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Installation Error

Guest Medalis

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Guest Medalis

Hi, I can't install Ascension due to this parse error. It's BGIIEE version


[weidu_external/lang/ascension/english/ascension.tra] PARSE ERROR at line 1 column 0-4
Near Text: iconv
	syntax error

[weidu_external/lang/ascension/english/ascension.tra]  ERROR at line 1 column 0-4
Near Text: iconv
ERROR: parsing [weidu_external/lang/ascension/english/ascension.tra]: Parsing.Parse_error
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Rewritten Final Chapter of Throne of Bhaal], rolling back to previous state
Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/ascension/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/ascension/0/OTHER.0")
[weidu_external/backup/ascension/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
Will uninstall 214 files for [ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled    214 files for [ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2] component 0.
Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/ascension/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/ascension/0/READLN.0")
Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/ascension/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/ascension/0/READLN.0.TEXT")
SIRENE_BG2/SIRENE_BG2.TP2  0  0 Installed
ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-ASCENSION.DEBUG and look for support at: https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/forum/207-ascension/
Using Language [English]
[English] has 1 top-level TRA files
[ascension/lang/english/setup.tra] has 30 translation strings

Install Component [Rewritten Final Chapter of Throne of Bhaal]?
[I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? Saving This Log:
SIRENE_BG2/SIRENE_BG2.TP2  0  0 Installed
[Sirene_BG2/tra/english/sirene.tra] has 3 translation strings

NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Rewritten Final Chapter of Throne of Bhaal


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Guest Medalis

I tried uninstalling every other mod, then the whole game and re-installing but same error. With other mods there's no such error, it works just fine..so I don't know what to try now.

Could it be an error on my machine? Because not two weeks ago I installed the mod, same version, and it worked with no problem. Quite strange..

I don't know if it's Weidu or Ascension the problem

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