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BG:EE and BG2:EE Mod compatability question.


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I'm new to this site and while I played BG and BG2 back in the day I was young and never realised that there was a modding community until BG:EE came out. As such the mod jargon on this site confuses me a bit.


I'm wondering if there is a list of mods, or a way to search for mods, which are currently compatible with either BG:EE or BG2:EE? I have searched through the forum for the last 20 minutes but haven't found anything I can understand and so I've signed up in order to ask.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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BGIIEE has a mod compatibility list on the official BGEE forums- here: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/23726/bgii-ee-compatible-mod-list/p1 .


BGEE is a bit more tricky. Mods I know are compatible are the BG1 Quests and Encounters mod from here and SCS from here, along with most of the BG2 Tweak Pack. Three NPC mods are compatible: Mur'Neth here, and Valerie and Isra at Spellhold Studios. The Aerie cameo on the BGEE forums (http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/20073) is compatible. Xan's friendship over at Pocketplane, Ajantis's Friendship (http://kerzenburg.baldurs-gate.eu/downloads.php?id=61), and Neera's Expansion at Spellhold are all compatible- I'm unsure if the Coran friendship and Garrick 'relationship' here are or not, I haven't tested them. The BP Series AI scripts are compatible.


The big mods you might be looking for, BG1NPC Project, and BG1 Unfinished Business, are not compatible, although people (like crazy me) have found ways to make them work if you're not afraid of setting variables and running in to the occasional crash.

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Thank you for replying and so quickly. I'm keen to get back into a modded BG as, from reading about the mods here, I feel I have missed much.

While I'm no strangers to computers I don't feel I have the skills/time to tinker with incompatible mods but it's good to hear you're having some success.

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I would recommend you to play BG1 with EasyTutu+BG1NPC project, until BG1NPC can be made compatible for BGEE. I think it's much more interesting to have banters and romance s and talkative NPCs - it's a pain to play with a silent party.

With BG2 part, BG2EE should be good.

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