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juggernaut golem bug


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I agree with Igi. There's no evidence it's a bug. Indeed, it makes sense and seems like a neat touch--the Juggernaut Golem, unlike every other summon in the game, is directly connected to the life of its summoner, and a simulacrum isn't truly alive.


Why do the golems die instantly? If it's something that took some Bioware person effort to code, it's definitely not a bug. If it's a side effect of something already in the engine, it might be.

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Hmm. Something must be funky with the golem Stoneskin. Either that or the stat check fails on illusionary creatures. The juggernaut golem dies once the summoner's golem stoneskin stat check drops to 0, so that should be the only reason it dies instantly.


I think there's somewhere in the description a note that the golem absorbs damage, but nothing about some magical life-force bond or anything. Anyway, unless somebody can get the stoneskins and/or stat check to work right, then it's a moot point.


EDIT: the stoneskin check only applies to Player1 -> Player6, so the golem will instantly die unless an actual party member summoned it.

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Why do the golems die instantly?  If it's something that took some Bioware person effort to code, it's definitely not a bug.  If it's a side effect of something already in the engine, it might be.

This is the best argument against this being a bug--except that all of the other golems summoned by the tome can be duped by the simulcrum. With that in mind, I'd say it's a bug and fixed as follows:


COPY_EXISTING ~tomegol4.bcs~ ~override~
   REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~!CheckStatGT(Player1,0,STONESKINSGOLEM)~ ~!CheckStatGT(LastSummonerOf(Myself),0,STONESKINSGOLEM)~


Confirmed as working.

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Why not just append the stat check to the current list? I don't want to rely solely on LastSummonerOf()'s ability to return anything useful, and there was talk that it isn't saved (so, if you save and reload, the golem would instantly die).


Leaving the PlayerN checks, the golem would at least stick around for the majority of cases (i.e., an actual PC, and not a simulacrum, used the tome).

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Why not just append the stat check to the current list? I don't want to rely solely on LastSummonerOf()'s ability to return anything useful, and there was talk that it isn't saved (so, if you save and reload, the golem would instantly die).


Leaving the PlayerN checks, the golem would at least stick around for the majority of cases (i.e., an actual PC, and not a simulacrum, used the tome).

I didn't know about LSO check--just confirmed they're not preserved through saves. We'll append instead.

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