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Game identification for expansions


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How does Weidu handle game extensions used in GAME_IS? Rather, does it treat expansions as separate entities from the main games or as optional additions? For example, if I write GAME_IS ~iwd~, will this include installations with Heart of Winter, Trials of the Luremaster? If I write ~bgee~, does this include SoD, when it is installed, or do I need to write separately ~bgee sod~?


String is a list of whitespace-separated entries, chosen from (case doesn’t matter) bg2=soa, tob, iwd2, pst, bg1, totsc, iwd=iwd1, how, totlm, tutu, tutu_totsc, bgt, ca, iwd_in_bg2, bgee, bg2ee, eet, iwdee, pstee.

Please note that the items in the list are defined to be mutually exclusive.



I'm pretty sure SoD returns true for GAME_IS ~bgee~.

There is also GAME_INCLUDES, which allows you to distinguish individual campaigns:


Returns true if the IE game variant includes the game content specified by String. String is a single game chosen from bg1, totsc, bg2=soa, tob, pst, iwd=iwd1, how, totlm, iwd2, ca, sod. In the list, bg2=soa means that bg2 and soa are synonyms, and you can use whichever one you like. Please note that unlike GAME_IS you only specify a single game, rather than a list of games. As an example, GAME_INCLUDES ~tob~ will return true for any game which includes the ToB content, such as ToB itself, BGT or BG2EE.



Okay, thanks. But can somebody confirm that ~bgee~ includes SoD? I have been writing ~bgee~ everywhere. If this excludes SoD, I will have to update a lot of mods.


Here is the code commonly used to check for SoD:

        OUTER_SET is_bgee = (GAME_IS ~bgee~ AND NOT GAME_INCLUDES ~sod~) ? 1 : 0    // bgee without SoD
        OUTER_SET is_sod = (GAME_IS ~bgee~ AND GAME_INCLUDES ~sod~) ? 1 : 0            // SoD

So, yes:  if you don't care for checking bgee without SoD, GAME_IS ~bgee~ is your friend.


I should mention here that while I was testing ~bgee~, installing SoD over a folder screwed up all my mods' strings. Not only were they wrong as installed, but even after I uninstalled the mods completely and installed them afresh, they were still incorrect. I had to remove SoD and come back to modding without. It's not the ~bgee~ check's fault, of course, but something SoD can do.


SoD is part of the game install.  it has its own .tlk file, which of course does not include all the modifications you made previously to the BGEE .tlk file.

You need to install SoD (and then use ModMerge/DLCMerge/whatever to align the .tlk files) before installing mods.

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