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What D&D character are you


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Every time I do it, I end up with some sort of a ranger (better not to remeber the details of that one time I tried to shoot a bow... :rolleyes: ) and/or even more conversly a bard (and I cannot sing if my life depended on it); Must be the wishful thinking, heh.


Chaotic Good Elf Ranger Bard

Follower Of Solonor Thelandria


Tried to change answers to more realistic ones (excluded every mention of bows! and fighting! and using magic!) and got...


Lawful Neutral Elf Bard Ranger

Follower Of Helm


Am I doomed or what???!

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... (better not to remeber the details of that one time I tried to shoot a bow...  :D  ) ...

I remember one time, when my boyfriend tried to teach me how to shoot his bow (which was, btw, my birthday present for him). The first tries were quite ok (well, I didn't hit what I had aimed at, but...), but then I somehow managed to hit both my arm and my face with the bowstring, when it shot back :rolleyes:

They were swollen for a couple of days :)


That's why I prefer bards, although I can't sing, either.

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First time: Neutral Evil Human Ranger Fighter

Follower of Cyric


Second: Chaotic Evil Human Ranger Fighter

Follower of Talos


At least I’m somewhat consistent but Evil sounds so harsh, I prefer to call it Good-Humoured. It's interesting that I did not even choose any of the ‘obvious’ evil answers. :rolleyes:

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... (better not to remeber the details of that one time I tried to shoot a bow...  :D  ) ...

I remember one time, when my boyfriend tried to teach me how to shoot his bow (which was, btw, my birthday present for him). The first tries were quite ok (well, I didn't hit what I had aimed at, but...), but then I somehow managed to hit both my arm and my face with the bowstring, when it shot back :rolleyes:

They were swollen for a couple of days :)


That's why I prefer bards, although I can't sing, either.

Heh, not quite so spectacular, but still, both my aim and range do not deserve to be called thusly. I think that there is no weapon whatsoever I can use succesfully; I guess I need to revise that 'cautch your own' food answer. I am sure they did not mean mushrooms, berries and nuts... I think the only slim chance to survive and adventure in D&D is with some sort of magic;

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