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ProjectInfinity and BWFixpack

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Hello. Not sure if this is the best place to ask, if it isnt feel free to move it to the relevant place (hopefully not the bin).

Apologies if this is a bit rambling and barely coherent.

Im trying to use PI to install a BWP based megamod. The last couple of attempts have failed but during the install i found few issues, that i think, having given them a good google, could be fixed with BWFixpack. But i cant seem to get it to work - fix the relevant mods. So i've been testing a few ideas and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on whether these might work, before i give another install a go.

Trying to run the ficpack by itself fails as it wants BWInstall. So i edited (deleted) the first bit of the .bat, removing the check for BWInstall and ran it again. Some mods were patched but im not convinced this patched everything it should have, I might be wrong though but the install still failed but that could also be other things.

So back to more dicking about with stuff to see what happens.

I extracted Big World Fixpack 18.2 into a folder by itself and pointed PI to look there for extracted mods.

This then lists all the fixes with .tp2 files

So i could potentially include them in the install sequence. Would these need to be the first things done or could I put them individaully just before the relevant mods?

What about the other fixes that dont have .tp2 files?

BWFixpack doesnt have its own entry in PI, im assuming because it doesnt have a .tp2 file.

Looking through an old install using BWS i found Setup-BWFixpack .exe and .tp2

So out of curiosity i copied them into the same folder id extracted BWFixpack into. And now theres and entry for BWFixpack showing

"BWFixpack:0:Big World Fixpack (includes Trimpack)"

Would using this in the install sequence install all the fixes and make selecting each one with a tp2 file irrelevant?

Is this post too specific to Project Inifinity?

Should i just stop dicking about and edit the indivual.bat from BWInstall to how i want it and install everything that way?

Any advice appreciated.

Thanks for reading



If you use the BWPFixpack in the download folder, it should work fine. Some mods will not be patched, because they have been updated. During the summer i tested the PI and made some BGT installs. They work fine, but i didn't  play much with them. 

So if you prefer the PI, run the Fixpack in the download folder. If you use an old WeiDulog, you should check, if some mods has changed component numbers.

The BWP PDF is a very helpfull guide 

Hopefully my english isn' t to incomprehensible.



Im trying to do a pretty huge compilation, though not using the big older mods (SOS, TDD, CtB etc) for BGII as already had issues with that. Mostly Dsotsc and Ntotsc and SoBH plus smaller quest mods and loads of tweaks and fixes, that according to the BWP pdf should all work together.

I've used BWP before, a long long time ago and used to use BWS. PI has worked but for i hadnt quite got my mod selection right and then had few other issues with the install. Most of those went away after using ToBex 0025b rather than 0026. I like PI cos its easy to pick which bits you want to use and now i've figured out what out what i was doing wrong with sorting order its fairly straightforward to use. Install order was based on same as BWS but recently saw BWP 18.2 released so made a new install order based on that. Spent ages going through the pdf. Pretty sure order is right (so overconfidently sure i posted it in the install order thread and then it failed miserably). Might have ballsed up the extraction of couple of mods or used wrong version, currently going through the list and rechecking everything. Again.

@Morywen how did you run the BWP Fixpack? Did you have to edit the batch file? If so, what did you change? I just deleted the bit i think checks for BWP Install. It patches so files but im not sure if its patch everything it can.

Some suggestions from @Al|en next time he's about would be good. But i'll keep experimenting til something works until then.


Posted (edited)

@Nathan82 The BWPFixpack runs fine without the installpack. There is no need to change the bat. The Fixpack will ask for the newest weidu.exe and start. You have to unpack all mods beforte runnig it. I think bwpfixpack.bat and mod.tp2 has to be in the same folder level.  But i am not sure.Last time i have used it, everything necessary was patched. 

Using the PI with old mods ist a little bit tricky. I recommend to pause the installation at the beginning to make sure all mods are copied and the exes are named right. It's not the PI fault some very old mods don't follow todays conventions. Modfolder and tp2 have different names, or inside the folder there ist another with the same name. The PI asumes it's a master folder which is not the case. So there ist some caution necessary to get a working Installation. 

Something i forgot in the morning. Before starting installation remove the BWP Fixpack Folder and  make sure, ever tp2 is only once in the download folder. I presume it's logic and clear. But first time i used the PI, i ignored the warnings. The outcome was interesting, naturally with some errors during the install.

Edited by Morywen

@Morywen thats what i've been doing wrong. I knew id read somewhere that you can run it independantly from BWP install. I did, on the actually download page, http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/521-big-world-fixpack/

I've got my extracted mods in a seperate folder than BGII, hence why it isnt running. Thanks for pointing that out. Ill give it another go. Thought i was doing something dumb.

Yeah, i ignored the warnings about tp2 files the first few times too, impatience making things take twice as long.



@Nathan82 You can run the Fixpack in your seperate download folder. You have to extract the mods which is necessary for the PI also. If the tp2 is in this folder,  the BWPFixpack do its job.  I think, you have to put them on the same level as the bwpfixpack.bat After the patching remove the Fixpack folder. I have put the tps than inside the modfolder. This works better with the PI. 

Best take a weidu.exe 246 in the folder. This is not necessary but the Fixpack is happier.

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