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SP collectoin not working right

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I have installed the SP Collection V10 recently on my BG2EE game. When I click to play a human fighter it brings up the kit listing and blademaster is there but it is faded just like the dwarven defender so I cannot choose it. If I choose any other race it disappears comepletely. I have the banter pack and unfinished business installed and I just removed the tweak pack just before insalling this mod.


Have I done something incorrectly? Is this a known problem?


Oddly I have used this mod with BG1EE and it worked as I could choose the kit but it lacked a name as did its special abilities. When I tried importing that character to see if I could get it to work that way it turned into a dwarven defender in SoA so no luck there.


Any help would be wonderful.


None of the new kits work with EE2 for the time being. You can only edit exsisting ones. Some extra hacking is required for new ones. Blame the developers.


Than you for the reply I guess I am just going to have to wait a while until this problem gets resolved. I am guessing the kit problem is probably one of the worked on problems for BG2EE.


I am surprised I did not see this problem in my searching. I would see things like "Sword and Fist works except the monk change" (which perhaps could have been a tip off but the monk is a bit special when it comes to classes). Then again if I think about I am not sure if any of the listed working mods included any kits.

I am surprised I did not see this problem in my searching. I would see things like "Sword and Fist works except the monk change" (which perhaps could have been a tip off but the monk is a bit special when it comes to classes). Then again if I think about I am not sure if any of the listed working mods included any kits.
Well, I saw a few that do... and there is a way to do the things that need to be done... but I personally have 30 kits to handle and I haven't worked on them for a loooong while ... it's just mind and time over matter, which I would rather use for other purposes, for now.

How strange that it installs correctly, shows up under the fighter menu, and then stays dimmed so you can't choose it. I would have thought that it would have failed to install or not show up at all. Too bad I don't know anything about coding or anything of that sort.


This was an old problem with the 1.2/1.3 patches. Most kit mods that have active authors (like mine!) have long since been updated to work on the new patches. Kit mods that aren't being actively maintained generally only work on the engine that isn't being maintained (the non-EE one).


Is there any guide to updating them? I could do it for a local copy. Also, figured out what's wrong with the Creslyn's Item Pack component; Freedom's Call isn't getting added to the store. All others are getting added fine, I just didn't notice them.


Also knowing what you are doing helps, usually.

Still working on that part :p . But I've found I learn better by running into problems and reading material on solving said problems.


I saw that and read through it but I'm a little confused as to what the problem is, exactly. Am I correct in thinking, BG:EE had some different handling for kits (And SP Collection was updated for that), and then 1.2/1.3 broke existing kits by adding some new features? And does that post have the post-1.2/1.3 fix?


Am I correct in thinking, BG:EE had some different handling for kits (And SP Collection was updated for that),

Nope, they work exactly like .. well until...


and then 1.2/1.3 broke existing kits by adding some new features? And does that post have the post-1.2/1.3 fix?

The patches brought along with it a new feature that externalized many things, like thief skills distribution, class independent HP tables and so forth(which is a great thing), and as the new features need a file entries for everykit, the old kits were made unattainable by default if the tables do not have entries for those kits, so they don't break the game if tried, as they are not allowed to be picked.

Now you just have to add the table entries, and that involves the use of the fl#add_kit_ee.tpa file, and the function in it. Here's an example of how to use it.


Ah, figured it would be trickier since it hasn't been done already. Still can't figure out why Freedom's Call isn't getting added to Dierdre's store. I checked with NearInfinity after installing and all of the other items are added properly except for Freedom's Call, but the tp2 looks like it should work.


So, about a year later, I'm back to starting a new game in Baldur's Gate 2 and trying to make sure the mods I'm using will work.


Did kits break again after the patch released alongside Siege of Dragonspear? I tried installing a few kits from SP Collection and it looks like all it did was add a few base class entries to the base class menu (I tried adding Blade Master, for example, and it just added another entry of Fighter to the menu, with the same kits). Also, it looks like the new items from the SP Collection aren't getting added to the Dierdre's store (haven't checked the others), though the TP2 looks like it should add them correctly.


How do I fix this? O.o


Did kits break again after the patch released alongside Siege of Dragonspear?

Well, not again... but you ned to adjust the fl#add_kit_ee.tpa file to a newer version(1.1.1+) so it doesn't identify the game as non EE game. And so it actually extends the .2da files which then in turn allow the selection of the kits.


Tried it with the fl#add_kit_ee.tpa you linked included and it's still having the same issue. Am I doing something wrong?

*Code snipped. See edit.*

Also, looking further into the Creslyn's Item Pack component, it looks like all of the items are added to stores correctly except for Freedom's Call, which is bizarre because the code adding it to Dierdre's store is sandwiched between two items that are added correctly to that same store.

COPY_EXISTING ~wmart2.sto~ ~override~  // adds three items to Dierdre
  READ_LONG 0x34 "sale_offset"
  READ_LONG 0x38 "sale_num"
  READ_LONG 0x2c "item_offset"
  READ_LONG 0x4c "drink_offset"
  READ_LONG 0x70 "cure_offset"
  SET "delta" = 0
  FOR (index = 0 ; (index + delta) < (sale_num + delta) ; index = index + 1) BEGIN
    READ_ASCII ("%sale_offset%" +        ("%index%" * 0x1C)) "item"
    PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "wa2plat" = 0) BEGIN // after that plate mail
      INSERT_BYTES  ("%sale_offset%" +        (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 28
        WRITE_ASCII ("%sale_offset%" +        (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) ~CDgplate~ // Geirthan's Plate
        WRITE_LONG  ("%sale_offset%" + 0x10 + (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 1 // identified
        WRITE_LONG  ("%sale_offset%" + 0x14 + (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 1 // quantity
      SET "delta" = "%delta%" + 1
    PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "wa2s1h" = 0) BEGIN //After that katana
      INSERT_BYTES  ("%sale_offset%" +        (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 28
        WRITE_ASCII ("%sale_offset%" +        (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) ~CDfrcall~ // Freedom's Call
        WRITE_SHORT ("%sale_offset%" + 0x0a + (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 2 // 2 charges
        WRITE_LONG  ("%sale_offset%" + 0x10 + (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 1 // identified
        WRITE_LONG  ("%sale_offset%" + 0x14 + (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 1 // quantity
      SET "delta" = "%delta%" + 1
    PATCH_IF ("%item%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "wa2helm" = 0) BEGIN // after Vhailor's Helm
      INSERT_BYTES  ("%sale_offset%" +        (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 28
        WRITE_ASCII ("%sale_offset%" +        (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) ~CDivory~ // Ivory Ioun Stone
        WRITE_LONG  ("%sale_offset%" + 0x10 + (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 1 // identified
        WRITE_LONG  ("%sale_offset%" + 0x14 + (("%index%" + 1) * 0x1c)) 1 // quantity
      SET "delta" = "%delta%" + 1
  PATCH_IF ("%delta%" > 0) BEGIN
    WRITE_LONG 0x38 ("%sale_num%" + "%delta%")
    PATCH_IF NOT ("%item_offset%" < "%sale_offset%") BEGIN
      WRITE_LONG 0x2c ("%item_offset%" + ("%delta%" * 0x1c))
    PATCH_IF NOT ("%drink_offset%" < "%sale_offset%") BEGIN
      WRITE_LONG 0x4c ("%drink_offset%" + ("%delta%" * 0x1c))
    PATCH_IF NOT ("%cure_offset%" < "%sale_offset%") BEGIN
      WRITE_LONG 0x70 ("%cure_offset%" + ("%delta%" * 0x1c))

Also, the Free Action effect on Freedom's Call is keeping its own Improved Haste ability from working (which didn't happen in non-EE), and I'm not sure how to fix that besides outright deleting the Immunity to Effect - Haste property.

Okay, turns out I'm an idiot and completely forgot you're supposed to add "LAF fl#add_kit_ee STR_VAR kit_name = "*THING HERE*" END". So that's fixed and the kits are added.

The bizarre thing, though, is this. It looks like it's adding a new class entry for each kit it adds.


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