family True Blade +5


AC: +2 Bonus against all weapon types

Immunity to Fear

Each successful hit heals the wielder for 2 hit points and has 20% chance

to heal for 10 additional hit points.

THAC0: +5 bonus

Damage: 1D10 + 5

Usable By:



Thanks for a detailed post. I've often thought about using an Auramaster but the problem is whom to cast out for one. I can't imagine a game without 3 melee, 1 sorcerer, 1 mage and 1 cleric. Druids just can't compete with GR, sorcerers are mandatory early on and a mage later on, and IA is so heavily melee oriented that less than 3 strong warriors is a near suicide. This seems to be one of IA's weaknesses I think.


Here is the Auramaster. What this document does NOT cover is the HLA selections, which Sikret beefed up considerably. I remember 3 of them in varying detail:


1) A summons spell that gives you a "Similodon" (sabre-toothed tiger) that is really fast, tough, and can't be killed with a death spell. "Normal" druids get this one, too.


2) A form of Greater Restoration that affects only one target, but still an improvement over "Heal" at 6th level. It can be selected multiple times.


3) Very late in the testing stage, right about the time I had my fight with Hitler...er, Baronius...Auramasters got some sort of heavy hitting direct damage spell as an HLA. Someone who's got that new download can Shadowkeeper an Auramaster to high level, take this ability, and post what it does.


And now....the mighty Auramaster.


Improved Anvil V6

Auramaster_Kit Description



AURAMASTER: Auramasters can use the magical aura and energy spread and floating in the nature and

to weave and cast spells faster and more frequently than ordinary spellcasters. They also can

cast spells which are not available to other druids. The new spells are duplicates of a few

wizard spells as well as some entirely new spells.




1- +2 bonus to casting speed

2- Immunity to silence.

3- Can memorize one additional spell per spell level.

4- Access to additional spells as follows (the asterisked spells are new):


Additional first level spell: Burning hands

Additional second level spell: Mirror Image

Additional third level spell: Fire Arrow

Additional fourth level spell: Emotion

Additional fifth level spell: Protection From Acid

Additional sixth level spells: Chain Lightining, Death Spell, Unleash Energy*

Additional seventh level spells: Aura Cleansing*, Perfect Camouflage*, Ruby Ray Of Reversal


5- At level 13, gains 40% resistance to magic damage.

6- At level 15, Gains the innate ability "Contact with Nature". This ability can be used once per

day to regenerate 24 hp per round for 10 rounds. While in contact with nature, the auramaster

is also immune to petrification and imprisonment.

7- At level 22, gains the innate ability, Aura of invulnerability, which acts as a shield of

energy, absorbing 40% of all physical damage as well as granting +6 bonus to AC for 12 rounds.

The ability can be used but once per day.





1- Cannot wear any armour

2- Cannot shape shift

3- Receives a -4 penalty to Strength

4- Receives a -4 penalty to constitution

5- Requires 12 Intelligence

6- Cannot dual class

7- Does NOT gain the ordinary druidic immunity to poison (at level 15) and partial resistance to

elemental damage (at level 18)


Descriptions of new spells:


Unleash Energy:


Level: 6

School: Evocation

Casting Time: 6

Area of Effect: One target

Range: Caster's visual sight

Saving Throw: None


This powerful spell unleashes an outstanding bolt of energy which inflicts 10d8 points of magic

damage to a single target.



Aura Cleansing:


It is the same as the mage HLA, Improved Alacrity.



Perfect Camouflage(Abjuration)

Level: 7

Range: 0

Duration: 20 rounds

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: None


Casting this powerful spell makes the Auramaster druid invisible and immune to all divination

spells for the duration of the spell. If the druid attacks or casts offensive spells during this

period of time, he or she will become partially visible and will be subject to physical attack,

but no spell can be directly cast on him or her. Note that this spell doesn't make the caster

immune to those spells which affect an area instead of an individual target. Since Auramasters

cast spells more quickly than other spellcasters, the effective casting time of this spell is 3.

A successful remove magic can dispel the effects of this spell.


The all-powerful Riskbreaker.


Improved Anvil V6

Riskbreaker Kit description



RISKBREAKER: Riskbreakers are masters of simultaneous speed and accuracy. They have the ability to move and attack enemies in a way that only a blurred outline of their bodies can be seen. Riskbreakers have limited access to two mage spells as innate abilities. High level Riskbreakers gain unique abilities to break the risk involved in most difficult battles. The trainings required to become a riskbreaker are very demanding and require the riskbreaker to sacrifice a portion of his health and stamina during the process. Only Humans can be Riskbreakers.



- +2 Bonus to save vs. Breath Weapon.

- Makes critical hits at a roll of 17 or better (instead of the usual 20).

- Gains "Blur" every 5 levels.

- +2 bonus to Armor class for every 6 levels.

- Gains "Improved Haste" at levels 11, 16 and 21.

- Once the Riskbreaker reaches level 15, each of his successful hits will have 15% chance to apply a random effect picked from the following pool: "Hard Hit" on target (applies 10D6 +5 additional damage), "Risk Increment" on target (applies -4 penalty to AC for 2 rounds), "Avert Risk" (heals the Riskbreaker for 20 hp).

- Gains the ability "Chain Breaker Stance" at levels 17 and 23.

- Gains the innate ability "Risk Decrement" at levels 18, 24 and 30.


Chain Breaker Stance:

This ability applies the following effects to the caster for 5 rounds:

- +25% resistance to physical damage

- 25 strength

- Regenerating 12 hp per round


Risk Decrement:

When surrounded by lots of enemies and when most other warriors may fall or surrender in despair, a high level riskbreaker is more than capable to break the risk involved in the toughest situations.


Risk Decrement has the following effects:

- Heals the riskbreaker completely.

- Applies a massive attack to all enemies around the riskbreaker inflicting 8D10 crushing damage with no saving throw.

- Has a good chance to throw back all or some of the enemies.



- Cannot wear any armor.

- Cannot wear any helmet (other than Ioun stones).

- Cannot use gauntlets and shields.

- Cannot use ranged weapons.

- Cannot specialize in two handed weapons.

- Cannot be proficient in single weapon and Two handed weapon styles.

- Receives a -2 Penalty to constitution.

- Is immune to "Spirit Armor" and "Barkskin" spells.

- Requires 12 Intelligence.

- Cannot dual class.


Vagrants aren't changed too much from v5. Why mess with something that's already better than any other class, anyhow? Aside from Valygar and the occasional dual-classed R/C, no other Ranger need apply.


Edit: If I remember right, the big change is that in v6 Vagrants can now Grand-Master in axes. As if THAT was needed...



Improved Anvil V6

Vagrant_Kit Description



VAGRANT: Vagrants do not stay in a place for long. They spend most of their time exploring new

wilderness areas and enjoying the beauties of nature. Woodlands and lakes are the most

favorite places for vagrants. They are very healthy characters with exceptional stamina.

Vagrants can develop a special kind of friendship with swanmays. Swanmays are very rare

and special kind of lycanthrope rangers living at lakesides in woodlands and in remote

temperate wetlands. High level vagrants can call for swanmays' help.




1- +1 bonus to Constitution

2- Immunity to disease and poison

3- +2 bonus to save vs. Paralyze/Death

4- 15% resistance to elemental damage for every 6 levels of experience

5- Can gain grand mastery in using axes

6- Gains the ability to summon Swanmay at levels 13 and 16

7- Gains the ability to summon Greater Swanmay at levels 19 and 22

8- Gains the ability to summon 'Swanmay Queen' at level 25

The swanmays will loyally fight at the vagrant's side for 20 rounds




1- May not wear armor greater than studded leather

2- Cannot specialize in ranged weapons

3- Requires 12 Charisma

4- Cannot dual class



1- Cannot wear any armour

2- Cannot shape shift

3- Receives a -4 penalty to Strength

4- Receives a -4 penalty to constitution

5- Requires 12 Intelligence

6- Cannot dual class

7- Does NOT gain the ordinary druidic immunity to poison (at level 15) and partial resistance to

elemental damage (at level 18)

1. As Shapeshifter.

2. No for wolves and bears. Boohoo.

3 & 4. Reduction of max of damn ability which isn't needed for this class.

5. Yay for buffing Intelligencje to 12, without matter how much you really rolled.

6. Well, here's penalty!

7. In comparison (40% magic damage resistance at 13th) and Incredible Regeneration spell at 15th. :cringe: Don't mention other stuff.


Damn, I worked so hard to balance my kits and it's just sad to see those. -,-


Yes, Vagrant protagonists along with the equipment they can get are stupidly overpowered compared to most other classes. I soloed the 2nd Judgment Day encounter with my Vagrant after all my other party members perma died. And I was NOT trying to solo it, it was more like: "Hells! Oh I'll just give this a try, see how long I can last solo." I constantly had 85% damage reduction and around 230 hp, with JD in main hand relying on off hand hits from FoDW to kill all those golems and Wishes from JD to refresh HLAs/fill hp. I was shocked when I killed the demon prince (or whatever title he had).


Auramaster's new HLAs:


Animal Summoning V: Summons a pre-historic Smilodon. Duration 20 rounds. Casting time 5. Cannot be killed by Death Spell or Death fog. Just as a side pre-historic note, Smilodons (which are indeed one subtype of the sabertooth tigers) died in the evolution struggle as species BECAUSE their large teeth were actually making them ineffective hunters, while their brethren the tigers survived.


Natural Restoral: Casting time 3, doesn't require touch, acts as 6th level Heal spell.


And the last ability: Fist of Nature: Calls a disembodied hand (much like Bigby's Clenched Fist or Crushing Hand), which deals 4d10 crushing damage to a single target. This is the only one druidic spell affecting Rakshasas (and also inflicts triple damage on them). Rakshasas are immune to spells up to lvl 8, and to all 9-lvl spell inflicting non-plysical damage. Which means that from the arcane spells, the only ones affecting Rakshasas are Bigby's Crushing hand (tried it in IA 5.0, and was a little disappointed :cringe: too little dmg), and Comet (which now inficts only Crushing damage).


As I remember the IA 5.0 discussion about a year ago, there were numerous posts on the uselessness of an Auramaster in the last fight - EDE - which is a rakshasa + golem battle (although all agreed that an auramaster is immensely helpful throughout the game). Just another invention of Sikret to make use of his pet classes.


Edit: Just tried the new Monster Summoning IV spell, which is a 6-th lvl spell. Immensely powerful. Calls Sikret's improved Minotaurs. Three of those, with proper guidance, and some buff/heal support took care of a large group of improved spiders.

Just tried the new Monster Summoning IV spell, which is a 6-th lvl spell. Immensely powerful. Calls Sikret's improved Minotaurs. Three of those, with proper guidance, and some buff/heal support took care of a large group of improved spiders.


Actually, the one that summons the minotaurs is Monster Summoning V (but you're right, it's 6th level). Most players would find that 6th level spells are at quite a premium and you'll need them for more than mere minotaur summoning. I hardly EVER used this spell.


Monster Summoning VI (7th level) summons a Salamander. Since Ruby Ray is the life blood of Improved Anvil, there's not much room for this one either. Besides, I preferred Mordy's Swords in most situations.


Monster Summoning VII (8th level) summons an "Elite Troll", a very useful spell considering that there's not too many other useful 8th level spells any more. My Necromancer typically had mostly this spell memorized for 8th level slots.


Monster Summoning VIII (9th level) summons a Greater Yuan-ti. These are extremely strong melee creatures. Of course, with all of the HLA type spells including Wish and Recast Vital Energy, there's little reason to "waste" a spell slot with a mere MS VIII spell.


Sorcerers, on the other hand, can put any or all of these to very good use. In my opinion this is their primary function (along with being a Ruby Ray battery.) I had a Sorcerer that had MS VI and MS VII - and used them repeatedly. MS VIII might also be a good 9th level choice, but not until some other "more important" selections are made first. An early Sorcerer of mine had MS V but I decided I liked other spells better.


Might as well post the rest of it.


This is the Item Upgrade list from Improved Anvil, at least as of the date of my beta copy. (Some things might have changed since.)


I find it laughably pathetic that Sikret insists that this sort of thing is his idea, when even the FORMAT of this document is nearly identical to Weimer's Item Upgrades. And yet he gives zero credit to Weimer in any of the Improved Anvil documentation...but won't miss an opportunity to accuse someone else of stealing an idea or failing to credit him for an idea (that he most likely didn't create anyhow).


Improved Anvil mod for BG2 & TOB



Author: Sikret


This file will give you information about all new items and their required components.




Note: Some of the upgrade ingredients you will see below are brand new items added by this mod to

the game. These new components are rare and hard-to-attain. Think well before deciding to use any

of them, because there is no guarantee that you will find them soon again during the game.




Three Rings of Protection +1

30,000 gp


-> Ring of Protection +2


Two Rings of Protection +2

A Rogue Stone

60,000 gp


-> Ring of Protection +3


Two Rings of Protection +3

Two Rogue Stones

90,000 gp


-> Ring of Protection +4


Ring of Gaxx

Ring of Protection +4

Ring of Regeneration

The lost Scroll of Protection From Magic

120,000 gp


-> Improved Ring of Gaxx


Armor Class: +5 Bonus

Saving Throws: +5 Bonus

Magic Resistance: +20% Bonus

Equipped Abilities: Wearer regenerates 1 hit point every 2 seconds

Special Use: Invisibility, once per day

Improved Haste, three times per day

Not Usable By:

Wizard Slayer


Protagonist is a single class mage or sorcerer

Robe of the Apprenti

Robe of Vecna

Two Cloaks of Protection +1

Scroll of Spirit Armor

Three scrolls of Memory Boosting

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> Memory of the Apprenti


1) AC: -1

2) +2 Bonus to Casting Speed.

3) +20% Magic Resistance

4) +2 Bonus to all saving throws

5) Wearer can memorize Three additional spells per spell level


Usable by:

Mage (single class)


Pride of the Legion

Red dragon scale armor

Full plate +2 (acquired through limited wish)

20,000 gp (Crom)

40,000 gp (Cespy)


-> Enhanced Pride of the Legion +4


Armor Class: -3

Fire Resistance: +50%

Weight: 30

Requires: 8 Strength and 17 Charisma

Usable By:



Mail of the Dead


Ashen Scales

Crimson Chain

30,000 Gold


-> Supreme Chain Mail +6


Armor Class: -1

+20% Resistance to Fire

Weight: 7

Requires: 8 Strength


Armor of the Hart


Two non-magical full plate mails

Two piles of Adamantine dust

Scroll of Protection from Normal Missiles

Scroll of Improved Mantle

Permanency Scroll

75,000 Gold


-> Huskar Lord's Armor +5


Armor Class: -4

Absolute immunity to missiles.

Weight: 90

Requires: 17 Strength


Human Flesh armor

Silver dragon's eggs

Powdered Body of Dracolich

Five potions of Defense (not created by Alchemy)

Five potions of Regeneration

Permanency Scroll

40,000 Gold


-> Improved Human Flesh


Armor Class: 0

Saving Throws: +4 bonus

Magic Resistance: +20% bonus

Regeneration: 2hp per round


Jansen Adventure Wear

Robe of the Neutral Archmagi

Five Potions of Defense (not created by Alchemy)

Potion of Magic Protection

Scroll of Memory Boosting

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> Jansen Adventure Wear (Enhanced)


Base AC: 0

AC vs. missiles: -5

25% resistance to physical damage

Magic Resistance: +55%

Saving Throws: +1 bonus

Jan can memorize one additional spell per spell level.

Usable by: Jan


Shadow Armor

The Night's Gift

Armor of Deep Night

three Horn Coral Gems

Spirit Armor scroll

Potion of Perception (not created by Alchemy)

Permanency Scroll

30,000 gp


-> Spirit of the Night


Armor Class: 1

+55% bonus to hide in shadows

Usable by:



Corthala Family Armor

Shadow dragon Armor

Protector of the Second

Aeger's Hide

Scroll of Protection from Fire (blue)

Scroll of Protection From Magic Energy

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> Improved Corthala Family Armor




Immunity to Charm and Confusion

+50% Resistance to fire, acid and magic damage

Armor Class: -1

Usable By:



Two +1 flails

Two Emeralds

5,000 gp


-> Flail +2


Flail +2

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15,000 gp


-> Flail +3


Protagonist is a single class ranger

Defender of Easthaven

Gnasher club

Two +3 Flails

six Diamonds

Ten Mithril Tokens

150,000 gp


-> Flail of Defending and Wounding +5


+15% Resistance to damage taken from all weapon types.

+2 AC bonus


THAC0: +5

Damage: 1D6 +6 (crushing)

Special ability:

One round after a successful hit, the weapon starts to inflict five points

of bleeding (Piercing) damage per round for 10 rounds (save vs. wands).

This is cumulative with additional successful hits.

Proficiency type: Flail

Usable by:

Ranger (single class)


Cloak of the High Forest

Cloak of Balduran

Two cloaks of Protection +1

Scroll of Memory Boosting

50,000 gp


-> Master of the High Forest


Armor Class: +4 bonus

Saving Throw: +4 bonus

Magic Resistance: +25%

Cernd can memorize one additional 6th and one additional 7th level spells


Corthala Family Blade

Corthala Family Scabbard

A +3 Katana

Adjatha The Drinker +2

Malakar +2

Two Demon Hearts

Three Golden Star Garnet gems

75,000 gp


-> Corthala Family True Blade +5


AC: +2 Bonus against all weapon types

Immunity to Fear

Each successful hit heals the wielder for 2 hit points and has 20% chance

to heal for 10 additional hit points.

THAC0: +5 bonus

Damage: 1D10 + 5

Usable By:



Sword of Arvoreen

Arbane's Sword

A +3 Short Sword

Maze Sigil

A scroll of Greater Malison

Two scrolls of Enchanted Weapon

Three scrolls of Free action (clerical spell)

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> True Sword of Arvoreen +4


Target must save vs. wand with a -4 penalty or be slowed for 5 rounds.

Wielder of the sword is immune to slow and hold effects.

THAC0: +4 bonus

Damage: 1D6 +4

Usable By:



De'Arnise Signet Ring

Ring of Fire Resistance

Ring of Protection +3

Ring of Acuity

Two Scrolls of Memory Boosting

75,000 gp


-> De'Arnise Signet Ring (Enhanced)


AC: +3 bonus

Saving throws: +3 bonus

Fire resistance: +90%

Nalia can memorize two additional spells per spell level



Delryn Family Shield

Shield of the Lost

Shield of Harmony

Powdered Body Of Dracolich

75,000 gp


-> Delryn Family Legacy +4


AC Bonus : +5, +8 vs. missiles

Resistance to Acid, Fire and Cold: + 40%

Resistance to missile damage: +50%

Immunity to Charm, Confusion, Domination and Hold Person

Magic Resistance: +10%


Carsomyr +5

Holy Scabbard

48-sided Garnet

Three Star Sapphire gems

50,000 gp

(Cromwell only)


-> Holy Avenger +5


+50% Magic Resistance

+5 damage to chaotic evil opponents in addition to other bonuses.

whenever the sword strikes an opponent, there is a 5% chance to

remove all of the target's (temporary) protections.

THAC0: +5 bonus

Damage: 1D12 + 5

Usable By:



Protagonist is a good aligned single-class warrior

Judgement Day Essence (Barbarian half)

Judgement Day Essence (Mage half)

Blood of a Demon Lord

Manual of Elaboration

Permanency Scroll

The long sword, Angurvadal +4

Scrolls of Spell Trigger, Black Blade of Disaster and Wish

250,000 gp


-> Judgement Day +5


Immunity to Fear, Charm, Confusion and Backstab.

+2 Bonus to Strength

+30 Max hp while equipped

+20% Resistance to Crushing, Slashing, piercing and missile damage.

10% chance to heal the wielder for 40 points (with each successful hit).

40% chance to trigger a random beneficial mage spell. The total 40%

probability is distributed as follows:

Blur: 3%

Mirror Image: 5%

Stoneskin: 5%

Oracle: 4%

Lower Resistance (on target): 5%

Improved Haste: 3%

Protection from Magical Weapons: 5%

Globe of invulnerability: 4%

Spell turning: 2%

Protection from Energy: 2%

Wish: 2%


THAC0: +5 bonus

Damage: 2D8 + 5

Proficiency Type: Long Sword

Requires: 17 strength

Usable By:

Good aligned warriors (Single Class)


Staff of Fire +2

Martial Staff +3

Club of Detonation +3

Scroll of Protection from Fire (Blue)

Scroll of Protection from Fire (green)

Scroll of Tenser's Transformation

Permanency Scroll

60,000 gp


-> Noble Staff of Fire +4


+75% Resistance to Fire.

Tenser's Transformation: Once per day.

THAC0: +4

Damage: 1D6 +4

Slays Fire Elementals (no save)

10% chance to inflict 6D6 fire damage on each successful hit.

Usable By:



Staff of Air +2

Staff of Rynn

Storm Star +3

scroll of Protection from Electricity (blue)

scroll of Protection from Electricity (green)

scroll of Tenser's Transformation

scroll of Chain lightning

Permanency Scroll

60,000 gp


-> Noble Staff of Air +4


Absolute immunity to electricity.

Tenser's Transformation: Once per day.

THAC0: +4

Damage: 1D6 +4

Slays Air Elementals (no save)

5% chance to inflict 6D6 electrical damage on each successful hit.

5% chance to trigger Chain Lightning on enemies.

Usable By:



Noble Staff of Fire +4

Noble Staff of Air +4

Manual of Elaboration

100,000 gp


-> Royal Elemental Staff +5


100% Resistance to Fire and Electricity.

Tenser's Transformation: Twice per day.

THAC0: +5

Damage: 2D6 +5

Slays Fire and Air Elementals (no save)

10% chance to inflict 6D6 fire damage on each successful hit.

5% Chance to inflict 6D6 electrical damage on each successful hit.

5% chance to trigger Chain Lightning on enemies.

Usable By:



Dragon's bane

Dragon's breath


shadow dragon's tooth

Red dragon's blood

Manual of Elaboration

200,000 gp


-> Dragon Lord +5 (Halberd)


Immunity to Fear, Wing Buffet and unconsciousness.

Immunity to Red Dragon's breath.

Immunity to 'Dragon's Breath' spell

100% Fire Resistance.

Regenerates 1hp per round.

THAC0: +5 bonus

Damage: 1D10 + 5, +10 vs. dragons.

10% chance to fire a red dragon breath on each successful hit damaging

only the wielder's enemies.

20% chance to inflict 10 points of additional Acid damage and 10 points

of additional Fire damage.



Chaos Blade

Demon Heart

Maze Sigil

Manual of Elaboration

75,000 gp


-> Greater Entropy +5


Equipped ability:

+2 Dexterity bonus.


Damage: 1D6 +5

Combat abilities:

One point of poison damage per second for 6 seconds (save vs. poison)

20% chance to apply Rigid Thinking on the target with each successful

hit (save vs. wands)

Usable By:




Symbol of Amaunator

Black Blood of Orcus

Powdered Body of Dracolich

Five scrolls of Protection From Level Drain

Scroll of Disrupt Undead

Permanency Scroll

Manual of Elaboration

100,000 gp


-> Hesperus +5


Immunity to Level Drain

THAC0: +5

Damage: 1D8 +5, Triple damage against the undead

With each successful hit there is a 10% chance to disrupt undead (as per

the 7th level spell).

Proficiency Type: Long sword

Usable By: Warriors (single class)

Not Usable By: Evil characters or Beast Master


Worn Out Boots

Scroll of Haste

Permanency Scroll

50,000 gp


-> Boots of Speed


Boots of the Woodland

Two Pairs of Boots of Speed

Three Scrolls of Improved Haste

Permanency Scroll

125,000 gp

(Can be forged but only once)


-> Boots of The Ranger Lord


Grants Improved Haste

Usable By:



Crom Faeyr

Borok's Fist


Celestial Fury

Usuno's Blade

Eight chunks of amber

Two green scrolls of Protection From Electricity

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> Hammer of Thor +5


grants 25 Strength

kills Stone/Clay/Bone/Sand Golems

100% Resistance to Electricity

With each successful hit there is a 10% chance to inflict (10D10 +30)

points of electrical damage to the target.


THAC0: +5 bonus

Damage: 3D4 + 6


Stonefire +3

Volcanic Ore

60,000 gp


-> Volcano +5


+25% Resistance to Fire.

Thaco: +5

Damage: 1D8 +5

Damage Type: Slashing

Special ability:

10% Chance (per hit) to inflict 8D10 fire damage.

Proficiency Type: Axe


Girdle of Hill Giant Strength

Girdle of Fortitude

Golden girdle

Girdle of Bluntness

Girdle of Piercing

60,000 gp


-> Girdle of Lordly Might


+3 Bonus to Strength and Armor Class

+20 Max hp while equipped


Not Usable By:

Wizard Slayer


Jester's Chain

Melodic Chain

Bladesinger Chain +4

Two Scrolls of Memory Boosting

Permanency Scroll

Manual of Elaboration

75,000 gp


-> Eternal Melody +5


AC: 0

+2 additional spells per spell level.

Usable by:



Kaligun's Amulet of Magic Resistance

Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance

Two Amulets of Protection

Periapt of Proof Against Poison

60,000 gp


-> Talisman of greater protection


Armor Class Bonus: +2

Saving Throw Bonus: +2

Magic Resistance Bonus: +15%

Immunity to poison

Not Usable By:

Wizard Slayer


Warblade +4


Two +3 two handed swords

Manual of Elaboration

50,000 gp


-> Warlord's Blade +5


Immunity to Charm and Confusion

An additional ability of your choice

THAC0: +5

Damage: D12 +5

The additional abilities you can choose among are these:

1- Magic Resistance: +20%

2- AC Bonus: +3

3- 10% resistance to damage taken from all weapon types

4- Bonuses to attributes (+2 bonus to strength and dexterity)

5- Miscellaneous immunties: Immunity to backstab, Fear and poison

6- Regeneration: 3 hp per round

==========================================================================36 - 41

Staff of the High Forest

Maze Sigil

Potion of Fortitude

Permanency Scroll

Manual of Elaboration

40,000 gp


-> Oak of the High Forest


Regeneration: 6 hit points per round

Immunity to Imprisonment

+10 bonus to max hp

THAC0: +4 bonus

Damage: 1D6 + 4

Usable By: Cernd


Boots of The Ranger Lord

Gauntlets of Dexterity

Gloves of Missile Snaring

Boots of Avoidance

50,000 gp


-> Improved Boots of The Ranger Lord


Permanent Improved Haste

Dexterity: +3 bonus

Armor Class: +7 bonus vs. missiles

Requires 15 Dexterity

Usable By:



Two +1 Daggers

One Diamond

5,000 gp


-> Dagger +2


Dagger +2

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15,000 gp


-> Dagger +3


Two +3 Daggers

Neb's Nasty Cutter

Three Diamonds

Manual of Elaboration

75,000 gp


-> Guildmaster's Dream +4


THAC0: +4

Damage: D4 +4

+1 Bonus to backstab multiplier

Immunity to Poison

1 points of additional poison damage per round for 4 rounds (save vs. poison)

Assassination: Once per day

Usable by:



Guildmaster's Dream +4

Dagger of the Star +4

Four Diamonds

150,000 gp


-> Grandfather of Assassins +5


THAC0: +5

Damage: D4 +5

+1 Bonus to backstab multiplier

Immunity to Poison

1 point of poison damage per round for 5 rounds (save vs. poison)

10% chance to make the wielder go invisible after each hit.

Assassination: Thrice per day

Usable by:



Fire Opal Ring

Scroll of Summon Djinni

Permanency Scroll

15,000 gp


-> Ring of Djinni Summoning


Ring of Djinni Summoning

Ring of Air Control

Efreeti Bottle

Air Library Note

Manual of Elaboration

60,000 gp


-> Ring of Greater Djinni Summoning


Summons a greater djinni for 30 rounds once per day.


Iron Horn of Valhalla

A pile of Adamantine dust

Two king's Tears

Two Diamonds

10,000 gp


-> Adamantite Horn of Valhalla


Summons an eleventh level berserker warrior for 10 rounds.


Fortress Shield +3

Darksteel Shield +4

Saving Grace +3

Dragon Scale Shield

90,000 gp


-> Supreme Shelter +6


AC Bonus: +7, +10 vs. missiles

+35% resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity and Fire


The Root of the Problem

Blackblood club +2

Scroll of Strength spell

Permanency Scroll

50,000 gp


-> Treefolk's Arm +3 (Based on an idea suggested By Baronius)


+1 bonus to Strength

THAC0: +3, +5 vs. unnatural creatures

Damage: D6 +3, +5 vs. unnatural creatures

Special damage: 10% chance to inflict 20 Acid damage per hit

Usable By:




Mage Robe of Cold Resistance

Mage Robe of Fire Resistance

Mage robe of Electric Resistance

Boots of Grounding

Boots of the North

A (blue) Scroll of protection From Fire

Permanency Scroll

80,000 gp


-> Mage Robe of Elemental Resistance


Permanent Protection From the Elements (as per the 7th level spell):

+75% Resistance to Fire, Cold and Electricity


Halberd +2

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15,000 gp


-> Halberd +3


Halberd +4: Wave

Halberd +3

Halberd +2, Duskblade

Battle Axe +3: Frostreaver

Aquamarine, Pearl and Water Opal gems

Scroll of Protection from Cold (green)

Permanency Scroll

150,000 gp



-> Poseidon's Wrath +5


100% Resistance to Cold

Immunity to Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting spell

THAC0: +5

Damage: D10 +5

+5 Cold damage per hit

30% chance (per hit) to inflict 30 points of additional cold damage

Slays: Fire Elementals, Efreeti, Salamanders (no save)

Proficiency Type: Halberd

Damage Type: Piercing


Dusty Rose Ioun Stone

Pale Green Ioun Stone

Pearly White Ioun Stone

Three Ziose gems

Three Iol gems

20,000 gp


-> Indigo Ioun Stone


Regenerate 2 HPs per round

+10% bonus HPs

Armor Class Bonus: +1

THACO bonus: +1


Dragon Helm

Helmet of Defense

Three Fire Agate gems

40,000 gp


-> Improved Dragon Helm


Saving Throws: +1 bonus

Electrical resistance: 45%

Cold resistance: 45%

Fire resistance: 45%

Special: Protects Against Critical Hits

Not Usable By:











Bastard sword +2

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15,000 gp


-> Bastard Sword +3


Jhor the Bleeder

Bastard Sword +3

48-sided Garnet

50,000 gp


-> Death of A Thousand Cuts +4


Combat Abilities: One round after each successful hit, the target

begins to take 4 extra points of slashing damage every round for

five rounds (save vs. Death).

THAC0: +4 bonus

Damage: 2D4 + 4

Damage type: slashing

Proficiency Type: Bastard sword

Usable By:

Warriors (not multi-class)


Two +1 halberds

One Emerald

10,000 gp


-> Halberd +2



Lock of cloud giant's beard

A non-magical girdle

Three potions of cloud giant strength

Three skydrop gems

Permanency Scroll

30,000 gp


-> Girdle of Cloud giant strength


Strength: Set to 23



Circlet of the woods

Magical flower seeds

Scroll of Memory Boosting

100,000 gp


-> Circlet of Golden Flowers


Equipped abilities:


+1 Bonus to casting speed

One additional 6th level and one additional 7th level spell per day

+2 Bonus to Wisdom and Charisma

Protection against critical hits


Special ability:


critical Mass Cure: Once per day


Usable By:




Master of Disciplines

Magical Flower Seeds

Two Amulets of Protection

Three Bluestone Necklaces

75,000 gp


-> Grandmaster of Flowers


Armor Class: +2

Charisma: +1

Magic Resistance: +10%

Resistance to Physical damage: +10%


Usable By:




Gauntlets of Crushing

The Hand of Dace

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise

Eight Chrysoberyl gems

80,000 gp


-> Gauntlets of Devastating


THAC0: +5 bonus when attacking with fists

Damage: +6 bonus when attacking with fists


Not Usable By:



Wizard Slayer



Club +3

Scales of a White Dragon

Ice Library Note

A Wand of Frost

An Aquamarine gem

50,000 gp


-> Rimed Club +4


+50% Resistance to Cold


THAc0: +4

Damage: D6 +4


With each successful hit there is a 5% chance to inflict 10d6 additional cold damage.

Not Usable By:




Silver Sword

Sword of Chaos +2

Three +3 two-handed swords

Manual of Elaboration

Four Diamonds

100,000 gp


-> Diamond Sword +4


Combat Abilities:


25% chance each hit that target must make a saving throw vs death (-2 penalty) or die.

Each hit drains two hit points from the target and transfers them to the wielder. This will not heal beyond the wielder's maximum.


THAC0: +4 bonus

Damage: 1D12 +4



Two handed Sword +2

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15,000 gp


-> Two handed sword +3



Ankheg Plate Mail

Gorgon Plate +4

Tabitha's Hide

Three Bloodstone gems

Three Fire Agate Gems

50,000 gp


-> Improved Ankheg Plate Mail


Armor Class: -2

+25% Resistance to Acid, cold, Electricity and Fire

No Usable By:










Magical Blossoms

Manual of Elaboration

50,000 gp


-> Nature's Gift (potion)


Once Consumed, grants 250,000 experience points permanently.


Usable By:




Ring of Danger Sense

Ring of Lock Picks

Gloves of Pick Pocketing

Ring of Protection +1

Two Rogue Stones

30,000 gp


-> Ring of Burglary (requested By Usually Lurking)


+25% Detect Traps

+25% Pick Locks

+20% Pick Pocket

+1 Bonus to AC & all saves


Usable By:




Three +1 Bucklers

Three Rogue Stones

Three Emeralds

Three Aquamarine Gems

20,000 gp


-> Buckler +3


Armor Class Bonus: 4

Special: No Missile/Piercing Attack Protection



Unusable By:







Two Cloaks of Protection +1

Laeral's Tear Necklace

30,000 gp


-> Cloak of Protection +2



Two Cloaks Of Protection +2

Two Laeral's Tear Necklaces

60,000 gp

(Cromwell only)


-> Cloak of Protection +3



Morning Star +2

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15,000 gp


-> Morning Star +3


Two +3 Morning Stars

Mauler's Arm +2

Three Potions of Storm Giant Strength

Permanency Scroll

60,000 gp


-> Phosphorus +4


Strength: Set to 24


Damage: 2D4 +4

Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar

Not Usable By:






Rod of Smiting

QuarterStaff +3

Cleric's Staff +3

Scroll of Greater Malison

Three scrolls of Ray of Fragmentation

Permanency Scroll

Manual Of Elaboration

150,000 gp


-> Golem Slayer +5


25% resistance to crushing damage



Slays Flesh, Stone, Clay, Iron, and Adamantite golems (save vs. death with -4 penalty)

THAC0: +5

Damage: D8 +5


Triple damage against golems

15% chance per hit to fragmentize the target (as per the 4th level spell)

Usable By:

Mage (Single Class)



QuarterStaff +2

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15000 gp


-> quarterstaff +3



Elven Ancestors' Legacy

Manual of Elaboration

Two King's Tears

Protagonist is a Fighter/Mage/Cleric

50000 gp


-> Elven Ancient Expertise (Potion)


Grants 750,000 permanent experience points.


Usable By:




Long Sword +2

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15000 gp


-> Long Sword +3



Protagonist is a druid

Helm of Charm Protection

Six Scrolls of Chaotic Commands

Essence of Chaos

Permanency Scroll

20000 gp


-> Helm of Clarity


Armor Class Bonus: None


Protects Against Critical Hits

Wearer is immune to charm and confusion

Usable By:




Flasher Launcher

Light Crossbow of Speed

Two Scrolls of Melf's Acid Arrow

Scroll of Death Fog

Permanency Scroll

40,000 gp


-> Improved Flasher Launcher (Requested By smr49)


Special Abilities:

One extra attack per round

Once per day, creates Improved Flasher Mates




THAC0: +3 bonus

Weight: 10

Speed Factor: 0

Proficiency Type: Crossbow

Type: 2-handed

Usable By:

Jan Jansen



Cutthroat +4

Kundane +2

Short Sword +3

Long Sword +3

Four Diamonds

Four Bloodstone gems

75,000 gp


-> Cutthroat +5


Equipped ability:

+1 Bonus to Dexterity


THACO: +5 bonus

Damage: 1D6 +5

Damage type: piercing

Special Damage:

15% Chance to inflict 1D6 additional slashing damage

Speed Factor: 0

Proficiency Type: Short Sword

Not Usable By:






Black Spider Figurine

Spider Queen's Eggs

Manual of Elaboration

60,000 gp


-> Golden Spider Figurine


Summons a Noble Spider for 30 rounds once per day



Golden Cat Figurine

Six Scrolls of Free Action

Scroll of Wish

Permanency Scroll

80,000 gp


-> Improved Cat Figurine


Heals the entire Party: Once per day

Free Action on the entire party: Once per day



Limak's Brain

Manual of Elaboration

50,000 gp

(Cromwell only)


-> Potion of Superior Mentality


Grants one point of Intelligence and one point of Wisdom



Usable By:





Hilt of The Truth

Blade of The Truth

A demon Heart

Manual of Elaboration

100,000 gp


-> The Truth +5 (suggested by thetruth)


Equipped abilities:

Protection from evil



THAC0: +5

Damage: D8 +5

Special abilities:

Inflicts double damage to demons.

With every successful hit there is 15% chance to cumulatively doom

the target (save vs, wands with -4 penalty and does not bypass

target's magic resistance).

Each successful hit has 10% chance inflict 20 points of additional

cold damage.

Wielder can instantly cast True Seeing spell 3 times per day.

Proficiency Type: Long Sword

Usable By:

Good aligned single class Warriors



Protagonist is Vagrant

Green Leaves Armor +3

Red Coral Gem

Cloak of Magic Shielding

60,000 gp


-> Red Coral Armor +6


Special ability:

10% resistance to physical damage

50% resistance to magic damage



Armor Class: 1

Weight: 10

Requirements: 19 constitution and 12 charisma

Usable By:





Firecam Full-Plate Armor

Belt of Inertial Barrier

T'rahcie's Plate +5

Three Beljurils

Five Star Sapphires

Manual of Elaboration

Party Reputation is 20

75,000 gp


-> Improved Firecam Armor


Armor Class: -2

+2 Bonus to all Saving Throws

+40% Resistance to Magic Damage

+25% Resistance to Missile Damage


Green Wyrm Scales

75,000 gp

-> Green Wyrm Plate +4


AC: -3

Immunity to Poison


Great Wyrm Scales

125,000 gp


-> Great Wyrm Armor +5

AC: -4

+75% Resistance to Fire

+25% Resistance to Magic Damage


Three +3 Long Swords

Three scrolls of Bless

scroll of Limited Wish

Permanency Scroll

45,000 gp

(can be forged but only once)


-> Long Sword +4


Protagonist is a single class Necromancer

Amulet of Charon

Amulet of Power

Metaspell Influence Amulet

Scroll of Vocalize

Manual of Elaboration

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> Amulet of Hades




Magic Resistance: +5%

Resistance to Magic Damage: +20%

Save vs. Death/Paralyze: +3 bonus

Immunity to Silence

Decrease Spell Casting time by 1

Wearer can memorize one additional 2nd level, one additional 3rd

level and one additional 7th level spells.

Immunity to Level Drain

+15 bonus to max hp



Usable By:

Single class Necromancers



War Hammer +2 (not any of those which have a unique name)

Scroll of Enchanted Weapon

Permanency Scroll

15,000 gp

(Cromwell only)


-> Warhammer +3



Quarter Staff +3

Staff of Striking

Three Potions of Stone Giant Strength

Permanency Scroll

60,000 gp


-> Staff of Strength +4


+1 bonus to strength


Damage: 1D6 +4

Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff



Staff of Strength +4

Staff of Rynn +4

Scroll of Bigby's Crushing Hand

Scroll of Giant Strength

Two piles of Adamantine dust

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> Adamantite Staff of Strength +5



+2 bonus to strength


Special ability:

5% chance per hit to inflict 4D10 additional crushing damage



Damage: 1D6 +5

Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff



Scholastic Cloak

Cloak of The Old Ones

Cloak of Protection +3

60,000 gp


-> Cloak of Arcane Immortality




Protection +3

Max hp bonus: +15

Regeneration: +3 hit points per round


Requirements: 18 Wisdom and Intelligence


Usable by:

Good aligned Necromancers



Carmine Ioun Stone

Crimson Ioun Stone

Ruby of The Gods

40,000 gp

-> Scarlet Ioun Stone


Equipped Abilities:


Armor Class Bonus: +3

Resistance to Physical Damage: +15%

Max HP Bonus: +15

THAC0: +2

Special: Protects Against Critical Hits


Usable by:




Protagonist is a single class Necromancer

Amulet of Hades

Black Blood of Orcus

Manual of Elaboration

90,000 gp


-> Lord of the Underworld




Magic Resistance: +10%

Resistance to Magic Damage: +30%

Save vs. Death/Paralyze: +4 bonus

Immunity to Silence

Decrease Spell Casting time by 1

Wearer can memorize one additional 2nd level, one additional 3rd

level and two additional 7th level spells.

Immunity to Level Drain

+25 bonus to max hp

+10% resistance to physical damage


Special ability:


Summons 'Skeleton Lord' once per day


Usable By:



Oak of the High Forest

Nuts taken from Tree of Life

Potion of Barbarian Essence

Permanency Scroll

80,000 gp

(Cespenar only)


-> Enhanced Oak of the High Forest +5


Regeneration: 6 hit points per round

+20% Resistance to Physical damage

Immunity to Imprisonment

+15 bonus to max hp

THAC0: +5 bonus

Damage: 1D6 + 5



With each successful hit, there is 15% chance to inflict 5d6 additional crushing damage.


Usable By: Cernd



Armor of Stamina +5

Red Star Garnet

Potion of Resurgence

Permanency Scroll

75,000 gp


-> Enhanced Armor of Stamina +6


Armor Class: 2

+3 additional AC bonus vs. blunt weapons

+30 bonus to Max HP

+20% resistance to crushing damage

+10% resistance to slashing, piercing and missile damage

Regeneration: 6 HP per round

Permanently disables Stealth ability

Usable by:

Single-class swashbuckler



Cutthroat +5

Long Sword +4

Manual of Elaboration

80,000 gp

(Cespenar only)


-> Improvised Blend +5


Equipped ability:

Sets Dexterity to 24



Damage: 2D6 +6

Damage type: piercing


Special abilities:

- "Improvised Hit" (15% chance per hit): Inflicts 1D8 + 10 additional slashing damage.

- "Defensive Stance" (10% chance per hit): +1 AC bonus vs. all weapon types and +5% resistance

to physical damage for two rounds.


Speed Factor: 0

Proficiency Type: Short Sword

Usable By:

Single-class Swashbuckler



Sikret's v6 level progression. The document doesn't copy & paste too well given it's format. I'd suggest copying this information and putting it back in notepad, and don't use word wrap.



Improved Anvil V6

New level progression tables




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

MAGE 0 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 60000 90000 135000 250000 425000 850000 1275000 1700000 2125000 2550000 2975000 3400000 3875000 4350000 4825000 5300000 5775000 6250000 6725000 7200000 7675000 8150000 8625000 9100000 9575000 10050000 10525000 11000000 11475000 11950000* 12425000 12900000 13375000 13850000

FIGHTER 0 2000 4000 8000 16000 32000 64000 125000 250000 500000 800000 1100000 1400000 1700000 2000000 2300000 2600000 2900000 3200000 3500000 3850000 4200000 4550000 4900000 5250000 5600000 5950000 6300000 6650000 7000000 7350000 7700000 8050000 8400000 8750000 9100000 9450000 9800000 10150000 12200000

PALADIN 0 2250 4500 9000 18000 36000 75000 150000 300000 600000 950000 1300000 1650000 2000000 2350000 2700000 3050000 3400000 3800000 4200000 4600000 5000000 5400000 5800000 6200000 6600000 7000000 7400000 7800000 8200000 8600000 9000000 9400000 9800000 10200000 10600000 11000000 11400000 11800000 12200000

RANGER 0 2250 4500 9000 18000 36000 75000 150000 300000 600000 950000 1300000 1650000 2000000 2350000 2700000 3050000 3400000 3800000 4200000 4600000 5000000 5400000 5800000 6200000 6600000 7000000 7400000 7800000 8200000 8600000 9000000 9400000 9800000 10200000 10600000 11000000 11400000 11800000 12200000

CLERIC 0 1500 3000 6000 13000 27500 55000 110000 225000 450000 725000 1000000 1275000 1550000 1825000 2100000 2375000 2650000 2925000 3200000 3475000 3800000 4125000 4450000 4775000 5100000 5425000 5750000 6075000 6400000 6725000 7050000 7375000 7700000 8025000 8350000 8675000 9000000 9325000 12200000

DRUID 0 2000 4000 7500 12500 20000 35000 60000 90000 150000 300000 625000 1250000 2500000 3000000 3250000 3500000 3800000 4100000 4400000 4700000 5000000 5300000 5600000 5900000 6200000 6500000 6800000 7100000 7400000 7700000 8000000 8300000 8600000 8900000 9200000 9500000 9800000 10100000 12200000

THIEF 0 1250 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 70000 110000 160000 270000 540000 810000 1080000 1350000 1620000 1890000 2160000 2430000 2700000 2970000 3240000 3510000 3830000 4150000 4470000 4790000 5110000 5430000 5750000 6070000 6390000 6710000 7030000 7350000 7670000 7990000 8310000 8630000 12200000

BARD 0 1250 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 70000 110000 160000 320000 640000 960000 1280000 1650000 2020000 2390000 2760000 3130000 3550000 4020000 4540000 5060000 5580000 6100000 6620000 7140000 7660000 8180000 8700000 9220000 9740000 10260000 10780000 11300000 11820000* 12340000 12860000 13380000 13900000

SORCERER 0 2500 5000 10000 20000 40000 60000 90000 135000 250000 425000 850000 1275000 1700000 2125000 2550000 2975000 3400000 3875000 4350000 4825000 5300000 5775000 6250000 6725000 7200000 7675000 8150000 8625000 9100000 9575000 10050000 10525000 11000000 11475000 11950000* 12425000 12900000 13375000 13850000

MONK 0 1500 3000 6000 13000 27500 55000 110000 225000 450000 725000 1000000 1275000 1550000 1825000 2100000 2375000 2650000 2925000 3200000 3475000 3800000 4125000 4450000 4775000 5100000 5425000 5750000 6075000 6400000 6725000 7050000 7375000 7700000 8025000 8350000 8675000 9000000 9325000 12200000





(*) This is the maximum level for a mage/sorcerer/bard due to the xpcap.


Sikret's tactical content and new adventures (as of my beta copy).


The notes at the top are just hysterically funny. Sikret's obsession with cheese is plainly evident...and yet he openly lies about how his own monsters aren't created using obviously cheesy methods. What's more, his own words show that he knows this full well:


All abilities every creature in this mod has (in addition to their smart artificial intelligence) is according to the game rules and totally justified.


Exactly ***WHO'S*** game rules would you be talking about, Sikret? Because many of your monsters don't look like anything from AD&D (any edition, let alone just 2nd.)


The very fact that he has to say this statement means that he knows that it's NOT justified.


Enemies play fair against you.


Sure, it's easy for them to "play fair" when they're over-engineered to be vastly superior to anything the party might be capable of at the time the enemies are encountered. When the design is a cheat to begin with, it's easy to claim that you're "playing by the rules."


The obsessive-compulsive behavior continues:


Improved Anvil is a mod for true tacticians, not for cheaters and cheesy players. Enemies don't cheat against you; so, you should not cheat against them either.


So the master of unfair play encourages the player to conform to his ideas of how his mod should be played. If you dare to stray from this very narrow path (such as Saros playing the mod his way, as a solo character), you're instantly branded a cheater by Sikret.


When you agree to play this mod, you agree to play it the way it is intended to be played, that is you agree to play it in a fair and honorable playing style without using any kind of cheats, exploits or or cheesy methods.


Translation: You, the player, are committing to some sort of "honor contract" to play the game SIKRET'S way. You have no creative license, no room for ingenuity, and are immediately branded a cheater if you happen to do something in a way that Sikret didn't expect.






Improved Anvil mod for BG2 & TOB



Author: Sikret



This file will give you general (not detailed) information about the enhanced encounters and

new adventures/quests added to the game by Improved Anvil.






*** Note: Improved Anvil contains the most difficult (& the least cheesy)***

*** tactical encounters. While the battles are really hard, you ***

*** never see enemies using cheesy methods. This is not only due ***

*** to the accurate scripting methods used in the mod, but also due***

*** to the very important modifications implemented to the game's ***

*** rules which have removed all cheesy methods (of the original ***

*** game) not only for players but also for the enemies. ***

*** For example, multiple spell immunities don't Stack; hence, you ***

*** will never see an enemy mage (cheesily) casting more than one ***

*** spell immunity (such as both SI: Abjuration and SI: Divination)***

*** on himself. You can see the complete list of these important ***

*** modifications in the related text file available in the ***

*** "Documents" folder. ***








*** Note 2: All abilities every creature in this mod has (in addition to ***

*** their smart artificial intelligence) is according to the game***

*** rules and totally justified. Enemies play fair against you. ***

*** It's actually much fairer than the vanilla game, because many***

*** of the cheesy methods available to both players and enemies ***

*** in the vanilla game are blocked and fixed in Improved Anvil. ***








*** Note 3: Improved Anvil is a mod for true tacticians, not for cheaters***

*** and cheesy players. Enemies don't cheat against you; so, you ***

*** should not cheat against them either. When you agree to play ***

*** this mod, you agree to play it the way it is intended to be ***

*** played, that is you agree to play it in a fair and honorable ***

*** playing style without using any kind of cheats, exploits or ***

*** or cheesy methods. ***








*** WARNING: If you are an experienced player in managing hard battles and ***

*** if you want to be surprised by the enhanced encounters and new***

*** adventures during the game, it is recommended that you do not ***

*** read even these very general information. ***












- Waukeen's Promenade

- Tougher Mencar Pebblecrusher and Party

- Squirreled Away (or "A Hard Nut to Crack"): A new quest (available only to single-class

rangers, druids and mages)


- Slums

- Improved Copper Coronet

- Guarded Lilarcor

- Improved Slavers' Ship Building

- Tougher Borinall

- Improved Planar Sphere:

- Improved Halfling Warriors

- Improved Lavok

- New types of monsters in the sphere

- Improved Demons' plane

- Tougher Tolgerias

- Slightly Tougher Efreeti in the Fire room

- Expanded Mage Stronghold (only if your main PC is a single class mage or sorcerer):

- Magical container

- Furnaces may malfunction

- The Mystery of the Jewel Casket

- Treasure in the Ice (Or 'Why is it so cold down here?')

- Does Marvella always say the truth?

- Danger at harbors! (Or 'Is it safe to go to Cromwell anymore?'-- You need to forge

'Memory of The Apprenti' to see this feature of the mod.)

- Story of The Old Ones (from here on, the quests are only available to good-aligned necromancers)

- My new apprentice and research programs

- Activating an old device

- The Wine and The Sandalwood

- Lavok's postmortem request (or "A second journey to demons' plane")


- Bridge District

- Improved Planar Prison

- Improved Twisted Rune

- Slightly Tougher Anarg

- Tougher turmish fanatics (Bard stronghold) -- Suggested by thetruth

- Tougher Gracen (guild's contact) -- Suggested by thetruth


- The Docks

- Slightly Improved Rayic Gethras

- Slightly Improved Mae'Var

- Improved Pirates' Hideout

- Improved Kangaxx the lich

- Improved Kangaxx the demilich (he now has a limited number of Imprisonment castings;

conversely, he has access to other spells now, as well.)


- Temple District

- Improved Slavers' HQ (Guarded Compound)

- Tougher Tarnor the Hatchetman and Party (Sewers encounter)

- Improved Rakshasa encounter

- Improved Mekrath and the Imp

- Improved Illithid Hideout

- Improved Theshal -- Suggested by thetruth

- Improved Screaming Statue (this challenge remains available as long as your protagonist has

less than 2,350,000 xp)

- Guarded Ashideena

- Improved Unseeing Eye


- Graveyard District

- Improved Crypt King

- Slightly Improved Spider Ambush at the entrance to Pai'Na's hideout

- Tougher Pai'Na

- Slightly Improved Nevaziah

- Slightly Improved Tanova (chapter 3)

- Improved Bodhi (chapter 6)

- Encounter with Orcus: If you have Daystar Sword, you can go to the old crypts

beneath Graveyard district to meet Orcus (Prince of the

Undead) in his corporeal form.


- City Gates

- Improved City Gate's Lich


- Umar Hills

- Tougher Baron Metrich & Party (Paladin stronghold)

- Improved Shadow Temple:

- Tougher Shadow Jailor

- Tougher Shadow Dragon

- Tougher Shadelord, Shadow Patrick & Shadow Altar

- Expanded Ranger Stronghold:

- Improved Umar Witch -- Suggested by thetruth

- New friend at your cabin

- The mystery of the Shimmering Light (a big quest for all rangers)

- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (a quest only for vagrant rangers)

- The Ancient Secret of Suldanesselar (a big quest for vagrant rangers)


- Windspear Hills

- Improved Ruhk Conjurer and Kamikaze Kobolds

- Improved guardians of pieces of Burial Mask

- Encounter with the Tomb Mist (a new monster)

- Tougher Fire Elemental Guardian of the Tomb

- Improved Samia and Party

- Tougher Tazok

- Improved Conster

- Improved Firkraag

- Post-Firkraag Adventures (Once Firkraag is dead, new events will start to happen in Windspear

Hills. If your main PC is 'Good' and if you have a reputation

of 20, you can go to the Order of the Radiant Heart at least one

week after killing Firkraag to meet someone new who has more



- Trademeet & Druid Grove

- Improved Trademeet Crypt

- Guarded Store Tower in Druid Grove area (i.e. Belm scimitar is no easy treasure)

- Improved Troll Mound in Druid Grove area

- Slightly Improved Dalok and companions

- Expanded Druid Stronghold:

- Improved Faldorn

- Improved Chaos monster

- Improved Challenge for the "Great Druid" title (one on one duel with the "Great Auramaster")

- Signs and Sigils (a big quest)


- Improved De'Arnise Keep

- New species of monsters in the Keep

- Improved Greater Yuan-Ti

- New location and Guardian for Flail Head (cold)

- Danger at the Library

- Guarded Flail Head (Fire)

- Guarded Frostreaver

- Improved Glaicas

- Improved TorGal

- Improved Lord Roenal and Army (Fighter stronghold)

- Improved De'Arnise Forge (This is a bonus rather than a challenge; you can forge Flail of

Ages +4 by adding the Poison head to Flail of Ages +3.)


- Brynnlaw

- Improved Brothel HQ

- Tougher Perth the Adept

- A new encounter in the island's main area


- Improved Spellhold

- Improved Ancient Tome (New battles are added and if you rest before winning all of them, you

will not gain all possible treasures from the tome.)

- Better focused Altar

- Guarded Library:

- Library Golem

- Cat O'Nine Lives

- Encounter with the Amnesic Librarian

- Price of killing a pupil (new encounter)

- New guardians for Gesen Bow String

- Guarded Mithril Machine

- Slightly Improved Lonk the Sane

- Improved Irenicus

- If the party delays too long before setting out for Spellhold, they will find Irenicus'

control over the Asylum has strengthened and it will be far harder to escape after rescuing

Imoen. (Note: The recommended levels to go to spellhold are levels 13 or 14 for single class

characters. For druids, even level 14 will be too late.)


- City of Caverns (Sahuagin City)

- Improved Prophecy Verification challenge (suggested by shadan)

- Improved Prince Villynaty


- Underdark:

- Improved Vithal

- Improved Drow Ambush in underdark (before the Deep Gnomes' village)

- Improved Alchra Diagott

- Slightly Improved Raevilin Strathi

- Improved Drow Ambush at the bridge in underdark (suggested by Vardaman)

- Improved Balor (in the Deep Gnomes' village)

- Improved N'ashtar and Party

- Improved Jae'llat's House

- New conditional encounter in Deirex's Cave in Ust Natha

- The mystery of the Third Color (new quest in Ust Natha)

- Improved duelling mages in the tavern in Ust Natha)

- Improved Demogorgon's Temple

- Tougher Kuo Toa Prince

- Improved Elder Orb (eastern caverns)

- Deeper than the Underdark (a hidden passage will lead you to deeper dungeons)

- Improved Mind Flayers' lair:

- Tougher Insane Dwarf Warrior

- Improved final battle vs. The Master Brain:

- Tougher Master Brain

- Improved Brain Golems

- Elemental Golem guardian of the brain (the Master Brain will not die as long as the main

guardian is alive).


- Suldanesselar

- Improved Raamilat

- Guarded House of the Talisman

- Guarded Harpist's House

- Improved Rakshasa Ambush

- Improved Black Dragon

- The Ancient Secret of Suldanesselar (a big quest for vagrant rangers, also listed in the

Expanded Ranger Stronghold above)

- Improved Irenicus (at Tree of Life)


- The Abyss

- Improved Irenicus (final battle)


- Improved Watcher's Keep:

- Encounter with the Spider Queen (You need to have defeated Pai'Na)

- Guarded Bell and Candle

- Improved Elementalist level

- Clash of powers (New quest in the 3rd level of WK: There is a conflict between two very

powerful creatures based on an incident which has happened 100 years

earlier. You need to choose and kill one of them, if you can!)

- Improved tieflings

- Improved Demon Knights

- Improved Demon Wraith

- Slightly Tougher Ka’rashur

- Slightly Tougher Tahazzar

- Slightly Improved Shade Death and Death Knights gated by Deck of Many Things.

- Tougher Rock and Garock

- Improved Githyankis: Encounter with the Supreme Leader

- Improved Demi-Lich Crypt

- Improved Saladrex

- Improved Globe Machine

- Encounter with 'Ancient Dragon' (the great wyrm)

- Improved Horde of Orcs

- Improved Azamantes

- Judgement Day plot-Part one: Meeting with a Messenger! (If you have Angurvadal sword, you

can find a new encounter in the shades outside Watcher's Keep.)

- Judgement Day plot-part two: The foreseen day! (Forge Judgement Day sword and go to

Watcher's Keep area.)



- Improved Illasera

- Improved Gromnir

- Improved Yaga-Shura's Keep & Temple:

- Tougher Elite Fire Giants

- Tougher Berenn

- Tougher Imix -- Suggested by thetruth

- Improved Nyalee's Hideout:

- Tougher Nyalee

- Horde of undead Lords

- Improved Yaga-Shura (& lieutenants)

- Improved Oasis

- Improved Draconis

- Improved Abazigal

- Improved Sendai Enclave:

- Improved Slavemaster

- Improved Spiders' hall

- Improved Captain Egeissag and party -- Suggested by thetruth

- Improved Thelynn'ss and party -- Suggested by thetruth

- Improved Ogremoch

- Improved Odamaron

- Improved Sendai

- Epic Divine Encounter: A new encounter in your Pocket Plane. (Note: If your main PC is a mage

or sorcerer and if you have chosen (and successfully completed) the

good path in one of the new quests of the Expanded Mage Stronghold

("Does Marvella always say the truth") in SOA portion of the game,

this new encounter in TOB will be different for you; otherwise, it's

the same for all classes and alignments). The encounter takes place in

your pocket plane just before leaving for the throne.


- General

- Polygonal scripting system: This is a new and unique scripting method devised for Improved

Anvil. The outcome of the system is a high level artificial

intelligence which lets enemies behave very intelligently.

- Slightly Tougher rakshasas

- Slightly Tougher Demons

- Slightly Improved Yuan-Ti Mages

- Slightly Improved Githyankis

- Fixed and Improved Minotaurs (now they have all of their pnp abilities and more)

- Improved Liches

- Improved Ulitharids

- Slightly Improved Mind Flayers

- Improved Beholders

- Improved Vampires

- Improved Vampiric Mists (now they have their pnp ability of enveloping targets, and more...)

- Slightly Improved Trolls

- Chapter 2: Improved Random (city and wilderness) Encounters

- Chapter 6: Improved Kruin -- Suggested by thetruth

- Many new species of monsters

- Improved Zallanora and Party -- Suggested by thetruth

- More powerful random undead creatures will spawn in dungeons

- More powerful random golems will spawn in dungeons

- More powerful random monsters will spawn in dungeons

- More powerful random mind flayers will spawn in dungeons

- Enemy evil clerics will control undead and turn paladin. A successful turn paladin will also

dispel all dispellable effects on the targeted paladin and will make the paladin immune to

'Remove Fear'.

- Smarter summons: Summoned creatures (enemies and allies) will behave more intelligently.

(Examples: They will shift target if they see that their weapons are ineffective; they will

no longer stand idle if no enemy is in their line of sight, they will move/approach to see

what's going on in the battlefield.)

Just as a side note, turning Valygar to Tolgeras now results in 18 reputation penalty Still, I will find a way to turn the ranger for the ring .

Sounds like a "Don't do that you damn bastard! I LOVE Valygar!" <lol>

Or it could be a precaution measure, since some people, in attempt to exact vengeance upon certain someone, might turn Valygar just because poor guy has the same face.

In vanilla you could kill Valygar, open the sphere and then go back to hand in his body to Tolgerias and go back to clear and obtain the sphere, meeting tolgerias again, etc. I think that exploit was blocked this way. Does your reputation go down exactly when you kill him or when you kill him in front of the sphere?


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