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Translation Help Needed


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If anyone who knows a language other than English could translate these strings, I'd be very grateful.


@16= ~Solar Stance

Solar Stance renders nearby enemies more vulnerable, reducing the saving throws of any within 60 feet of the monk by 4. It creates a cloud of glittering golden particles that fill the air for twenty feet around the monk, revealing invisible creatures. All enemies in the cloud must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or be blinded (-4 to attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class) until the dust fades, after 4 rounds. Also, a blast of fire emanates from the monk, scorching and throwing back everyone in a 30 foot radius, though the stance protects the monk from the flames.

Prerequisite: Tiger Strike.~

@35 =~Only those most worthy and devoted servants of the Storm Lord are granted these powerful holy symbols.




Grants an additional 6th and 7th level spell.

5% Magic Resistance while worn

+1 to Strength while worn


Usable By:

Chaotic Evil clerics

Neutral Evil clerics

Chaotic Neutral clerics~

@36 =~Only those most worthy and devoted servants of the Watcher are granted these powerful holy symbols.




Grants an additional 6th and 7th level spell.

5% Magic Resistance while worn

+1 to Strength while worn


Usable By:

Lawful Clerics

Neutral Clerics~

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that is the italian transl.


@16= ~Posizione del Sole

La Posizione del Sole rende i nemici nelle vicinanze più vulnerabili, riducendo di 4 i tiri salvezza di chiunque si trovi entro 20 metri dal monaco. Crea una nube di particelle d'oro splendenti che riempie l'aria per sette metri intorno al monaco, rivelando le creature invisibili. Tutti i nemici all'interno della nube devono superare con successo un tiro salvezza contro magia o rimane accecati (-4 ai tiri per colpire, ai tiri salvezza e alla classe di armatura) prima che la polvere si disperda dopo quattro round. In più, una esplosione di fuoco si diffonde dal monaco, bruciando e scaraventando chi si trova entro un raggio di 10 metri, ma la Posizione del Sole protegge il monaco dai danni da fuoco.

Richiede: Colpo della Tigre.~

@35 = ~Solo ai più nobili e devoti servitori del Signore della Tempesta viene concesso questo potente e sacro simbolo.




Un incantesimo memorizzabile in più di livello 6° e 7°

5% Resistenza alla magie se indossato

+1 alla forza se indossato


Utilizzabile Da:

Sacerdoti Caotici Malvagi

Sacerdoti Neutrali Malvagi

Sacerdoti Caotici Neutrali~

@36 =~Solo ai più nobili e devoti servitori dell'Osservatore viene concesso questo potente e sacro simbolo.




Un incantesimo memorizzabile in più di livello 6° e 7°

5% Resistenza alla magie se indossato

+1 alla forza se indossato


Utilizzabile Da:

Sacerdoti Legali

Sacerdoti Neutrali~


I have only a doubt about the "Watcher". To whom god are you referring?

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I have a new string to add:

@37 =~Or perhaps you consider yourself more closely aligned with Lathander. If so, you should hurry to his temple instead. It matters not which of us you undertake this mission for, as long as you see to it quickly.~


Now I have Spanish, French, and German done, in addition to your Italian translation.

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One additional request. :) Please let me know what name you would like to be credited under, as well as the proper way to indicate a plural so I can properly credit you and Antonio Favata.

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uhm... it should be


@37 =~O forse ti consideri di allineamento più vicino a Lathander. Se è così, dovresti correre ad un suo tempio. Non importa chi tra noi incarichi per questa missione, purchè tu lo faccia velocemente.~


as credit al17 is ok :)

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Yes, Ana, indeed you did.




If anyone who understands a language other than English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Polish would be interested in translating the Oversight .tra (thinking particularly of Domi, the aerie.ru people, and Russian, but other languages too), that would be much appreciated.

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