aeviannce24 Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 Hi everyone. I've been working on this little mod for quite a while now. Basically, this is a mod which adds a tome both in stores and some areas that gives characters a weapon style proficiency (eg. sword and shield style, two handed style, etc.). This is suppose to be used in conjunction with Igi's learn-through-use mod since it doesn't add weapon style proficiency in game (or at least, last time I checked). It works by spawning an invisible and invulnerable creature that talks to the manual user and then gives a proficiency point for a desired weapon style should the requirements are met by the character. At the moment, I think I have every file needed ready for its basic mechanics. The problem is that the script for some reason doesn't work or wont run at all. I've already checked if both the bcs and dialogue file were properly assigned to the creature and made some further testing on the creature properties (gender: summoned, summoned as ally, original, enemy, etc.). I've also tried manually talking to the creature but still didn't work. So right now, I'm really clueless. Here is the code for the override script: //If an enemy exists, then the creature is destroyed. IF Exists([EVILCUTOFF]) THEN RESPONSE #100 DestroySelf() END // This block was just to test if the script is running or not IF See(LastSummonerOf(Myself)) THEN RESPONSE #100 DisplayStringHead(LastSummonerof(Myself),"I AM SUMMONED") END //If summoned, the creature will force initiate a dialog with its summoner. //Originally the variable for Player1 was "LastSummonerOf(Myself)" //I changed it to Player1 for testing purposes. IF NumTimesTalkedTo(0) !Exists([EVILCUTOFF]) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("A4PBSCU0",StartDialogueNoSet(Player1)) END //Destroys self after a successful conversation is made IF NumTimesTalkedTo(1) THEN RESPONSE #100 DestroySelf() END The dialogue file: BEGIN A4PBDLG1 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_OB SAY @100 IF ~~ THEN REPLY @101 GOTO A4PB_SW IF ~~ THEN REPLY @102 GOTO A4PB_SS IF ~~ THEN REPLY @103 GOTO A4PB_TH IF ~~ THEN REPLY @104 GOTO A4PB_TH IF ~~ THEN REPLY @105 GOTO A4PB_CB END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_OP SAY @106 IF ~~ THEN REPLY @101 GOTO A4PB_SW IF ~~ THEN REPLY @102 GOTO A4PB_SS IF ~~ THEN REPLY @103 GOTO A4PB_TH IF ~~ THEN REPLY @104 GOTO A4PB_TW IF ~~ THEN REPLY @105 GOTO A4PB_CB END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_CB SAY @107 IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_SW SAY @108 IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),1,PROFICIENCYSINGLEWEAPON)~ THEN REPLY @114 GOTO A4PB_SWA IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),7) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),0,PROFICIENCYSINGLEWEAPON) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCYSINGLEWEAPON)~ THEN REPLY @115 GOTO A4PB_SWB IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCYSINGLEWEAPON)~ THEN REPLY @105 GOTO A4PB_CB IF ~CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCYSINGLEWEAPON)~ THEN REPLY @109 GOTO A4PB_OP IF ~LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3)~ THEN REPLY @110 EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_SS SAY @108 IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),1,PROFICIENCYSWORDANDSHIELD)~ THEN REPLY @116 GOTO A4PB_SSA IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),7) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),0,PROFICIENCYSWORDANDSHIELD) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCYSWORDANDSHIELD)~ THEN REPLY @117 GOTO A4PB_SSB IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCYSWORDANDSHIELD)~ THEN REPLY @105 GOTO A4PB_CB IF ~CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCYSWORDANDSHIELD)~ THEN REPLY @109 GOTO A4PB_OP IF ~LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3)~ THEN REPLY @110 EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_TH SAY @108 IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),1,PROFICIENCY2HANDED)~ THEN REPLY @118 GOTO A4PB_THA IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),7) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),0,PROFICIENCY2HANDED) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCY2HANDED)~ THEN REPLY @119 GOTO A4PB_THB IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCY2HANDED)~ THEN REPLY @105 GOTO A4PB_CB IF ~CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCY2HANDED)~ THEN REPLY @120 GOTO A4PB_OP IF ~LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3)~ THEN REPLY @110 EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_TW SAY @108 IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),1,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON)~ THEN REPLY @121 GOTO A4PB_THA IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),7) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),0,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),2,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON)~ THEN REPLY @122 GOTO A4PB_TWB IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),7) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),0,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),1,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON) Class(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),RANGER)~ THEN REPLY @123 GOTO A4PB_TWC IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),12) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),0,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),1,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON)~ THEN REPLY @123 GOTO A4PB_TWC IF ~!LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3) !CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3,PROFICIENCY2WEAPON)~ THEN REPLY @105 GOTO A4PB_CB IF ~CheckStat(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3,PROFICIENCY2HANDED)~ THEN REPLY @124 GOTO A4PB_OP IF ~LevelLT(LastTalkedToBy(Myself),3)~ THEN REPLY @110 EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_SWA SAY @111 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS00",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_SWB SAY @112 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS00",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_SSA SAY @111 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS01",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_SSB SAY @112 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS01",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_THA SAY @111 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS02",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_THB SAY @112 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS02",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_TWA SAY @111 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS03",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_TWB SAY @112 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS03",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_TWC SAY @113 IF ~~ THEN DO ~ReallyForceSpellRES("A4PBS03",LastTalkedToBy(Myself)) TakePartyItemNum("A4PBI00",1) DestroyItem("A4PBI00")~ EXIT END And finally, the tp2 BACKUP ~A4PB/backup~ AUTHOR // MODDER NO_IF_EVAL_BUG VERSION ~v1~ README ~A4PB/Readme-PB_ENG.txt~ ASK_EVERY_COMPONENT LANGUAGE ~English~ ~english~ ~Language/English~ ~A4PB/Language/A4PB-Setup_ENG.tra~ BEGIN @1 // Checks for ToB Installation REQUIRE_PREDICATE FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ @2 // Checks for Igi's Learn-Through-Use Mod //REQUIRE_PREDICATE FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~iitrain.cre~ @3 //Load dialog translation file LOAD_TRA ~A4PB/Language/A4PB-DLG_ENG.tra~ LOAD_TRA ~A4PB/Language/%LANGUAGE%/A4PB-DLG_ENG.tra~ // Mod Components // Dialogue and script files COMPILE ~A4PB/Script/A4PBSCU0.baf~ COMPILE ~A4PB/Dialogue/A4PBDLG1.d~ // Item-related files COPY ~A4PB/Item/A4PBI00.itm~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 @10 SAY NAME2 @10 SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC @11 COPY ~A4PB/Item/A4PBCSU0.eff~ ~override~ COPY ~A4PB/Item/A4PBCSU0.cre~ ~override~ WRITE_ASCII 0x248 ~A4PBSCU0~ #8 // override WRITE_ASCII 0x2cc ~A4PBDLG1~ #8 // dialogue WRITE_ASCII 0x280 ~A4PBSCU0~ #32 // DV // Proficiency Adding Spells COPY ~A4PB/Proficiency/A4PBS00.spl~ ~override~ COPY ~A4PB/Proficiency/A4PBS01.spl~ ~override~ COPY ~A4PB/Proficiency/A4PBS02.spl~ ~override~ COPY ~A4PB/Proficiency/A4PBS03.spl~ ~override~ // To be added: Area and store extensions Attached is the creature file. Umm... at the moment, the creature file is just a basic character, since I thought that it being invisible and invulnerable made it impossible to talk... Item + Creature.rar Link to comment
jastey Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 I didn't look at the attachment but is it the script that doesn't run or is the creature not talking? I had the problem with using an invisible creature that some of them (as used in BGII) won't talk, i.e. their dialogue is not valid although the cre looks fine. Try using another creature file (I was so frustrated I copied and renamed a cow..) to see whether this might be the problem? Link to comment
aeviannce24 Posted June 18, 2014 Author Share Posted June 18, 2014 Hi jastey. Yes, that's what I did actually. I used Habib I think, and changed his file name to mine. Same goes, still doesn't work. The block I made that was suppose to say "I am summoned" didn't fire. I also tried directly talking to the cre. It came back with "this creature has nothing to say to you." So I'm guessing that the script doesn't work and maybe even the dialogue file... Link to comment
Jarno Mikkola Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 You could always remove this: -and see if it helps. IF Exists([EVILCUTOFF]) THEN RESPONSE #100 DestroySelf() END Link to comment
aeviannce24 Posted June 18, 2014 Author Share Posted June 18, 2014 Hi Imp~ You're everywhere Hmm... Well, the cre still does appear when summoned so I doubt that block is the problem. But hey~ At this point I just want to make it work so might as well try it. D: Link to comment
aeviannce24 Posted June 18, 2014 Author Share Posted June 18, 2014 Well... I got rid of it but same goes. The script or the dialogue still wont work... Link to comment
Jarno Mikkola Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 Try and add this to the end of the .tp2 file: APPEND ~pdialog.2da~ ~A4PBDLG1~ Link to comment
Wisp Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 You need at least one state in your DLG with a state trigger that evaluates to true, or no dialogue will occur. Link to comment
Jarno Mikkola Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 You need at least one state in your DLG with a state trigger that evaluates to true, or no dialogue will occur. Are you saying that this: BEGIN A4PBDLG1 IF ~~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_OB SAY @100 ... Needs to be: BEGIN A4PBDLG1 IF ~See(LastSummonerOf(Myself))~ THEN BEGIN A4PB_OB SAY @100 ... Hi Imp~ You're everywhere Well yes, evil is. Link to comment
Wisp Posted June 18, 2014 Share Posted June 18, 2014 If that is the entry state. But just use True(), unless you are into needless complications (or you have more than one entry state). Link to comment
aeviannce24 Posted June 19, 2014 Author Share Posted June 19, 2014 HUZZAH! The dialogue finally works!!! *tears of joy runs down cheeks* Thanks a lot guys! Now I just have to figure out how to make the cre automatically talk to its summoner and make it go away after a successful conversation is made -_- Link to comment
aeviannce24 Posted June 19, 2014 Author Share Posted June 19, 2014 Umm... is there a better way to destroy the creature after a certain condition is met? I think "SetGlobal("a4pbsum","LOCALS",1)" doesn't work because maybe it applies to the pc rather than the creature. I don't want to use GLOBAL variable since I don't want it to add more data in the game. Oh, and "NumTimesTalkedTo" doesn't work either for some reason... I think i might have just coded it incorrectly. Let me try again... Link to comment
aeviannce24 Posted June 19, 2014 Author Share Posted June 19, 2014 Okay... So atm, most of the basic mechanics works. The only problem is the unsummoning part. I can't figure out a code that would work and unsummon the creature once the dialog is finished. I resorted to using the summoning duration and made it last by 1 second. Since the game auto pauses when in a conversation, it kinda works, though the unsummoning bam and "unsummoned" text in game still shows (which is kinda annoying). If anyone knows a better way of unsummoning the creature without relying on the summoning opcode, please tell me... A never mind. Figured it out already. Thanks again everyone! I'm almost done finally... Link to comment
aeviannce24 Posted July 4, 2014 Author Share Posted July 4, 2014 Thanks everyone for the help! I was able to finish this mod two weeks ago, unfortunately my internet bugged down and was only restored sometime earlier today. For those interested, its up in spellhold. Cheers~ Link to comment
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