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BG1NPC v20 Changelog


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[tutu and bgt] Kagain the Skinflint does not give reaction dependent rewards, just hands each part member 15 gp. From erebusant, here.

no action : no problem to code, but problem in terms of generation of specious bug reports. Safer to leave him chileling everyone equally.


[tutu and bgt] Unfinished Business for Tutu and BGT recheck on components compatibility (some of the conflicting components may now work together since Ascension64 has recoded UB). Flagging components that are going to break stuff so they won't install, matching all of Ascension64's list.

no action : Ascension64 did this when rechecking UB code.


[tutu and bgt] The Romance Guide is out of date and inaccurate - needs a revision and recheck for changed lines, needs a translation after that, and in general needs some TLC from a dedicated wordsmith with a penchant for detail, a thirst for unpaid unrequited labor, and a high threshold for pain.

Delayed: to revisit in v21


  • Added Traduction française : pour tout support, rendez-vous sur La Couronne de Cuivre
  • Repaired From Isaya, reporting translator findings: x#cosqu.tra, < PRO_MANWOAMN > repaired to < PRO_MANWOMAN >
  • Repaired From Isaya, reporting translator findings: x#challenge.tra, string merge; lines across all translations now read:
    @112 = ~I am pleased to make your acquaintance, even if it has happened under such... peculiar circumstances. Coran Sullussaer, was it not?~
    @112 = ~Me alegra conoceros, incluso en tal... circunstancia peculiar. Coran Sullussaer, ¿verdad?~
    @112 = ~Je suis heureuse de faire votre connaissance, même si elle se produit en des... circonstances aussi particulières. Coran Sullussaer, n'est-ce pas ?~
  • RepairedFrom Isaya, reporting translator findings: I_C_T ~%tutu_scripts%LAVLEAD~ 0 X#CoranRill repaired to correct line; I_C_T ~%tutu_scripts%LAVLEAD~ 2 X#CoranRill
  • Repaired ScuD's Yeslik repairs
  • Repaired BGT and TutTu Dream assignment repairs
  • Repaired Xan Slaver Quest dialog initiation switched to NPC script



Changelog for v19 can be found here


All changes can be viewed on GitHub by following github.com/cmorganbg/BG1NPC

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