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[UI] Lefreut's enhanced UI (BGEE, SoD, BG2EE and EET)

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New :Update with v4.4.4 : Both alternative Portait mods from EEUITweaks "broke" leUI SoD (didn't try with leUI)

BillyYan's Multi-Portrait Mod - Compatible with leUI

It broke the character selection screen and prtrait picker with leUI installed : not able to choose between male/female; the "back button doesn't work for me.

1040 - Mr2150's Portrait Picker (Scaleable UI) - Compatible with leUI

No more available portraits to select from



It is all about EEUITweaks for leUI.

I have just been "extensively" testing how to "set" EEUITweaks for leUI because i am using Project Infinity (and you don't automatically know which component is "autorised" with leUI as it is the case when you do a manual installation), because the infos concernint EEUITweaks may be hard to gather,  and because i am preparing an "ambitious" EET install...


My main interrogations concerning leUI/EEUITweaks, at the moments, are :

1/ "2120 - CLUAConsole for mobile" : How do i activate it ? Is it of any use to install this component on a computer ?

2/ "2010 - Feedback Message Box Buttons Hack": For my usage, this component seems almost irrelevant as i can just click on the Message Box to change its size.

Is there any alternative solution to implement a "Button" whether to expand the Box "completely" in order to read  (to show all the "active" messages),  or to "collapse" the message box (to make it as small as possible) ?

3/ 5020 - lefreut's Box 5 (Dialog Box) Override i can't find how this component changes the game interface ? Any clue. or a visual ?

4/ My modlist also have some other mods that may impact the UI : EEex, Bub

5/ 4040 - Kilivitz's Classic Spellbooks : i can't see any difference with the "vanilla" leUI spellBooks. After checking this component is a variation of leUI spellbook (if iam right) ? So i guess there is no point to select this component with leUI ?

I am also posting the following stuff b/c it could be "helping".


------------------------------------------------ Install notes about leUI and EEUITweaks------------------------------------------------------------

(GREEN = part of the installation, ORANGE = compatible but not sure to install it yet, RED = note to keep in mind or a question, blablabla = not selected (for personal reason or b/c it is not compatible)

In short the GREEN components are my personal selection to use with leUI (and probably the one i would recommand if asked...but it is all about personal taste at the end).


lefreut’s enhanced UI (leUI)

0: Lefreut's Enhanced UI: Core Component

1: Lefreut's Enhanced UI: Vanilla fonts for descriptions

3: Lefreut's Enhanced UI: BG2 vanilla fonts for description


Lefreut's Enhanced UI In-game options (Graphics menu):

1° Show Sidebar toggle button

2° Show Quicksave button

3° Show Highlight button

4° Small right sidebar buttons

5° Left click on portrait to level up

6° Reverse +/- buttons position

7° Single Click to Map Travel

8° Quests in journal collapsed by default


EEUITweaks User Interface Mods Collection

(1)The functionalities of components skipped and/or listed as not compatible with leUI are often already included within leUI.

(2) If you install Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options mod, don’t install "1010 - Hidden Game Options " from EEUITweaks.

(3) "Add CLUAConsole for mobile". Add the ability to open the console with right click or long tap on the first button of the left sidebar.

(4) "2030 - Adul's Better Quick Loot" can be opened and closed via a hotkey (default: E)


1000 - Mods Options

1010 - Hidden Game Options - Or Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options mod

Character Creation Screens - In game option with leUI

1090 - Default Button Position

1091 - Reverse Button Position

1020 - Mr2150's Random PC Generator - Compatible with leUI

Portait Selectors

1030 - BillyYan's Multi-Portrait Mod - Compatible with leUI

It broke the character selection screen and prtrait picker with leUI installed : not able to choose between male/female; the "back button doesn't work for me.

1040 - Mr2150's Portrait Picker (Scaleable UI) - Compatible with leUI

1041 - Mr2150's Portrait Picker (Non-Scaleable UI) - Not compatible with leUI

1080 – lefreut’s Portrait Picker -Not compatible with leUI

1042 - Mr2150's Backup M_BG.lua - Depends on Mr2150's Portrait Picker

1044 - Mr2150's Update Portraits - Depends on Mr2150's Portrait Picker

1050 - Adul's Unhide Chargen Options

Incompatible with lefreut's Character Creations Screens and Portrait Picker

1070 - Faydark's Abilities Auto-Roller/GrimLefourbe's BG2 UI

1060 - Mr2150's Roll First

1100 - Display max proficiency limits

2000 - Transparent Sidebars

2090 - LavaDelVortel's Sculpted Transparent Sidebars - Not compatible with leUI

Feedback Message Box Re-sizers

2010 - Feedback Message Box Buttons Hack - Compatible with leUI but useless !

2020 - Adul's Message Box Resize Button - Not compatible with leUI

2030 - Adul's Better Quick Loot

lefreut's Better Level Up Ibdicators

2040 - lefreut's Level Up Glow no Click - Not compatible and already with leUI

2042 - lefreut's Level Up Glow with Click

2044 - lefreut's Level Up Buttons

2060 - lefreut's 1.3-ish Dialog Box - Not compatible and already with leUI

2050 - Simple Centered Dialog - Compatible with leUI ; I don’t like

2070 - Dee's Permanent Thieving Button - The button is inactive for me

2080- elminster's Easier Area Cheats - Not compatible with leUI

2100 - LavaDelVortel's Red Healthbar - Not compatible with leUI

2110 - lefreut's Keep Dialog Box active after death - Skipped with leUI

2120 - CLUAConsole for mobile - For it seems to be compatible ?

2900 - lefreut's Improved Record Screen - Skipped by Weidu installer

3000 - Leveling Progress Bars Tweaks

3010 - Leveling Progress Bars Options - Skipped by Weidu installer

Dependent on Mods Options, Leveling Progress Bar Tweaks

Journal Fixes and Tweaks

3020 - Mr2150's Journal Fixes - Not compatible with leUI

3023 - lefreut's Journal (quests expanded by default) - Not compatible with leUI

3024 - lefreut's Journal (quests collapsed by default) - Not compatible with leUI

3070 - lefreut's Simple Journal Fixes - Not compatible with leUI

3028 - lefreut's Customize Screens Tweaks - Not compatible with leUI

3030 - lefreut's Customize All Characters - Not compatible with leUI

Mr2150’s Auto-Identify Items

3043 - Pay 50gp to identify items - Not compatible with leUI

lefreut’s Improved Inventory Screen

3050 - With Item Comparison - Not compatible with leUI

lefreut’s Store Screen Tweaks

4005 - Default Button Position - Not compatible with leUI

4010 - lefreut's Steal Multiple Items - Not compatible with leUI

4020 - Adul's Smooth Selling - Not compatible with leUI

4025 - Bubb's Store Extension - ?

Spell Books

4030 – lefreut’s Inscribed Arcana - Not compatible with leUI

4040 - Kilivitz's Classic Spellbooks - Compatible with leUI

5000 – lefreut’s Tooltip Scroll - compatible with leUI

5020 - lefreut's Box 5 (Dialog Box) Override - No idea what this does ???

5030 - lefreut's Scroll Bar Override - Skipped by Weidu installer

lefreut’s Improved Fonts

5040 - Non-Italicized fonts for descriptions - Skipped by Weidu installer

5041 – BG2 vanilla fonts for description - Not compatible with leUI


Edited by Mordekaie
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Hello!. I'm new on this forum. I wanted to thank you Lefreut for your graphical UI mod, it's really amazing and i have never enjoyed playing bg2 so much with such a fresh and modern interface.

So i recently re-installed BG2:EE with a bunch of mods with EEmodsetuptools, even graphic mods and after i tested the game, seems all fine, but i have 2 questions if may ask:

1- Is it possibile to move the dialogue box on the bottom instead on the middle? I think there's a command to do that but i dont remember, maybe i used another ui time ago. Actually my dialogue box is like in the screenshot. If it is not possible to do it, it's fine, even if I was always used to having it at the bottom


The other my question is this: looking my cleric/mage spellbook i noticed that the symbols of the spells have something strange, it seems that they are like traced, that they have an additional outline. It's a normal thing?


edit: I just noticed right now EEUItweaks has an option to center the dialog box so maybe i popped that, but for the spell icons. i dont really know. is it possible that it could be a shader?

Thanks for your answers.

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4 hours ago, Guest Nym said:

1- Is it possibile to move the dialogue box on the bottom instead on the middle? I think there's a command to do that but i dont remember, maybe i used another ui time ago. Actually my dialogue box is like in the screenshot. If it is not possible to do it, it's fine, even if I was always used to having it at the bottom

With LeUI, the dialog box is at the bottom. If it's centered, it means you have installed the EEUItweaks components that does it.

4 hours ago, Guest Nym said:

The other my question is this: looking my cleric/mage spellbook i noticed that the symbols of the spells have something strange, it seems that they are like traced, that they have an additional outline. It's a normal thing?

It's the component 'lefreut's Enhanced UI - BG2 vanilla bams for spells' that change the spells icons (to use the BG2 ones). You can skip this component if you prefer the EE spells icons.

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On 3/22/2022 at 10:55 AM, Mordekaie said:

1/ "2120 - CLUAConsole for mobile" : How do i activate it ? Is it of any use to install this component on a computer 

It let you open the console with right click or long tap on the first button of the left sidebar. It's not mandatory for PC as you can open the console with Ctrl+space but if you often use the console and find this easier to open it this way, you can install it.

On 3/22/2022 at 10:55 AM, Mordekaie said:

2/ "2010 - Feedback Message Box Buttons Hack": For my usage, this component seems almost irrelevant as i can just click on the Message Box to change its size.

Is there any alternative solution to implement a "Button" whether to expand the Box "completely" in order to read  (to show all the "active" messages),  or to "collapse" the message box (to make it as small as possible) ?

The is no component that does that.

On 3/22/2022 at 10:55 AM, Mordekaie said:

3/ 5020 - lefreut's Box 5 (Dialog Box) Override i can't find how this component changes the game interface ? Any clue. or a visual ?

It change the texture of the dialog box:


On 3/22/2022 at 10:55 AM, Mordekaie said:

5/ 4040 - Kilivitz's Classic Spellbooks : i can't see any difference with the "vanilla" leUI spellBooks. After checking this component is a variation of leUI spellbook (if iam right) ? So i guess there is no point to select this component with leUI ?

I don't remember the change made by this component but yes I don't think it's useful on top of LeUI.

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Hi lefreut, I wondered if you'd like to use for the mod a slightly edited character screen (GUIREC2). There are only very minor edits of the background to make the buttons appear more integrated. Mainly reshaping slightly the boxes around buttons.

Here is a comparison, I think I've marked all the changes (14 total):


If you want it, I can do a couple of more changes and try to do a github pull request, as I'd like to learn to use github :) The changes I want to make are the right edge between "Customize" and "Export" as there is a small hole right now, and actually revert the rightmost change or redo it.

PS: How can I insert external images in a post? Other Media -> Insert image from URL doesn't seem to be working for imgur. Or is it preferred to upload images locally? When I pasted links of the right format, it auto-embedded them.


EDIT: For the above it should be obvious, so I didn't mention that the bottom half is the one with the changes. I realised that probably an image isn't the best case for trying out a pull request, so here's the edited background image if you want to try it:



and here is the same in use:




Edited by cdx
Remove attachment, post as link instead, post two more images
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Great :)

I thought about a few minor things, similar to the character screen. For the inventory in particular, as that and the character screen get a lot of use. Any changes would be to what appears to me as minor errors, rather than changing how things look.

The inventory - I'd do some adjustments of the borders which hold item slot areas, but I was wondering if you intend to move any of the slots at all? Especially if you consider that the boxes around them can be adjusted a bit. If you look at the image below, for example the green x, y, z gaps on the picture are sligtly different, do you intend to adjust any of the slots positions, if the borders marked with red could be moved a few pixels? I don't think it's at all necessary, but it would be a bummer if I edit the background and then decide it would be better the slots be moved a bit and redo the background :).

For other pages, the spell menu numbers 1 and 7/9 don't look very well integrated where I've marked (A, B), so maybe that. I'm assuming these are in their final position as well?

For the Map and the Options pages I could do minor adjustments on the buttons outside border, and I'm wondering whether the space between the buttons (C, D) should be filled in so each button would have its own slot instead of both of them in one slot. Also, for the Options the vertical bar (E) looks pasted, so I can adjust the corners to look something like F, more connected.

For other pages, the Journal could have the button sockets slightly adjusted, and the same for the Load/Save screen. Other than that I don't see inconsistencies that bug me.

Anything in particular that you'd like to see changed, mentioned or not? And what do you think about the things I've listed, do they seem worth doing?



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I have a problem with my GUI. After installed all the mods i want, i started a character creation and the screen is like this


The reason is because i added one of the extra tweaks from EEUItweaks that edit the portrait selection (billiyank, mr1250 ecc.) with LefreutUI and maybe is kind of uncompatible. I got confused because i wanted Lefreutportraitpicker but i think was already in the core, but i also thought if i would choose one of the others portrait selector mod, they would have overwrited it. But now is like the screenshot, and there are no portrait and button dont work. I have to do altf4 to exit the game. Is there a way to fix it? maybe deleting some files in override? i tried to reinstall LefreutUI mod (the core one) but the weidu uninstall me other mods and give me errors, i think because it has to respect the mod installation order.

This is my weidu file Weidu


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@cdx Thanks for all these feedbacks. I think they are good proposition and if you do the changes I will probably use most of them in the mod.

For the inventory slots, they are like this to try to fill the whole space. They could be slightly adjust if necessary so they all have the same gaps (keeping a small gap may look better).

For the spells, I think the page number are evenly distributed horizontally. They don't look bad to me but if you want to try some tweaks it's ok.

For the buttons, I don't know if a separator would look good but again why not test it.

Edited by lefreut
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