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Some minor delays in getting the forums set up and figured out, so here is some new ToB content that will be integrated with the Beta before it goes out (As always, commentary, proofing, and suggestions welcome):


/* ToB Banters: Nalia > Aran */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob8b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BNALIA25 c-arantob8b
~[NALIA] Aran, I do think that you are beginning to grow up.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob8b","GLOBAL",1)~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, what in Sune's Blessed Sweetness would cause you to say somethin' so mean?~
== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] You seeme to have stopped trying to stare at my bottom when you think I am not looking.~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] That's not growin' up. That's just realizin' that you have spells what can disintegrate me. Call it 'enlightened self interest.'~
== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Still, that is more thinking than the old Aran would do.~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Fair enough. By th' way, you done got a little spot o' somethin' on th' left o' your derriere. I'd have said somethin', but that self-preservation thing made me a mite bit reticent, eh?~



/* ToB Banters: Aran > Nalia */

CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob24b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob24b

~[ARAN] Whoa, there, Nalia... easy on th' fierce gestures! I'd prefer to keep my head all in one piece, not be missin' half my face on account o' you be pissed off a bit, eh?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob24b","GLOBAL",1)~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] I am not angry, just frustrated.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Anger, frustration, a little bit miffed, well... when I be on th' receivin' end o' any o' those, an' th' giver be an archmage what can wipe me out wi' a few words an' a quick gesture... it all seems th' same to me.~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Oh, I was not frustrated with you. It just seems that no matter how powerful I become, the less I am able to make meaningful change.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'd say disitigratin', wiltin' an' generally obliteratin' your opponents counts as makin' a blighted meanin'ful change, at least to them.~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] I mean changes that make more of a difference than a few enemies here and there. The Council of Six, The Cowled Wizards, my own lands... all of them cry out for change. Any one of them could take a lifetime of commitment to adjust the inequites.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hells, you be talkin' about social change. That takes a mite bit more than a single lifetime, I'd say. Only one answer. Kill 'em all an' set yourself up in charge, an' change everythin' all at once.~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Aran! How can you even think that!~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("Sarevok")~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'm only jokin', m'girl. Ask that bastard Sarevok how that kind o' thinkin' works out. I bet you he'd tell you it takes a lifetime just to keep power when you rise that way. You don't have time to change things much, on account o' you are always fightin' just to stay in power.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Whenever some blighted fool gets th' idea that you can make long-term change that way, th' mercenary life gets a bit more lucrative. Violent an' bloody social revolution, it do be a great equalizer, though.~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] I do not see how. The cost in lives and resources, the constant cycle of destruction, none of that stops the pain of the common folk.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye. But noble, common, rich, poor, pretty, ugly... dead be dead. Can't rightly get more equal that that, eh?~





/* ToB Banters: Aran > Sarevok */

CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob32b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Sarevok") InMyArea("Sarevok") !StateCheck("Sarevok",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob32b

~[ARAN] I don't rightly trust you, you know.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob32b","GLOBAL",1)~

== BSAREV25 IF ~InParty("Sarevok") InMyArea("Sarevok") !StateCheck("Sarevok",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[sAREVOK] Then you have studied better than I thought. All war is based deception. Trust is a weakness.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] So you do be plannin' to betray <PRO_HIMHER> when th' time be right.~

== BSAREV25 IF ~InParty("Sarevok") InMyArea("Sarevok") !StateCheck("Sarevok",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[sAREVOK] No.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Why not? You have done far worse in th' past, an' you hold no contract sacred.~

== BSAREV25 IF ~InParty("Sarevok") InMyArea("Sarevok") !StateCheck("Sarevok",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[sAREVOK] I cannot.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You can't rightly betray <PRO_HIMHER>, or you choose not to?~

== BSAREV25 IF ~InParty("Sarevok") InMyArea("Sarevok") !StateCheck("Sarevok",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[sAREVOK] Both.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't rightly understand.~

== BSAREV25 IF ~InParty("Sarevok") InMyArea("Sarevok") !StateCheck("Sarevok",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[sAREVOK] That is not my problem, sellsword. Come to me when you have tasted the glories of unadulterated strength, when you have fools who follow you to their destruction regardless of cost to themselves, when you have ultimate power just within your reach...~

== BSAREV25 IF ~InParty("Sarevok") InMyArea("Sarevok") !StateCheck("Sarevok",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[sAREVOK] ...and it has been torn from your grasp and from your very soul. Only then will you understand. I will not betray my <PRO_BROTHERSISTER>. My time has passed. <PRO_HISHER>s is rising.~




/* Only one of these fire per game, dependent on the NPC being in the party; closed by Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL" */

/* An attempt to be a little more realistic for folks two-timing between Aran and another. Xan is left out of this mix right now because I need to research more on the pathway vars and have it make sense. */

/* God help multi-romancers in ToB, though... */



/* ToB Banters: Aran > Most Folks : Tell Her */

CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0)


InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)













Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)

Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)








THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b1

~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~

== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Tell her.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~

== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Tell her how you feel.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, what do you be goin' on about, Aerie? Never did here you dole out advice so freely. Complaints, yes. Advice, no.~

== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down! She might hear you!~

== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Why don't you just tell her how much you care?~


== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blihted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~


== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] You sound like me. Like I used to sound. I thought I was the one who wallowed in self-pity. ~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Not self-pity, just cold hard facts.~

== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I thought you once told me that the exterior didn't matter, and my inner strength was what made me interesting.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] If I did, I was bein' a poncy idiot what wanted to bed you.~

== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I... I know you better than that, Aran. I think you are running away. Just tell her.~







/* ToB Banters: Aran > Most Folks : Tell Her */

CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0)


InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)













Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)

Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)








THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b2

~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~

== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Tell her.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~

== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Tell her how you feel.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Here it comes. Mother Jaheira, First Prime o' th' Busybody an' Unwanted Meddlin' Guild. Paid your dues yet this year?~

== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down! She might hear you!~

== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Why don't you just tell her how much you care?~


== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blihted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~


== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Khalid used to think that way about himself. He once said he never understood why I chose him.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Why did you?~

== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I almost didn't.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What sealed th' deal?~

== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] He let me know he loved me.~







/* ToB Banters: Aran > Most Folks : Tell Her */

CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0)


InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)













Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)

Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)








THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b3

~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Tell her.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Tell her how you feel.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look, Nalia, you be a right fine lookin' woman. If things were a mite bit different, I'd be chasin' you right proper. But you be a mite bit naiive in th' love department, all arranged-marriage an' such. No offense, but you don't blighted know naught.~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down! She might hear you!~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Why don't you just tell her how much you care?~


== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blihted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~


=== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] It is true that you are coarse, crude, dirty-minded, usually dirty-handed, and rude.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You could have thrown in ugly an' lowclass, you know. I think you missed a couple o' opportunities to kick me while I was down, there.~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] On the other hand, you love her.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What difference does that make?~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] It makes all the difference in the world. Trust me.~







/* ToB Banters: Aran > Most Folks : Tell Her */

CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0)


InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)













Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)

Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)








THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b4

~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~

== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] Tell her.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~

== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] Tell her how you feel.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look, Mazzy, you be a right fine friend. But you see things a bit black an' white, all or naught. This be more complicated than that.~

== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down! She might hear you!~

== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] Why don't you just tell her how much you care?~


== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blihted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~


== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] I know that Avoreen does not always let us have exactly what we want. But She seeks to give us what we need.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] An' you think I am a better fit for what be needed?~

== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] I do not know. But I know that there are seldom second chances. If I had another chance, I would tell Patrick how I felt. I would tell him every day.~







/* ToB Banters: Aran > Most Folks : Tell Her */

CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0)


InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)













Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)

Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)








THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b5

~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~

== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Tell her.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~

== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Tell her how you feel.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I can't rightly do that.~

== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted.. Keldorn, keep your voice down. She might hear you.~

== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] You have the strength, and you have the power. You lack the will. Just tell her how much you care.~


== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blihted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~


== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I have never seen you flinch from a battle, or hide from a true challenge. If it is in your heart, then the way forward is to let her know your feelings.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I... ~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I hear you. I don't rightly believe love be truly a war. Somehow, it seems much bloodier, an' a hells o' a lot more painful.~

== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I believe that is the truest thing I have ever heard you say.~






err.... need to add vars for Keldorn Romance...


Nice banters. :cool: It's good to see things are rolling along.


Just some typos,


/* ToB Banters: Aran > Nalia */

~[ARAN] I'd say disitigratin', wiltin' an' generally obliteratin' your opponents counts as makin' a blighted meanin'ful change, at least to them.~



~[NALIA] I mean changes that make more of a difference than a few enemies here and there. The Council of Six, The Cowled Wizards, my own lands... all of them cry out for change. Any one of them could take a lifetime of commitment to adjust the inequites.~




/* ToB Banters: Aran > Sarevok */

THEN ~[sAREVOK] Then you have studied better than I thought. All war is based deception. Trust is a weakness.~

"based on deception" (maybe?)



/* ToB Banters: Aran > Most Folks : Tell Her */ (Aerie)

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, what do you be goin' on about, Aerie? Never did here you dole out advice so freely. Complaints, yes. Advice, no.~



Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blihted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~

blighted (I think? also this typo comes up in the other instances of this banter with different party members)


version with Nalia

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look, Nalia, you be a right fine lookin' woman. If things were a mite bit different, I'd be chasin' you right proper. But you be a mite bit naiive in th' love department, all arranged-marriage an' such. No offense, but you don't blighted know naught.~




Love all these btw, Jaheira's was particularly poignant. :grin:


Someday, I will actually conquer my typing and misspelling addiction. It will start with small victories, like actually being able to formulate coherent qualitative research articles, and slowly expand to being able to type entire sentences in something approaching legible english :cool:


Thank you! Repairing, and expanding the list in the next post.


Nalia and Sarevok banters repaired and rechecked:


New draft of "Tell her" banters below. I need to add one ore two of the "evil" party favorites, though, before logging this idea completed - Probably a Viconia and a Korgan.


/* Only one of these fire per game, dependent on the NPC being in the party; closed by Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL" */

/* ToB Banters: Aran > Aerie : Tell Her */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0) 

InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)

!Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1) // banter deferred to Keldorn if active
!Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Ajantis
!Global("ADAngelMarried","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Angelo
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)

THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b1
~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~

== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Tell her.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~
== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Tell her how you feel.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Now, what do you be goin' on about, Aerie? Never did hear you dole out advice so freely. Complaints, yes. Advice, no.~
== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down! She might hear you!~
== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] Why don't you just tell her how much you care?~ 

/* Haer'Dalis, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1)  Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Angelo, Sister Vigilante */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Sarevok, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~
/* Kelsey, JCompton */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~
/* Tsujatha, Nethrun and Sillara */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~
/* Gavin, Berelinde */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~
/* Anomen, BioWare */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~
/* Edwin, Laufey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN]  Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~
/* Ajantis, Jastey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blighted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~
/* Solaufein, Weimer */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~
/* Kivan, Domi  */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("P#KivanRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I see it in her eyes. Th' way she looks at him... Lost love or no, he has followed her since th' first. How can I compete wi' an elven archer what has bent centuries o' will to servin' her an' lovin' her?~
/* Valygar, CRomantique, Domi */ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. We be worlds apart, yet she lets him be close. I'm not sayin' Valygar is th' worst she could do, but am I really any better?~
/* Xan: materials without referent cover all pathways without worrying about Xan, Valygar, Bonded, not bonded, etc. */ 
/* summary response */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~

== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] You sound like me. Like I used to sound. I thought I was the one who wallowed in self-pity. ~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Not self-pity, just cold hard facts.~
== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I thought you once told me that the exterior didn't matter, and my inner strength was what made me interesting.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] If I did, I was bein' a poncy idiot what wanted to bed you.~
== BAERIE25 IF ~InParty("Aerie") InMyArea("Aerie") !StateCheck("Aerie",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[AERIE] I... I know you better than that, Aran. I think you are running away. Just tell her.~ 


/* ToB Banters: Aran > Jaheira : Tell Her */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0) 

InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)

!Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1) // banter deferred to Keldorn if active
!Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Ajantis
!Global("ADAngelMarried","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Angelo
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)

THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b2
~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~
== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Tell her.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~
== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Tell her how you feel.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Here it comes. Mother Jaheira, First Prime o' th' Busybody an' Unwanted Meddlin' Guild. Paid your dues yet this year?~
== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down! She might hear you!~
== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Why don't you just tell her how much you care?~ 

/* Haer'Dalis, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1)  Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Angelo, Sister Vigilante */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Sarevok, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~
/* Kelsey, JCompton */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~
/* Tsujatha, Nethrun and Sillara */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~
/* Gavin, Berelinde */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~
/* Anomen, BioWare */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~
/* Edwin, Laufey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN]  Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~
/* Ajantis, Jastey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blighted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~
/* Solaufein, Weimer */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~
/* Kivan, Domi  */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("P#KivanRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I see it in her eyes. Th' way she looks at him... Lost love or no, he has followed her since th' first. How can I compete wi' an elven archer what has bent centuries o' will to servin' her an' lovin' her?~
/* Valygar, CRomantique, Domi */ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. We be worlds apart, yet she lets him be close. I'm not sayin' Valygar is th' worst she could do, but am I really any better?~
/* Xan: materials without referent cover all pathways without worrying about Xan, Valygar, Bonded, not bonded, etc. */ 
/* summary response */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~

== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] Khalid used to think that way about himself. He once said he never understood why I chose him.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Why did you?~
== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] I almost didn't.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What sealed th' deal?~
== BJAHEI25 IF ~InParty("Jaheira") InMyArea("Jaheira") !StateCheck("Jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[JAHEIRA] He let me know he loved me.~ 


/* ToB Banters: Aran > Nalia : Tell Her */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0) 

InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)

!Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1) // banter deferred to Keldorn if active
!Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Ajantis
!Global("ADAngelMarried","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Angelo
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)

THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b3
~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~
== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Tell her.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~
== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Tell her how you feel.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look, Nalia, you be a right fine lookin' woman. If things were a mite bit different, I'd be chasin' you right proper. But you be a mite bit naive in th' love department, all arranged-marriage an' such. No offense, but you don't blighted know naught.~
== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down! She might hear you!~
== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] Why don't you just tell her how much you care?~ 

/* Haer'Dalis, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1)  Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Angelo, Sister Vigilante */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Sarevok, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~
/* Kelsey, JCompton */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~
/* Tsujatha, Nethrun and Sillara */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~
/* Gavin, Berelinde */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~
/* Anomen, BioWare */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~
/* Edwin, Laufey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN]  Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~
/* Ajantis, Jastey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blighted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~
/* Solaufein, Weimer */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~
/* Kivan, Domi  */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("P#KivanRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I see it in her eyes. Th' way she looks at him... Lost love or no, he has followed her since th' first. How can I compete wi' an elven archer what has bent centuries o' will to servin' her an' lovin' her?~
/* Valygar, CRomantique, Domi */ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. We be worlds apart, yet she lets him be close. I'm not sayin' Valygar is th' worst she could do, but am I really any better?~
/* Xan: materials without referent cover all pathways without worrying about Xan, Valygar, Bonded, not bonded, etc. */ 
/* summary response */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~

== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] It is true that you are coarse, crude, dirty-minded, usually dirty-handed, and rude.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You could have thrown in ugly an' lowclass, you know. I think you missed a couple o' opportunities to kick me while I was down, there.~
== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] On the other hand, you love her.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What difference does that make?~
== BNALIA25 IF ~InParty("Nalia") InMyArea("Nalia") !StateCheck("Nalia",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[NALIA] It makes all the difference in the world. Trust me.~ 


/* ToB Banters: Aran > Mazzy : Tell Her */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0) 

InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)

!Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1) // banter deferred to Keldorn if active
!Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Ajantis
!Global("ADAngelMarried","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Angelo
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)

THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b4
~[ARAN] Blighted hells. No accountin' for taste, I suppose, but Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~
== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] Tell her.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~
== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] Tell her how you feel.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look, Mazzy, you be a right fine friend. But you see things a bit black an' white, all or naught. This be more complicated than that.~
== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted hells, keep your voice down! She might hear you!~
== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] Why don't you just tell her how much you care?~ 

/* Haer'Dalis, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1)  Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Angelo, Sister Vigilante */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Sarevok, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~
/* Kelsey, JCompton */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~
/* Tsujatha, Nethrun and Sillara */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~
/* Gavin, Berelinde */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~
/* Anomen, BioWare */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~
/* Edwin, Laufey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN]  Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~
/* Ajantis, Jastey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blighted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~
/* Solaufein, Weimer */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~
/* Kivan, Domi  */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("P#KivanRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I see it in her eyes. Th' way she looks at him... Lost love or no, he has followed her since th' first. How can I compete wi' an elven archer what has bent centuries o' will to servin' her an' lovin' her?~
/* Valygar, CRomantique, Domi */ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. We be worlds apart, yet she lets him be close. I'm not sayin' Valygar is th' worst she could do, but am I really any better?~
/* Xan: materials without referent cover all pathways without worrying about Xan, Valygar, Bonded, not bonded, etc. */ 
/* summary response */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~

== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] I know that Avoreen does not always let us have exactly what we want. But She seeks to give us what we need.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] An' you think I am a better fit for what be needed?~
== BMAZZY25 IF ~InParty("Mazzy") InMyArea("Mazzy") !StateCheck("Mazzy",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[MAZZY] I do not know. But I know that there are seldom second chances. If I had another chance, I would tell Patrick how I felt. I would tell him every day.~ 


/* ToB Banters: Aran > Keldorn, Romanced Or Not : Tell Her */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",0) 

InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)

!Global("C#AjantisPCMarriage","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Ajantis
!Global("ADAngelMarried","GLOBAL",1) // banter shut down if PC is married to Angelo
Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1) // banter deferred to Keldorn if active
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1)
Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)

THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob33b5
~[ARAN] Blighted hells. Sune herself must o' cursed me right proper.~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntobtellher","GLOBAL",1)~
== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Tell her.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] What?~
== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Tell her how you feel.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I can't rightly do that.~
== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] It is obvious you love her. And it hurts you to see her with him.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Blighted.. Keldorn, keep your voice down. She might hear you.~
== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] You have the strength, and you have the power. You lack the will. Just tell her how much you care.~ 

/* Haer'Dalis, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",1)  Global("LS_HaerDalisRomance","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no extra-planar bard wi' beautiful speech an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Angelo, Sister Vigilante */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("ADAngelRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I be no world-travellin' kara-turan wi' interestin' stories an' soft words. Hells, I can't even rightly say naught wi' out bringin one or more gods into th' conversation.~
/* Sarevok, Aeryn */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("LS#SarevokRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He be power, hunger, an' strength, tied right proper to her soul. I have naught to compete against that.~
/* Kelsey, JCompton */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("J#KelseyRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Th' boy loves her right proper, an' she seems happy enough. Soon enough she will be tellin' me to keep away an' 'just be friends'.~
/* Tsujatha, Nethrun and Sillara */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("TsujathaRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. Necromantic extra-planar elf versus th' poor sod what sells his sword an' can barely speak two blighted words wi' out bringin' a god or two into th' conversation.~
/* Gavin, Berelinde */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!GavRA","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a clumsy bastard, an' gods knows he comes wi' a bit o' baggage wi' Lanie an' all, but th' boy makes her right happy. An' he be a good friend.~
/* Anomen, BioWare */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1) Global("AnomenRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I don't rightly see what she sees in that pompous self-centered bastard, but he can offer her much more than I can. An' she seems to be willin' to let him be close.~
/* Edwin, Laufey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 1) Global("EdwinRomanceActive", "GLOBAL", 2)~ THEN ~[ARAN]  Look at me. An' then look at him. He may be a self-centered prissy evil bastard, but he be a Red Wizard. Power, refinement, sophistication. Everythin' I'm not.~
/* Ajantis, Jastey */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. A blighted knight, versus a sellsword what has naught to offer. Hells, I can't even sit at th' same table as Ajantis. I'd be out wi' th' other common rabble, not sittin' in a Greathall.~
/* Solaufein, Weimer */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) GlobalGT("SolaTalk","GLOBAL",14)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. I know she sees more in him than in me. I look at him, an' I see naught but an enemy. She looks at him, an' she sees somethin' that lets him get close. Soon enough, she will tell me to 'just be friends'.~
/* Kivan, Domi  */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("P#KivanRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) !Global("P#KivanRomanceInactive","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I see it in her eyes. Th' way she looks at him... Lost love or no, he has followed her since th' first. How can I compete wi' an elven archer what has bent centuries o' will to servin' her an' lovin' her?~
/* Valygar, CRomantique, Domi */ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("H#ValygarRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Look at me. An' then look at him. We be worlds apart, yet she lets him be close. I'm not sayin' Valygar is th' worst she could do, but am I really any better?~
/* Xan: materials without referent cover all pathways without worrying about Xan, Valygar, Bonded, not bonded, etc. */ 
/* summary response */
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I'll take whatever time she gives me, an' be glad enough for that.~

/* Keldorn Not Romanced Extension */
== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I have never seen you flinch from a battle, or hide from a true challenge. If it is in your heart, then the way forward is to let her know your feelings.~ 

/* Keldorn Romance Extension */
== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] Would you subject me to the... to the pain I have already experienced?~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Hells, Keldorn, no, I... Have I been disloyal? I done pledged you my sword, an' I'd follow you anywhere. But she... she is...~
== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("B!KeldornRA","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I know. But do not underestimate her. And do not underestimate me. Honesty and truth is more important in this matter than any other. She deserves to know, and to make her choice. And on the bonds of our friendship, both you and I need the truth to be open and between us, as well.~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I... ~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I hear you. I don't rightly believe love be truly a war. Somehow, it seems much bloodier, an' a hells o' a lot more painful.~
== BKELDO25 IF ~InParty("Keldorn") InMyArea("Keldorn") !StateCheck("Keldorn",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[KELDORN] I believe that is the truest thing I have ever heard you say.~ 



Haer'Dalis in ToB. Blast, I wish I was Aeryn. She captures him; I just plain don't "grok" the character. But here goes:


/* ToB Banters: Haer'Dalis > Aran */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob1b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty(Myself) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN BHAERD25 c-arantob1b
~[HAERDALIS] My fierce hound, why so morose and destitute?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob1b","GLOBAL",1)~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Who do you be callin' destitute? I have more than a few coin hidden about by now.~
== BHAERD25 IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Oh no, you misunderstand. I but alluded to your air of despondency, your troubled brow. It is at odds with our progress. Your part in our little drama seems a great success.~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Aye. Th' thing is... well, to take a metaphor, mayhap this truly be like one o' your fancy plays.~
== BHAERD25 IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] I shall listen, good hound, with much anticipation.~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, th' long an' th' short o' it is, what happens when th' play be over?~
== BHAERD25 IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] We take our bows, receive our acclaim, and enjoy the adoration of our many admirers for the brief span of time before the next performance.~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] You done played th' leadin' man too many times, boyo. For th' rest o' us bit parts, we don't follow along to th' next performance. We tend to get less o' glory an' challenge, an' more waitin' tables, muckin' out stalls, an' fadin' into th' woodwork. Metophorically speakin', o' course.~

/* ToB Banters: Aran > Haer'Dalis */
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob17b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob17b
~[ARAN] Hey, Haer'Dalis, you be a right fine bard, eh?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob17b","GLOBAL",1)~
== BHAERD25 IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Would that all my audiences were as appreciative as you! Or perhaps you meant to ask this poor sparrow for an evaluation of his own talents? ~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, more o' th' first than th' second, I think. I was just wonderin'... would you do a lad a favor an' look this little story over for me?~
== BHAERD25 IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] I see that you have talents of your own, my hound, for that 'little' story appears to be scribed on several parchments.~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I done got carried away, a little.~
== BHAERD25 IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] It would be my pleasure. Let me see this gentle foray into the wilds of authorship.~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] ...~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, what do you be thinkin'? On account o' you have a peculiar look on your face, even more'n usual.~
== BHAERD25 IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] I must struggle to maintain my composure, my fierce hound. You have written perhaps the most... most amusing comedy! I had no idea you were so creative. This passage, for example; masterful overuse of purple prose. A parody -  nay, even a Burlesque!~
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Errr... it were supposed to be a bit risky, an' bedroomy, an' all. More get th' reader all hot an' bothered. Not really one o' those comedy things, eh?~
== BHAERD25 IF ~InParty("HaerDalis") InMyArea("HaerDalis") !StateCheck("HaerDalis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[HAERDALIS] Ah. Yes. Well. To borrow a turn of phrase often heard in bardic lore... this is an intriguing concept. In the hands of a talented author, it might even be publishable. Alas, it is neither.~


Valygar #1. Still not sure. The point is they would talk past each other in regular conversation - they come from very different worldviews. But something somehow doesn't translate out of my head and onto the page.

/* ToB Banters: Aran > Valygar*/
CHAIN IF ~CombatCounter(0) !Detect([ENEMY]) Global("c-arntob25b","GLOBAL",0) InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN C-ARN25B c-arantob25b
~[ARAN] So, have you decided what th' acceptable level o' corruption be, or do you just be waitin' until th' right moment to say you be wrong?~ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arntob25b","GLOBAL",1)~
== BVALYG25 IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] I am not wrong. Magic is a force that corrupts all who use it.~ 

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) !Class("c-aran",SORCERER) OR(2) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[ARAN] <CHARNAME>, <PRO_HESHE> be a right powerful user o' magic.~
== BVALYG25 IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) !Class("c-aran",SORCERER) OR(2) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] An occurrence which troubles me greatly. I think <PRO_HESHE> should proceed carefully.~ 

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) Class("c-aran",SORCERER) OR(2) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[ARAN] <CHARNAME>, <PRO_HESHE> an I both be right powerful users o' magic.~
== BVALYG25 IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] OR(2) Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) Class("c-aran",SORCERER) OR(2) Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] An occurrence which troubles me greatly. Both of you should proceed carefully.~

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) Class("c-aran",SORCERER) !Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I be a right powerful user o' magic.~
== BVALYG25 IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) OR(2) Class("c-aran",MAGE_ALL) Class("c-aran",SORCERER) !Class(Player1,MAGE_ALL) !Class(Player1,SORCERER)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] An occurrence which troubles me greatly. You should proceed carefully.~ 

== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] I don't rightly think we could get all th' way here without usin' some serious magic. I don't feel corrupted. Hells, I feel right fine, I do.~

== BVALYG25 IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] Do you think Bodhi felt that her vampiric nature and magical powers were a form of corruption?~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Well, she were undead herself, eh? She looked a mite peaked an' whitish, I guess. Th' magic use were somethin' secondary to her nature, is all.~
== BVALYG25 IF ~InParty("Valygar") InMyArea("Valygar") !StateCheck("Valygar",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[VALYGAR] You do not seem to be getting my point.~ 
== C-ARN25B IF ~InParty("c-aran") InMyArea("c-aran") !StateCheck("c-aran",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN ~[ARAN] Oh, I be gettin' it. I just don't find m'self in agreement, is all.~


Cool idea from Dorotea in her Longer Road - she checks for whether or not the party has been into the Keep in Watcher's Keep with stuff like this:



  SAY @33
  IF ~!Global("TalkedTozGarOdr1","GLOBAL",0) Global("OpenDungeonDoor5","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN REPLY @34 GOTO LRWKEEP_ST1
  IF ~!Global("OpenDungeonDoor5","GLOBAL",0) !Global("DemoGorgonIsDead","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY @35 GOTO LRWKEEP_DGMET1
  IF ~!Global("OpenDungeonDoor5","GLOBAL",0) Global("DemoGorgonIsDead","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN REPLY @36 GOTO LRWKEEP_DGMET1
  IF ~Global("TalkedTozGarOdr1","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN REPLY @37 GOTO LRWKEEP_ST1
  IF ~Global("TalkedTozGarOdr1","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN REPLY @38 GOTO LRWKEEP_ST1


Seeing as I want a way to look for being in Watcher's Keep in both ToB and Soa, I know we could use


0x40DB AmIInWatchersKeepPleaseIgnoreTheLackOfApostophe()

ToB only. Returns true only if the active CRE is in a Watcher's Keep (i.e. the current area begins with AR30).


0x40DB InWatchersKeep()

ToB only. Returns true only if the active CRE is in a Watcher's Keep (i.e. the current area begins with AR30).


and you can't have Watcher's Keep available unless you have installed ToB, but it looks like she tested it out, so I am snagging it as it is more specific to the very first area:


/* ToB Watcher's Keep */



Note to self - install and play through Longer Road. This mod looks well built.


If I understand correctly, then the multiromance talk is for ToB? Does that mean Aran will allow players to multiromance all the way through? Also, can we have a version for Imoen? She's the only NPC I always have with me once I rescue her, not sure about other players.


I almost always keep Imoen and Minsc with me, so you're not alone.


On a different note, for what it's worth, I'm both appreciative and more than a little amazed that you're attempting to account for the presence of other mod NPCs and mod romances as you work on Aran. Having all my companions talk to each other or at least recognize their presence is important to me as a player, but with the sheer amount of mod NPCs out there today, I don't blame modders for usually leaving that stuff out of their own mods and just contributing to the CBP. It's a lot of extra work and I just wanted to say thank you for doing it. I'm looking forward to meeting Aran, once he's ready :)


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