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Downloading from GitHub

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Yeah, but if the files in the master are being updated, while someone downloads it, you can run to all sorts of issues. It can be a second... that's it all takes to corrupt someones game. Which is why you update the master which is hidden usually... while have a release candidate to point towards for people to download the file compilation they are meant to receive.

If you'll notice, the weidu mods have this wonderful thing called version flag. Which you should use and update when you make releases. Even if they are snapshots ...


and how exactly can these "master" (which is actually a mod often most recent version you can safely download and install without any first world problems but whatever...) how can a "master" corrupt someones game exactly?


oh, and not like I'm some kind of a sadist or something but WTF is a release CANDIDATE?? I have never heard about such thing? Betas, alfas, pre-alfas - ok, no problem. but CANDIDATE? what is this shit?


"Release Candidate" definition via wiki: (software development) A version of a program that is nearly ready for release but may still have a few bugs; the status between beta version and release version." ohhhhhhhhhhh... right.


well, then ...what actually has more chance to corrupt someones game? "master" or maybe ... a "release candidate", hm?


and really it is not like I'm some kind of a gigantic sadistic asshole but is it not like BWP has quite looooooong and fruitfull history of corrupting someones games even without being a "candidate"? mehehehhheheh


realistically, everything today is a fecking "release candidate" big official AAA games included (heh, especially them) so the question is: Do you trust (put your favorite modder here)? I DO.

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Err, he was correct there. There is no guarantee that master/trunk even compiles, while a tagged rc shows some extra effort and is asking for casual testing. My argument stemmed from the fact that currently there's no difference between the two.

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well, then ...what actually has more chance to corrupt someones game? "master" or maybe ... a "release candidate", hm?

You trip on the words here, the "master", is the master archive/master branch of the mod, in the GitHub system, if the programmer person uploads file to it, while someone else downloads an archive made from the compilation... throttles are in the horizon. While a release candidate is an actual release compilation that doesn't change according to the wit and whine of the programmer, unless they want to release another release candidate ... aka they push a button that says "all of these files should compile into a mod, now make them available for public, so people can download them from here."


My argument stemmed from the fact that currently there's no difference between the two.

Two files... it's not much in the grand scale of things... but giving mandarins while selling them as oranges, is largely the same here, to most people it might not matter. But given that K4thos himself said that the product was at a release candidate state, just pointed towards asking this.

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