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G3: Corthala Romantique v1 Released!

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This mod introduces a romance and additional content for Valygar Corthala and is available for BG2, BG2EE, BGT, and EET. Originally a part of the TeamBG mod 'Tortured Souls', the romance had a short-lived history as stand-alone part of said mod. It's since been reworked with lots of additional content and revisions and is now ready as a separate download. The Corthala Romantique adds a romance for female PCs (no short races) of good or neutral alignment (no chaotic neutral) or female druids. To proceed with the romance, the reputation has to be above 13. The mod also adds friendship talks for the SoA part of the game for PCs that do not fulfill the romance criteria. For ToB, all dialogues added are for romance, only.

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