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Brage's Redemption - Brage NPC Mod for BG1

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Installing both before BG1NPC should also be ok. But the crucial thing is that it is before the componant "Banters, Quests, and Interjections" from BG1NPC:

This is the recommended order as of now if bgqe is installed:


  • ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #11 // Brage's Sword: v21


  • ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications: v24.8
  • ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v24.8
  • more BG1NPC yadda


  • Brage's Redemption

Also make sure to install Brage's Redemption after bgqe if that applies to you for the crossmod content (which would be the general way to go as bgqe is a quest mod).

Thank you for your interest in the mod!

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"But the crucial thing is that it is before the componant "Banters, Quests, and Interjections" from BG1NPC:"

So wouldn't sequence be:

  • ~BGQE/SETUP-BGQE.TP2~ #0 #11 // Brage's Sword: v21


  • Brage's Redemption


  • ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications: v24.8
  • ~BG1NPC/BG1NPC.TP2~ #0 #0 // The BG1NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections: v24.8
  • more BG1NPC yadda


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Yes, but the thing is:

-both bgqe and the mod Brage's Redemption install the quest "Brage's Sword".

-only the mod that is installed first installs the quest, i.e. if bgqe's component is installed, then Brage's Redemption will skip the installation of the quest and use the one from bgqe


Thus, it is enough to install bgqe component "Brage's Sword" before Bg1NPC and Brage's Redemption can be installed later if both mods are installed.

Sorry for the confusion.

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On 5/27/2020 at 3:13 AM, jastey said:

Brage's Redemption updates to v3!

The new version comes with proof readings by @athies. Thank you very much!



- English version proof read by Athies.
- Renamed readme to readme.brage.%LANGUAGE%.html
- Installation instructions in German readme translated.

Oh hell, I just saw this! 😅 Grats on the update, and you're welcome :) 

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There are ~120 new lines in v5 which I would need proof reading for. @athies in case you are available I'd be grateful for corrections.


/* bg1.tra */

@298  = ~Woman! Be cautious with your words. There is fellow Amnians here, as well as sufficient fighting power to make you trouble indeed.~
@299  = ~Pardon?! You might carry an influential name, but that does not give you right to any such behavior! <CHARNAME>, tread carefully - in Amn this name is well known, and hurting an Argrim family member will lead to unpleasant successions to be sure.  My lady, know that I am a former Amnian garrison commander, Brage my name. Do not provoke us further with your silly games or we will have to draw steel to defend us!~
@300  = ~<CHARNAME>, this is the culprit who stole two emeralds from Nashkel. The whole affair was already placed into a bounty hunters' hands, though, so I would suggest we stay out of it.~
@301  = ~Although it aches my heart to turn a deaf ear to this clearly driven man's pleas we cannot make us accomplices to such a theft, <CHARNAME>.~
@302  = ~I have to insist. We should not stand against an officially hired bounty hunter.~
@303  = ~Oho, don't I recognize you, "Commander" Brage. Your bounty I would have liked to collect for sure, but some <CHARNAME> got to you, first. Good for you, as I would not have cared to drag you to Nashkel alive!~
@304  = ~Mister Greywolf, I am trying to keep my comrade from interfering with your business but you make it difficult to keep up sympathy for your cause!~
@305  = ~We killed a bounty hunter officially hired by Nashkel authorities and protected a thief searched for by the very authorities.~
@306  = ~We crossed a bounty hunter officially hired by Nashkel authorities and protected a thief searched for by the very authorities.~
@307  = ~<CHARNAME>, I'm not sure that was a smart thing to do.~
@308  = ~He was about to kill the man! He might have stolen emeralds, but that's no reason for killing!~
@309  = ~I'm not so sure. This is a really nice sculpture. Are there no art lovers in Nashkel?~
@310  = ~If you put it like that it feels much less thrilling to have helped an artist to complete his masterpiece.~
@311  = ~I saw the desperation in the artist's eyes, Brage. I will not have a man killed just because he wants to finish his dream.~
@312  = ~Relax, we can still return the emeralds to Oublek and solve the issue.~
@313  = ~No, it wasn't, but what's done is done.~
@314  = ~(sigh) I surely hope this will not turn out as a backlash for our dealings with the people in Nashkel. Let us collect the emeralds and quickly return them to Oublek so we can at least settle this matter.~
@315  = ~Justice was served, but I'd rather it would have gone differently. I did not think much of it when Ghastkill put out the "we only care about the returned emeralds, not the artist" bounty for Prism, but knowing the details now it does feel harsh to kill a man because of two emeralds.~

/* game.tra */

@1000 = ~Today we will march against the Crusade. Never would I have thought to be on a military mission again, and so soon.~
@1001 = ~This is an impressive chasm. I had no idea this crypt would reach so deep down.~
@1002 = ~Such stupidity! The destroyed bridge is not only bad for us, it also cuts a chasm between here and the northers lands!~
@1003 = ~This Caelar is a very charismatic woman. I understand why they follow her.~
@1004 = ~It takes a certain mindset to kill a man by pulling a lever. I am unsettled to see that it came so easily to you.~
@1005 = ~This saved us the fight, but it was a betrayal to those we call allies, <CHARNAME>.~
@1006 = ~Be on your guard, <CHARNAME>. I do not like this canyon, as it gives good possibility for an ambush.~
@1007 = ~I heard about Rhinoceros Beetles, but I've never seen one before.~
@1008 = ~To arms!~
@1009 = ~We were discovered! We need to leave, and quick.~
@1010 = ~A... a portal to Avernus! This is madness!~
@1011 = ~It was a useless attempt to fight us.~
@1012 = ~We have no other choice than to seek for a way to close the portal - from the other side!~
@1013 = ~This madness, at least, is over.~
@1014 = ~Hell... I believed I belong here, but not the way we entered.~
@1015 = ~We need to prepare for more atacks! Our presence will be known by now.~
@1016 = ~Into the fight!~
@1017 = ~This was a mighty beast that died here. I cannot start to imagine the effort it took to take it down.~
@1018 = ~Those doors look intimidating - although I can't put my finger on it why they would shake me so.~


/* joining */

@30   = ~Please go back to the camp.~
@31   = ~As you wish. I will meet you at the camp.~
@32   = ~As you wish. I will wait in front of the Palace.~
@33   = ~<CHARNAME>!~
@34   = ~I would have questions for Halbazzer Drin - but there is no chance in posing them now, in this chaos and confusion!~
@35   = ~They call you the hero of Baldur's Gate, there are rumors about you joining the coalition against the crusade. Would you need another sword arm?~
@36   = ~I'd rather help these poor people by fighting the crusade than waste any more time here. Plus, I fear I can do nothing with regard to my investigation before the city will come to rest.~
@37   = ~Please be ready. I'll be back for you.~
@38   = ~My investigations concerning the cursed sword let me return to Baldur's Gate. And what turmoil I see the city in!~
@39   = ~My investigations concerning the cursed sword let me all the way up to Waterdeep and back to Baldur's Gate, but the crusade of this Caelar let me come here for now.~
@40   = ~I'm so not part of this coalition, but yes, I'd like you to join me.~
@41   = ~Oh? Well, I am sure we will do a lot of good, nontheless.~
@42   = ~As you wish. I will wait.~
@43   = ~I will have your back, <CHARNAME>.~


/* sod.tra */

@0  = ~<CHARNAME>, it is time to say farewell. We've done a great deed. We stopped an impending war and saved a lot of lives. But I will take this as my cue to leave. I need to walk own steps now, search for the smithy of that sword, earn gold for the families I hurt - return to my home on my own terms. Farewell, and may the gods bless you... If the gods will allow it, we will meet again.~
@1  = ~<CHARNAME>, if you are intended to turn your back on the sorrow of the people in Dragonspear Castle and the threat Caelar is posing to the peace on the Sword Coast it is your decision, but I will not follow you. I will stay and continue the fight... as a mercenary, if they have need of me.~
@2  = ~We've done great deeds together. We stopped an impending war and saved a lot of lives. But I will take this as my cue to leave. I need to walk own steps now, search for the smithy of that sword, earn gold for the families I hurt - return to my home on my own terms. Farewell, and may the gods bless you... If the gods will allow it, we will meet again.~
@3  = ~Is there something in my backpack that belongs to you? Please have a look now, before I will leave.~
@4  = ~Farewell, <CHARNAME>.~
@5  = ~Brage

Brage seems to be back in Baldur's Gate. He was seen at the Sorcerous Sundries.~
@6  = ~I also heard that your former compagnion Brage was seen in the Sorcerous Sundries recently.~
@7  = ~The fighter Brage was also reported to have been seen at the Sorcerous Sundries repeatedly.~
@8  = ~These are strange noises coming out of that cave in front of us, <CHARNAME>. I am not sure what kind of animal would make those - we should be prepared when entering that cave.~
@9  = ~The fallen soldier... He thinks his life were hell. I'll take him with me and show him what hell really means.~
@10  = ~You want Brage? Then he will be yours if I lose.~
@11  = ~Brage is with me on a path of redemption. You will not get his soul.~
@12  = ~He has his faults, but I'll not risk Brage's soul in so blithe a fashion. If I cannot answer your riddle, mine is the soul you will take. Agreed?~
@13  = ~I'll feed you your own limbs if you don't let me into the tower, you wretched creature. I'm done playing games with you.~
@14  = ~Thrix has marked your soul, desperate warrior. Your soul is mine!~
@15  = ~Well, I guess that happens if we lose such a game. Sorry, Brage.~
@16  = ~No, you will not take his soul, devil. We will fight you!~
@17  = ~There is nothing you could do to me physically that I am not already enduring everyday in my mind, fiend.~
@18  = ~I will be waiting, but I will not come with you without a fight.~
@19  = ~<CHARNAME>! Why did you do that? Trading my soul to a fiend?!~  [c#ablank]
@20  = ~I saved us all the fight. I didn't plan on losing that stupid game!~
@21  = ~I saved us all the fight. Relax! I won in the end, right?~
@22  = ~What would you have me do? Fight that thing? Give my own soul? (pout)~
@23  = ~I am sorry if it upset you, but I expected to win, which I did. No harm done.~
@24  = ~I am truly sorry. I thought I could outsmart it - I was a fool, and you'll have to pay the price.~
@25  = ~So it was carelessness as well as arrogance?~
@26  = ~I do admit that I expect nothing else than my soul going into hell after I died - be it for one specific fiend or in a general manner will not make much of a difference.~
@27  = ~I am speechless with the readiness you traded a companion's soul to that fiend. That was untainted, inherently evil. I do not know what I expected from you - after you helped me so selflessly, I did believe you are different, but I see now that the evil is stirring within you, and that makes me very sad to witness.~
@28  = ~<CHARNAME>! Why did you do that? Trading a companions soul to a fiend?!~ [c#ablank]
@29  = ~Oh, but a lot of harm was done, <CHARNAME>.~
@30  = ~You traded your own soul to that fiend.~  [c#ablank]
@31  = ~I couldn't bet another one's soul! And I didn't want to fight the fiend. At least not now.~
@32  = ~I gambled, I lost. Such is life.~
@33  = ~Don't remind me of that.~
@34  = ~I gambled, I won. Sometimes a risk pays off.~
@35  = ~I am deeply humbled and proud to be at your side, <CHARNAME>. This was an inherently selfless action. No matter what others might think, but I know that evil is not stirring within you, and if it does, it will not have a chance to influence your actions against your steady will.~
@36  = ~Luckily, you won and the danger is over.~
@37  = ~I hope the fiend comes to collect it's price while I am still at your side, so I can - and will! - help you fight it off.~



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The mod updates to v5!

v5 comes with an Italian Version, basic SoD content, compatibility with @Lauriel's Transitions Mod, and bugfixes.

Thank you to @Coland for the Italian version and Colmar for proofreading!



- Italian version by Coland, proofread by Colmar.
- Revised kickout dialogue.
- Patching of "Brage's Sword" quest from bgqe on EET should work always.
- Added basic SoD content.
- Compatibility with Transitions Mod added.

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The mod updates to v6 with various bugfixes and some new content for BG1 and SoD. The new content is not translated yet (only in English).


- Corrected Brage's kickout dialgue in BG1 (BGT).
- Added check to forbit install after EET_End.
- Added Brage to bddialog and bdbanter for EET.
- Corrected Brage's assigned banter dlg for SoD.
- Corrected Imoen DV in bdbanter for SoD.
- Corrected Brage's appearance in bd0121.
- Comment upon entering Avernus is now added to end of bd4400.bcs instead of top.
- Added crossmod scripts for Transitions Mod to Brage's SoD script, too, and fixed triggers for direct EET transition.
- Line in tp2 for bgqe "Nashkel Monster" now traified.
- New crossmod added: bg1re "Necromancer's Trouble", Balduran's Seatower, Northern Tales of the Sword Coast.
- More BG1 reacions (Bassilus, Jardak & Delrik in BG city).
- Reaction to cleared bandit camp revised.
- Brage will not complain about HC entering Manor Hause in Nashkel if it was opened by Megan from DCotSC.
- Corrected patching of Sendai from BG1 for BGT/Tutu/EET.
- Corrected install of kickout dialogue for BG:EE (without SoD).
- More SoD reactions.
- corrected cpmvars.tpa entries for "Beregost_House08_L2"
- Typo corrections.

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Guest Guest_1

It's always exciting to see new mods (and updates to existing mods) from you, Jastey. Thank you so much for your continued work. It's highly appreciated. ❤️

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