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Djinni Companion Mod: Call for playtesters


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Hi folks!


I've been working for some time on a mod that lets you tag along a djinni. He is in dire need of help, is involved in several exciting quests, has lots of banters with your character and he joins your party in a very unusual way.


I think that he's now ready to be released into the wild. But a mod of this size needs to be thoroughly tested first. That's why I'm looking for playtesters. If anyone is interested in helping me out, just let me know by dropping me a PM, posting in this thread or (preferably) over at Spellhold Studios.



Djinni Companion Overview:




Meet Afaaq! The djinni who will be your faithful companion in the course of your adventures in BG2 - Shadow of Amn and Throne of Bhaal.



  • The djinni Afaaq who acts as your "seventh party member"
  • Extensive dialog content between Afaaq and the protagonist
  • Banters with each of the original Bioware NPCs (in the works)
  • Interjections and commentaries
  • An extensive player-initiated dialog with Afaaq
  • Five new quests
  • Six new areas
  • A couple of unique artifacts
  • Several easter eggs ;)
  • Supports the original BG2 as well as BG2:EE



Awww, that's so nice. I would appreciate a copy, naturally, to read through the dialogues(if you want me to/think I could be of any help proofreading stuff, but it's mostly me being intrigued!)


Good luck with the release!


Proofreading is already done. Sorry. ;)

Now I'm mostly interested how the mod is proving itself in the field. Up until now I've only gotten feedback from two testers (myself included :p ).


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