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AI Scripts for MP Campaign (and Other Questions)

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I'm not new to IE games. It's been years however. My friend and I will be playing BGII Enhanced together, and I wanted to know if the default scripts, or custom scripts (I know little about them) can make the experience more seamless. It does lack patience to some degree. 
Looked at Gerrick's scripts. but did not see one which uses level 8-9 priest spells.

I assume there is no real practical way to have AI handle spell-casters to be truly autonomous, but if so, please tell me of any script(s) which can do that.

Regarding balance, are there problems passed level 20 if we do ToB? I am assuming magic becomes increasingly less useful as levels exceed 20, because I do not think spell effects, damage, saving throws, and whatnot, scale past level 20. Is this true?

(In a side question, does changing the rules in Core Rules in options apply to MP?)

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1 hour ago, yehudah said:

Looked at Gerrick's scripts. but did not see one which uses level 8-9 priest spells.


That might have to do with the level 8 and 9 spells NOT EXISTING AT ALL and all that.

Well, yeah, you can't cast any more awesome spells at levels 21 and so forth... but TimeStop and Finger of Death and a summoned demon can really kill anything you wish. And you don't need to even be in the room at the start. Well, except the one person that's immune to TimeStop.

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Very few do.

This is also a good point to point perhaps that, your characters classes do not scale above 9-12 levels linearly. Note that Hit points and Constitution bonuses get the shaft at this point and at level 20, your thac0 gets it, as do other factors. So ... the HLAs are the only thing that allow a bit more out of the character. 

There's a mod that extends some spells to level 50... but say, a 50th level fireballs is going to kill anyone that's not practically 95% fire resistant, so it might not be included in the some.

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7 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

Very few do.

This is also a good point to point perhaps that, your characters classes do not scale above 9-12 levels linearly. Note that Hit points and Constitution bonuses get the shaft at this point and at level 20, your thac0 gets it, as do other factors. So ... the HLAs are the only thing that allow a bit more out of the character. 

There's a mod that extends some spells to level 50... but say, a 50th level fireballs is going to kill anyone that's not practically 95% fire resistant, so it might not be included in the some.

I looked at the spell revisions mod, but it really doesn't fix the situation for scaling spells to level 40. I'm very surprised this topic is almost never brought up. NWN has the same problem. Few people play tabletop epic and some editions don't even have it, which makes me wish that these games would simply not have had epic levels to begin with if they weren't going to scale everything.

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