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in F:\TEST1\aranw\baf\c-arn25d.baf


/* NightTalk: Stars, Constancy Thereof */



















in F:\TEST1\aranw\dialog\c-arantobdialog.d


/* NightTalk: Stars, Constancy Thereof */

IF ~Global("c-tobnightone","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN a4249

SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be a sight. Those stars seem to cover th' whole sky, or what we can see o' it.~

++ ~[PC] I prefer to keep my eyes focused nearer to reality. The only good use for starlight is exposing your enemies when they are stupid enough to move across open terrain without cover.~ + a4250

++ ~[PC] They do have a way of reminding us that some things never change. All we do, all we attain, all we suffer.... they just keep shining, completely untouched.~ + a4251

++ ~[PC] They are very cold. Almost eyes, watching us, judging us, evaluating us.~ + a4251

++ ~[PC] I think they are like small campfires, a host of ones like ours, warm in the night.~ + a4251

+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I think they seem like they are mocking me. Kind of like women, all shiny and sparkley, yet cold and distant.~ + a4251

+ ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] They seem... romantic, somehow. Always there, no matter what.~ + a4251

+ ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] They certainly have one thing going for them. They don't stand around gawking, wasting time, and blathering.~ + a3188 /* c-aranshutup55 */

+ ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] They certainly have one thing going for them. They don't stand around gawking, wasting time, and blathering.~ + a3189 /* c-aranshutup56 */

+ ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] They certainly have one thing going for them. They don't stand around gawking, wasting time, and blathering.~ + a3190 /* c-aranshutup57 */

+ ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] They certainly have one thing going for them. They don't stand around gawking, wasting time, and blathering.~ + a3191 /* c-aranshutup58 */

+ ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] They certainly have one thing going for them. They don't stand around gawking, wasting time, and blathering.~ + a3192 /* c-aranshutup59 */



IF ~~ a4250

SAY ~[ARAN] Aye. Spoken like a true warrior. Although all killin' an' no imagination probably leaves things a mite bit dull, don't you think?~

++ ~[PC] I don't know. There are so many fascinating and different ways to kill. Why, just think of all the possibilities acid has for creative application.~ + a4252

++ ~[PC] True enough. I suppose a little time to see the sights is not a bad way to relax.~ + a4251

+ ~OR(3) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I have plenty of other thoughts to occupy my mind right now. Some of them are rather unpleasant, but so far we have come out on top. I will sleep as well as can be expected.~ + a4254

+ ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] I have plenty of other thoughts to occupy my mind right now. Some of them are rather unpleasant, but so far we have come out on top. I will sleep as well as can be expected.~ + a4253

+ ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ + ~[PC] You might be right. Sometimes it is nice just to sit and think.~ + a4253

+ ~RandomNum(5,5)~ + ~[PC] Given the choice between watching the stars, listening to you, and committing ritual suicide, I am pretty sure ritual suicide comes out a winner.~ + a3188 /* c-aranshutup55 */

+ ~RandomNum(5,4)~ + ~[PC] Given the choice between watching the stars, listening to you, and committing ritual suicide, I am pretty sure ritual suicide comes out a winner.~ + a3189 /* c-aranshutup56 */

+ ~RandomNum(5,3)~ + ~[PC] Given the choice between watching the stars, listening to you, and committing ritual suicide, I am pretty sure ritual suicide comes out a winner.~ + a3190 /* c-aranshutup57 */

+ ~RandomNum(5,2)~ + ~[PC] Given the choice between watching the stars, listening to you, and committing ritual suicide, I am pretty sure ritual suicide comes out a winner.~ + a3191 /* c-aranshutup58 */

+ ~RandomNum(5,1)~ + ~[PC] Given the choice between watching the stars, listening to you, and committing ritual suicide, I am pretty sure ritual suicide comes out a winner.~ + a3192 /* c-aranshutup59 */



IF ~~ a4251

SAY ~[ARAN] They sure be beautiful. So powerful, shinin' down like that. An' so far out o' reach.~

IF ~OR(4) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) Global("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) Gender(Player1,MALE)~ THEN GOTO a4254

IF ~GlobalGT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",3) Gender(Player1,FEMALE) !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1)~ THEN GOTO a4253



IF ~~ a4253

SAY ~[ARAN] You know, you look right fine lit by stars an' th' moon. I can guess why there be so many worshipers o' Selune.~

++ ~[PC] I think I want to kiss you.~ + a3915 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */

++ ~[PC] (Impulsively clasp both hands around one of his, pulling it towards you.)~ + a3916 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */

++ ~[PC] I... I am tired. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a4254

++ ~[PC] I am not Selune. But you could worship me if you like.~ + a3918 /* ARAN_MOON_MIND */

++ ~[PC] Hey, easy on the compliments. Friends, remember? You are starting to sound all romantic and weepy.~ + a3919 /* MOON_JUST_FRIENDS */

++ ~[PC] Talking with you here is a nice rest from all of the day's cares. But then again, lots of things besides talking can happen beneath those little twinkling lights.~ + a3918 /* ARAN_MOON_MIND */

++ ~[PC] You are so... stupid. And pushy. Go away and leave me in peace.~ + a3866 /* FIGHT_EXIT */



IF ~~ a4252

SAY ~[ARAN] Talos' an' Teos' Twisted Temper... Thanks a bunch, eh? Now I'll be havin' nightmares all night.~

IF ~~ THEN GOTO a4254



IF ~~ a4253

SAY ~[ARAN] You know, you look right fine lit by stars an' th' moon. I can guess why there be so many worshipers o' Selune.~

++ ~[PC] I think I want to kiss you.~ + a3915 /* FEMALE_MOON_LEADS */

++ ~[PC] (Impulsively clasp both hands around one of his, pulling it towards you.)~ + a3916 /* ARAN_MOON_LEADS */

++ ~[PC] I... I am tired. Have a good night, Aran.~ + a4254

++ ~[PC] I am not Selune. But you could worship me if you like.~ + a3918 /* ARAN_MOON_MIND */

++ ~[PC] Hey, easy on the compliments. Friends, remember? You are starting to sound all romantic and weepy.~ + a3919 /* MOON_JUST_FRIENDS */

++ ~[PC] Talking with you here is a nice rest from all of the day's cares. But then again, lots of things besides talking can happen beneath those little twinkling lights.~ + a3918 /* ARAN_MOON_MIND */

++ ~[PC] You are so... stupid. And pushy. Go away and leave me in peace.~ + a3866 /* FIGHT_EXIT */



IF ~~ a4254

SAY ~[ARAN] Well, I'm off. Got th' first watch anyhow. Have a dream or two for me.~






Anything in /* */ with existing numbers ties back into the negotiation between Aran and PC for doing stuff found in adult content.

++ ~[PC] I prefer to keep my eyes focused nearer to reality. The only good use for starlight is exposing your enemies when they are stupid enough to move across open terrain without cover.~ + a4250


I think "nearer to reality" sounds a little awkward. How about "closer to reality"?


+ ~Gender(Player1,MALE)~ + ~[PC] I think they seem like they are mocking me. Kind of like women, all shiny and sparkley, yet cold and distant.~ + a4251




++ ~[PC] They are very cold. Almost eyes, watching us, judging us, evaluating us.~ + a4251


Shouldn't that be "almost like eyes"?


~[ARAN] Talos' an' Teos' Twisted Temper...






"closer to reality" adopted.


Note to self - search project files to do "sparkley" > "sparkly". I must have hit "ignore all" in the spellchecker when it hit the first one.


"almost like eyes" adopted.


Teos - don't know where that came from. A city in Egypt, I think, in one of the mystery novels lying about the house, or something. I need to find a good replacement, or just leave it at Talos' Twisted Temper.


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