Bartimaeus Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 (edited) Read about SR/IR vs. SRR/IRR. SR Revised V1.3.900: GitHub page, latest repository master. Click the "Code" button in the top right, then "Download ZIP" in the the dropdown menu. To install this, you must extract the latest official version of SR V4 (b18 or anything later should be fine!) to your game directory as you would normally (or have an automated tool do it for you), and then additionally extract this mod on top of it before installing SR. Specifically, SRR's spell_rev folder should overwrite the normal spell_rev folder - confirm to overwrite folders as well as all files it asks you to. If you are on a non-Windows OS, make sure that the two folders are combined: if the "change-log.txt" file still exists in "(game directory)\item_rev\", then you should be good - if it doesn't, post in the thread for help. MacOS users can try to use this method to combine folders, helpfully discovered and detailed by jmerry. Please review spell_rev\settings.ini with a text editor like Notepad(++) for some additional mod customization. Note that the additional options generally stick with standard SR behavior by default - what is enabled or not enabled is how SR already does/did things. There are a number of different customization options in there that you will likely be interested in - the readme (spell_rev\readme-spell_rev.html) has a section that explains each one. Install Order and SR/IR/SCS/1pp: Spoiler Spell Revisions has been designed with Item Revisions, Sword Coast Stratagems, and 1pp in mind. 1pp is a mod by Erephine that was fully integrated into the Enhanced Editions (and thus EE users do not need to install it) that fix numerous visual inconsistencies, improve bad graphics, tweak and add new graphics, etc. for BG2:ToB games - if you are not playing an Enhanced Edition game, it is highly recommended that you install 1pp to take full advantage of its changes. The general install order is to first install everything you want of 1pp except for the avatar-switching component, then the main component of IR/R, and finally the main component of SR/R. The avatar/armor-switching script of 1pp (or Anthology Tweaks) should not be installed until later in the install after all item-adding/modifying mods, including IR, have already been installed - after SCS/atweaks/Infinity Animations is my suggestion). Once again, Enhanced Edition players do not need to worry about 1pp - it's already integrated into your game and doesn't need installation. Your general install order (excluding ToBEx/BG2 Fixpack/1pp/BGT if you're playing an Enhanced Edition game) should look something like this: ToBEx BG2 Fixpack Baldur's Gate Trilogy Ascension BG1UB (and other BG1 content mods) Unfinished Business Quest Pack (and other BG2 content mods) Rogue Rebalancing 1pp (EXCEPT for the "Smart Avatar & Armour Switching" component) Item Revisions (main component) Spell Revisions (main component) Infinity Animations (main component) Spell Revisions (secondary components - key here is to be before SCS if you're using it) Item Revisions (secondary components - key here is to be before EET_END if you're using it) Anthology Tweaks Sword Coast Stratagems atweaks Infinity Animations (secondary components) 1pp/Anthology Tweaks ("Smart Avatar & Armour Switching" component / "Avatar Morphing Script") You may not be using all of these, and will undoubtedly be using more besides that, but this should give you the general idea of what your install order should look like. Don't install the secondary components of IR/R and SR/R until much later in your install, after most item/spell/NPC-adding mods have been installed. A good place for the secondary components of both IR/R and SR/R is right before SCS and Anthology Tweaks to make sure that SCS spellcasters are using the correct versions of spells and to make sure that Anthology Tweaks's item tweaks don't interfere with IR's secondary components. If you're using an automated tool to install your mods on a non-EE game, the very least you should see is that the general install order is 1pp-IR-SR. If there are other posts in this thread that suggest a different install order, please disregard them - the order listed up above should be the correct one. General Changes: AoE Projectile sizes have all been looked over and corrected where necessary. Many were slightly bigger than they should've been. Summoned creatures generally match normal humanoid movement speeds, though a few creatures are particularly fast, while a few are still somewhat slower (though still faster than they were in SR, such as the jellies from SR's MS2, which were so painfully slow as to be nearly useless - note that this applies to enemies' summonables as well!). Summoned creatures are also generally touched up and/or their descriptions simply corrected. Spells that had straight up inaccurate descriptions (e.g. Break Enchantment not mentioning breaking petrification, or Feeblemindedness saying it only reduced the creature's intelligence to 3 instead of the standard Feeblemindedness fugue effect, or True Seeing's weird vagueness in exactly how it works, etc.) have been corrected. Other actual spell changes/tweaks can be read down below in the spoilers. Additional settings may be set via the settings.ini in the spell_rev folder. Arcane Changes Level 1: Grease: Increased from 10' radius to 20' radius. 10' was just too danged small. Mage Armor: Nerfed maximum AC from 3 at 12th level to 4 at 9th level. This spell was rather outclassing Ghost Armor, especially with its superior duration. Color Spray: The blindness effect is nerfed to 2 rounds from 3. Proper blindness is pretty powerful (-10 THAC0 vs. the -4 it used to be before the days of ToBEx). Obscuring Mist: From 6 rounds to 5. Shocking Grasp: Damage scales with level a la Chilling Touch (+1D6 per 2 extra caster levels). Reflected Image: This spell was seriously nerfed by Kreso when he changed it from always being 50% per attack to being 50% for one attack per round. Its base duration is upped from 4 rounds to 5 for now, though I have considered increasing it more. Blindness: If you prefer, this spell can be restored over the arcane Obscuring Mist via settings.ini (Obscuring Mist will still exist for Druids). Protection from Petrification: A restored spell (had been unavailable up until the very latest version). Friends: A restored spell (not present in any of the latest versions of SR). Detect Alignment: A restored spell (not present as a scroll in any of the latest versions of SR). Chromatic Orb: The red orb is now "wound" instead of "pain": 1 bleeding damage per round rather than a -1 penalty to strength and constitution. Stat penalties simply aren't effective against the majority of enemies. Chromatic Orb also has a revised damage table, with the overall effect of slightly increasing its damage. Old CO: 1st: 1D3 2nd: 1D4 4th: 1D6 6th: 1D8 8th: 1D10 10th: 2D6 12th: 2D8 New CO: 1st: 1D4 3rd: 1D6 5th: 1D8 7th: 1D10 9th: 2D6 12th: 2D8 14th: 2D10 Level 2: Battering Ram: From 2D6 to 2D8 damage, and the saving throw penalty is increased from none to -2 for the knockback effect. Know Opponent: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Vocalize: From 1 turn to 5 rounds + 1 round/level. I was finding its duration rather annoying at higher levels for both AI and the player: any AI spellcaster left standing for over a turn can be completely disabled by Power Word: Silence, and no player wants to have to memorize this spell more than once on a given spellcaster, do they? Power Word Sleep: Creatures with more than 20 HP have a -2 saving throw penalty instead of no saving throw penalty. Was absolutely terrible compared to Sleep without it...and it still isn't exactly great. Sound Burst: 5D4 crushing damage instead of 4D4. Ray of Enfeeblement: From a -3 penalty to THAC0 and damage to -4. Glitterdust: 30' radius instead of 10', causes a -2 penalty to THAC0 for 1 turn and always reveals those whom it affects. If they fail their saving throw, they also cannot become invisible for an entire turn. Monster Summoning II: The creature types between this and MS3 have been switched, though Hobgoblin Archers are somewhat nerfed and more closely match the actual Hobgoblin Archers you see in-game, while MS3's jellies have been upgraded. Stinking Cloud: Creatures nauseated suffer a 50% movement speed penalty, and creatures who make their saving throw still suffer a -2 penalty to AC and THAC0. Level 3: Clairvoyance: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Monster Summoning III: As noted above, this spell now uses MS2's creature types, jellies. However, instead of green slimes, it is gray oozes (with a 9th level ochre jelly). Wraithform: A spell restored from BG1 and Unfinished Business, it shares some similarities to the 8th level spell Ghostform - but you cannot continue to cast spells while in wraithform. Particularly useful for fighter- or thief-mages...especially in BG1 against Basilisks. Halt Undead: No longer subject to magic resistance. Remove Magic: Restored spell: a version of Dispel Magic that only affects enemies, its area of effect is only 20' instead of Dispel Magic's 30'. Icelance: An actual properly fleshed out spell now, and a legitimate alternative to Lightning Bolt. Old Icelance: When this spell is cast, a sharp spear of ice impale the target inflicting 5d6 points of damage. The target must make a save vs paralysis or be held for three rounds. New Icelance: When this spell is cast, a sharp spear of ice impales the target, dealing 1D6 of both piercing and cold damage for every two experience levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 5D6 at 10th level. A successful save vs. breath at a -2 penalty negates the cold damage, though the target must also make a save vs. paralysis at a -2 penalty to avoid being held for one round. Level 4: Ice Storm: From 4 rounds to 5. Minor Globe of Invulnerability: No longer taken down by a successful Dispel Magic, although spells underneath it may still be dispelled (behavior modifiable in settings.ini). Spirit Armor: From 2D4 magic damage done to the caster to 1D6. Polymorph Other: The saving throw table was smoothed out: "Creatures level 1-5 make saving throw at -4 penalty, 6-10 at -2, 11-15 none, 16+ a +2 bonus." Polymorph Self: All forms somewhat revised and made closer to match their in-game creatures. Mustard Jelly, Ogre Mage, Salamander, Sword Spider, Troll, and Winter Wolf are the forms. Should be a fairly decent spell for any single-class mage or perhaps mage-cleric. Fire Shield: From base 3 rounds to 5 rounds. Wizard Eye: From 1 round/level to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Vitriolic Sphere: An actual properly fleshed out spell now. Old VS: When this spell is cast, a glowing orb of emerald acid streaks to the target and explodes in a 10-foot radius. Each creature in that area must make a save vs. breath. On a failed save, a creature takes 10d4 acid damage and 4d4 acid damage at the end of its next 2 rounds. On a successful save, a creature takes half the initial damage and half damage at the end of each round. New VS: When this spell is cast, a glowing orb of emerald acid streaks towards the target and explodes, drenching everyone within a 10' radius in potent acid. Each creature in the area immediately suffers 1D4 acid damage for each level of experience of the caster, up to a maximum of 10D4 at 10th level. After the initial round, those covered in the sphere's acid continue to suffer two less dice of acid damage in the following rounds. For example, an 8th-level wizard inflicts 8D4 damage with this spell in the first round, 6D4 in the second round, 4D4 in the third round, and 2D4 in the fourth round. During each round except the first, those affected can make a save vs. breath at a -2 penalty to reduce that round's damage by half and avoid further damage in any remaining rounds. Contagion: Revised: "This spell causes a major disease and weakness in a creature. For the following 5 rounds, the victim must save vs. poison at a -2 penalty every other round or permanently suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. The target must also save vs. poison at a -2 penalty each round or be stricken with a terrible sluggishness for that round. The characteristic points lost from this spell can only be restored with a Cure Disease, Heal, or Greater Restoration spell. Magic resistance does not affect this spell, though the undead and certain other creatures such as constructs, elementals, and illusions are immune to disease." Level 5: Shadow Door: Automatic Maze exit after 5 rounds instead of 4 rounds. Waves of Fatigue: Temporarily revised to simulate fatigue instead of ineffectively trying to actually use fatigue. Previously, the first casting of this spell was borderline useless against a fully rested party, or instead absolutely completely crippling vs. a nearly fatigued party, while not having much of any effect upon enemies. Feeblemindedness: From a -4 saving throw to -2. This is essentially a "target is effectively dead" spell - compare to Domination at the same level which is in the same school and also has a -2 saving throw. Fireburst: No longer affects friendlies (its one unique trait!). Mestil's Acid Sheath: An actual properly fleshed out spell now. Damage done scales with level similarly to Fire Shield. From 4D4 flat no matter your level to 2D4 + 1/two levels. Summon Shadow: 8 hour duration instead of 3 turns. Summoned creatures revised slightly. Probably still needs tweaking. Old SS: 9th: 3 shadows 12th: 2 wraiths New SS: 9th: 3 shadows 12th: 2 shadows and 1 wraith 14th: 1 shadow and 2 wraiths 16th: 3 wraiths Level 6: Invisible Stalker: From 8 hours to 1 turn/level. Note that atweaks' PnP Elementals overwrites this spell if you use that mod. Globe of Invulnerability: No longer taken down by a successful Dispel Magic, although spells underneath it may still be dispelled (behavior modifiable in settings.ini). Flesh to Stone: From 3 rounds to petrify to 2 rounds. Banishment: Now attempts to dismiss gated creatures as well (at a -4 saving throw penalty, unlike regular summonables who get no saving throw). Summon Nishruu: A restored spell (not available in current SR). Stone to Flesh: A completely disabled spell, its function is fully absorbed into Break Enchantment. Note that the BG1 scroll with the same name is unaffected. Level 7: Prismatic Mantle: Provides protection up to +3 weapons once again, its prismatic effect can now trigger once per round per enemy (i.e. if multiple enemies attack within a single round, both are affected...but only once for that given round - this makes it so the spell can have some use for both players and enemies rather than just one or the other). Finger of Death: From 6D8 damage upon a succeeded saving throw to 1D6 per two spellcaster levels. Summon Efreeti: From a base 8 rounds to 1 turn. Summon Djinni: From a base 8 rounds to 1 turn. Control Undead: No longer subject to magic resistance. Improved Chaos Shield: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Prismatic Spray: Rebuilt from the ground up. The way the percentages worked used to be really static and did not allow for unique combinations of rays - now it does. Old PS: When this spell is cast, the wizard causes seven shimmering, multicolored rays of light to flash from his hand. These include all colors of the visible spectrum; each ray has a different power and purpose. Any creature with fewer than 8 Hit Dice struck by a ray is blinded for 5 rounds, regardless of any other effect. Any creature that is caught within the area of effect will be touched by one or more rays. The effects of the rays are listed below and all saves are made at a -4 penalty. Red - 10d6 points of fire damage (save vs. breath half) Orange - 10d6 points of acid damage (save vs. breath half) Yellow - 10d6 points of electrical damage (save vs. breath half) Green - Death (save vs. poison reduces to 20 poison damage) Blue - Permanently stunned (save vs. polymorph neg.) Indigo - Feeblemind (save vs. wands neg.) Violet - Maze (save vs. spell neg.) New PS: When this spell is cast, the wizard causes seven shimmering, multicolored rays of light to flash from their hand. These include all colors of the visible spectrum, and each ray has a different power and purpose. Any creature that is caught within the area of effect will be touched by one or more rays: there is a 50% chance that they will be affected by two or more rays, and a 25% chance that they will be affected by three rays. Additionally, creatures with 8 hit dice or fewer struck by any type of ray are also blinded for 5 rounds. The effects of the rays are listed below and all saves are made at a -4 penalty. Red - 10D6 fire damage (save vs. breath half) Orange - Stun for 1 turn (save vs. polymorph neg.) Yellow - 10D6 electrical damage (save vs. breath half) Green - Death (save vs. poison for 5D4 poison damage) Blue - 10D6 cold damage (save vs. breath half) Indigo - Confusion for 1 turn (save vs. wand neg.) Violet - Maze (save vs. spell neg.) Level 8: Simulacrum: Casting this spell mid-combat is now viable: the Simulacrum's spellbook is always at full strength when cast. Symbol of Weakness: Replaced by Symbol of Pain, this spell is now essentially a symbol combo of a double strength Greater Malison as well as Emotion Despair, though unlike Greater Malison, it is subject to a saving throw (vs. spell at a -4 penalty). Symbol of Death: Creatures with less than 60 hitpoints receive a -4 saving throw, creatures with more than 60 hitpoints do not receive the saving throw penalty but may still be affected. Bigby's Icy Grasp: From 8 rounds to 1 turn. The saving throw made each round at a -2 penalty only negates half damage instead of full damage. Level 9: Gate: A restored spell (had been unavailable up until the latest beta 16). Monster Summoning IX: A restored spell (it is currently unavailable in beta 16). Uses Greater Wolfweres instead of the broken Greater Basilisks. Still probably needs tweaking/outright replacement. Power Word Kill: Target has a -2 saving throw penalty (instead of nothing) even if they have more than 60 hitpoints. Wail of the Banshee: From no saving throw penalty to a -2 saving throw penalty. Larloch's Energy Drain: Target must also make a -4 saving throw vs. death or be slain in the process - something to make this spell not quite so terrible. Shapechange: Like Polymorph Self, the forms have been somewhat revised. The forms available are Iron Golem, Mind Flayer, Nycaloth, Elder Spirit Troll, and Alpha Wolfwere. Bigby's Crushing Hand: If the saving throws at -4 penalty are made, this deals half damage per round instead of no damage. Divine Changes Level 1: Cure Light Wounds: From 1D8 + 1/level (up to a maximum of 1D8 + 10 at 10th level) to 10 + 1/two levels (up to a maximum of 20 at 20th level). Better initial heal though it takes longer to scale to its maximum potential - using Cure spells instead of simply endlessly quaffing potions should be at least a little valuable. Magical Stone: From 2 turns to 5 turns. Sanctuary: From 6 rounds to 1 turn. Shillelagh: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level, and gains a +4 "melee touch" THAC0 bonus to make this actually worth casting. Sunscorch: From 2D6 + 1D6 every two extra levels (maximum of 6D6 or an average of 21 at 9th level) to 1D6 + 1/level (maximum of 1D6 + 10 or an average of 13.5 at 10th level) and also no longer subject to magic resistance. The original damage was considered to be too strong. Faerie Fire: 20' radius AoE that automatically dispels the invisibility/stealth of all enemies it hits. If an enemy fails their saving throw, they additionally cannot become invisible again and suffer a -2 penalty to AC for 5 rounds. Regenerate Light Wounds: This used to heal 1 hp/round for 1 turn + 2 rounds/level (up to 30 HP over 3 turns at 10th level), now it instead always lasts for just 5 rounds but heals 15 + 1.5/two levels HP (up to a maximum of 30 HP at 20th level) over 5 rounds. Basically the idea is to make this semi-usable in combat by having it heal at a decent pace rather than only out of it while still retaining its slower regenerative function. Goodberry: From 8 hours to 24 hours. Cause Light Wounds: From 1D8 + 1/level to 1D10 + 1/level. Animal Summoning I: From 3 turns to 5 turns. Obscuring Mist: From 6 rounds to 5 rounds. Level 2: Spoiler Charm Person of Animal: From 1 turn to 5 rounds. I don't remember changing this, but I suppose the rationale was that without it, it's more powerful than even Dire Charm at 3rd spellcasting level for mages, which doesn't make a lot of sense. Find Traps: From 3 turns to 5 turns. Flame Blade: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Know Opponent: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Silence: From 15' radius to 20' radius. Spiritual Hammer: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Cure Moderate Wounds: 20 + 2/two levels (up to a maximum of 40 at 20th level). Regenerate Moderate Wounds: 30 + 3/two levels (up to a maximum of 60 at 20th level) over a flat 5 rounds. Cause Moderate Wounds: 2D10 + 2/level (up to a maximum of 2D10 + 20 at 10th level). Animal Summoning II: From 3 turns to 5 turns. Level 3: Spoiler Animate Dead: The two greater skeletons are now summoned at 11th level instead of 12th. Additionally, the spell starts out with three skeletons at 5th level, but it should be noted that these skeletons are slightly less strong compared to SR's, so it mostly balances out. Dispel Magic: 30' radius instead of 20'. Why would it be different from the mage's version of this spell? Invisibility Purge: From 5 rounds to 1 turn. Rigid Thinking: A restored vanilla spell that's been revised: "This spell causes confusion to the target, creating indecision and the inability to take effective action. The victim must save vs. spell or either go berserk, stand confused, or wander about for the duration of the spell. Wandering creatures tend to move as far from the caster as possible, but any confused creature that is attacked perceives the attacker as an enemy and acts according to their basic nature. The target has a saving throw penalty of -2, and there is an additional -1 for every extra two experience levels of the caster, up to a maximum of -4 at 9th level." Zone of Sweet Air: Cleric-only and now differentiated from Gust of Wind at 2nd spellcasting level (druid-only), this clears the area once per round for 5 rounds. Summon Insects: From 6 rounds to 5 rounds and damage is increased each round from 2D3 to 4D2 (mathematically, this works out to an average of 24 damage over 6 rounds in the original spell vs. an average of 30 damage over 5 rounds in the new version - in exchange for lasting one round less). Cause Serious Wounds: 3D10 + 3/level (up to a maximum of 3D10 + 30 at 10th level). Cure Serious Wounds: 30 + 3/two levels (up to a maximum of 60 at 20th level). Regenerate Serious Wounds: 45 + 4.5/two levels (up to a maximum of 90 at 20th level) over a flat 5 rounds. Spike Growth: Those caught suffer 2D4 piercing damage (up from 1D4), but the additional bleeding damage and slow only lasts for 2 rounds instead of 3. Icelance: "When this spell is cast, a sharp spear of ice impales the target, dealing 1D6 of both piercing and cold damage for every two experience levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 5D6 at 10th level. A successful save vs. breath at a -2 penalty negates the cold damage, though the target must also make a save vs. paralysis at a -2 penalty to avoid being held for one round." Contagion: Revised: "This spell causes a major disease and weakness in a creature. For the following 5 rounds, the victim must save vs. poison at a -2 penalty every other round or permanently suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. The target must also save vs. poison at a -2 penalty each round or be stricken with a terrible sluggishness for that round. The characteristic points lost from this spell can only be restored with a Cure Disease, Heal, or Greater Restoration spell. Magic resistance does not affect this spell, though the undead and certain other creatures such as constructs, elementals, and illusions are immune to disease." Level 4 Spoiler Animal Summoning IV: There is an additional level step for this spell that creates a 4th leopard at 11th level. Additionally, the spell lasts for 5 turns instead of 3. Defensive Harmony: 20' AoE instead of 10' to make this more usable in combat (10' is pretty tough to make it affect anyone except characters almost hip-to-hip with the caster). Call Woodland Beings: Starts out with 2 hamadryads instead of 1 (used to be one, then two, then two + one dryad; now it's two, then three, then two + one dryad). Additionally, the spell lasts for 5 turns instead of 3. Poison: From a bizarrely scaling table to something more sensible. 1D4 / two levels initial damage that cannot be avoided, plus an additional 1 poison damage per second poison effect that lasts for 1 round / two levels if the target fails their -2 death saving throw (up to a maximum of 10D4 and 1 turn poison duration at 20th level). Cause Critical Wounds: 4D10 + 4/level (up to a maximum of 4D10 + 40 at 10th level). Cloak of Fear: From 6' AoE to 10' AoE. Lesser Restoration: Also attempts to restore characteristic draining - may not work on all mod-added sources of characteristic draining, however. Ice Storm: From 4 rounds to 5 rounds. Regenerate Critical Wounds: 60 + 6/two levels (up to a maximum of 120 at 20th level) over a flat 5 rounds. Polymorph Other: Moved from 5th level to 4th level (there is a dearth of offensive spells at 4th spellcasting level, and the arcane version is at 4th level as well). Additionally, the saving throw table was smoothed out: "Creatures level 1-5 make saving throw at -4 penalty, 6-10 at -2, 11-15 none, 16+ a +2 bonus." Level 5 Spoiler Animal Summoning V: From 3 turns to 5 turns. Harper's Call: Stat penalty is reduced from -5 to -3 (mostly to make it so some characters with particularly bad Constitution aren't instantly slayed upon being revived). Champion's Strength: Affected creature also gains a +10% bonus to physical resistance (essentially an Armor of Faith) in addition to the stat bonuses. Slay Living: The saving throw is made at a -2 penalty instead of none. The damaage for a succeeded saving throw (or a creature that is immune to be slaying) is 10D6 (average 35) instead of 2D8+20 (average 29). Mass Cure: From 2D8 + 2/level (up to a maximum of 2D8 + 20 at 10th level) to 20 + 2/two levels (up to a maximum of 40 at 20th level). Insect Plague: From 6 rounds to 5 rounds, and from 2D3 damage per round (average of 24 damage over 6 rounds) to 4D2 damage per round (average of 30 damage over 5 rounds). Mass Regenerate: 30 + 3/two levels (up to a maximum of 60 at 20th level) over 5 rounds. Level 6 Spoiler Animal Summoning VI: From 3 turns to 5 turns, and the third cave bear is summoned at 14th level instead of 13th. Blade Barrier: From 6' AoE to 10' AoE. Fire Seeds: From 4D6 damage to 6D6 per seed thrown, but the saving throw is a -2 penalty instead of -4. False Dawn: From 15' AoE to 20' AoE, and non-undead opponents now suffer 1D6 fire damage for each round they remain within the area of effect (as opposed to none previously - undead continue to suffer double damage), but the saving throw penalty for blindness is now only -2 instead of -4. Dolorous Decay: The disease slow effect lasts an entire turn instead of 5 rounds. Physical Mirror: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Sol's Searing Orb: The orb can be thrown within 5 rounds instead of 3, the initial damage is 10D6 instead of 12D6, but 1D6 per round afterburn lasts for an entire turn instead of 6 rounds. Regeneration: From 1 turn + 2 rounds/level to just 2 rounds/level. This sounds like a nerf, but the original spell capped this at 180 hit points over 3 turns at 10th level - this version is instead capped at 300 HP at 20th level. Banishment: Now attempts to dismiss gated creatures as well (at a -4 saving throw penalty, unlike regular summonables who get no saving throw). Level 7 Spoiler Summon Death Knight: From 3 turns to 5 turns. Symbol of Weakness: Replaced by Symbol of Pain, this spell is now essentially a symbol combo of a double strength Greater Malison as well as Emotion Despair, though unlike Greater Malison, it is subject to a saving throw (vs. spell at a -4 penalty). Sunray: Non-undead creatures suffer 10D6 fire damage instead of 6D6. Finger of Death: From 6D8 damage upon a succeeded saving throw to 1D6 per two spellcaster levels. Un/Holy Word: Creatures who are 5 fewer levels or more than the caster are stunned for 2 rounds instead of just 1. Greater Restoration: Also attempts to restore characteristic draining - may not work on all mod-added sources of characteristic draining, however. Animal Summoning VII: From 3 turns to 5 turns. Creeping Doom: From 6 rounds to 5 rounds, and from 2D3 damage to 8D2 damage per round. Symbol of Death: Creatures with less than 60 hitpoints receive a -4 saving throw, creatures with more than 60 hitpoints do not receive the saving throw penalty but may still be affected. High Level Abilities: Spoiler Elemental Swarm: From 2 turns to 1 turn + 1 round/level. Elemental Prince Call: From 2 rounds casting time(?) to 1 round casting time. Globe of Blades: From 6' AoE to 10' AoE, and from 6D10 damage to 4D8 damage per round (but not subject to a negating saving throw). Summon Fallen / Deva: From 3 turns to 1 round/level. Aura of Flaming Death: From 5' AoE to 10' AoE, and from 2D10 + 2 damage (average 13) to 1D8 + 10 (average 14.5), but the bonus fire damage is 1D8 instead of 1D10. Creature Descriptions MS1's Gibberlings: Old: Gibberling (1 Hit Dice): STR 10, DEX 10, CON 10, INT 6, WIS 7, CHA 4; AL Chaotic Neutral HP 8, AC 10, THAC0 19, Saving Throws 13/17/15/13/17 1 Attack Per Round, 1d6 Piercing Damage (Short Sword) vs. New: Gibberling (1 HD): ST10, DE10, CO10, IN6, WI7, CH4 HP 8, AC 10, THAC0 19, APR 1 1D6 Piercing (Short Sword) Saving Throws 13/17/15/13/17, AL CN SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% MS2's Hobgoblins: Hobgoblin Archer (3 Hit Dice): STR 11, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 8; AL Lawful Evil HP 24, AC 5, THAC0 17, Saving Throws 13/15/14/16/16 2 Attacks Per Round, 1d6+3 Piercing Damage (Arrows) or 1 Attack Per Round, 1d10+2 Slashing Damage (Bastard Sword) Hobgoblin Shaman (4 Hit Dice): STR 13, DEX 11, CON 15, INT 9, WIS 14, CHA 9; AL Lawful Evil HP 36, AC 5, THAC0 16, Saving Throws 9/13/12/15/14 1 Attack Per Round, 1d8+1 Slashing Damage (Long Sword +1) Memorized Spells: 1° Armor of Faith, Bless, Cure Light Wounds (x2), Resist Fear 2° Chant, Hold Person, Silence vs. Hobgoblin Archer (2 HD): ST14, DE10, CO12, IN8, WI10, CH8 HP 16, AC 3, THAC0 18, APR 2 1D6 + 2 Missile (Short Bow & Arrow) Saving Throws 14/16/15/17/17, AL LE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Hobgoblin Shaman (4 HD): ST14, DE11, CO15, IN9, WI12, CH9 HP 36, AC 2, THAC0 17, APR 1 1D6 + 2 Crushing (Mace +1) Saving Throws 9/13/12/15/14, AL LE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Known Spells: 1° Armor of Faith, Bless, Cure Light Wounds (x2), Resist Fear 2° Chant, Hold Person, Silence MS3's Jellies: Green Slime (2 Hit Dice): STR 14, DEX 9, CON -, INT 3, WIS 3, CHA 3; AL Neutral HP 16, AC 10, THAC0 15, Saving Throws 13/15/13/17/15 1 Attack Per Round, 2d4 Acid Damage (Pseudopod) Special Qualities: Immune to backstab Immune to charm, confusion, disease, hold, poison, sleep & stun, effects Electrical Resistance 100%, Acid Resistance 50% Missile Resistance 90% vs. Gray Ooze (3 HD): ST14, DE10, CO-, IN3, WI3, CH3 HP 30, AC 8, THAC0 17, APR 1 2D8 Acid (Pseudopod) Saving Throws 11/13/12/13/14, AL TN SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 100%, CR 100%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 100% Protected Against: Backstabs, Disease, Level Drain, Petrification, Poison, and Stun Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects Ochre Jelly (5 HD): ST14, DE10, CO-, IN3, WI3, CH3 HP 42, AC 4, THAC0 15, APR 1 3D4 Acid (Pseudopod +1) Saving Throws 10/12/11/12/13, AL TN SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 100% FR 0%, CR 50%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 10% Protected Against: Backstabs, Disease, Level Drain, Petrification, Poison, and Stun Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects MS4's Spiders: Giant Spider (4 Hit Dice): STR 15, DEX 17, CON 12, INT -, WIS 10, CHA 2; AL Neutral HP 32, AC 6, THAC0 16, Saving Throws 10/13/10/13/13 1 Attack Per Round, 1d8 Piercing Damage (Bite +1) Sword Spider (5 Hit Dice): STR 17, DEX 10, CON 15, INT -, WIS 11, CHA 3; AL Neutral HP 45, AC 3, THAC0 14, Saving Throws 9/12/9/12/12 4 Attacks Per Round, 1d8+2 Piercing Damage (Legs & Bite +1) Combat Abilities (all spiders): Poison: spiders' bites inject a venom which inflicts 3hp/round for 1 turn (save vs. poison negates) vs. Giant Spider (4 HD): ST14, DE16, CO12, IN5, WI10, CH3 HP 35, AC 6, THAC0 16, APR 1 1D8 Piercing (Bite) Saving Throws 10/13/10/13/13, AL TN SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Web Venomous: target suffers 1 poison damage every second for 5 rounds (save vs. poison neg.) Sword Spider (5 HD): ST17, DE14, CO15, IN6, WI11, CH3 HP 45, AC 3, THAC0 14, APR 4 2D6 Piercing (Legs & Bite +1) Saving Throws 9/12/9/12/12, AL TN SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Web MS5's Ogres: Ogre Berserker (5 Hit Dice): STR 18/00, DEX 9, CON 18, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 7; AL Chaotic Evil HP 60, AC 3, THAC0 11, Saving Throws 11/13/12/13/14 1 Attack Per Round, 1d10+9 Crushing Damage (Morning Star +1) Special Qualities: Enrage (once per day) Ogre Mage (6 Hit Dice): STR 18/00, DEX 9, CON 17, INT 15, WIS 11, CHA 13; AL Lawful Evil HP 56, AC 2, THAC0 11, Saving Throws 11/13/12/13/14 1 Attack Per Round, 1d10+9 Slashing Damage (Katana +1) Special Qualities: Invisibility (at will) Regeneration: 1 hp/round Memorized Spells: 1° Obscuring Mist, Magic Missile (x2), Shield 2° Horror, Mirror Image 3° Dire Charm, Slow vs. Ogre Berserker (5 HD): ST18, DE10, CO18, IN8, WI10, CH7 HP 60, AC 3, THAC0 14, APR 3/2 1D10 + 3 Crushing (Great M Star +1) Saving Throws 11/13/12/13/14, AL CE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Enrage (1x per day) Ogre Mage (7 HD): ST18, DE10, CO16, IN15, WI11, CH13 HP 56, AC 2, THAC0 12, APR 2 1D10 + 3 Slashing (Katana +1) Saving Throws 9/11/10/11/12, AL LE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Regeneration: 1 hp/round Invisibility (at will) Known Spells: 1° Obscuring Mist, Magic Missile (x2), Shield 2° Horror, Mirror Image 3° Slow, Dire Charm MS6's Wyverns: Baby Wyvern (6 Hit Dice): STR 17, DEX 12, CON 15, INT 6, WIS 11, CHA 9; AL Neutral Evil HP 78, AC 3, THAC0 12, Saving Throws 11/15/11/13/15 4 Attacks Per Round, 2d6+3 Piercing Damage (Bite, Claws, & Sting +1) Wyvern (7 Hit Dice): STR 19, DEX 12, CON 15, INT 6, WIS 12, CHA 9; AL Neutral Evil HP 91, AC 2, THAC0 8, Saving Throws 10/14/10/12/14 4 Attacks Per Round, 2d6+9 Piercing Damage (Bite, Claws, & Sting +2) Combat Abilities: Poison: a wyvern's sting injects a poison which inflicts 2hp/sec for 1 turn (save vs. poison at -4 neg.) Special Qualities: Immune to entangle, grease, hold, sleep, slow, stun, & web effects~ vs. Wyvern (7 HD): ST16, DE12, CO15, IN6, WI12, CH9 HP 63, AC 1, THAC0 13, APR 2 2D8 Slashing (Claws & Bite +2) 1D6 Piercing (Stinger +2) Saving Throws 10/14/10/12/14, AL NE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Entangle, Grease, Hold, Sleep, Slow, Stun, and Web Wyvern Bite: target suffers 1 poison damage every second for 2 rounds (save vs. poison at -2 neg.) Wyvern Stinger: target suffers 2 poison damage every second for 5 rounds (save vs. poison at -4 neg.) Greater Wyvern (9 HD): ST16, DE12, CO15, IN6, WI12, CH9 HP 81, AC -2, THAC0 11, APR 3 2D8 Slashing (Claws & Bite +2) 1D6 Piercing (Stinger +2) Saving Throws 8/11/8/10/8, AL NE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Entangle, Grease, Hold, Sleep, Slow, Stun, and Web Wyvern Bite: target suffers 1 poison damage every second for 2 rounds (save vs. poison at -2 neg.) Wyvern Stinger: target suffers 2 poison damage every second for 5 rounds (save vs. poison at -4 neg.) MS7's Otyughs: Otyugh (7 Hit Dice): STR 14, DEX 10, CON 13, INT 5, WIS 12, CHA 5; AL Neutral HP 70, AC 3, THAC0 10, Saving Throws 10/12/12/14/12 3 Attacks Per Round, 1d6+3 Piercing or Crushing Damage (Bite & Tentacles +3) Combat Abilities: Disease: creatures struck moves at half speed and suffer 1 point of damage per round for 1 turn Special Qualities: Immune to disease effects Slashing, Crushing, & Piercing Resistance 5%; Missile Resistance 100% vs. Otyugh (7 HD): ST14, DE10, CO13, IN5, WI12, CH5 HP 76, AC 3, THAC0 10, APR 3 1D8 Piercing/Crushing (Bite & Tentacles +3) Saving Throws 9/11/10/10/12, AL TN SR 5%, CR 5%, PR 5%, MR 100% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Disease Diseasing: target suffers 1 damage per round and slowness for 1 turn (save vs. poison at -2 neg.) MS8's Umber Hulks: Umber Hulk (8 Hit Dice): STR 20, DEX 13, CON 18, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 9; AL Neutral HP 96, AC 2, THAC0 6, Saving Throws 10/12/12/14/12 3 Attacks Per Round, 1d8+11 Slashing & Piercing Damage (Claws & Bite +3) Combat Abilities: Confusing Gaze Special Qualities: Immune to confusion effects vs. Umber Hulk (8 HD): ST20, DE18, CO14, IN11, WI9, CH8 HP 90, AC 2, THAC0 10, APR 3 1D12 Slashing/Piercing (Claws & Bite +3) Saving Throws 10/12/12/14/12, AL TN SR 5%, CR 5%, PR 5%, MR 100% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Confusion Confusing Gaze (at will): target is confused for 5 rounds (save vs. spell neg.) MS9's Greater Wolfweres: Greater Wolfwere (11 HD): ST19, DE19, CO16, IN17, WI10, CH12 HP 87, AC 2, THAC0 8, APR 3 1D12 Slashing/Piercing (Claws & Bite +3) Saving Throws 7/6/5/6/5, AL CE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 50%, CR 50%, ER 50%, AR 50% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 50% Protected Against: Normal Weapons Regeneration: 2 hp/sec Summon Shadow: Shadow (3 Hit Dice): STR -, DEX 14, CON -, INT 6, WIS 12, CHA 11; AL Chaotic Evil HP 36, AC 5, THAC0 13, Saving Throws 11/13/11/13/13 1 Attack Per Round, 1d6+1 Cold Damage (Touch +1) Combat Abilities: Chill Touch: creatures struck must save vs. death or lose 1 point of strength for 1 hour Special Qualities: Immune to normal weapons Immune to backstab, charm, confusion, hold, poison, sleep, stun, & death effects Cold Resistance 100%; Physical Damage Resistance 50% Wraith (5 Hit Dice): STR -, DEX 15, CON -, INT 11, WIS 13, CHA 12; AL Lawful Evil HP 60, AC 4, THAC0 12, Saving Throws 10/13/10/13/13 1 Attack Per Round, 1d8+1 Cold Damage (Touch +1) Combat Abilities: Life Drain: each successeful hit raises wraith hit points by 5 for 1 turn, and the target must save vs. death or lose 1 level Special Qualities: Immune to normal weapons Immune to backstab, blindness, charm, confusion, hold, poison, sleep, stun, & death effects Cold Resistance 100%; Physical Damage Resistance 50% vs. Shadow (5 HD): ST13, DE10, CO-, IN10, WI11, CH11 HP 34, AC 7, THAC0 14, APR 1 1D8 Slashing (Touch) Saving Throws 11/13/11/13/13, AL CE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 100%, ER 0%, AR 100% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Backstabs, Death, Normal Weapons, Petrification, and Poison Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects Chill Touch: target suffers a -2 penalty to strength for 1 turn Wraith (7 HD): ST14, DE12, CO-, IN10, WI12, CH10 HP 43, AC 4, THAC0 12, APR 3/2 1D8 Slashing (Touch +1) Saving Throws 10/13/10/13/13, AL LE SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 100%, ER 0%, AR 100% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Backstabs, Death, Normal Weapons, Petrification, and Poison Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects Life Drain: target is drained 1 level, restoring 5 hit points to the wraith (save vs. death at -4 neg.) Polymorph Self: Flind Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16; AC 1, THAC0 10 2 Attacks Per Round, 1d10+3 Piercing +1d6 Fire Damage (Halberd +2) Ogre Str 18/00, Dex 9, Con 18; AC 3, THAC0 8 2 Attacks Per Round, 1d10+8 Crushing Damage (Morning Star +2) Mustard Jelly Str 14, Dex 9, Con 16; AC 4, THAC0 10 1 Attack Per Round, 5d5 Acid Damage + Slow (Corrosive Spore +2) Slow: target is slowed for 3 rounds (save vs. polymorph negates) Immune to backstab, poison, charm, confusion, & hold effects Immune to normal weapons Electrical Resistance 100%, Cold Resistance 50% Sword Spider Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15; AC 3, THAC0 14 4 Attacks Per Round, 1d6+3 Piercing Damage + Poison (Legs & Bite +1) Poison: 4 hp/round for 4 rounds (save vs. poison negates) Immune to web and poison effects Winter Wolf Str 18, Dex 17, Con 15; AC 2, THAC0 10 2 Attacks Per Round, 1d6+3 Piercing + 1d6 Cold Damage (Frostbite +2) Cold Resistance 100% vs. Mustard Jelly (7 HD): STR 14, DEX 10, CON 10 AC 4, THAC0 13, APR 1 5D4 Acidic (Corrosive Spore +2) SR 30%, CR 30%, PR 100%, MR 85% FR 0%, CR 50%, ER 100%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 100% Protected Against: Backstabs, Disease, Level Drain, Normal Weapons, Petrification, Poison, and Stun Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects Venomous: target suffers 2 poison damage every round for 5 rounds (save vs. poison neg.) Slowing: target is slowed for 1 turn (save vs. breath at -2 neg.) Ogre Mage (7 HD): STR 18, DEX 10, CON 16 AC 2, THAC0 12, APR 2 1D10 + 3 Slashing (Katana +1) SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Regeneration: 1 hp/round Spellcasting: spells can be cast in this form Salamander (7 HD): STR 16, DEX 12, CON 14 AC 3, THACO 13, APR 2 1D6 Piercing (Spear +2) SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 100%, CR -50%, ER 50%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Normal Weapons Fiery: target suffers 1D6 fire damage Sword Spider (5 HD): STR 17, DEX 16, CON 15 AC 3, THAC0 15, APR 4 2D6 Piercing (Legs & Bite +1) SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Protected Against: Poison and Web Venomous: target suffers 1 poison damage every second for 2 rounds (save vs. poison neg.) Troll (7 HD): STR 18, DEX 16, CON 20 AC 4, THAC0 12, APR 3 1D6 Piercing (Claws +2) SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Regeneration: 1 hp/second Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects Winter Wolf (6 HD): STR 15, DEX 17, CON 15 AC 5, THAC0 14, APR 1 Frostbite (Breath +2) SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 100%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Frostbite: target is blasted with icy breath, suffering 6D4 cold damage (save vs. breath neg. half) Shapechange: Iron Golem STR 24, DEX 9, CON 9; AC 3, THAC0 -2 2 Attacks Per Round, 2d10+16 Crushing Damage (Fist +4) Immune to weapons lower than +3 enchantment Immune to backstab & poison effects Magic Resistance 100% Acid, Cold, & Electrical Resistance 100%, Fire Resistance 125% Slashing, Piercing, & Missile Resistance 40%, Crushing Resistance 20% Greater Wolfwere STR 21, DEX 20, CON 25; AC -4, THAC0 1 3 Attacks Per Round, 2d8+12 Slashing Damage (Paw +3) Immune to weapons lower than +1 enchantment Regeneration: 2 hp/sec Magic Resistance 40%; Elemental Resistance 50% Mind Flayer STR 12, DEX 14, CON 12; AC 3, THAC0 9 1 Attack Per Round, 1d4+2 Damage + Devour Brain (Touch +2) Devour Brain: -4 to target's intelligence Psionic Blast: stuns opponents within 15' radius (save vs. spell negates) Magic Resistance 90% Spellcasting isn't disabled while in this form Spirit Troll STR 19, DEX 18, CON 2; AC -4, THAC0 8 2 Attacks Per Round, 2d4+9 Slashing Damage + Drain (Claw +2) Ability Score Drain: -1 to target's strength (save vs. death negates) Improved Invisible; Immune to normal weapons Regeneration: 3 hp/round; Cold Resistance 100% vs. Iron Golem (18 HD): STR 24, DEX 10, CON - AC 2, THAC0 2, APR 1 4D10 Crushing (Fist +4) SR 20%, CR 20%, PR 20%, MR 20% FR 125%, CR 100%, ER 100%, AR 100% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 100% Protected Against: Backstabs, Normal/+1/+2 Weapons, and Poison Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects Mind Flayer (12 HD): STR 10, DEX 10, CON 12 AC 5, THAC0 12, APR 4 1D6 Piercing (Claws & Tentacles +3) SR 50%, CR 50%, PR 50%, MR 50% FR 0%, CR 0%, ER 0%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 90% Spellcasting: spells can be cast in this form Devour Brain: target suffers a -2 penalty to intelligence for 5 rounds Psionic Blast (1x per day): target and enemies within 15' are stunned for 1 turn (save vs. spell neg.) Nycaloth (12 HD): STR 20, DEX 18, CON 18 AC -6, THAC0 2, APR 1 2D8 Slashing (Claws +3) SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 100%, CR -100%, ER 0%, AR 100% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 70% Protected Against: Normal/+1 Weapons and Poison Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects Detect Invisibility (permanent) Elder Spirit Troll (15 HD): STR 20, DEX 21, CON 20 AC 0, THAC0 6, APR 3 2D6 Piercing (Claws +3) SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 0%, CR 100%, ER 25%, AR 0% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 25% Regeneration: 1 hp/sec Protected Against: Normal/+1 Weapons Mind Shield: confers protection against many forms of mind-affecting magic, such as charm, confusion, domination, fear, feeblemind, hold, sleep, psionics, and other similar effects Natural Invisibility: permanent improved invisibility Draining: target suffers a -1 penalty to strength for 1 turn (save vs. death at -2 neg.) Slowing: target is slowed for 2 rounds (save vs. breath at -2 neg.) Alpha Wolfwere (14 HD): STR 20, DEX 20, CON 18 AC 0, THAC0 7, APR 3 1D12 Slashing/Piercing (Claws & Bite +3) SR 0%, CR 0%, PR 0%, MR 0% FR 50%, CR 50%, ER 50%, AR 50% Special Characteristics: Magic Resistance: 50% Regeneration: 3 hp/sec Protected Against: Normal/+1 Weapons Edited March 23, 2024 by Bartimaeus Quote
Bartimaeus Posted September 7, 2018 Author Posted September 7, 2018 (edited) An incomplete list of bugs affecting the official version of SR b15: Spoiler Almost all AoE projectiles that are not 30' are the wrong size. 65 is not '5 - 42 is. 200 is not 20', nor is 190 - 170 is. Some classes and their kits do not really have updated abilities. spcl212 (Paladins' Detect Alignment), spcl222 (Cavalier's Remove Fear), spcl231 (Inqusitor's Dispel Magic), spcl232 (Inquisitor's True Seeing), spcl732 (Priest of Helm's True Seeing), spcl742 (Priest of Lathander's Halt Undead), and possibly a few others. Gust of Wind/Zone of Sweet Air inconsistencies - either separate them into two different spells (pulse-like effect that lasts a few rounds for Zone a la True Seeing?), or make them the same. Dispel Magic/Remove Magic inconsistencies. In vanilla, Dispel Magic is the one that targets everyone, Remove Magic is the one that targets only enemies, and SR tried to merge them into all being Remove Magic while calling all of them Dispel Magic, but it's all messed up, since both (arcane) spells are now called Dispel Magic, you can still learn both (but their scrolls don't stack), and the original functions of both are still in effect (and the Cleric and innates versions of Dispel Magic don't all act the same). Remove Magic is friendlier to AI (who may have bad targeting that can accidentally lead to them to hitting themselves if they cast Dispel Magic instead of Remove Magic) - therefore, probably make Remove Magic the default, but actually do it correctly. Insect spells not properly protected against from the secondary effect. I recommend immunity to the secondary effect, but not the primary - essentially, if the AI cast insects upon someone protected by a Fire Shield, they will not be affected, BUT the insects will still spread to other nearby characters. The spell selection variant of Ice Lance's icon is messed up (spwi327c.bam? One of those, can't ever remember which variant is which off of the top of my head). Un/Holy Word, among others such as Color Spray and possibly Dolorous Decay, should have its slow effect relegated to a secondary spell to properly work with the slow sectype (you don't want Haste canceling out confusion and blindness and such, right?). Physical Mirror, and Protection from Missiles, do not protect against many EE and 1pp projectiles, as each projectile type has to protected against individually, and 1pp and the EEs add many new types. I have fixed this to a degree already for the 1pp installer via the BWPFP, but this must be handled by SR itself for the EEs. Spell deflection spells should be updated via a patched in opcode for the EEs to make use of new EE 2.5 functionality. Vampiric effects (Larloch's, Vampiric Touch, etc.) should not affect a variety of creature types (illusory, golems, undead, etc.). Many wrong or otherwise misleading descriptions, such as Feeblemind (it does not reduce creatures' intelligence to does what Feeblemind has always done), Haste (no longer single target), Reflected Image (I don't think this was ever updated to say that it only creates one image per round instead of an image every time attacked), Aid (it is not a dice roll for the max HP bonus - and it cannot be, since the opcode does not support it), and likely more. Spells not properly de-activated for the EEs (e.g. Protection from (Element), among other supposedly disabled spells - SR's hidespl.2da, in other words, is not working for the EEs...and I THINK needs updating for ToBEx games, too). AI continuing to exploit the existence of some Spell Immunities when the player cannot even access them. These should be replaced as possible (e.g. SI: Illusion with True Seeing, SI: Alteration with Ghostform, etc.). Stone to Flesh exists as a spell you can learn from scrolls throughout BG2, but not as a selectable spell for sorcerers. If this spell is to cease its existence by way of Break Enchantment taking its place, then another spell should probably take its scroll. Phantom Blade is missing its special effect. "The spin203.spl issue is on line 2924 of /spell_rev/lib/kreso_eestatSR.tph. Should be changed from "spwi203" to "spin105". Free Action, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, and Globe of Invulnerability cause CTDs for non-EE users as a result of invalid opcodes. kreso_petrification.tph's is missing the "BUT_ONLY" flag in several places, causing many pointless overwrites. BAM issues. SR's entire "bams" folder needs to be redone - avoid pointless overwrites and maintain compatibility with other mods. This is more annoying to fix than you might expect, since it means fixing the icons for spells that are using these overwritten icons, and yet it's unfortunately necessary to stop screwing over other spells and mods using these icons. The stupid basilisks from MS9 are the worst idea for a mod that removes the Protection from Petrification spell, especially when Potions of Mirrored Eyes basically don't exist IIRC in BG2. Just the very worst idea. Prismatic Mantle should probably receive protection from weapons again. IIRC, this was an unnoted(?) change from kreso's latest version, and while the player may not expect it, that may not necessarily be the case for the AI. My solution was to make the prismatic effect occur only 50% of the time, but that's just me. A number of arcane spells are selectable in EE games that should be disabled, I believe. Arcane spells from the wrong spell schools should be removed from specialist mage (playable) characters. Disabled arcane spells should be stripped from characters via the "update spellbooks" component. Prevent Fire Shield-like effects from targeting allied characters (as misfires on friendly creatures as a result of casting spells in the nearby vicinity can occur). Prevent the rapid-firing of Fire Shield-like effects (especially endless loops of back and forth Fire Shield-like effects between two different characters) - can be done through a 1 second immunity .eff. IIRC, Emotion: Despair has a -3 saving throw penalty instead of a -2 (and there's more where that came from, but I don't remember exactly what else had stuff like this). I vaguely recall there being some animation problems with summoned creatures regarding their weapon animations (was it Hobgoblins who were lacking proper weapon animations? Can't quite recall). Disintegrate has incorrect saving throw types for the last 2 headers (IIRC, it should be vs. breath, but it's vs. spell). Tenser's Transformation issues that were discussed recently on the forums. IIRC, some of Enchanted Weapons' descriptions are messed up, Composite Long Bow +3 is not an option, and new to the EEs, Dart +3, Wakizashi +3, and Ninja-To +3 are not options. Planetars have 3 regeneration per second instead of 1 per 3 seconds. In other words, they have 9x as much regeneration as they should. Divine Power has the same sort of problem regarding ApR as did Tenser's. Glaring (I feel, at least) problems: Spoiler Anti-magic attacks should penetrate improved invisibility. I do not know whether this is already true in the EEs, but from what I remembering testing, it was not in the non-EEs and made fighting Improved Invisibility spellcasters with Non-Detection applied quite impossible. SCS can fix this, but SR should, too. This is also something that should definitely be noted in the spell descriptions. Chill Touch should be more like Shocking Grasp (in terms of damage scaling). Ice Lance and Acid Shield are not properly developed to having scaling effects like the spells they're closest to (Lightning Bolt and Fire Shield respectively), and are not really in any position to compete with them as such (well, Acid Shield is actually probably too strong at first, but then gets outpaced by Fire Shield, which makes it a worse spell at a higher level). In the same vein, Vitriolic Sphere could probably use a re-design too, but it at least mostly works as is, IIRC. Same with the Regenerate Wound series. Neat idea that can work if done right, awful execution that just kind of gimps druids since they no longer have access to the Cure spells and the Regenerate Wounds spells simply do not compete by any stretch of the imagination. Scroll problems (for example, Summon Nishruu doesn't exist anymore because of bad scroll allocation? The spell's still there, but you can't get it into your spellbook except via character creation). Halt Undead and Control Undead are affected by magic resistance. Doesn't that make them kind of...useless? Not sure if bug or just absolutely terrible spells. Lower Resistance does exist, yes, but...these spells are specifically for targeting the undead, and many undead have way too high of spell resistance to effectively be combated by Lower Resistance. Contagion is just the worst spell and there's no reason it should've replaced Rigid Thinking, which is an actually half-decent disable spell for clerics. As opposed to Contagion, which is just an annoyance against the player ("oh boy, I have to prepare a cure disease spell") and completely useless against the AI. More that I cannot currently remember. A lot of reported bugs that can be found throughout the forums, and a lot of not reported bugs that can only be found by trawling through each spell (I remember a lot of incorrect saving throw penalties). I've already fixed all of these for SRR (...well, hopefully). Some are arguable (e.g. Halt/Control Undead), I understand. I still have other things I'm going to add to this post, but I gotta go right now and I don't want to leave this unattended, so maybe I'll post again just to reserve a post. Edited May 11, 2021 by Bartimaeus Quote
VagPen Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 (edited) Some things i ve found with BGEE v23673+SOD, SR4b14, maybe they are still in effect for b15, wich i haven't played: 1) Many summoned creatures have wrong names/attacks, like greater skeletons, aerial servants, hobgoblins and death knights. Death Knights also never use their fireball abiity when i get them to turn hostile. (I have uncapped the xp though, so wrong dialogue maybe makes sense at least for aerial servants and death kingts, as i am not even supposed to have those spells in BGEE... ) 2) No Dimesion Jump scrolls. 3) Wild Mage exclusive spells are available for all mages at character creation. 4) No minor spell turning scrolls, don't know if that's intentional. 5) Many spells, including most deflections give wrong dialogue. 6) I feel Barkskin should improve AC instead of setting it, like shiield. (it represents natural armor wich stacks with worn armor. Not a bug, but still.) 7) Lower resistance doesn't confrm "Magic Resistance Lowered" in the combat log. 8) Self inflicted AOE damage on char with elemental resistances doesn't show the amount of resisted damage in the combat log. Same thing for trap damage. 9) Spells that grant invisiblity don't add a status icon or a notification on character screen. Even with it's issues, SR is a LOT better than vanilla Edited September 7, 2018 by VagPen Quote
subtledoctor Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 I have a lot of questions, but I have to run. Be back later. For now, my inclination is, let's kerp this discussion to issues with kreso's b15. No sense going over issues in b14 that kreso might have already fixed. I'll leave this as my question for now: what is the suggestion that "anti-magic should penetrate improved invisibility?" I don't understand what "penetrate" means there. You can't target someone who is Imp Invis... so how can anything "penetrate" it? Contrarily if you can target an Imp Invis enemy, then such spells should work just fine. So, is it a question of whether you can target Imp Invis enemies? Or is there is issue with anti-magic effects being applied at all? Quote
VagPen Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 For now, my inclination is, let's kerp this discussion to issues with kreso's b15. No sense going over issues in b14 that kreso might have already fixed. Sorry for that. I will happily delete my post if the above issues are no longer relevant. Quote
subtledoctor Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 (edited) That's okay, it was only my suggestion for how to frame discussion. I just think it would be best to avoid any confusion that might result from people reporting issues with two different versions of the mod. Edited September 7, 2018 by subtledoctor Quote
Wyrd Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 Hey Bartimeus, does this mean that you are going to release SRR to the public? *squeal like a schoolgirl* Anyway, some bugs from BGEE install of SR V15 Some spell are not affected by deflection spells, in the specific: vitriolic sphere and burning hands. (I don't know if this is due to the new 2.5 opcode) P.S. If you need help playtesting, I'm willing to help. Quote
Grammarsalad Posted September 7, 2018 Posted September 7, 2018 (edited) incomplete bug list 2. Should they all be updated, though? For example, isn't detect evil thematically appropriate for paladins (as opposed to detect alignment) 3.They're different spells. I think the point was to just replace the occasionally useful zosa with the more often useful gow. 7. I'm wondering if haste (or even free movement) should protect against or remove the slow effect, honestly. It seems to me to be a kind of 'curse' effect, something you would need ' break enchantment' to deal with. 13. I'm weary of messing with spells utilized by the AI... Glaring: I agree with some of the points on this list (especially chill touch), but I think all but maybe number 5 go beyond bug fixing. Edited September 7, 2018 by Grammarsalad Quote
Bartimaeus Posted September 7, 2018 Author Posted September 7, 2018 Some things i ve found with BGEE v23673+SOD, SR4b14, maybe they are still in effect for b15, wich i haven't played: 1) Many summoned creatures have wrong names/attacks, like greater skeletons, aerial servants, hobgoblins and death knights. Death Knights also never use their fireball abiity when i get them to turn hostile. (I have uncapped the xp though, so wrong dialogue maybe makes sense at least for aerial servants and death kingts, as i am not even supposed to have those spells in BGEE... ) 2) No Dimesion Jump scrolls. 3) Wild Mage exclusive spells are available for all mages at character creation. 4) No minor spell turning scrolls, don't know if that's intentional. 5) Many spells, including most deflections give wrong dialogue. 6) I feel Barkskin should improve AC instead of setting it, like shiield. (it represents natural armor wich stacks with worn armor. Not a bug, but still.) 7) Lower resistance doesn't confrm "Magic Resistance Lowered" in the combat log. 8) Self inflicted AOE damage on char with elemental resistances doesn't show the amount of resisted damage in the combat log. Same thing for trap damage. 9) Spells that grant invisiblity don't add a status icon or a notification on character screen. Even with it's issues, SR is a LOT better than vanilla 1., 2., 4., 5., 7., BGEE is problematic for a number of reasons. SR was designed with BG2 + BGT in mind. I have fixed many of those text issues (creature names and weapon names especially), but some of the others, such as there being no apparent way to find scrolls for some spells that did not originally exist in BG1, and text that displays after casting a spell (e.g. "Magic Resistance Lowered"), is a little bit more difficult to solve for BG1-only games. 3. That goes right along with "spells are not being properly disabled" - I originally had that as a separate issue, too, funnily enough, but I realized it was the same one as the hidespl not functioning, . 6. I'm pretty sure it does improve AC, not set it. Yes, even looking at b15's description of Barkskin (and not anything I might've done), it says "improving its armor class by 2" as the base effect. Is another mod overwriting it? 8. Hmm, I'm not sure what this one is. This happens just fine in non-EE games I am nearly certain, so this may be an EE engine bug? Not sure. 9. Sadly, I'm pretty sure an invisibility status icon does not exist, so there's not much to be done about that. I have a lot of questions, but I have to run. Be back later. For now, my inclination is, let's kerp this discussion to issues with kreso's b15. No sense going over issues in b14 that kreso might have already fixed. I'll leave this as my question for now: what is the suggestion that "anti-magic should penetrate improved invisibility?" I don't understand what "penetrate" means there. You can't target someone who is Imp Invis... so how can anything "penetrate" it? Contrarily if you can target an Imp Invis enemy, then such spells should work just fine. So, is it a question of whether you can target Imp Invis enemies? Or is there is issue with anti-magic effects being applied at all? Say an enemy mage casts Improved Invisibility or Shadow Door. Then, they cast Non-Detection, or they already have it applied. Then they start attacking you. You, the player, cannot really do anything to dispel their improved invisibility (with the one exception of trying a general dispel/remove magic, which is not realistic against e.g. liches with insane character levels), as you cannot target them with antimagic attacks such as Secret Word to remove the Non-Detection, and illusion/invisibility-removing spells do not work on them as a result of the Non-Detection. They're basically untargetable and undispellable. In my opinion, anti-magic attacks such as Secret Word *must* be able to penetrate improved invisibility in order to solve this glaring problem. I am not certain if it works the same way in the EEs, but there is a flag with ToBEx to allow spells to pierce improved invisibility, which I have enabled on the various anti-magic spells. Hey Bartimeus, does this mean that you are going to release SRR to the public? *squeal like a schoolgirl* Anyway, some bugs from BGEE install of SR V15 Some spell are not affected by deflection spells, in the specific: vitriolic sphere and burning hands. (I don't know if this is due to the new 2.5 opcode) P.S. If you need help playtesting, I'm willing to help. I'm not completely certain. I think I might, but I won't provide a proper release like I did with IR - it'll be more like, "hey, you can use this in the interim while we fix stuff with the official version! ...and if enough people like it for some of the other differences, maybe I'll keep posting updates, idk". Those are area of effect spells. Not sure if that has something to do with it - truth be told, I've never looked at the "AoE spells are affected by spell deflection" component to see how that works. incomplete bug list 2. Should they all be updated, though? For example, isn't detect evil thematically appropriate for paladins (as opposed to detect alignment) 3.They're different spells. I think the point was to just replace the occasionally useful zosa with the more often useful gow. 7. I'm wondering if haste (or even free movement) should protect against or remove the slow effect, honestly. It seems to me to be a kind of 'curse' effect, something you would need ' break enchantment' to deal with. 13. I'm weary of messing with spells utilized by the AI... Glaring: I agree with some of the points on this list (especially chill touch), but I think all but maybe number 5 go beyond bug fixing. 2. Possibly. Remove Fear is probably the other there, but Remove Fear actually already acts pretty much the same as Resist Fear, so probably just confirm that it's the same but let it keep its unique name and icon. 3. Well, that's why I said either make them the same or separate them. Right now, they're not the same. I also kind of hate the same spells being at different levels for different types of spellcasters (in this case, cleric get Gust of Wind at 3rd spellcasting level, while druids get it at 2nd), but that may just be me. 7. I think free action is supposed to protect against slow already. Improved Haste is supposed to as well, while the design intent from kreso was that normal haste and slow act as counters to each other. 13. I'm not particularly in this case, since the AI only cast them via contingencies. You overwrite the spell immunity with a duplicate of another similarly-functioning spell (as SR already does for a couple of them), and it makes no functional difference - but now they're actually casting real spells. @Others: Yep, that's why they're under "glaring problems" instead. Technically speaking, MS9 is more of a "glaring problem" than bug, too, I suppose, . Quote
subtledoctor Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 Regarding Improved Invisibility, just cast Detect Invisibility or True Sight, and you can target them. What's the problem? Almost all AoE projectiles that are not 30' are the wrong size. 65 is not '5 - 42 is. 200 is not 20', nor is 190 - 170 is. My understanding is that projectile explosion/trap size should be set to ([desired effect radius] * 8)... Some classes and their kits do not really have updated abilities. spcl212 (Paladins' Detect Alignment), spcl222 (Cavalier's Remove Fear), spcl231 (Inqusitor's Dispel Magic), spcl232 (Inquisitor's True Seeing), spcl732 (Priest of Helm's True Seeing), spcl742 (Priest of Lathander's Halt Undead), and possibly a few others. I believe Demi specifically wanted to deal with kit abilities in KR, and he didn't want SR touching them.That said, as I've expressed elsewhere, I think SR should make them match the changed spells, and then KR can change them again laer if it likes. Gust of Wind/Zone of Sweet Air inconsistencies - either separate them into two different spells (pulse-like effect that lasts a few rounds for Zone a la True Seeing?), or make them the same. I think ZoSA isn't supposed to exist? In which case there is no inconsistency. Dispel Magic/Remove Magic inconsistencies. In vanilla, Dispel Magic is the one that targets everyone, Remove Magic is the one that targets only enemies, and SR tried to merge them into all being Remove Magic while calling all of them Dispel Magic, but it's all messed up, since both (arcane) spells are now called Dispel Magic, you can still learn both (but their scrolls don't stack), and the original functions of both are still in effect (and the Cleric and innates versions of Dispel Magic don't all act the same). Remove Magic is friendlier to AI (who may have bad targeting that can accidentally lead to them to hitting themselves if they cast Dispel Magic instead of Remove Magic) - therefore, probably make Remove Magic the default, but actually do it correctly. Yeah this needs to be fixed. Shouldn't be very difficult. Insect spells not properly protected against from the secondary effect. I recommend immunity to the secondary effect, but not the primary - essentially, if the AI cast insects upon someone protected by a Fire Shield, they will not be affected, BUT the insects will still spread to other nearby characters. Is it possible to stop that? Spell deflection spells should be updated via a patched in opcode for the EEs to make use of new EE 2.5 functionality. Should be easy enough. Vampiric effects (Larloch's, Vampiric Touch, etc.) should not affect a variety of creature types (illusory, golems, undead, etc.). So annoying that there is such an easy way to make this happen, but it is EE-only so maybe not okay to use. Spells not properly de-activated for the EEs (e.g. Protection from (Element), among other supposedly disabled spells - SR's hidespl.2da, in other words, is not working for the EEs...and I THINK needs updating for ToBEx games, too). Should be easy enough. AI continuing to exploit the existence of some Spell Immunities when the player cannot even access them. These should be replaced as possible (e.g. SI: Illusion with True Seeing, SI: Alteration with Ghostform, etc.). I think this is fine. It's beyond the abilities of anyone who has worked on this mod to script AI enemies to intelligently work with the changes wrought by the mod. But if the changes are something like "Nondetecttion is the new SI:Div" or "Mind Blank is the new SI:Ench" etc., then the AI can use the old version while the player uses the new version... functionally, each can use the effect against the other, and it works fine. I don't see a problem with this. "The spin203.spl issue is on line 2924 of /spell_rev/lib/kreso_eestatSR.tph. Should be changed from "spwi203" to "spin105". Already fixed in my version. Free Action, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, and Globe of Invulnerability cause CTDs for non-EE users as a result of invalid opcodes. Easy enough to fix. Are these the only spells kreso put the EE-only opcodes into? kreso_petrification.tph's is missing the "BUT_ONLY" flag in several places, causing many pointless overwrites. I actually think I might have fixed this in my version as well... it sounds familiar. I'll double-check. Prevent Fire Shield-like effects from targeting allied characters (as misfires on friendly creatures as a result of casting spells in the nearby vicinity can occur). Fore real? I've never seen this. How could that even happen? Quote
zenblack Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 (edited) SR has been abandoned by Demi for years. If anyone thinks KR is ever going to come out without someone else doing everything then they are completely off their nut. There is no reason not to fix Kit abilities. Edited September 8, 2018 by zenblack Quote
Bartimaeus Posted September 8, 2018 Author Posted September 8, 2018 (edited) Antimagic: Didn't I just say? Non-Detection protects against True Sight and Detect Invisibility. Though the vanilla (i.e. non-modded) version of this spell only gave the Non-Detection opcode (which was essentially protection against detection for the Stealth/Hide in Shadows class ability), SR's Non-Detection gives blanket immunity to illusion-detecting/dispelling spells such as True Sight. Without illusion-dispellers, and without anti-magic, you have no real way of countering this combo. Meanwhile, the AI just cheats and targets you through improved invisibility anyways. Screw that. Radius size: From my pretty extensive tests, and DLTCEP's measurements, and the original game's measurements, that is not true. Even if it were, that would mean *everything* is wrong. The accepted 30' radius, for example, is 256, which is 32*8. No, from everything I tested, 256 is 30', ~170 is 20', and ~85 is 10'. The unit size here is, of course, arbitrary - what exactly constitutes as "30 feet" in-game is meaningless. I'm just going by the game's established standards here. If SR wants to change the definition of what "30 feet" is, uh, okay, but pretty much everything is going to have to change to reflect that. I think it makes more sense to just go with the original measurements. Kit spells: Yep, agreed. Makes no difference for people who might use KR (not that KR was ever finished...) but it makes a difference for people that don't. GoW/ZoSA: Not quite. If that were the case, the original Zone of Sweet Air resource, SPPR318, should simply be a clone of Gust of Wind, SPPR218, and then be subsequently disabled. That is not the case on either counts. The original spell is enabled for clerics while the new level 2 spell is enabled for druids, and it is not quite the same spell. Insects: Of course - the spells were already designed to some extent with that in mind, but they specified the wrong resource. Instead of Fire Shield (and other similar spells) protecting against the secondary effect that's actually the spell that causes damage and spell disruption, it specifies the primary spell. This means if you target a Fire Shielded creature with Insect Plague, for example, the entire spell dies and none of the insects spread to other creatures. If, on the other hand, you target another creature NEARBY the Fire Shielded creature and the insects spread to them, they're not protected against it. Spell Deflection: Very, especially since the spell works perfectly fine if you have duplicates of the same spell level protection. Don't even have to remove the old one. Vampiric effects: No, it's pretty easy on non-EE games, too, via race-targeted "cast spell at target" .effs, and I've already done it. I did say that I've already fixed all of these problems, right? Spell Immunity: I don't like it because Secret Word et. al. target Spell Immunity when it should be a Breach that dispels their effects for the most part. Also, the inconsistency of the AI needlessly casting stuff it shouldn't have access to is a little perturbing, too. SRb15 (and prior versions) already replaces two of them to begin with with other spells, but it did not finish the job with the others. Invalid op-copdes: I *believe* so. I feel like I remember that there might have been one other. DLTCEP makes checking for this really easy, so I'll check a vanilla install of SR later. Fire Shield: I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I very specifically remember getting whacked by my own Call Lightning on that one IR cloak, and I was like, "Right, we're fixing that." I think it's because Fire Shield-like effects react to anyone doing any "harmful" action (attack or spell) against the shielded character within a 5' radius, and the game can misinterpret what exactly a harmful action is, particularly in the case of AoE spells. So I just played it safe and made it so that friendly creatures cannot be targeted by Fire Shield and the like at all - no getting accidentally hit by friendly AI's (or your own) Fire Shield, and no AI accidentally triggering YOUR fire shield and going hostile as a result, . Edited September 8, 2018 by Bartimaeus Quote
Bartimaeus Posted September 8, 2018 Author Posted September 8, 2018 (edited) I have updated the first post with SRR 1.00 for anyone who wants to use it (...and test it) for the time being. subtledoctor, you're more than welcome to look at it too and integrate anything you like - no need to ask or anything like that. I'll have some particular things I'll point out in a PM (such as the arcane version of the NPC Spellbook fixer) if you don't feel like bothering. For anyone who wants to use it, it installs like IRR: you extract the latest version of SR (b15 in this case) to your game directory, then you extract SRR on top of it. As with IRR, only files that have been changed are included. I may make a complete list of "design changes" if people are that interested, otherwise it's just for use as-is for the time being until a new version of SR. Also, like IRR, no language besides English for now, . Edited September 8, 2018 by Bartimaeus Quote
kjeron Posted September 8, 2018 Posted September 8, 2018 Radius size: From my pretty extensive tests, and DLTCEP's measurements, and the original game's measurements, that is not true. Even if it were, that would mean *everything* is wrong. The accepted 30' radius, for example, is 256, which is 32*8. No, from everything I tested, 256 is 30', ~170 is 20', and ~85 is 10'. The unit size here is, of course, arbitrary - what exactly constitutes as "30 feet" in-game is meaningless. I'm just going by the game's established standards here. If SR wants to change the definition of what "30 feet" is, uh, okay, but pretty much everything is going to have to change to reflect that. I think it makes more sense to just go with the original measurements.It had no standards - spell descriptions were copied straight from their source material. In game it ranged from 3.57 units per foot, to 28.57 units per foot, but most often around 8.5 units per foot, which was still wrong. The descriptions have mostly been fixed in the EE's, albeit with some rounding. 16 horizontal pixels = 1 foot 12 vertical pixels = 1 foot Projectile trap/explosion size is based on horizontal distance, 16 = 16h pixels = 1 foot radius 80 = 5' radius 256 = 16' radius 448 = 28' radius (max engine can handle for repeating AoE's) 480 = 30' radius Visual/Script Range = 448h/336v pixels (28 feet) (I don't know why it's often listed as 30') Spellcasting Range = 16h/12v pixels (1 foot) per unit Opcode 262 (Visual Range) = 32h/24v pixels (2 feet) per unit The one thing that is 30' (480h/360v pixels) is PC movement rate per round, at least in original BG1, BG2 bumped it up by 50% to 45' per round. Quote
Bartimaeus Posted September 8, 2018 Author Posted September 8, 2018 (edited) Holy cow! 480' is gigantic. Aren't fireballs and the like incredibly huge with that? That's nearly twice as big as vanilla BG2's (airquotes) 30' (/airquotes) fireball. (e): Suffice to say, I just went what I *thought* were the BG2 standards. I'd rather change the numbers displayed in the text than let fireballs be 480. You would barely be able to cast that without hitting yourself even at max range! (e): Okay, I get it now. SR completely screwed up what it called everything. For some reason, it called 15' 30', and that's where it all started going downhill from there. I'll have to re-review all that. Edited September 8, 2018 by Bartimaeus Quote
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