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SoD and Faerie Fire


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Apologies if this is already known (I can't see a record) but there is a minor clash between SR and Siege of Dragonspear. The latter has its own version of Faerie Fire, placed in SPPR116, added to spell.ids, and blocked by hidespl. SR puts its copy of Faerie Fire in sppr114 and puts Sunscorch in sppr116. The consequences are:

(i) the various SoD NPCs scripted to use Faerie Fire will use Sunscorch instead

(ii) because sppr116 is in Hidespl.2da, PC priests won't get Sunscorch in their spellbooks.

The simplest and quickest fix is probably just to edit SR to put Faerie Fire in SPPR116 and Sunscorch in SPPR114, and then remove sppr116 from hidespl.

Posted (edited)

I think there's only one encounter where enemies have access to Faerie Fire, and checking the script I see no problem if they'll mistakenly use Sunscorch instead. If anything, it's to their advantage rather than not.

Edited by Ardanis
Posted (edited)

On that note, here's a suggestion:

In addition to its stated effect, Faerie Fire should cancel any illusionary protections - Invisibility and Improved Invisibility, Reflected/Mirror Image, and Blur. 

This would gel nicely with SR's version of Detect Invisible and True Sight: the caster with opcode 193 to detect invisible enemies could use a low-level slot to expose that enemy to his friends. The idea being thst the faerie fire makes clear the target's true location.

That might finally induce me to memorize FF instead of extra uses of Sunscorch...

I recently discovered there are 

displacer beasts

...in SoD. Would be nice if FF made them easier to deal with as well. 

Edited by subtledoctor

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