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End of Sword Coast Stratagems II - version 22 of Sword Coast Stratagems released

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Version 21 of Sword Coast Stratagems II is the last version of SCSII that I'll release. As of version 22, SCS and SCSII have been combined into a single mod (which is also compatible with BG:EE), and I'm using "Sword Coast Stratagems" as a title for that combined mod.


Information about (and a download link for) version 22 of SCS is available here. As noted, it's a beta release. Combining both versions of SCS(II), adding BG:EE compatibility and rewriting the code base for future maintenance ease was a fairly big project, and I'm sure it's introduced bugs. If stability is your top priority you might want to stick with SCSII v21 for now.


Just to be clear (since I've confused a couple of people): you can still install SCS on a BG2-only game. The reason for the merger is that there was already a very large amount of common code and it was getting to be a complete nightmare remembering what had been changed where. I absolutely don't intend to stop supporting any existing SCS or SCSII install configuration. (My own preferred playstyle is still BG1TUTU and then BG2).

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