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How to bury Gorion?!

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Posted (edited)

Something obviously changed in newer versions of BG1 NPC project as I didn't had problems earlier with this. So, when you pick up Gorion's scroll from his body there is dialogue with Imoen. Depending on your answers you can bury him immediately or inform Gatekeeper and request funeral in Candlekeep. I usually rest near his body but not this time because of Rhialto the Wildmage in Ironman mode which spawns after your first outdoor rest. So I gone to FAI, recruited Khalid and Jaheira ( and got her Gorion's burial dialogue ) and then finished Joia's ring quest and rested. With the full party I came to Candlekeep but strangely you can't ask them for Gorion's burial.  Why is that? Looking in Gatekeeper dialogue I saw condition X#Gorion burried = 0 to initiate it but mine is on 2. Is this time sensitive? It makes no sense to me, as before I was able to rest two times and then come and request funeral without problems. If it is changed then it unnecessarily  complicates things, why is it important to come  back on day 1 instead of 2? And one small bug with Jaheira's greeting dialogue, it breaks prematurely before last line.  

Edited by Greenhorn
Posted (edited)

Thanks for the information, I was about to start a game soon so I'll have to be careful.

I think the person who's in charge of updating the mod is @jastey. You should try to contact them directly or maybe explain your problem in the bug thread?


Edited by ManekiNeko-89

Just a disclaimer:

Updating the mod does not mean I know every questpath and dialogue per heart.

If I know the answer and/or have time to dig through the mod's resources to answer a question, I will do so.

I do read here, so tagging me on top is not necessary. Thanks.


@ManekiNeko-89 thanks for advice but this is not so much a bug, it is more maybe flaw in design. Looking older posts on this topic I think that I even asked this question earlier and AstroBryGuy explained that it is time sensitive ( although I suspect this is changed somewhat, best way to bury Gorion it seems is to return to Candlekeep immediately but then you will miss that particular dialogue with Jaheira).  

3 hours ago, Greenhorn said:

@ManekiNeko-89 thanks for advice but this is not so much a bug, it is more maybe flaw in design. Looking older posts on this topic I think that I even asked this question earlier and AstroBryGuy explained that it is time sensitive ( although I suspect this is changed somewhat, best way to bury Gorion it seems is to return to Candlekeep immediately but then you will miss that particular dialogue with Jaheira).  

You're welcome ! :D


 You deserve a full credit, your advice was priceless in the first place ( and it's consequences), honorable new member of this merry community. :p ;)







Hmph, no one appreciates The Great Gazib's show and Oopah's efforts anymore. What happened with Branwen's reaction to it? 

Not that I expect this mystery will be resolved... :p

Posted (edited)

Maybe, maybe not. It depends whether this was cut by mod's authors deliberately or by oversight. It would be a shame to lose more of  those little interjections which additionally flesh out this and that character and bring more fun and life to the game. 

You are free to disagree of course. 

Edited by Greenhorn

I'm not aware of any interjections being taken out. If there is one not showing it's probably a bug or dependent on some requirements you didn't meet in your current game (the latter probably less likely).

This is what should happen for the Great Gazib:


/* Great Gazib, the */
/* passback not required - trans action is CreateCreature() */
I_C_T3 ~%tutu_var%GAZIB~ 1 X#GAZIB1
== ~%BRANWEN_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("branwen") InMyArea("branwen") !StateCheck("branwen",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @699
== ~%QUAYLE_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("quayle") InMyArea("quayle") !StateCheck("quayle",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @700

This is after the first, when talked to again. Did you talk to the Great Gazib a second time?


Yep, Branwen is silent both times I checked. Second talk, yes. I checked Gazib's dialogue after second performance, only Gavin and Dave ( from Glam's NPC pack ) have interjections. 

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