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More items with dispellable on-equip effects


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In addition to the two recently fixed, several more items have on-equip effects with dispellable that are dispellable. Comment away.


COPY_EXISTING AURSTAF.ITM  override //Dispellable protection from projectile: BULLET
		  DRAGRING.ITM override //Dispellable protection from projectile: ARROWHVY, AXE, BOLT, BULLET, DAGGER, DART
		  ELEMCHAN.ITM override //Dispellable opcode 232, renewing globe of blades ability
		  ELEMYANC.ITM override //Ditto
		  IMPINVIS.ITM override //Dispellable invisibility (creatures should not be visible, ever)
		  //IPSION.ITM   override //Dispellable virtually-everything; fixed elsewhere
		  JONHP1.ITM   override //Dispellable protection from fiends
		  KUORING.ITM  override //Dispellable immunity to slow
		  LICH.ITM	 override //Dispellable protection from fiends
		  //MAGE01.ITM   override //Invisibility. Should probably be dispellable; however, several creatures using it should not be visible
		  MAGE05.ITM   override //Free Action. Dispellable everything
		  MAGE06.ITM   override //Dispellable Haste
		  //NPPLAT.ITM   override //Partly dispellable Free Action; fixed elsewhere
		  NPSW03.ITM   override //Dispellable opcode 232, for the 'retribution' type effect on the sword
		  SLAYERWP.ITM override //Dispellable protection from projectile: ARROWHVY, AXE, BOLT, BULLET, DAGGER, DART
		  SW1HSEEK.ITM override //Dispellable APR mod
 READ_LONG 0x6a eo
 FOR (i = 0; i < SHORT_AT 0x70; ++i) BEGIN
READ_BYTE eo + 0x30 * i + 0xd rd
PATCH_IF rd = 1 OR rd = 3 BEGIN
  WRITE_BYTE eo + 0x30 * i + 0xd 2


I'm in agreement with your exclusion list. We've dealt with mage01 before with Lilarcor's 'Glowing Pool' becoming visible, so those definitely need a review.


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