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Problem with Profficiency and some invalid/missing things

Guest Shaylo

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Hello.  Im already after installing my (a lot of) mods and have some problem like this:




Idk why profficiency is invalid and why this skills also (that skills come from NPC:EE mod), reinstalling doesnt help. Do you know how can i fix it ?

Latest mod installed is NPC:EE:
My mod list is here:



First question would be: which game language did you install the mod(s) to. What does it say inside the weidu.conf in your game folder? If it isn't the one you are playing, than that is your answer. (In that case, deinstall the mods, delete the weidu.conf file, and reinstall to the language you are playing the game in.)


Im playing on polish version. Ofc, some couple of mods is only in English, but i never seen Such problem before. If u mean about delete and reinstall, u mean i have to reinstall all mods? 


The game itself has several language versions. If you installed to the wrong one (for whatever reason), then you will not see the text when playing in Polish. This is not about the mods' language versions. When installing the very first mod you are prompted with two language choices: the mod's, and the game's. Once you chose a game language it is stored inside the weidu.conf and all other mods are installed to that game language, too.

Open the weidu.conf with an editor. What does it say?


Ok. I Will Say it when im come back from my work after 15-16.

I undersrand that if mod doesnt have my Lang, but its still show it as English instead of missing texts


Again: it's not about the mod's language. It's about which language version the mod was installed to in the game.

For explanation: every language in the game has it's own dialog.tlk (dialogf.tlk for female PCs) where all text lines are stored in. If you patch the, say, Englisch dialog.tlk with the mod's new lines but then play the game in Polish, the game does not find the new lines in the Polish dialog.tlk and shows them as "invalid".


Unless I misunderstood your last sentence: yes, it is no problem to install the English mod version to the Polish game version, the mod texts would just show in English then.


Ok. About last sentence, i mean the Time. I Will Say /put my config after 03:00 pm or later :)


Usually that is a language mismatch, or else failure to use ModMerge/DLCMerger.  That looks like the SoA start, but it has the SoD UI; maybe this is an EET game?  I'm not an EET expert but I think you have to use DLCMerge on BGEE/SoD before importing it into BG2EE.  Maybe that could cause this problem...?


No. Its Just mod called tweaks triilogy ui.

Its steam version of BG 2 EE

But probably im know where is problem. If i fix it, i will post it. 

Posted (edited)

Ye. I said "i report it" but i see the mod creatore subtledoctor is here :D.

Im check for myself your lang file in Polish (english also), and both files have some lines with "...", maybe its causes it ?

Edited by shaylo

I don't know what SCS has to do with it.  I made a dialogue that replicates the proficiency advancement of any given class and kit that has an entry in weapprof.2da.  And I made the code portable so that it could be used in any given mod.  And both SoB and NPC_EE use it.  I guess it's possible that the portable code doesn't work in other languages?  Which would explain some incorrect/missing strings in that dialogue.

BUT in another thread, you said that the proficiency strings were messed up in other places, such as in the Character Generation menus.  That cannot be done by the proficiency dialogue code, and is not done by any code that is shared between SoB and NPC_EE.  So, my diagnosis is still that something else has probably gone wrong in your install.

By the way, if you think is is SoB, and you installed the Polish version of SoB onto your Polish-language game, but you have installed other mods in English on your Polish-language game, then you might want to try installing the English version of SoB.  The whole mod is mostly tweaks anyway, there aren't that many strings.  And if the problem is what you suppose it is, then it should disappear if you use the English version.

(I have pretty thoroughly tested the English version, so I feel comfortable vouching for it.  Etamin has used the Polish version (he wrote the translation) and he has not reported any problems like this so it seems like that is working too.  As for mixing languages... well, I can't test every possible way to install the mod in every possible language.  I can't replicate your setup and I cannot reproduce the problem, so if there is something to be fixed, I still don't know what it is.  But if you can pinpoint it, I'd be happy to try.)

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