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Interrupting Rest with a dream


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I'd like to have a dream interrupt the PC's rest the first time the group rests after a specific event, but I don't know how to capture the event before it's finished ... or before it starts, would be better.  I've read up on PartyRested() but that's after the event, from what I've gathered.  Any pointers would bve appreciated.

Related question: Is DPlayer3.bcs always the PC's script?


Player1D.BCS is the "dreamscript", i.e. the player's script to be run when you hit the rest button or buy a room at the inn. PartyRested() is the "morning after" condition.


Caution with PartyRested(), though, as it only gives true if it is true right the instance before that script is called. If you want to make sure a dialogue triggers after a certain rest, it's sufficient to just set a varaible in the rest dialogue (before the rest triggered by e.g. the player1's dream script), then do RestParty()inside this script, and let the set variable trigger another dialogue instantly, which will play after wakeup.

7 hours ago, jastey said:

Caution with PartyRested(), though, as it only gives true if it is true right the instance before that script is called. If you want to make sure a dialogue triggers after a certain rest, it's sufficient to just set a varaible in the rest dialogue (before the rest triggered by e.g. the player1's dream script), then do RestParty()inside this script, and let the set variable trigger another dialogue instantly, which will play after wakeup.

I think I understand.  Thank you! :)

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