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BG1RE v1.1 Bug Thread


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Please post any bugs or typos here. Make sure to specifiy the game you are playing (BG1, Tutu, BGT, or BG:EE) and which version of the mod (Windows, Mac, Linux).
If possible, please post your WeiDU.log so I can see which other mods were installed.


Centeol's diary doesn't get removed from the PC's inventory.


Hm, I am not sure this is a bug. Maybe Poe only needed to read through it once to get his inspiration. But it's not neeeded in the game after Poe cited the poem, so yes, we could script it so the book gets removed.


Thank you to the anonymous reporter!



Small bug in "Reading with Rinnie" in rinnie\rinnie_re.d in 5 places is:

StartCutScene("c#lcrin1.baf")~ EXIT
I think that is typo.




The ".baf" has to be deleted in all instances from inside the file rinnie_re.d. For the instance above: StartCutScene("c#lcrin1")~ EXIT


It appears that the The Honest Lies of Two Riversides component causes some conflict with the initial Nashkel movie/transition to ch 2/3 for a BGT install. I noticed that the movie that normally plays (the one with sneaking kobolds near a farmhouse) didn't show when first arriving in Nashkel; plus Jajeira and Xzar did not seem to recognize that we were in Nashkel. So...


I examined the bcs file for Nashkell (AR 3700 in BGT) and noticed lines related to the above component appear at the top of the script, before the lines that trigger the movie and chapter advancement, etc.


I cut pasted the RE component lines to the end of the script (the baf file that is, and recompiled etc) so that the triggers for the movie/chapter transition were once again at the top of the script, and it seemed to fix the problem. Not sure exactly why the order would be an issue here; this probably goes beyond my understanding of Infinity engine scripts.


Thank you for reporting. Hm, I thought using Continue() would prevent any problems, but apparently, this is not the case.


Ha! It was bg1re, but Necromancer's Trouble, and a script block where I forgot the Continue(). Thank you for the report, this is a rather embarrassing bug.


There will be a new version with bugfixes soon.


Ha! It was bg1re, but Necromancer's Trouble, and a script block where I forgot the Continue(). Thank you for the report, this is a rather embarrassing bug.


There will be a new version with bugfixes soon.



Am I correct in assuming that it's this bit:








CreateCreature("C#Q11mom",[2668.859]%FACE_0%) //



that you're referring to? So adding Continue() before END should fix this, correct?


I've experienced a CTD twice when walking around in Beregost at night. I noticed it occurred around the center of the city right after a sound file of a prostitute advertising herself plays.


Since I run a fairly complex Big World BGT, I'm going to see if I can make the incident happen again so I can collect more information about exact circumstances. It only happens at night in central Beregost and has only occurred since I loaded BG1RE into the BWS...


It's the Windows version...


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