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Does ctrl-Q clear effects?


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I have a spell that affects summoned animals: one .eff plays an animation over them, and another .eff applies a permanent opcode 278 thac0 bonus. 

I know the spell is affecting them, because I see the animation play when I cast it. But when I ctrl-Q an animal to check the other bonus, I don’t see any thac0 bonus in the record sheet/inventory screen. 

Should I be worried? Should I imfer that the thac0 bonus is not working for some reason? Or is it there when the animal is summoned, but wiped away when I use ctrl-Q?

Edited by subtledoctor
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ctrl-Q forces the given character to perform a standard JoinParty() scripting action, and, at least from my testing, it doesn't appear to clear effects. Opcode #278 shows its bonus under "Ability Bonuses", both in the inventory screen and the character sheet, (under the "Combat Stats" tab):




Character Sheet - Combat Stats:


If you aren't seeing those lines, the Opcode #278 might not be sticking for whatever reason. Also, looks like Param2 = 1 (Set) and Param2 = 2 (%) don't show the bonus, even though they are taking effect, (as in, thac0 is calculated correctly, but the bonus isn't present in the breakdown). Probably a moot point, I'm sure you know this already - but if you're using the % mode, make sure the creature already has a non-zero bonus, since that's what the opcode's working with, not straight thac0.

Edited by Bubb
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Huh.  I wonder what's going on.  It's a bonus for summons, so the only way to try to see it directly is to ctrl-Q them.  And I don't have the time to try to do statistical testing.

Maybe instead of applying a bonus I will put the bonuses as equipping effects in an item - an undroppable ring or belt or something - and have the spell add that item to all animal summons.  That would be a bit cleaner (only needs to apply 1 .EFF instead of four, because I can bundle thac0/AC/Luck/HP bonuses into the one item), and I guess maybe more reliable too.

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