kfw Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 Disclaimer: I'm totally guessing and have no idea what I'm doing here (though I did make a KOTOR force ability mod for personal use a while back, also blindly guessing)Anyway, Part 1: I'm putting together a new kit for my thief here, and he has a custom innate. I've got the spell working just fine now, but I can'tcouldn't get the icon in the GUI to work.The ability is a smoke bomb The Nightblade throws a small vial to the ground and disappears in a puff of smoke. The Nightblade's lightning reflexes make time appear to stop for a second after the smoke bomb is thrown, and the Nightblade is completely shrouded in smoke for three seconds in total. The Nightblade may perform any activities normally available to the class during this time, but all abilities granted by dual- or multi-classing are disabled for one round. so for the icon all I did was Extract the SPWI520(A/B/C) .bams (conjure lesser air elemental) with WinBiff 1.2.2(I tried doing this from BGEE and BG2EE with same ultimate effect, or at least I think I did) Greyscale them in either BAMWorkshop or GIMP; didn't seem to matter, then again it magically fixed Rename them SPSMK1(A/B/C) and throw them in override Associate spell icons in DLTCEP as usual and go Aaaand, as I was typing this to complain, this after a solid hour of aimless tinkering, it suddenly stopped being stupid. What I had been facing was the icon being 1/4 size and occupying only the upper-left quadrant of the quick spell slot, as if its length and width were halved. I guess maybe BGEE has a different icon size than BG2EE, but I could have sworn I extracted them both to no avail. Oh well. If somebody knows what went wrong->right, please let me know anyway.-----------Part 2. The other question is about thievery: The description says that Shadowstep allows stealing without consequence. I can only reproduce this if I steal something, then leave the zone before time stop runs out.Interestingly, I could get a similar effect with the Smoke Bomb, which Throws down a smoke cloud obvs Improved invisibility/nondetection for 3 seconds Huge haste boost for 1 second If I throw the smoke bomb, steal something right in front of somebody, and hide in shadows before the 3 seconds runs out, the guard aren't summoned. But if I leave shadows before I leave the zone, Hail, Flaming Fist. Anybody know what's up with that?
Jarno Mikkola Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 Anybody know what's up with that?Yeah, the character you stole is a little more simple than what you think. If it feels hostile action even if it doesn't see a thing, it will make a note to it's book and then alert it's surroundings if it sees the hostile actor. It doesn't need to actually verify who did it cause it already "knows". As not allowing it to know is more complex to program in simple code within the engine restrictions.
kfw Posted January 16, 2016 Author Posted January 16, 2016 Indeed. Well I only ask because the in-game description of Shadowstep does say you can get away with thievery, so I figured the engine supported it. But then it didn't. And neither did mine, unless I was super sneaky. Anyway, new question:I have completely finished this kit. 100%. And I've spent a good 2 hours trying out how to turn my tp2 and resources of the completed mod in to a setup-mod.exe I can't find docmentation how to do that anywhere, and to anyone who links me to the WeiDU readme without any other explanation: I'm apparently too slow for that. I'm just going to manually install it
Jarno Mikkola Posted January 16, 2016 Posted January 16, 2016 Upload the files to somewhere and I think I can help.
kfw Posted January 17, 2016 Author Posted January 17, 2016 This is user error. It's not the files. I have the little WeiDU script in the .tp2 all dressed and tied, with all necessary resources. I just don't know how to make all that into a setup-nightblade.exe like all the other mods have
kfw Posted January 17, 2016 Author Posted January 17, 2016 http://www.filedropper.com/nightbladethiefkit
Jarno Mikkola Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 Ahh, you can just copy any of your already installed mods setup-*weidumod*.exe's and copy it as setup-nightblade.exe and that's it, just copy that to the mods exterior folder. Or you can go here and download it from the official source, extract the weidu.exe from the Windows Binary archive, and name that as the setup-nightblade.exe and do the same, or just download the already renamed file from here, and extract it to the mods exterior folder, and then copy the whole thing, the .tp2 in the mod folder and the setup-nightblade.exe to the game folder... and run the setup-nightblade.exe .. if/when you wish to install it. I probably repeated myself...
kfw Posted January 17, 2016 Author Posted January 17, 2016 Ha well if you repeated yourself, I've demonstrated that my intelligence level requires you to do so Anyway, that obviously worked, but my install failed a bunch of different times. I tried all kinds of things, but after I was 100% sure there way no way I could get this to work on my own, I tried for another half hour or so then came back here.Halp.Here's the error: Install Component [Nightblade Thief Kit]? [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Installing [Nightblade Thief Kit] Copying and patching 1 file ... [Nightblade/SPSMK1.spl] loaded, 826 bytes override/SPSMK1.spl copied to Nightblade/backup/0/SPSMK1.spl, 826 bytes Copied [Nightblade/SPSMK1.spl] to [override/SPSMK1.spl] Copying 1 file ... [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1A.BAM] loaded, 1934 bytes override/SPSMK1A.BAM copied to Nightblade/backup/0/SPSMK1A.BAM, 1934 bytes Copied [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1A.BAM] to [override/SPSMK1A.BAM] [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1B.bam] loaded, 1325 bytes override/SPSMK1B.bam copied to Nightblade/backup/0/SPSMK1B.bam, 1325 bytes Copied [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1B.bam] to [override/SPSMK1B.bam] [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1C.bam] loaded, 444 bytes override/SPSMK1C.bam copied to Nightblade/backup/0/SPSMK1C.bam, 444 bytes Copied [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1C.bam] to [override/SPSMK1C.bam] Copying 1 file ... [Nightblade/CLABNB01.2DA] loaded, 3571 bytes override/CLABNB01.2DA copied to Nightblade/backup/0/CLABNB01.2DA, 3571 bytes Copied [Nightblade/CLABNB01.2DA] to [override/CLABNB01.2DA] Copying 1 file ... [Nightblade/LUNB0.2DA] loaded, 2728 bytes override/LUNB0.2DA copied to Nightblade/backup/0/LUNB0.2DA, 2728 bytes Copied [Nightblade/LUNB0.2DA] to [override/LUNB0.2DA] Adding NIGHTBLADE Kit ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 5587 bytes BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./lang/en_us/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./cache/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] [./DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] 6149824 bytes, 497 files, 0 tilesets Stopping installation because of error. I cropped that out of the sandwich of bgnpc/tweaks/fixpack stuff that WeiDU also reports; if that information would help, I can provide, but I basically added every major mod and most of the NPC mods (that work with EE that is)And here is the nightmare of a tp2 file I put together: BACKUP ~Nightblade/backup~ //Standard backup declaration AUTHOR ~fakeaddress@fakedomain.com~ //Required for error output BEGIN ~Nightblade Thief Kit~ //Standard header declaration INCLUDE ~Nightblade/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa~ //ee weidu add_kit patch //-------COPYING RESOURCES-------// COPY ~Nightblade/SPSMK1.spl~ ~override~ //copies the file; SAYs below append strings to dialog.tlk SAY NAME1 ~Smoke Bomb~ //SAY NAME2 ~Identified item name~ (not used for spells) SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~The Nightblade throws a small vial to the ground and disappears into the billowing smoke, and all creatures lose sight of him. Effectively invisible, he cannot be detected by any means for 3 seconds. The Nightblade may use thieving abilities, attack, or otherwise manipulate the environment during this brief time, but any innate abilities or wizard spells gained through dual-classing are unavailable for one round until the smoke clears.~ //SAY DESC ~Identified description~ (not used for spells) COPY ~Nightblade/bams~ ~override~ //.bam subfolder so I don't have to do them individually (or any file not needing dialog entries) COPY ~Nightblade/CLABNB01.2DA~ ~override~ //custom skills; as of now just switched set snare to smoke bomb ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //THIS IS A CLONE OF LUTH0.2DA, AND NB CAN'T USE TRAPS. MUST FIX BEFORE BG2// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COPY ~Nightblade/LUNB0.2DA~ ~override~ //custom HLA 2da; will deal with later ADD_KIT ~NIGHTBLADE~ //Self-explanatory //THE FOLLOWING 2DA FILES ARE UNLABELLED AND MUST JUST BE CODED IN ORDER /*CLASWEAP.2DA*/ ~NIGHTBLADE 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 ~ /*WEAPPROF.2DA*/ /*THIS IS PROOFREAD AND CORRECT*/ ~NIGHTBLADE 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ /*ABCLASRQ.2DA*/ ~NIGHTBLADE 0 17 0 14 0 0~ /*ABCLSMOD.2DA*/ ~NIGHTBLADE 0 0 0 0 0 0~ /*ABDCDSRQ.2DA*/ ~NIGHTBLADE 0 18 0 15 0 0~ /*ABDCSCRQ.2DA*/ ~NIGHTBLADE 0 15 0 15 0 0~ /*ALIGNMNT.2DA*/ ~NIGHTBLADE 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1~ /*DUALCLAS.2DA*/ ~NIGHTBLADE 1 0 1 0 0 0~ /*PATH TO CLAB 2DA FILE*/ ~Nightblade/CLABNB01.2da~ /*RACE AND CLASS RESTRICTIONS, CF. KITTABLE.2DA*/ ~NIGHTBLADE K_T_H K_T_HE K_T_E K_T_G K_T_HFL~ /*USABILITY FLAGS APPENDED TO KITLIST.2DA*/ ~0x00004000 4~ /*HLA TABLE REFERENCE FOR CUSTOM 2DA FILE, CF. LUABBR.2DA*/ ~Nb0~ /*STARTING EQUIPMENT FOR TOB; APPENDED TO 25STWEAP.2DA*/ ~LEAT14 * * BAG28 RING06 RING05,10 BOOT02 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 ARROW11,40 ARROW11,40 ARROW11,40 POTN52,5 POTN04,2 POTN14,5 DAGG12 SW1H27 DAGG24~ /*KIT DESCRIPTION*/ SAY ~Nightblade~ SAY ~Nightblade~ SAY ~NIGHTBLADE: Often disappearing in shadow without any conscious effort, the nightblade feels most at home when shrouded in darkness. He attacks with lightning speed and pinpoint precision, preferring small blades to accomplish his aim as he pierces his enemies in their weakest points. Advantages: - +15% Hide in Shadows, +10% Move Silently. - May specialize in short swords and daggers. - May specialize in single-weapon (2 proficiency ponits) or two-weapon (3 proficiency points) style. - May use Smoke Bomb ability once per day per 5 levels. SMOKE BOMB: The Nightblade throws a small vial to the ground and disappears into the billowing smoke, where all creatures lose sight of him. Effectively invisible, he cannot be detected by any means for 3 seconds. The Nightblade may use thieving abilities, attack, or otherwise manipulate the environment during this brief time, but any innate abilities or wizard spells gained through dual-classing are unavailable for one round until the smoke clears. Disadvantages: - May not set snares. - May not use any blunt weapons. Also averse to slashing he is restricted to long swords, short swords, daggers, shortbows, and darts, i.e. things that can pierce. - Alignment restricted to any non-lawful. - A nightblade may not dual-class to a cleric.~ /**************************************************************************************************************** *NB: I also want to restrict bucklers but I'm guessing that would require patching every .itm file so maybe not* ****************************************************************************************************************/ //-------END ADD_KIT PROPER-------// //-----BEGIN ADD_KIT EE PATCH-----// LAUNCH_ACTION_FUNCTION ~fl#add_kit_ee~ //ee patch go //INT_VAR biography/fallen/briefdesc/fallen_notice when applicable STR_VAR kit_name = ~NGHTBLAD~ //only required variable for ee patch /*should test backstab.2da and if it works, reassess balance*/ backstab = ~1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7~ clswpbon = ~1 0 3~ traplimt = ~0~ clascolr = ~235 254 236 182 231~ clasiskl = ~0 0 0 10 15 0 0~ thiefscl = ~100 100 100 100 100 100 0 0~ // ALL OMITTED VARIABLES ARE INHERETED FROM PARENT CLASS //clsrcreq.2da seems only able to restrict and not enable, probably will never use //numwslot.2da seems pointless; classes with restricted weapons slots need more other quick buttons -- GUI issues? //hpclass.2da for HD //clasthac.2da for THAC0 //thiefskl.2da for skill points at creation and level up, default 40/25 //sneakatt and crippstr are for thieves, but i cannot find the 2da files associated. //-----END ADD_KIT EE PATCH------// END //EVENTUALLY NEED TO DO SOME "ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS" STUFF FOR COMPATIBILITY //ROGUE REVISION IS A LIKELY CONFLICT; ~OVERRIDE/RR#DWF.RR~ IS UNIQUE IDENTIFIER I was going to clean it up a bit before I posted but then I didn't. Still, I'd be glad for any assistance
Jarno Mikkola Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 The kit names need to match: kit_name = ~NGHTBLAD~ is not the same as ADD_KIT ~NIGHTBLADE~ .. that's why it freaks. The letters need to match exactly. So the later line should probably be: kit_name = ~NIGHTBLADE~
kfw Posted January 17, 2016 Author Posted January 17, 2016 Hey thanks! I'm really not sure why I typed that in the first place eh. But I came up with a new one Install Component [Nightblade Thief Kit]?nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?Installing [Nightblade Thief Kit]Copying and patching 1 file ...[Nightblade/SPSMK1.spl] loaded, 826 bytesoverride/SPSMK1.spl copied to Nightblade/backup/0/SPSMK1.spl, 826 bytesCopied [Nightblade/SPSMK1.spl] to [override/SPSMK1.spl]Copying 1 file ...[Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1A.BAM] loaded, 1934 bytesoverride/SPSMK1A.BAM copied to Nightblade/backup/0/SPSMK1A.BAM, 1934 bytesCopied [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1A.BAM] to [override/SPSMK1A.BAM][Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1B.bam] loaded, 1325 bytesoverride/SPSMK1B.bam copied to Nightblade/backup/0/SPSMK1B.bam, 1325 bytesCopied [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1B.bam] to [override/SPSMK1B.bam][Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1C.bam] loaded, 444 bytesoverride/SPSMK1C.bam copied to Nightblade/backup/0/SPSMK1C.bam, 444 bytesCopied [Nightblade/bams/SPSMK1C.bam] to [override/SPSMK1C.bam]Copying 1 file ...[Nightblade/CLABNB01.2DA] loaded, 3571 bytesoverride/CLABNB01.2DA copied to Nightblade/backup/0/CLABNB01.2DA, 3571 bytesCopied [Nightblade/CLABNB01.2DA] to [override/CLABNB01.2DA]Copying 1 file ...[Nightblade/LUNB0.2DA] loaded, 2728 bytesoverride/LUNB0.2DA copied to Nightblade/backup/0/LUNB0.2DA, 2728 bytesCopied [Nightblade/LUNB0.2DA] to [override/LUNB0.2DA]Adding NIGHTBLADE Kit ...[./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 5587 bytesBIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./lang/en_us/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF]BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./cache/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF][./DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] 6149824 bytes, 497 files, 0 tilesetsStopping installation because of error.
Jarno Mikkola Posted January 17, 2016 Posted January 17, 2016 ... Adding NIGHTBLADE Kit ... /// ok the kit is installed [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 5587 bytes BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./lang/en_us/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./cache/DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] [./DATA/DEFAULT.BIF] 6149824 bytes, 497 files, 0 tilesets Stopping installation because of error. But I am totally unsure what the rest of that is doing, the only hypothetical thing I can come up with is that the // in this: //EVENTUALLY NEED TO DO SOME "ACTION_IF FILE_EXISTS" STUFF FOR COMPATIBILITY //ROGUE REVISION IS A LIKELY CONFLICT; ~OVERRIDE/RR#DWF.RR~ IS UNIQUE IDENTIFIER Somehow don't work, and you end up with something or another. Or you have something else after that.
kfw Posted January 17, 2016 Author Posted January 17, 2016 I'm starting to think maybe it's just a mega-mod issue? I just cleaned the file of all comments and ran it; same error. I can just force the kit abilities in EEKeeper I suppose Thanks a lot for all your help!!!
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