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The ReadMe states that "The fifth (should be sixth...) level series of elemental summoning spells, Conjure Lesser Air/Earth/Fire Elemental, have been replaced by their IWD counterparts. The most notable difference is that these spells now last longer and there's no longer any 'mental combat' or chance of losing control."

Well, this is not true for EE games => both versions are present.

You probably forgot to APPEND the bg series of spells to HIDESPL.2da......

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It's working the way it's (I think) intended to; and it should be fifth, not sixth.

The fifth level series of elemental summoning spells, Conjure lesser earth/air/fire elemental, are indeed replaced by their IWD counterparts, which are the fifth level spells Conjure earth/air/fire elemental (no 'lesser'). 

The sixth level series of elemental summoning spells, Conjure earth/air/fire elemental, have no IWD counterparts and are *not* replaced.

To be sure, that's probably still a bit suboptimal, because you have two thematically-different sets of elemental-summoning spells of different levels but with the same names. (The SCS version of IWD spells does it a bit differently, and if you install SCS over IWDification then the SCS initialize component rearranges these spells.) But it's working as intended. (95% sure, though maybe @CamDawg can comment.)

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13 hours ago, DavidW said:

Please don’t! The IWD spell is a different implementation of the same concept, it shouldn’t coexist with the BG2 one.

But why would you use a unique identifier for two different entries?

IWD:EE is currently using a unique identifier too and this is kinda weird...... I mean, an identifier is supposed to be unique..... What am I missing?

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They’re not different entries in the relevant sense: they’re different implementations of the same entry. We only want one implementation of any given spell.

(consider: SR’s Vitriolic Sphere and IWD’s Vitriolic Sphere are not identical. We still only want one of them present, and we want AI code to be able to refer to whatever version of Vitriolic Sphere is present, rather than having to refer separately to both.)

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On 6/14/2019 at 4:31 PM, DavidW said:

They’re not different entries in the relevant sense: they’re different implementations of the same entry. We only want one implementation of any given spell.

Well, if that's the case, then this mod should hide the 6-th level series via HIDESPL.2da (in order to have one implementation of any given spell; moreover, that's the case on IWDEE too....).

In other words: how can I distinguish between WIZARD_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL (5-th level) and WIZARD_CONJURE_FIRE_ELEMENTAL (6-th level)? I mean,


will return the 5-th level one (i.e., the first one...)

Alternatively, since you're replacing the 5-th level series, then you should keep the same identifier (i.e., WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL)

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On 11/5/2019 at 11:33 AM, Luke said:

Alternatively, since you're replacing the 5-th level series, then you should keep the same identifier (i.e., WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL)

So, I've just noticed @DavidW does exactly that in SCS (i.e., he changes the identifier back to WIZARD_CONJURE_LESSER_FIRE_ELEMENTAL), so @CamDawg needs to fix this issue here in IWDification...

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To clarify, the next release is going to use the SCS approach where the fifth level series is replaced by a 'Conjure Lesser Elemental' series (with matching IDS entries). The level six series will remain more or less intact but lose their control battle. At both levels, water elementals are now available.

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