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More frequent crashes (Android)


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Hi there,


I'm having troubles playing BG 1 on Adroid 2.3.3. So far the game runs very nice and accurate, but every now and then the game freezes for a few seconds and then crashes (sends me back to the home screen). It seems like this occurs mainly during fights. Do you have any Idea how to fix this ?


This is a Part of the Data ALogCat provided:


I/GemRB   ( 5884): (Main)
I/GemRB   ( 5884): Searching for mhob.2da...
I/GemRB   ( 5884): [ERROR]
I/GemRB   ( 5884): Searching for vwolf01...
I/GemRB   ( 5884): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   ( 5884): Name: Imoen | Attacks: 2 | Start: 656111
I/GemRB   ( 5884): (Main)
I/GemRB   ( 5884): Name: Cassandra | Attacks: 1 | Start: 656111
I/GemRB   ( 5884): (Main)
I/GemRB   ( 5884): Searching for WAL_25a...
I/GemRB   ( 5884): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   ( 5884): Searching for cefw1a1e.bam...
I/GemRB   ( 5884): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   ( 5884): Searching for wpMSLa1e.bam...
I/GemRB   ( 5884): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   ( 5884): 6 damage taken.
I/GemRB   ( 5884): Searching for vwolf08...
I/GemRB   ( 5884): [chitin.key]
I/GemRB   ( 5884): 5 damage taken.
I/DEBUG   (  110): pid: 5884, tid: 5894  >>> net.sourceforge.gemrb <<<
I/DEBUG   (  110):		  #00  pc 000ce834  /mnt/asec/net.sourceforge.gemrb-1/lib/libapplication.so
I/DEBUG   (  110):		  #01  lr 820cb589  /mnt/asec/net.sourceforge.gemrb-1/lib/libapplication.so
I/DEBUG   (  110):	 470b161c  8207bff7  /mnt/asec/net.sourceforge.gemrb-1/lib/libapplication.so
I/DEBUG   (  110):	 470b1634  820cb635  /mnt/asec/net.sourceforge.gemrb-1/lib/libapplication.so
I/DEBUG   (  110):	 470b1644  820cb8a9  /mnt/asec/net.sourceforge.gemrb-1/lib/libapplication.so
E/InputDispatcher(  166): channel '408751f8 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x8
E/InputDispatcher(  166): channel '408751f8 net.sourceforge.gemrb/net.sourceforge.gemrb.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!


Do you need any Crash-Reports to help me? If so I will post them as soon as I manage to obtain them.



(But anyhow, thanx for this great emulator. Since you implemented tff fonts and multitouch, its my favourite android-app) :)

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Thanks for the bugreport. Is the version, you are using, is the latest market version? If crash is repeatable, could you provide the savegame just before the crash to test it on my 2.3.3?


Are there any specific features about your installation (e.g. non-default data folder)?The probable cause of crash may be old data files (GUIScripts and override folders, though only developers may say surely about it from the logs), but with default installation folder it cannot happen. Any specific about your device (low memory etc)?

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Thx for your answers.


i'm using a samsung i9001 with 358mb ram. I tried using the Clean-Ram-Button and killed all running apps, but there was no change.

I had gemrb installed before and there were no crashes. the I re-installed it and it started crashing.could it really be an out-of-memory-issue?


This is my Savegame-Folder, but the crash appears randomly. I get crashes with all my savegames, even when I started a new game, at the beginning of chapter two.


I'm not using a marked-version, but the build here uploaded on 2012-01-29 (Folder 6ef449e) ... could this be the reason of the crashes ... should I rather use a marked-version ?


This is my Gemrb.cfg. All Installation- and Data-Folders are default.


#												   #
#  This is the GemRB Configuration file.		    #
#  Here are defined some default parameters for	 #
#  basic configuration and paths definition.	    #
#												   #
#  Parameters are defined as a Name=Value pair	  #
#  The Value can be of three types:				 #
#	  - String									 #
#	  - Integer								    #
#	  - Boolean								    #
#												   #
#  The String value is represented as follows	   #
#  i.e. H:\GemRB\plugins						    #
#  Integers are defined as follows				  #
#  i.e. 12723									   #
#  Booleans are represented as 1 or 0 in this file  #
#												   #
#  Lines starting with # are ignored			    #
#												   #
#												   #
#  Game Type [string] Use one of the following	  #
#  values:										  #
#												   #
#  auto	  Attempt to autodetect game type	    #
#  bg1	   Baldur's Gate						  #
#  bg2	   Baldur's Gate 2 : SoA or ToB		   #
#  tob	   Baldur's Gate 2 : ToB (obsolete)	   #
#  iwd	   IceWind Dale (no How or ToTL installed)#
#  how	   IceWind Dale : HoW or ToTL			 #
#  iwd2	  IceWind Dale 2						 #
#  pst	   Planescape Torment					 #
#  (More will come)								 #
#												   #
#  Game Name [string] Title for GemRB window, use   #
#  anything you wish, e.g. Baldur's Gate 3: RotFL   #
GameName=Baldur's Gate 1
#  Video Parameters								 #
#Screen width
#Screen height
#Bits per pixel [integer:16,32]
#Fullscreen [boolean]
# Delay before tooltips appear [milliseconds]
#  Audio Parameters								 #
#												   #
# All volume options are in percents, with 100	  #
# being the normal and default volume			   #
#												   #
# Choices: openal (default), sdlaudio (faster, but limited featureset), none
#AudioDriver = openal
# Volume of ambient sounds
#VolumeAmbients = 100
# Volume during movie playback
#VolumeMovie = 100
# Volume of background music
#VolumeMusic = 100
# Volume of sound effects
#VolumeSFX = 100
# Volume of PC or NPC voices
#VolumeVoices = 100
#  Case Sensitive Filesystem [boolean]			  #
#												   #
#  If your installed game files are residing on a   #
#  case sensitive filesystem (ext2 on Linux) then   #
#  you need to set this value to 1, it has no	   #
#  effect on Windows							    #
#  GUI Parameters								   #
#												   #
# GemRB may enhance the GUI of the Infinity Engine  #
# games (so far only in bg2) creating functionally  #
# new buttons or scrollbars where they weren't	  #
# present in original games. It may improve its	 #
# usability, but is not quite compatible with	   #
# mods changing graphics and alignment in the *.chu #
# files (e.g. the buttons will appear in old	    #
# coordinates and may stop being clickable).	    #
# Enable all gui enhancements ? [boolean]
GUIEnhancements = 1
TouchScrollAreas = 0
#  Debug										    #
# Do not play intro videos [boolean], useful for development
# Draw Frames per Second info [boolean]
# Hide unexplored parts of a map
# Enable debug and cheat keystrokes, see docs/en/CheatKeys.txt
#   full listing
#  Paths										    #
#  Game Paths [string]							  #
#												   #
#  These are the paths where the Game you want to   #
#  play is installed.							   #
#  Enter the full path to the directory.			 #
#  GemRB Cache Path [string]					    #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB will store the	  #
#  cached files, enter the full path to the GemRB   #
#  Cache directory.								 #
#  GemRB Save Path [string]						 #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for saved	 #
#  games.										   #
#  Enter the full path to the directory containing  #
#  e.g. the 'save' subdirectory.				    #
#												   #
#  You do not have to specify this if you use save  #
#  subdir in the GamePath directory.			    #
SavePath=/mnt/sdcard/BG Saves/
###### HERE BE DRAGONS #############################
###### HERE BE DRAGONS #############################
###### HERE BE DRAGONS #############################
# You shouldn't need to change anything below this point.
#  GemRB Path [string]							  #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB is stored, just	 #
#  enter the full path to the GemRB executable	  #
#  GemRB GUI Scripts Path [string]				  #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB GUI scripts are	 #
#  stored, usually these are in the GemRB directory #
#  Enter the full path to the directory containing  #
#  the 'GUIScript' subdirectory.				    #
#  GemRB Plugins Path [string]					  #
#												   #
#  This is the path containing GemRB plugins	    #
#  - shared libraries (.so) on Unixes, or		   #
#  DLLs (.dll) on windows.						  #
#  Enter the full path to the directory.		    #
#												   #
#  You may need to specify this path if running	 #
#  GemRB from source directory on Linux.		    #
#  Game Data Path [string]						  #
#												   #
#  This is the subdirectory under GamePath where    #
#  game data files are stored.					  #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!	    #
#  Game Data Override Path [string]				 #
#												   #
#  This is the subdirectory under GamePath where    #
#  game data override files are stored.			 #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!	    #
#  GemRB Data Override Path [string]			    #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for the GemRB #
#  data override directory.						 #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!	    #

#  END											  #

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I can't say for sure, but 358 megs should be more then enough.


About android wrappers in different versions (implying, that problem lies in it):

- current market version has very subtle differences with 6ef449e (mouse related changes)

- versions from 83343b2 (2012-01-10) to 6ef449e (2012-01-29) has exactly the same android wrapper

- next SF version (it's already on its way to SF) will use latest wrapper, same as market version.


I wonder, what was your previous (stable) version? If it was version prior to 83343b2 (2012-01-10), I can build APK with latest gemrb and older android wrapper for you to see, where the problem lies.


Your CFG file seems fine, I'll try your saves, but won't promise to play enough to be sure about crashes.

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Yeah, this did the job. Thanx guys :)


I re-installed the marked-version and now I'm happily playing on, without any more crashes.



Maybe it would help further development, if I report some other bugs, I noticed. (just some minor things ... on the whole, GemRB works marvellous)

  • In Nashkell, the mayor Berrun Ghastkell is missing (but this might have nothing to do with GemRB - other (non-GemRB)-BG1-Players report this issue as well (see here)
  • A change of the volume options in the GemRB.cfg doesn't affect the game. If I set Volume Voices to 0 I still get NPC-Voices in the game. On the other Hand, if I change the InGame-Soundeffect-Volume-Slider, this affects the NPC-Voices (but also all the other Soundeffects are gone)
  • Custom Portraits don't work. On the Caracter-Creation Screen I can select Individual Portraits and the Small Portrait ist selectable, but not the big one.
  • Is there any way to disable the subtitles for the Party-Voices? Everytime I select a PartyMember I get a subtitle in the TextBox (for ex. "Branwen: Hello?") This really fills up the TextBox with unneeded Information, especially during fights.
  • Another nice feature would be, if in a dialog, the Textbox would jump to the beginning of a dialog. Now I have to scroll up, everytime I get a long text in a dialog. But really, this is just a minor thing ... to gladly scroll up, to be able to play my favourite game on my Smartphone :)

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A change of the volume options in the GemRB.cfg doesn't affect the game. If I set Volume Voices to 0 I still get NPC-Voices in the game. On the other Hand, if I change the InGame-Soundeffect-Volume-Slider, this affects the NPC-Voices (but also all the other Soundeffects are gone)


I broke this recently on accident. thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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turns out i didnt break those config options. I'm not sure that those options ever were loaded from GemRB.cfg... I see nowhere in the cfg loading that is putting anything into the vars dictionary aside from fullscreen and bpp. It would be easy (few lines of code is all) to have dictionary values populated from non matching cfg keys, but that isn't a popular idea among the developers (we would like to do things the RightWay which would require a pretty substantial re-factor of the whole preference/defaults system).

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>It would be easy (few lines of code is all) to have dictionary values populated from non matching cfg keys, but that isn't a popular idea among the developers.


Actually, i would like to do that, but you guys are numerous. And i'm not against refactoring that improves the stuff, if it isn't me who does it.

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It looks like Tomprince is doing some refactoring on the configuration front now. since he has been so vocal about the vars dictionary being a bad thing I'm hoping whatever he is up to will provide this functionality directly.


I agree tho, we do need to be able to set game preferences via GemRB.cfg


SpecialGuest: If you weren't aware you can set those in baldur.ini and GemRB will respect them.

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Sadly, he is right. The selection/command sound frequency settings are messed up. It is possible to alter them, but i think they are not the same values as in the original.

In any case, for GemRB, they should be set to 0 to have no voice feedback.


Ambient volume is also not honored. You can set it to 0, and for some time the ambient ceases, but eventually it will come back at full volume.

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these are the values we import from baldur.ini that are also referenced in OpenAl plugin:

{"Program Options", "Volume Ambients", 100},
{"Program Options", "Volume Movie", 100},
{"Program Options", "Volume Music", 100},
{"Program Options", "Volume SFX", 100},
{"Program Options", "Volume Voices", 100},


The problem I think is that they only work for OpenAL audio and not SDL audio.


If you are using OpenAL please check that the options are in the expected "Program Options" section of the INI.

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