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Having a problem making a dialog work


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it's probably something silly I'm just not noticing  because I'm frustrated now so another set of eyes is always better :)

Having a problem getting a script to work, somehow I broke it because I had it working.
This is the same script for Edwin and Anomen and it works for them.... and did for Neht...


this piece sets the global, and again same for edwin and anomen and works for them

+ ~InParty("SK#NEHT")  InMyArea("SK#NEHT")  !StateCheck("SK#NEHT",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)  !Global("SK#NEHTRomanceActive","GLOBAL",3)~ + ~Neh'taniel seems a bit distressed by our news.~ DO ~SetGlobal("KKNPCJealous","GLOBAL",3)  SetGlobal("KKNehReacts","GLOBAL",1)~ EXTERN KKCaliJ

the dialogue, again same for edwin and anomen and works for them and now... it only works for neht if the pc clicks on him...


IF WEIGHT #-1 ~Global("KKNehReacts","GLOBAL",1)~ KKNehReact

Berelinde and i had this working years ago and now I want to throw calin in the recycle bin and click shred.

this is the tp2 section

  COMPILE ~Calin/Crossmod/KKNehReact.d~
EXTEND_TOP ~AR0700.bcs~ ~Calin/Scripts/KKAR0700.baf~
EXTEND_BOTTOM ~cut218g.bcs~ ~Calin/scripts/kkTess02.baf~
EXTEND_TOP ~anomen.bcs~   ~Calin/Scripts/KKAnomen.baf~
EXTEND_TOP ~edwin.bcs~   ~Calin/Scripts/KKEdwin.baf~

anyone know what I did to break this?

I tried  EXTEND_TOP ~SK#Neht.bcs~    ~Calin/Crossmod/KKNeht.baf~

still no

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If ~SK#Neht.bcs~  is Nethaniel's script and KKNeht.baf contains the quoted script block then it should indeed make him react if the Global("KKNehReacts","GLOBAL",1)  is set.

(Doing COMPILE ~Calin/Crossmod/KKNeht.baf~ will only create a script "KKNeht.bcs", not sure that is what you intended.) But EXTEND_TOPing to Nethaniel's override script should do the trick.

EDIT: What I mean is I don't see an error right away, if you need another pair of eyes you could attach the package.


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Hey Jastey! And thank you,  so extend top like i did for ed and ano. (Doing COMPILE ~Calin/Crossmod/KKNeht.baf  - that was there from 7 or 8 years ago and I dont know why because i cant remember. I know Berelinde said I needed to compile stuff related to Neht. so I dont need that?

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Unlike for the .d-files, where you specify inside the file to which dialogue (dlg) the content should be patched to, the .baf-files are worked in as a whole. So, either they (the whole file) get patched to an existing bcs by EXTEND_TOP / EXTEND_BOTTOM, or they create a new bcs with the same name as the baf-file if just compiled via COMPILE.

I have the suspicion that "KKNeht.baf" is just the name of the baf-file you have the romance conflict script blocks in that should be added to Neth's script, so you do not need the "KKNeht.bcs" that would be created by the COMPILE  ~Calin/Crossmod/KKNeht.baf~ line.

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Ah, I thought so. So, need to start a new game then. Got messed up install from installing and un-installing calin too much because using EXTEND_TOP still didnt work. Thank you for your help! How you have been well and thanks again.

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Still something wrong with the script. The global gets set but, if I kick Edwin and Anomen out of the party, the dialog that sets the global doesn't fire either. The script is in the override but it doesn't recognize it or something because its as if the script isn't even there

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The entire KKNeht.baf  doesn't. I did  EXTEND_TOP ~SK#Neht.bcs~ ~Calin/Scripts/KKNeht.baf~



    RESPONSE #100


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Things I would do to track down the problem:

-Have a look at SK#Neht.bcs with NI: are the new script blocks attached?

-add some DisplayStringHead to the script blocks to check whether it's the script that doesn't get executed or whether the dialogue isn't triggering

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