cmorgan Posted October 22, 2011 Posted October 22, 2011 No time to type much; will fill in more details later. Short course: Timers are set for FTs, LTs, NPC-Initiated flirts. Staggering content so they don't bunch up is relatively simple... until you give players choices on how long the timers work. Unsolvable problem in the long run, as starting/stopping flirts, starting/stopping romances, and talks that require specific conditions to fire will all throw them off, and the engine itelf seems to like to randomly wait much longer than the actual established timer (observation only, not proven). But, a partial solution, coded and installed in Aran's latest pre-Beta stuff: set everything up using OUTER_SET depending on the player choice. in c-aran.baf CODE /* ROMANCE TALKS */ /* * Romance Match and Initiation (He is not picky...) * One new thing here - Aran is ok if a friend switches genders - * but not so much on the romance side. So, we add a blocking variable * to make sure nothing progresses while that silly Girdle is in place. * He can have some special lines to play during the FT sequence on that. */ IF Global("c-aranmatch","GLOBAL",0) // Not evaluated Gender(Player1,FEMALE) // Player1 is female InParty(Myself) // Aran is here !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) // Aran is ok !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) // Player1 is ok !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) // Girdle of sex change not on Player1 THEN RESPONSE #100 // 100% of the time SetGlobal("c-aranmatch","GLOBAL",1) // Matched SetGlobal("c-aranrom","GLOBAL",1) // Aran is interested END /* Berelinde: Please consider staggering your flirts and your dialogues. Flirts are nice when they break up long stretches between LTs. * cmorgan: OK, great idea - let's make it really complicated, and base the first timer on the player's choice of overall speed of progress... */ IF Global("c-aranmatch","GLOBAL",1) // Matched Global("c-aransetupromtimers","GLOBAL",0) // Not evaluated GlobalGT("c-aranfriendbg2","GLOBAL",5) // FT 3 has played Gender(Player1,FEMALE) // Player1 is female InParty(Myself) // Aran is here !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) // Aran is ok !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) // Player1 is ok !HasItemEquiped("belt05",Player1) // Girdle of sex change not on Player1 THEN RESPONSE #100 SetGlobal("c-aransetupromtimers","GLOBAL",1) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",%choseninitialrom%) // Minimum Real Time until first LT RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranflirttimer","GLOBAL",%choseninitialflirt%) // Tee up flirt timer END in setup-aranw.tp2 CODE OUTER_FOR( aran_timer_choice = 0; ~%aran_timer_choice%~ STRING_COMPARE_REGEXP ~^[12]$~; )BEGIN PRINT ~Set Talk and Flirt Timers [1] Install Default Timers [2] Customize Timers Please type 1 or 2 and press enter.~ ACTION_READLN aran_timer_choice END // of O_F ACTION_IF ("aran_timer_choice" = 1) THEN BEGIN /* .ids patching with player choice: set talk timers */ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~3600 ARAN_FTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~3600 ARAN_LTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~3600 ARAN_FLIRT~ PRINT ~Speed: minimum 1 hour real time between dialogues (Default, recommended)~ OUTER_SET choseninitialrom = 2400 PRINT ~Initial Lovetalk offset by 40 minutes~ OUTER_SET choseninitialflirt = 1200 PRINT ~Initial NPC-Initiated Flirt offset by 20 minutes~ PRINT ~So if you are in a romance with him and never stop the romance, after the lovetalks start (after friendship talk 3), the timer sequence will start hourly FT, NPC Flirt 20 minutes later, and RT 20 minutes after that, then 20 minutes later the next FT fires. Please note that the timers are not exact, and variations within the game may mean bursts of activity followed by long waits.~ END ACTION_IF ("aran_timer_choice" = 2) THEN BEGIN PRINT ~Select Aran's Talk timers:~ PRINT ~Please choose one of the following: [1] approximately 1 hour real time minimum between friendship dialogues (recommended, default) [2] approximately 15 minutes real time minimum between friendship dialogues [3] approximately 30 minutes real time minimum between friendship dialogues [4] approximately 45 minutes real time minimum between friendship dialogues [5] approximately 1 hour 30 minutes real time minimum friendship between dialogues [6] approximately 2 hours real time minimum between friendshipdialogues~ OUTER_SPRINT ~friendshiptimer~ ~placeholder_value~ OUTER_WHILE (!(IS_AN_INT ~friendshiptimer~) OR (~friendshiptimer~ > 0x6) OR (~friendshiptimer~ < 0x1)) BEGIN PRINT ~Please type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 and press enter.~ ACTION_READLN ~friendshiptimer~ END ACTION_IF ("friendshiptimer" = 1) THEN BEGIN APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~3600 ARAN_FTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~3600 ARAN_LTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~3600 ARAN_FLIRT~ PRINT ~Speed: minimum 1 hour real time between dialogues (Default, recommended)~ OUTER_SET choseninitialrom = 2400 PRINT ~Initial Lovetalk offset by 40 minutes~ OUTER_SET choseninitialflirt = 1200 PRINT ~Initial NPC-Initiated Flirt offset by 20 minutes~ PRINT ~So if you are in a romance with him and never stop the romance, after the lovetalks start (after friendship talk 3), the timer sequence will start hourly FT, NPC Flirt 20 minutes later, and RT 20 minutes after that, then 20 minutes later the next FT fires. Please note that the timers are not exact, and variations within the game may mean bursts of activity followed by long waits.~ END ACTION_IF ("friendshiptimer" = 2) THEN BEGIN APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~900 ARAN_FTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~900 ARAN_LTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~900 ARAN_FLIRT~ PRINT ~Speed: minimum 15 minutes real time between dialogues~ OUTER_SET choseninitialrom = 600 PRINT ~Initial Lovetalk offset by 10 minutes~ OUTER_SET choseninitialflirt = 300 PRINT ~Initial NPC-Initiated Flirt offset by 5 minutes~ PRINT ~So if you are in a romance with him and never stop the romance, after the lovetalks start (after friendship talk 3), the timer sequence will start 15 minute FT, NPC-initiated Flirt 5 minutes later, and RT 5 minutes after that, then 5 minutes later the next FT. Please note that the timers are not exact, and variations within the game may mean bursts of activity followed by long waits... especially when you run out of timered content!~ END ACTION_IF ("friendshiptimer" = 3) THEN BEGIN APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~1800 ARAN_FTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~1800 ARAN_LTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~1800 ARAN_FLIRT~ PRINT ~Speed: minimum 30 minutes real time between dialogues~ OUTER_SET choseninitialrom = 1200 PRINT ~Initial Lovetalk offset by 20 minutes~ OUTER_SET choseninitialflirt = 600 PRINT ~Initial NPC-Initiated Flirt offset by 10 minutes~ PRINT ~So if you are in a romance with him and never stop the romance, after the lovetalks start (after friendship talk 3), the timer sequence will start 30 minute FT, NPC-initiated Flirt 10 minutes later, and RT 10 minutes after that, then 10 minutes later the next FT. Please note that the timers are not exact, and variations within the game may mean bursts of activity followed by long waits... especially when you run out of timered content!~ END ACTION_IF ("friendshiptimer" = 4) THEN BEGIN APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~2700 ARAN_FTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~2700 ARAN_LTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~2700 ARAN_FLIRT~ PRINT ~Speed: minimum 45 minutes real time between dialogues~ OUTER_SET choseninitialrom = 1800 PRINT ~Initial Lovetalk offset by 30 minutes~ OUTER_SET choseninitialflirt = 900 PRINT ~Initial NPC-Initiated Flirt offset by 15 minutes~ PRINT ~So if you are in a romance with him and never stop the romance, after the lovetalks start (after friendship talk 3), the timer sequence will start 45 minute FT, NPC-initiated Flirt 15 minutes later, and RT 15 minutes after that, then 15 minutes later the next FT. Please note that the timers are not exact, and variations within the game may mean bursts of activity followed by long waits... especially when you run out of timered content!~ END ACTION_IF ("friendshiptimer" = 5) THEN BEGIN APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~5400 ARAN_FTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~5400 ARAN_LTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~5400 ARAN_FLIRT~ PRINT ~Speed: minimum 1 hour 30 minutes real time between dialogues~ OUTER_SET choseninitialrom = 3600 PRINT ~Initial Lovetalk offset by 60 minutes~ OUTER_SET choseninitialflirt = 1800 PRINT ~Initial NPC-Initiated Flirt offset by 30 minutes~ PRINT ~So if you are in a romance with him and never stop the romance, after the lovetalks start (after friendship talk 3), the timer sequence will start 90 minute FT, NPC-initiated Flirt 30 minutes later, and RT 30 minutes after that, then 30 minutes later the next FT. Please note that the timers are not exact, and variations within the game may mean bursts of activity followed by long waits... especially when you run out of timered content!~ END ACTION_IF ("friendshiptimer" = 6) THEN BEGIN APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~7200 ARAN_FTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~7200 ARAN_LTT~ APPEND ~gtimes.ids~ ~7200 ARAN_FLIRT~ PRINT ~Speed: minimum 2 hours real time between dialogues~ OUTER_SET choseninitialrom = 4800 PRINT ~Initial Lovetalk offset by 80 minutes~ OUTER_SET choseninitialflirt = 2400 PRINT ~Initial NPC-Initiated Flirt offset by 40 minutes~ PRINT ~So if you are in a romance with him and never stop the romance, after the lovetalks start (after friendship talk 3), the timer sequence will start 120 minute FT, NPC-initiated Flirt 40 minutes later, and RT 40 minutes after that, then 40 minutes later the next FT. Please note that the timers are not exact, and variations within the game may mean bursts of activity followed by long waits... especially when you run out of timered content!~ END END and when compiling the two scripts that have blocks like this in the .tp2, farther down, use CODE COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~aranw/baf/c-aran.baf~ // override script ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~ar6111.are~ THEN BEGIN // ToB dialog file PRINT ~Installing ToB scripts...~ COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~aranw/baf/c-arn25.baf~ // joined ToB script The result of timer choices are hidden in the PRINT stuff, detailed out for anyone who looks at the .DEBUG file.
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