cmorgan Posted January 23, 2019 Posted January 23, 2019 Quote /* Aran Romance vs Anomen Romance - Perspectives and Personalities */ /* ToB New LT 1 after summoning dialogue has run */ IF ~Global()~ THEN BEGIN h100 SAY ~[ARAN] Mayhap this be a bad time, but you know me... always talkin' out o' turn. I need to ask you, though... ~ = ~[ARAN] Any regrets? I mean, so far, you done experienced more trouble than a thousand others what walk Toril.~ ++ ~[PC] No regrets. In the end, I will get things accomplished my way.~ + h113 ++ ~[PC] What's the matter, Aran? Are you having regrets about a life of neverending adventure?~ + h114 ++ ~[PC] Only one regret, Aran... I regret that I have not had enough time to start building a family with you.~ + h101 ++ ~[PC] My only regret is you. I should never have brought you here.~ + h106 ++ ~[PC] Well, I always wanted to be an exotic Calishite dancer....~ + h107 END IF ~~ h114 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, mayhap I do. Accomplishin' great deeds an' becomin' the most known name in this part o' th' world, right up there wi' Elmister an' Blackstaff, that seemed like a great idea at the time, eh?~ = ~[ARAN]But we have already done all that, an' received naught but more trouble for th' pain. Even worse, it be your name alone what gets out there, really.~ + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,12,WIS)~ + ~[PC] You do not really want that fame for yourself, Aran. You just said it was thankless pain. Does it really hurt you that I am more famous than you?~ + h110 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,INT)~ + ~[PC] So you feel that you are getting less fame than you deserve? Or do you feel I am getting too much credit?~ + h110 ++ ~[PC] Fame, fortune, infamy, power, bard's tales and songs... I would give it all up if I could start life over as an exotic Calishite dancer.~ + h107 + ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] What is wrong with me being famous?~ + h103 + ~!Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + ~[PC] What is wrong with me being famous? Or infamous?~ + h104 ++ ~[PC] Your name is out there as much as mine.~ + h102 ++ ~[PC] I did not ask for this.~ + h102 ++ ~[PC] I deserve every bit of fame. You are useful, but secondary.~ + h106 END IF ~~ h101 SAY ~[ARAN] Chauntea's Golden Arms. A child, hearth an' home, when you keep gettin' dragged into th' worst parts o' th' god's conflicts? That be an invitation to disaster, eh? But it be a nice dream.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO h102 END IF ~~ h102 SAY ~[ARAN] You always come out on top, but it be a sure bet that your life will never be what folks call 'ordinary'.~ ++ ~[PC] Does that bother you?~ + h105 ++ ~[PC] I like it on top. Actually, I like it on the bottom, and in several other very fun variants...~ + h114 ++ ~[PC] Did you want things to be very different than they are now?~ + h105 ++ ~[PC] I was never ordinary. You, on the other hand, are very ordinary. One of you on every streetcorner.~ + h106 ++ ~[PC] I never wanted to be ordinary.~ + h113 END IF ~~ h103 SAY ~[ARAN] Doin' th' right thing by others seems to be more about th' harp edge o' th' sword an' less about talkin'. That do get a bit tirin' to th' spirit, is all.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO h110 END IF ~~ h104 SAY ~[ARAN] I mean, I know my place, an' you call th' targets. That be th' right o' it.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO h110 END IF ~~ h105 SAY ~[ARAN] Sometimes. I wish that the world would remake itself, an' leave you a mite bit o' space for yourself. You know, some o' those ordinary dreams we might be makin' together.~ IF ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ THEN GOTO h103 IF ~!Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ THEN GOTO h104 END IF ~~ h106 SAY ~[ARAN] Well hells, that be right cold o' you.~ ++ ~[PC] Truth is cold. Power is cold. I am cold. I think it is about time you stop talking and warmed me up.~ + h114 ++ ~[PC] You never really understand when I am teasing you. Perhaps if I said it with a pouty face, like a Calishite dancer?~ + h107 ++ ~[PC] Try again. You can do better with your compliments. How do you feel when I am here with you?~ + h116 ++ ~[PC] Truth is cold. Power is cold. Reality is reality, and we can do little to change it.~ + h117 ++ ~[PC] I am sorry. You mean well. I am just a little on edge.~ + h110 END IF ~~ h107 SAY ~[ARAN] Now that be a mental image I am not likely to get out o' my head any time soon! I can just see it now - I'd be a right smart protector. Only I'd want all th' dancin' to be for me, eh?~ ++ ~[PC] Seriously. I would give it all up. I never wanted to be the sharp edge of a blade gods wield about like crazed bandits. I would rather be a Calshite dancer. It amounts to the same thing... being continually used by others for their own pleasure and profit.~ + h111 ++ ~[PC] And every dance would be for you. Maybe you would even dance for me. Or we could dance together...~ + h112 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,INT)~ + ~[PC] Ahha! I have successfully distracted you from your deep and dreary introspection! I shall follow up with some sharp satire, a witticism or two, followed by an intensive bought of kissing.~ + h108 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,12,WIS)~ + ~[PC] I know you had some important feelings to discuss, Aran, but I need more distraction and less thinking right now. So you have a woman with low willpower in need of a boost of self-esteem, standing right here, loosening her clothing a little...~ + h114 ++ ~[PC] I was teasing you. Sometimes you are really slow.~ + h113 ++ ~[PC] So tell me why I am worth all this trouble.~ + h116 END IF ~~ h108 SAY ~[ARAN] Hey, I be serious here! How is a man supposed to be a right good partner when...~ ++ ~[PC] I know how you feel, Aran. You don't have to tell me all the time.~ + h109 ++ ~[PC] You can be a good partner by assuring me that you will always be there for me.~ + h109 ++ ~[PC] I thought we had settled all this long ago. Why does it bother you that you and I have different strengths?~ + h109 ++ ~[PC] We have one area where we will always be equal. We both love each other very, very much.~ + h109 ++ ~[PC] You are still talking. You are wasting my time.~ + h111 END IF ~~ h109 SAY ~[ARAN] I... Melliki's Wild Whiskers. I think I be a bloody idiot. I didn't realize I was bein' such a fool. You be right, <CHARNAME>. An' the only measure o' accomplishment that I need, anyhow, be your comfort.~ ++ ~[PC] Hey, is this deep conversation just another way of getting me into your bedroll?~ + h114 ++ ~[PC] Blood, conflict, strife, murder, death, the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. Come on, it is exciting, isn't it?~ + h111 ++ ~[PC] So tell me why I am worth all this trouble.~ + h116 ++ ~[PC] I agree that you are an idiot.~ + h110 ++ ~[PC] Well then, you had better get me a really nice set of boots. That would make me more comfortable.~ + h118 END IF ~~ h113 SAY ~[ARAN] I don't rightly know whether you be jokin'. Sometimes I feel like th' current sitution be what you love to do.~ ++ ~[PC] Joking, of course. Things never work out quite the way I plan.~ + h110 ++ ~[PC] Don't be silly. I am strong enough to bend Fate's pathways to my will. I have you, don't I?~ + h115 ++ ~[PC] Blood, conflict, strife, murder, death, the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. Come on, it is exciting, isn't it?~ + h108 ++ ~[PC] None of the above. But the Fates will not be denied. I am just glad that they included you along the way.~ + h115 ++ ~[PC] Hey, is this deep conversation just another way of getting me into your bedroll?~ + h114 END IF ~~ h116 SAY ~[ARAN] Now, you be a sight for sore eyes, an' just bein' by your side makes me feel like I be ten feet tall.~ ++ ~[PC] So I damage your eyesight and make you puffed up to the size of a giant. Great. I suppose I also make you gassy?~ + h111 ++ ~[PC] I think you are trying to compliment me... but it is missing the mark.~ + h110 ++ ~[PC] I could compliment you as well, but it is silly. We have more important things to be focused on.~ + h111 ++ ~[PC] And you make me feel practically invinceable, supported, and loved.~ + h114 ++ ~[PC] I know. I have that effect on people.~ + h115 END IF ~~ h110 SAY ~[ARAN] Look... mayhap my words be all wrong for what I be tryin' to say. I want naught more fame, naught more fortune, as long as I can be wi' you. But...~ ++ ~[PC] You don't have to talk to comfort me. You could take action.~ + h114 ++ ~[PC] But. There is always a "but" with you. I thought you were completely mine.~ + h115 ++ ~[PC] Your words were wrong, and you are making it worse.~ + h111 ++ ~[PC] Your words are fine. Your actions are fine. Me, I am not fine.~ + h115 ++ ~[PC] Dreary, boring, talk talk talk. We need to find something to kill, and quickly.~ + h114 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN h111 SAY ~[ARAN] Aye, now, that be me. Always tryin' to cheer you up a mite bit, an' failin'.~ ++ ~[PC] You succeeded. At least you distracted me for a little while, and I could pretend things were normal.~ + h112 ++ ~[PC] You are right. Next time, you could try telling me a story, or acting out part of a play, or something.~ + h112 ++ ~[PC] Next time you want to distract me, you could try something more physical...~ + h114 ++ ~[PC] I am not sure the distraction worked, but I appreciate you trying.~ + h115 ++ ~[PC] There are some situations where nothing you can do can provide comfort.~ + h115 END IF ~~ h112 SAY ~[ARAN] Well, now, if we be play actin', the least I can do is play along, eh? I done heard o' plays where clothin' be optional, too. Mayhap that would be th' right kind o' distraction to cheer you up.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ h114 SAY ~[ARAN] Can we skip right to th' part where you tackle me an' start th' kissin'? When you talk like that to me, it gets me right excited, it does!~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ h117 SAY ~[ARAN] I beleive some o' that, but not all.~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO h115 END IF ~~ h115 SAY ~[ARAN] I done signed a contract wi' you in my heart a while back, <CHARNAME>. Good times an' bad times, I be your shield. Small comfort, but comfort to you, I hope.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ h118 SAY ~[ARAN] One decent pair o' boots? That could be done. I will keep a sharp eye out, eh?~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END Quote
MissBehave Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 So happy to see your face pop up here again! Quote
cmorgan Posted February 8, 2019 Author Posted February 8, 2019 Good to see you too! (Day off today so I am now going to take the positive energy and go problem-solve and work on the ToB lovetalk rebuild - thanks!) Quote
PotiusMori Posted February 14, 2019 Posted February 14, 2019 Super happy to see you're still writing Aran! You do a great job characterising him, and it's such a cool mod concept. I'll start playing through BG2 again to see if I can help with proof-reading or bug-hunting. Quote
cmorgan Posted February 23, 2019 Author Posted February 23, 2019 Rechecked and expanded slightly, test installed, and up on GitHub here /* ToB Love Talk #2 : Aran Romance vs Anomen Romance - Perspectives and Personalities : Global("c-arantobrom","GLOBAL",3) --> Global("c-arantobrom","GLOBAL",4) */ IF ~Global("c-arantobrom","GLOBAL",3)~ THEN BEGIN a5266 SAY @13929 /* [ARAN] Mayhap this be a bad time, but you know me... always talkin' out o' turn. I need to ask you, though... */ = @13930 /* [ARAN] Any regrets? I mean, so far, you done experienced more trouble than a thousand others what walk Toril. */ ++ @13931 /* [PC] No regrets. In the end, I will get things accomplished my way. */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantobrom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_LTT%)~ + a5267 ++ @13932 /* [PC] What's the matter, Aran? Are you having regrets about a life of neverending adventure? */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantobrom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_LTT%)~ + a5268 ++ @13933 /* [PC] Only one regret, Aran... I regret that I have not had enough time to start building a family with you. */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantobrom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_LTT%)~ + a5269 ++ @13934 /* [PC] My only regret is you. I should never have brought you here. */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantobrom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_LTT%)~ + a5274 ++ @13935 /* [PC] Well, I always wanted to be an exotic Calishite dancer.... */ DO ~SetGlobal("c-arantobrom","GLOBAL",4) RealSetGlobalTimer("c-aranromtimer","GLOBAL",%ARAN_LTT%)~ + a5275 END /* GOTO ToB Love Talk #2 : Perspectives and Personalities : replies */ /* ToB Love Talk #2 : Perspectives and Personalities : replies */ IF ~~ a5267 SAY @13936 /* [ARAN] I don't rightly know whether you be jokin'. Sometimes I feel like th' current sitution be what you love to do. */ ++ @13937 /* [PC] Joking, of course. Things never work out quite the way I plan. */ + a5278 ++ @13938 /* [PC] Don't be silly. I am strong enough to bend Fate's pathways to my will. I have you, don't I? */ + a5285 ++ @13939 /* [PC] Blood, conflict, strife, murder, death, the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. Come on, it is exciting, isn't it? */ + a5276 ++ @13940 /* [PC] None of the above. But the Fates will not be denied. I am just glad that they included you along the way. */ + a5285 ++ @13941 /* [PC] Hey, is this deep conversation just another way of getting me into your bedroll? */ + a5284 END IF ~~ a5268 SAY @13942 /* [ARAN] Well, mayhap I do. Accomplishin' great deeds an' becomin' the most known name in this part o' th' world, right up there wi' Elmister an' Blackstaff, that seemed like a great idea at the time, eh? */ = @13943 /* [ARAN]But we have already done all that, an' received naught but more trouble for th' pain. Even worse, it be your name alone what gets out there, really. */ + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,12,WIS)~ + @13944 /* [PC] You do not really want that fame for yourself, Aran. You just said it was thankless pain. Does it really hurt you that I am more famous than you? */ + a5278 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,INT)~ + @13945 /* [PC] So you feel that you are getting less fame than you deserve? Or do you feel I am getting too much credit? */ + a5278 ++ @13946 /* [PC] Fame, fortune, infamy, power, bard's tales and songs... I would give it all up if I could start life over as an exotic Calishite dancer. */ + a5275 + ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + @13947 /* [PC] What is wrong with me being famous? */ + a5271 + ~!Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ + @13948 /* [PC] What is wrong with me being famous? Or infamous? */ + a5272 ++ @13949 /* [PC] Your name is out there as much as mine. */ + a5270 ++ @13950 /* [PC] I did not ask for this. */ + a5270 ++ @13951 /* [PC] I deserve every bit of fame. You are useful, but secondary. */ + a5274 END IF ~~ a5269 SAY @13952 /* [ARAN] Chauntea's Golden Arms. A child, hearth an' home, when you keep gettin' dragged into th' worst parts o' th' god's conflicts? That be an invitation to disaster, eh? But it be a nice dream. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5270 END IF ~~ a5270 SAY @13953 /* [ARAN] You always come out on top, but it be a sure bet that your life will never be what folks call 'ordinary'. */ ++ @13954 /* [PC] Does that bother you? */ + a5273 ++ @13955 /* [PC] I like it on top. Actually, I like it on the bottom, and in several other very fun variants... */ + a5284 ++ @13956 /* [PC] Did you want things to be very different than they are now? */ + a5273 ++ @13957 /* [PC] I was never ordinary. You, on the other hand, are very ordinary. One of you on every streetcorner. */ + a5274 ++ @13958 /* [PC] I never wanted to be ordinary. */ + a5267 END IF ~~ a5271 SAY @13959 /* [ARAN] Doin' th' right thing by others seems to be more about th' harp edge o' th' sword an' less about talkin'. That do get a bit tirin' to th' spirit, is all. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5278 END IF ~~ a5272 SAY @13960 /* [ARAN] I mean, I know my place, an' you call th' targets. That be th' right o' it. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5278 END IF ~~ a5273 SAY @13961 /* [ARAN] Sometimes. I wish that the world would remake itself, an' leave you a mite bit o' space for yourself. You know, some o' those ordinary dreams we might be makin' together. */ IF ~Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ THEN GOTO a5271 IF ~!Alignment(Player1,MASK_GOOD)~ THEN GOTO a5272 END IF ~~ a5274 SAY @13962 /* [ARAN] Well hells, that be right cold o' you. */ ++ @13963 /* [PC] Truth is cold. Power is cold. I am cold. I think it is about time you stop talking and warmed me up. */ + a5284 ++ @13964 /* [PC] You never really understand when I am teasing you. Perhaps if I said it with a pouty face, like a Calishite dancer? */ + a5275 ++ @13965 /* [PC] Try again. You can do better with your compliments. How do you feel when I am here with you? */ + a5281 ++ @13966 /* [PC] Truth is cold. Power is cold. Reality is reality, and we can do little to change it. */ + a5282 ++ @13967 /* [PC] I am sorry. You mean well. I am just a little on edge. */ + a5278 END IF ~~ a5275 SAY @13968 /* [ARAN] Now that be a mental image I am not likely to get out o' my head any time soon! I can just see it now - I'd be a right smart protector. Only I'd want all th' dancin' to be for me, eh? */ ++ @13969 /* [PC] Seriously. I would give it all up. I never wanted to be the sharp edge of a blade gods wield about like crazed bandits. I would rather be a Calshite dancer. It amounts to the same thing... being continually used by others for their own pleasure and profit. */ + a5279 ++ @13970 /* [PC] And every dance would be for you. Maybe you would even dance for me. Or we could dance together... */ + a5280 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,15,INT)~ + @13971 /* [PC] Ahha! I have successfully distracted you from your deep and dreary introspection! I shall follow up with some sharp satire, a witticism or two, followed by an intensive bought of kissing. */ + a5276 + ~CheckStatGT(Player1,12,WIS)~ + @13972 /* [PC] I know you had some important feelings to discuss, Aran, but I need more distraction and less thinking right now. So you have a woman with low willpower in need of a boost of self-esteem, standing right here, loosening her clothing a little... */ + a5284 ++ @13973 /* [PC] I was teasing you. Sometimes you are really slow. */ + a5267 ++ @13974 /* [PC] So tell me why I am worth all this trouble. */ + a5281 END IF ~~ a5276 SAY @13975 /* [ARAN] Hey, I be serious here! How is a man supposed to be a right good partner when... */ ++ @13976 /* [PC] I know how you feel, Aran. You don't have to tell me all the time. */ + a5277 ++ @13977 /* [PC] You can be a good partner by assuring me that you will always be there for me. */ + a5277 ++ @13978 /* [PC] I thought we had settled all this long ago. Why does it bother you that you and I have different strengths? */ + a5277 ++ @13979 /* [PC] We have one area where we will always be equal. We both love each other very, very much. */ + a5277 ++ @13980 /* [PC] You are still talking. You are wasting my time. */ + a5279 END IF ~~ a5277 SAY @13981 /* [ARAN] I... Melliki's Wild Whiskers. I think I be a bloody idiot. I didn't realize I was bein' such a fool. You be right, <CHARNAME>. An' the only measure o' accomplishment that I need, anyhow, be your comfort. */ ++ @13941 /* [PC] Hey, is this deep conversation just another way of getting me into your bedroll? */ + a5284 ++ @13939 /* [PC] Blood, conflict, strife, murder, death, the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. Come on, it is exciting, isn't it? */ + a5279 ++ @13974 /* [PC] So tell me why I am worth all this trouble. */ + a5281 ++ @13982 /* [PC] I agree that you are an idiot. */ + a5278 ++ @13983 /* [PC] Well then, you had better get me a really nice set of boots. That would make me more comfortable. */ + a5283 END IF ~~ a5278 SAY @13984 /* [ARAN] Look... mayhap my words be all wrong for what I be tryin' to say. I want naught more fame, naught more fortune, as long as I can be wi' you. But... */ ++ @13985 /* [PC] You don't have to talk to comfort me. You could take action. */ + a5284 ++ @13986 /* [PC] But. There is always a "but" with you. I thought you were completely mine. */ + a5285 ++ @13987 /* [PC] Your words were wrong, and you are making it worse. */ + a5279 ++ @13988 /* [PC] Your words are fine. Your actions are fine. Me, I am not fine. */ + a5285 ++ @13989 /* [PC] Dreary, boring, talk talk talk. We need to find something to kill, and quickly. */ + a5284 END IF ~~ a5279 SAY @13990 /* [ARAN] Aye, now, that be me. Always tryin' to cheer you up a mite bit, an' failin'. */ ++ @13991 /* [PC] You succeeded. At least you distracted me for a little while, and I could pretend things were normal. */ + a5280 ++ @13992 /* [PC] You are right. Next time, you could try telling me a story, or acting out part of a play, or something. */ + a5280 ++ @13993 /* [PC] Next time you want to distract me, you could try something more physical... */ + a5284 ++ @13994 /* [PC] I am not sure the distraction worked, but I appreciate you trying. */ + a5285 ++ @13995 /* [PC] There are some situations where nothing you can do can provide comfort. */ + a5285 END IF ~~ a5280 SAY @13996 /* [ARAN] Well, now, if we be play actin', the least I can do is play along, eh? I done heard o' plays where clothin' be optional, too. Mayhap that would be th' right kind o' distraction to cheer you up. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a5281 SAY @13997 /* [ARAN] Now, you be a sight for sore eyes, an' just bein' by your side makes me feel like I be ten feet tall. */ ++ @13998 /* [PC] So I damage your eyesight and make you puffed up to the size of a giant. Great. I suppose I also make you gassy? */ + a5279 ++ @13999 /* [PC] I think you are trying to compliment me... but it is missing the mark. */ + a5278 ++ @14000 /* [PC] I could compliment you as well, but it is silly. We have more important things to be focused on. */ + a5279 ++ @14001 /* [PC] And you make me feel practically invinceable, supported, and loved. */ + a5284 ++ @14002 /* [PC] I know. I have that effect on people. */ + a5285 END IF ~~ a5282 SAY @14003 /* [ARAN] I believe some o' that, but not all. */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO a5285 END IF ~~ a5283 SAY @14004 /* [ARAN] One decent pair o' boots? That could be done. I will keep a sharp eye out, eh? */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a5284 SAY @14005 /* [ARAN] Can we skip right to th' part where you tackle me an' start th' kissin'? When you talk like that to me, it gets me right excited, it does! */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END IF ~~ a5285 SAY @14006 /* [ARAN] I done signed a contract wi' you in my heart a while back, <CHARNAME>. Good times an' bad times, I be your shield. Small comfort, but comfort to you, I hope. */ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END Quote
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