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GemRB freezes after clicking "Quit"


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After spending much of yesterday afternoon trying to get sound to work for both BG1 and PT, I finally figured out that I needed to uncomment the volume variables in the cfg files ('doh). Now I am working on getting some display issues taken care of (by the way, I am running GemRB on Ubuntu 11.10). Even with fullscreen set to 0 in both the cfg files and the games' ini files, the games are running in fullscreen, although the actual rendered image only takes up a small portion of the screen (large black box around it). I installed the widescreen mod and set the resolution in the cfg files to try to resolve this. Now when I start up one of the games, the resolution is not changing, but it moves the rendered image to a different part of the screen (up and to the left a little bit). Also, when I select quit from the menu screens, it appears to freeze. I have tried alt+tabbing out, or using ctrl+alt+left/right to switch to a new workspace, even alt+f4 to kill the program, but nothing gets me back to my desktop. The only way to recover from this I have found is to do a hard reset on my computer. Is there a log somewhere where I can find the error which is occurring? Previously I would just pipe the text output to a log file in my home directory, but when I have to do a hard reset to get back to my desktop, it never saves the file so I can't see what went wrong. Below is the cfg file for Planescape. Any help or advice you can offer to help me get this working properly would be greatly appreciated!


#												   #
#  Game Type [string] Use one of the following	  #
#  values:										  #
#												   #
#  auto	  Attempt to autodetect game type		#
#												   #
#  bg1	   Baldur's Gate						  #
#  bg2	   Baldur's Gate 2 : SoA or ToB		   #
#  tob	   Baldur's Gate 2 : ToB (obsolete)	   #
#  iwd	   IceWind Dale (no How or ToTL installed)#
#  how	   IceWind Dale : HoW or ToTL			 #
#  iwd2	  IceWind Dale 2						 #
#  pst	   Planescape Torment					 #
#  (More will come)								 #
#												   #
#  Game Name [string] Title for GemRB window, use   #
#  anything you wish, e.g. Baldur's Gate 3: RotFL   #
GameName=Planescape: Torment
#  Video Parameters								 #
#NOTE: SCREEN width and height can NOT be ARBITRARY without installing the
# widescreen mod: http://www.gibberlings3.net/widescreen/
#Resolutions supported by the original games (gemrb) are:
# * 640x480 (except in iwd2)
# * 800x600 (bg2, iwd:how, iwd2)
# * 1024x768 (bg2, iwd:how, iwd2)
# * 1280x1024 (bg2, iwd:how, iwd2)
#Screen width
#Screen height
#Bits per pixel [integer:16,32]
#Fullscreen [boolean]
# Delay before tooltips appear [milliseconds]
#  Audio Parameters								 #
#												   #
# All volume options are in percents, with 100	  #
# being the normal and default volume			   #
#												   #
# Choices: openal (default), sdlaudio (faster, but limited featureset), none
AudioDriver = openal
# Volume of ambient sounds
VolumeAmbients = 100
# Volume during movie playback
VolumeMovie = 100
# Volume of background music
VolumeMusic = 100
# Volume of sound effects
VolumeSFX = 100
# Volume of PC or NPC voices
VolumeVoices = 100
#  Case Sensitive Filesystem [boolean]			  #
#												   #
#  If your installed game files are residing on a   #
#  case sensitive filesystem (ext2 on Linux) then   #
#  you need to set this value to 1, it has no	   #
#  effect on Windows								#
#  GUI Parameters								   #
#												   #
# GemRB may enhance the GUI of the Infinity Engine  #
# games (so far only in bg2) creating functionally  #
# new buttons or scrollbars where they weren't	  #
# present in original games. It may improve its	 #
# usability, but is not quite compatible with	   #
# mods changing graphics and alignment in the *.chu #
# files (e.g. the buttons will appear in old		#
# coordinates and may stop being clickable).		#
# Enable all gui enhancements ? [integer]
GUIEnhancements = 15

#  Debug											#
# Do not play intro videos [boolean], useful for development
# Draw Frames per Second info [boolean]
# Hide unexplored parts of a map
# Enable debug and cheat keystrokes, see docs/en/CheatKeys.txt
#   full listing
# Do not load these plugins
#  Paths											#
#  Game Paths [string]							  #
#												   #
#  These are the paths where the Game you want to   #
#  play is installed.							   #
#  Enter the full path to the directory.			#
GamePath=/home/tim/Planescape Torment/
CD1=/home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/
CD2=/home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/
CD3=/home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/
CD4=/home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/
CD5=/home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/
CD6=/home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/
#  GemRB Cache Path [string]						#
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB will store the	  #
#  cached files, enter the full path to the GemRB   #
#  Cache directory.								 #
#  GemRB Save Path [string]						 #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for saved	 #
#  games.										   #
#  Enter the full path to the directory containing  #
#  e.g. the 'save' subdirectory.					#
#												   #
#  You do not have to specify this if you use save  #
#  subdir in the GamePath directory.				#
#SavePath=/mnt/windows/Programmi/Black Isle/BGII - SoA/
###### HERE BE DRAGONS #############################
# You shouldn't need to change any paths below this point.
#  GemRB Path [string]							  #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB is stored, just	 #
#  enter the full path to the GemRB executable	  #
#  GemRB GUI Scripts Path [string]				  #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB GUI scripts are	 #
#  stored, usually these are in the GemRB directory #
#  Enter the full path to the directory containing  #
#  the 'GUIScript' subdirectory.					#
#  GemRB Plugins Path [string]					  #
#												   #
#  This is the path containing GemRB plugins		#
#  - shared libraries (.so) on Unixes, or		   #
#  DLLs (.dll) on windows.						  #
#  Enter the full path to the directory.			#
#												   #
#  You may need to specify this path if running	 #
#  GemRB from source directory on Linux.			#
#  Custom Font Path [string]				 #
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for non-BAM   #
#  fonts (ex TTF)								   #
#												   #
#  Game Data Path [string]						  #
#												   #
#  This is the subdirectory under GamePath where	#
#  game data files are stored.					  #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!		#
#  Game Data Override Path [string]				 #
#												   #
#  This is the subdirectory under GamePath where	#
#  game data override files are stored.			 #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!		#
#  GemRB Data Override Path [string]				#
#												   #
#  This is the path where GemRB looks for the GemRB #
#  data override directory.						 #
#												   #
#  You probably do NOT want to specify this!		#
#  Input Parameters								 #
#whether or not to use software keyboard on devices that support one
#Adds a gutter around the screen for scrolling
#  Touch Gesture Input Parameters				   #
#  Requires SDL 1.3 or later	   #
#  All "NumFing" settings must be > 1 and < 5	   #
#  NumFingScroll and NumFingKboard cannot be equal  #
#  END											  #

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I am using GemRB v0.7.0. SyntaxError, I tried switching to sdlaudio in my cfg file, and got an error (game didn't even start up). According to the log, the SDL audio driver loaded fine, but then there was an error printed when attempting to start the sound driver. Here is the log. Once again, I appreciate you guys taking time to try to help me figure this out! I think I forgot to mention that I am using the GOG releases of the games; not sure if that is related to this issue. I would certainly love to be able to play these games without having to boot up Windows! (I use it at work, but other than that I am trying to remove myself from it as completely as possible)


GemRB Core Version v0.7.0 Loading...
[Core]: Initializing the Event Manager...[Core]: Initializing Lists Dictionary...[Core]: Initializing Variables Dictionary...[OK]
[Config]: Trying to open /etc/gemrb/planescape.cfg [OK]
[Core]: Starting Plugin Manager...
[PluginMgr]: Loading Plugins from /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/CREImporter.so... CRE File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/ITMImporter.so... ITM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/BIFImporter.so... BIF File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/OGGReader.so... OGG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/BMPImporter.so... BMP File Reader...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/GUIScript.so... GUI Script Engine (Python)...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/SPLImporter.so... SPL File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/MOSImporter.so... MOS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/DirectoryImporter.so... Directory Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/FXOpcodes.so... Effect opcodes for core games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/TLKImporter.so... TLK File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/WAVReader.so... WAV File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/ACMReader.so... ACM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/SDLVideo.so... SDL Video Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/BIKPlayer.so... BIK Video Player...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/PLTImporter.so... PLT File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/NullSound.so...[sKIPPING]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/IWDOpcodes.so... Effect opcodes for the icewind branch of the games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/GAMImporter.so... GAM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/2DAImporter.so... 2DA File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/KEYImporter.so... KEY File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/PROImporter.so... PRO File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/BAMImporter.so... BAM File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/SAVImporter.so... SAV File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/AREImporter.so... ARE File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/TISImporter.so... TIS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/CHUImporter.so... CHU File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/DLGImporter.so... DLG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/INIImporter.so... INI File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/SDLAudio.so... SDL Audio Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/PNGImporter.so... PNG File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/MUSImporter.so... MUS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/EFFImporter.so... EFF File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/WEDImporter.so... WED File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/BMPWriter.so... BMP File Writer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/WMPImporter.so... WMP File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/OpenALAudio.so... OpenAL Audio Driver...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/PSTOpcodes.so... Effect opcodes for the torment branch of the games...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/ZLibManager.so... ZLib Compression Manager...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/IDSImporter.so... IDS File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/STOImporter.so... STO File Importer...[OK]
[PluginMgr]: Loading: /usr/lib/games/gemrb/plugins/MVEPlayer.so... MVE Video Player...[OK]
[Core]: Plugin Loading Complete...[OK]
[Core]: GemRB Core Initialization...
[Core]: Initializing Video Driver...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Search Path...[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/sounds (Sounds)
[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/scripts (Scripts)
[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/portraits (Portraits)
[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/data (CD1/data)
[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/data (CD2/data)
[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/data (CD3/data)
[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/data (CD4/data)
[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/data (CD5/data)
[ResourceManager]: Invalid path given: /home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/data (CD6/data)
[Core]: Initializing KEY Importer...[KEYImporter]: Opening /home/tim/Planescape Torment/CHITIN.KEY...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Checking file type...[OK]
[KEYImporter]: Reading Resources...
[KEYImporter]:  BIF Files Count: 372 (Starting at 24 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]: RES Count: 12135 (Starting at 8759 Bytes)
[KEYImporter]: Resources Loaded...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing GUI Script Engine...[OK]
[Core]: Reading Game Options...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for gemrb.ini...[GemRB Override]
[Core]: Loading game type-specific GemRB setup...
[Core]: Creating Projectile Server...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for gemprjtl.ids...[GemRB Override]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for projectl.ids...[ERROR]
[Core]: Checking for Dialogue Manager...[OK]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for gender.2da...[ERROR]
[Core]: Loading Dialog.tlk file...[OK]
[Core]: Loading Palettes...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for MPALETTE... MPALETTE.bmp...[GemRB Override]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for PAL32... PAL32.bmp...[chitin.key]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for MPAL256... MPAL256.bmp...[GemRB Override]
[Core]: Palettes Loaded
[Core]: Initializing stock sounds...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for defsound.2da...[GemRB Override]
[Core]: Broadcasting Event Manager...[OK]
[Core]: Initializing Window Manager...[OK]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for cursors.bam...[chitin.key]
[Core]: Loading Cursors...[OK]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for fogowar.bam...[chitin.key]
[Core]: Loading Fog-Of-War bitmaps...[OK]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for WMPICKL.bam...[chitin.key]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for WMPICKR.bam...[chitin.key]
[Core]: Loading Ground circle bitmaps...[OK]
[Core]: Loading Fonts...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for fonts.2da...[GemRB Override]
[ResourceManager]: Searching for FONTDLG... FONTDLG.bam...[Override]
[bAMImporter]: Constructing BAM font: 223 characters...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for TRMTFONT... TRMTFONT.bam...[chitin.key]
[bAMImporter]: Constructing BAM font: 223 characters...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for EXOFONT... EXOFONT.bam...[chitin.key]
[bAMImporter]: Constructing BAM font: 223 characters...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for POSTANT... POSTANT.bam...[chitin.key]
[bAMImporter]: Constructing BAM font: 223 characters...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for NUMBER... NUMBER.bam...[chitin.key]
[bAMImporter]: Constructing BAM font: 11 characters...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for NUMBER2... NUMBER2.bam...[chitin.key]
[bAMImporter]: Constructing BAM font: 11 characters...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for NUMBER3... NUMBER3.bam...[chitin.key]
[bAMImporter]: Constructing BAM font: 11 characters...
[ResourceManager]: Searching for SYSFONT... SYSFONT.bam...[chitin.key]
[bAMImporter]: Constructing BAM font: 223 characters...
Found existing font for FONTDLG[OK]
[Core]: MovieFont not loaded: STONESML [WARNING]
[Core]: Fonts Loaded...[OK]
[Core]: Setting up the Console...[ResourceManager]: Searching for caret.bam...[chitin.key]
[Core]: Starting up the Sound Driver...[ERROR]

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I should also probably mention that while you can see there are some "issues" relating to paths printed out, if I remove the /data/ from the CD paths and simply point to the game's root installation path, I get more errors about .bif files being unable to be found and the game will not load, even if I change back to OpenAL audio.

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I should also probably mention that while you can see there are some "issues" relating to paths printed out, if I remove the /data/ from the CD paths and simply point to the game's root installation path, I get more errors about .bif files being unable to be found and the game will not load, even if I change back to OpenAL audio.

It would be very strange if your game files are indeed on a path like:

/home/tim/Planescape Torment/data/data

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that's how gog has them, but we already have an extra search path to accomodate for that iirc.


Anyway, that should not affect the sound issue. Did you build gemrb yourself?

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lynx, I initially tried to build it myself but was not able to get games running, so I instead got the package from playdeb ( I believe that's the name of the site). All of the dependencies I built myself, however.

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I believe you may be right, Avenger. I found several broken package dependencies that apt-get was not able to fix. I tried installing a couple packages and it said that some dependent packages were to be installed first; checked those packages and they were already installed. I thought I would try uninstalling those packages and reinstall, but the packages being removed with them included gdm and a lot of other system-type stuff. In the end, I decided it would probably be easier to just tar up all of my files and reinstall Ubuntu. I'm going to try and get gemrb working again tonight, I'll post the results back here.

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Wow, everything is working much better now! Thank you all for your time and experience! Everything appears to be functioning properly for the most part (the game is also loading in a window now rather than the "fullscreen" issue I mentioned above), other than a few oddities such as the escape key showing up as a ')' in the logs, but I'll play around and try to get those figured out. A great product you folks have here!

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