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Troll class/race (Druid Grove)


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Even though the trolls in the Druid Grove are mis-classed, the scripts (for the fight with the druids and trolls in the middle of the area map) rely on [0.0.TROLL.MAGE] (or similar); the scripts may need to be updated, or the trolls just left as-is. (BioWare did this in a couple of places, with the kobolds and hobgoblins, and some of the Amkethran peasants, etc., giving them weird classes for use in scripts.)


Apologies if this has already been covered-

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I think I altered the mis-classification of the .cre files, but I didnt do the scripts. It wasnt listed in the thread, and I'm fare to lazy.. busy.. to check on silly things like scripts, and dialog, and plot and stuff.


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I think I altered the mis-classification of the .cre files, but I didnt do the scripts. It wasnt listed in the thread, and I'm fare to lazy.. busy.. to check on silly things like scripts, and dialog, and plot and stuff.


Actually, after posting this, I saw that you didn't update the DGTROL (nor the KPTROL) CREs. So there shouldn't be a problem (yet :) ). For normal trolls, they should all have the same attributes (and their scripts aren't dependent on them).


The DGTROLs are the ones classified as fighters and mages, so that the druids will attack them before dying for you.

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