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Blade Barrier Instant Kill ?


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I was playing a no reload run and was pretty far in the game, then I went to kill the party in the bridge district wich has a woman on high ground throwing stuff, a fighter, a cleric and a wizard named Decandros.


Should be a prett easy battle but as soon as the cleric's blade barrier went up it insantly killed my Lv 12 Cavalier. anybody knows why this happens ? it's the second time it happens to me.


You said somewhere else you were playing with SCS yeah? This is a bug with ToBEx (packaged with SCS).


Enter the folder ToBEx_ini, open the file tobexcore, find the line "Cast Spell On Condition Mod=1" and replace the 1 with a 0.


Yes I play with SCS. I'll do that, thank you. Out of curiosity do you know how exxactly I got killed ? one thing I noticed is that if I pause when enemies Blade barrier is up, on the dialogue shows the message "blade barrier" like 30times in sequence instead of once per round. Maybe I got killed by several hits of it ?


Anyway yor suggestion should fix this right ?



one thing I noticed is that if I pause when enemies Blade barrier is up, on the dialogue shows the message "blade barrier" like 30times in sequence instead of once per round.


I have the same issue (though the messages seem to be infinite). I can confirm that the ini tweak suggested by polytope corrects this problem, but I was wondering whether that feature is actually used by SCS (or other mods), i.e. does disabling it come at a cost?


Here's the description from the Tobex documentation:



-----210 Cast Spell On Condition Mod [M]


Modifies the cast spell on condition effect to allow customisation of how often the condition is checked




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