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Halfling Slinger @subtledoctor from Might & Guile


~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #220 // Revised Multiclassing and Multiclass Kits: 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #235 // Revised Beastmaster: 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #240 // Improved Rangers: 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #245 // Revised Movement Bonuses (Quickstride): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #310 // Add the Corsair (fighter kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #320 // Add the Marksman (fighter kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #324 // Add the Halfling Slinger (ranger or fighter kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #350 // Add the Mage Hunter (ranger kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #360 // Add the Barbarian Ranger (ranger kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #420 // Add the Scout (thief kit) and revise the Swashbuckler: 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #450 // Add the Jongleur (bard kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #460 // Add the Loremaster (bard kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #470 // Add the Gallant (bard kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #490 // Add the Loresinger (bard kit): 4.8

  • The name is inconsistent.  The readme and kit component call it the Halfling Slinger, but during character creation it is listed as a "Slinger".
  • The Readme and installer says that this is a Fighter or Ranger kit, however it is actually a Fighter/Thief multiclass kit.
  • During character creation it shows as being able to put 3 pips into Dual-Wielding (though you can only put one pip at level 1 in Baldur's Gate character creation). I can put 3 pips into Dual-Wielding when leveling up in game.
  • During character creation, you can put 2 pips into all melee weapons, all non-dual wielding weapon styles, 4 pips into Slings, and 1 pip into Bows and Crossbows.  This is with Scales of Balance installed after Might & Guile.  There appears to be some unintended interaction between these two mods. 
  • As per the Marksman comments, the kit description says you can put 5 points (Grand Mastery) into slings, but Scale of Balance alters this.  See comments about updating kit description text following some of the tricks used in the Tweaks Anthology (Maybe Divine Remix does something similar).
  • The kit description has text about abilities gained at certain levels.  Because this is a multiclass kit, I would suggest modifying the wording to say which Fighter/Thief level it gets, or just specify which Fighter or Thief level the ability is gained at.  This applies to both the +1 missile THAC0 and damage and the called shot ability.
  • The kit description lists not getting Charm Animal as a drawback.  Fighter/Thief never got this ability.
  • The class reads as a weaker and racially restricted Marksman, though it gets backstab and thief skill points.  I think this is mostly due to the class originally being a Ranger kit, and the description not taking the Fighter/Thief multiclass into account. 
  • The inability to use metal armor isn't that big of a deal compared to a normal fighter thief, since wearing armor heavier than Studded Leather means giving up being able to use their thief abilities, but if the kit is blocked from metal armor that is a drawback.
  • Note that the class cannot use the Ankheg Plate Mail, which is a non-metallic armor available to Figher/Druids.  It appears the Slinger just has the Fighter/Thief armor restrictions.
  • The class gets an undocumented Animal Empathy ability in their innate bar.  Animal Empathy does not have any right-click description.
  • It also gets 3 weapon proficiencies and 1 advanced weapon proficiency at level 1/1 in addition to the 5 points it can distribute at character creation (with Scales of Balance installed).  This might be a few too many or entirely intentional.  It is more proficiencies than the Marksman got, however.  Up to 3,000,000 xp the kit gains another 2 advanced weapon proficiency innates.
  • There is a similar issue with the wording of the +1 THAC0 and missile damage as well as Called Shot lines in the kit description (see comments on Marksmen above).  I suspect that a similar reason and the levels at which the bonuses are actually gained will apply.  I would double check.
  • The kit can put points into Set Traps, but does not get a Set Traps button in innates.
  • The kit does not get any HLAs.  This may be an issue with Refinements.
  • The kit only gets 4 Called Shots total, see previous comments about expecting to get another one at level 20 with the kit description text as written.

    @3243  = ~The Slinger is the epitome of skill with the sling — the result of halflings' natural aptitude with bows as well as their single-minded dedication to training with the weapon.

    - +1 to hit and damage rolls with any missile weapon every 3 levels.
    - May achieve Grand Mastery (5 slots) in slings.
    - May use the Called Shot ability once per day. Gains one use at level 4 and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.

    CALLED SHOT: All successful ranged attacks within the next 10 seconds have the following cumulative effects besides normal damage, according to the level of the Archer:
     4th level: -1 penalty to target's THAC0.
     8th level: -1 penalty to target's Saving Throws vs. Spell.
     12th level: -1 penalty to the target's Strength score.
     16th level: +2 bonus to damage roll.

    - May not wear any metal armor.
    - May only become Proficient (one slot) with melee weapons.
    - May not use the Charm Animal ability.

  • The called shot description references the "Archer".  This should be "Slinger" or "Halfling Slinger"
  • The right click Called Shot description makes reference to the level of the caster.  This should be the level of the Slinger/Halfling Slinger.
Edited by Caedwyr
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In defense of the Marksman, it is no more or less than a clone of the Archer ranger kit, transposed onto the fighter class.  It literally uses the vanilla Archer's kit ability table, and the same language in the kit description.  Here is the vanilla Archer kit:


ARCHER: The Archer is the epitome of skill with the bow—the ultimate marks<PRO_MANWOMAN>, able to make almost any shot, no matter how difficult. To become so skilled with the bow, the Archer has had to sacrifice some of <PRO_HISHER> proficiency with melee weapons and armor.

– +1 to hit and damage rolls with any missile weapon every 3 levels.
– May achieve Grand Mastery (5 slots) in longbows, shortbows, and crossbows.
– May use the Called Shot ability once per day. Gains one use at level 4 and an additional use every 4 levels thereafter.

CALLED SHOT: All successful ranged attacks within the next 10 seconds have the following cumulative effects besides normal damage, according to the level of the Archer:
 4th level: -1 penalty to target's THAC0.
 8th level: -1 penalty to target's Saving Throws vs. Spell.
 12th level: -1 penalty to the target's Strength score.
 16th level: +2 bonus to damage roll.

– May only wear leather, studded leather, and hide armor.
– May only become Proficient (one slot) with melee weapons.
– May not use the Charm Animal ability.

Inspecting the Archer's kit ability table, I see that it does not get any bonuses or called shots at 1st level - the thac0/damage bonuses kick in at 3rd and called shots become available at 4th.  So everything you describe seems to be working correctly.  (Not saying it's good - I personally make many changes to the way the Archer, and thus the Marksman, function.)

So the only issue is with the modifications made by Scales of Balance.  And the problem there is, SoB is installed later and has no way of knowing which version of the kit it will encounter. (There are at least three versions of the Marksman that can be produced by Might & Guile.)  SoB would have to keep multiple permutations of every kit's description in its .tra file.  The translators would go crazy!  CDTweaks groups some proficiencies, but it doesn't change the way the basic system works.  I think I glanced at its method of patching descriptions a long time and it was insufficient for SoB's purposes.  My options, as far as I can tell, are 1) just don't make that kind of change to the proficiency system; or 2) patch what I can and accept that there will be a few places in the margins where something is slightly askew.  I started using a different method in some kit descriptions for this reason, writing things like this:


– May reach one level of specialization higher than most thieves with short swords and daggers.

...or somesuch.  I haven't backported that to every kit in my mods, but that sort of thing, while a bit clunky, at least doesn't add a ton more work for a mod like SoB...

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Regarding the Marksman/Slinger inheriting their descriptions from the Archer, that's a fair comment.  Part of my confusion came from the other two Marksmen descriptions in the setup.tra file having a different ability gain rate and I wasn't sure if that was intentional or if the plain version of the class was just out of date like you've mentioned some of the other kits may be.

I have vague memories of horrible things being done with Regular Expressions to patch portions of text in descriptions, though it may be that cleaner ways have been discovered to do this. @CamDawg.

You could also go for the World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth era ability descriptions "The character swings their weapon and does damage" or "The character swings their weapon and does damage over time", just making everything very vague.  The key thing is aiming for consistency in presentation, at least within your mods, to give it a more polished look.

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Apart from the last couple of comments, I've noticed in your recent updates you haven't touched a few of the bugs/issues I raised in earlier posts in this thread.  Would it be helpful for you if I were to create giant summary posts in your other mod threads where I compile all the various issues I've found? I can strike out the ones you've appeared to address in your latest updates.

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46 minutes ago, Caedwyr said:

During character creation, you can put 2 pips into all melee weapons, all non-dual wielding weapon styles, 4 pips into Slings, and 1 pip into Bows and Crossbows.  This is with Scales of Balance installed after Might & Guile.  There appears to be some unintended interaction between these two mods.

That sounds like more than just a mod interaction.  PROFSMAX.2da should look like this after installing the SoB proficiency component:


2DA V1.0
                    FIRST_LEVEL OTHER_LEVELS  3          6          9        
MAGE                	1          1          2          3          4       
FIGHTER             	1          4          2          3          4       
CLERIC              	1          3          2          3          4       
THIEF               	1          3          2          3          4       
BARD                	1          3          2          3          4       
PALADIN             	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE        	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_CLERIC      	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_THIEF       	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE_THIEF  	1          3          2          3          4       
DRUID               	1          3          2          3          4       
RANGER              	1          3          2          3          4       
MAGE_THIEF          	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_MAGE         	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_THIEF        	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_DRUID       	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE_CLERIC 	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_RANGER       	1          3          2          3          4       
SORCERER            	1          1          2          3          4       
MONK                	1          3          2          3          4       
SHAMAN              	1          3          2          3          4       



The game should not be letting anyone put more than one pip in any weapon at 1st level.  This could be some kind of bug, or your PROFSMAX.2da could be different, or it could be something to do with how EET works (since it is technically BG2, even though you are starting a BG1 campaign maybe the CharGen proficiencies are acting like it is SoA?  Not having played EET, I'm not familiar with its quirks.  I would hope that it respects PROFSMAX.2da, though.

53 minutes ago, Caedwyr said:

The class reads as a weaker and racially restricted Marksman, though it gets backstab and thief skill points.

More or less, yeah.  It is an Archer, but in the F/T class (in my mind sort of a 'favored class' for halflings), and with the halflings' favored weapon, which regular Archers cannot use as well.  (Note, halflings get a racial bonus with slings on top of the kit's bonuses.)  As you can tell, these are all just minor variations on the Archer kit.  The vanilla Archer is a Robin Hood-like forest warrior; the Marksman is armored and more like a traditional soldier focusing on ranged weapons; the Slinger is a unique halfling warrior; the Sniper is a thieving sharpshooter; and the Elven Archer adds some minor fey-themed magical abilities.  But they all play more or less the same role.

1 hour ago, Caedwyr said:

The class gets an undocumented Animal Empathy ability in their innate bar.  Animal Empathy does not have any right-click description.

The kit ability table says:

ABILITY3    GA_SPCL311  ****        GA_SPCL311  ...

SPCL311 is just the normal Ranger's Charm Animal innate ability.  I just give the innate to the Slinger as a freebie for the halflings out there - it may not be a ranger kit but it can still be a little ranger-ish.  Whatever happens right-clicking that ability should be the same as what happens when you right-click the ranger's innate.  Glancing at the ability in unmodded BG2EE, it does have a description, so I think it must have been modified by something else.  Do you perchance have aTweaks "Ranger Charm Animal Improves with Levels" installed, or something like it?  If so it may be wiping out the right-click description of that ability.

1 hour ago, Caedwyr said:

It also gets 3 weapon proficiencies and 1 advanced weapon proficiency at level 1/1 in addition to the 5 points it can distribute at character creation (with Scales of Balance installed).  This might be a few too many or entirely intentional.  It is more proficiencies than the Marksman got, however.  Up to 3,000,000 xp the kit gains another 2 advanced weapon proficiency innates.

I suspect your Slinger has a higher INT score than the Marksman - 17 or more.  This is  down to SoB's "Revised Stat Bonuses" component.  (Or maybe it's in the Proficiency Overhaul... conceptually it bridges the two components, and I can never remember which one actually contains it.)  Warriors with high INT get as many as 3 extra proficiencies at 1at level (but only for gaining bare proficiency - the yellow ability), and up to 3 extra pips as you level up  (the green ability).

1 hour ago, Caedwyr said:

The kit does not get any HLAs.  This may be an issue with Refinements.

Well that's certainly a problem.  Can you look for it in LUABBR.2da to find its HLA table, and then check that table?

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22 minutes ago, Caedwyr said:

I've noticed in your recent updates you haven't touched a few of the bugs/issues I raised in earlier posts in this thread.  Would it be helpful for you if I were to create giant summary posts in your other mod threads where I compile all the various issues I've found?

Sure.  (Don't expect 40 kit descriptions to be rewritten, though - I am doing triage, here.)

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Mage Hunter ranger kit from Might & Guile @subtledoctor


~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #220 // Revised Multiclassing and Multiclass Kits: 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #235 // Revised Beastmaster: 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #240 // Improved Rangers: 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #245 // Revised Movement Bonuses (Quickstride): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #310 // Add the Corsair (fighter kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #320 // Add the Marksman (fighter kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #324 // Add the Halfling Slinger (ranger or fighter kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #350 // Add the Mage Hunter (ranger kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #360 // Add the Barbarian Ranger (ranger kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #420 // Add the Scout (thief kit) and revise the Swashbuckler: 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #450 // Add the Jongleur (bard kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #460 // Add the Loremaster (bard kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #470 // Add the Gallant (bard kit): 4.8
~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ #0 #490 // Add the Loresinger (bard kit): 4.8

  • Does not receive a -1 penalty to Strength or Constitution.
  • Slight wording adjustment recommendation to improve flow for Vocal Disruption description

    @3509  = ~Vocal Disruption

    Mage Hunters have learned to produce a coarse, groaning shout of a particular frequency that affects the inner ear of nearby spellcasters. The spellcasters must make a saving throw vs. Petrification or be partially deafened and suffer a 40% chance of spell failure for 5 rounds. The strain on the Mage Hunter's vocal cords limits them in the number of times per day that they may perform the shout.~

    Note that the Deafness effect gives a 50% spell failure chance with an indefinite duration.  You can probably pretty safely just call this Deafness and make sure it applies the deafness portrait icon (if it doesn't already).  The kit description of the Vocal Disruption ability does not provide any information on when the Mage Hunter gains additional uses of the ability, which it should if following the general convention (additional uses gained at level 6, 12, 18

  • Gained spell slot for ranger spells at level 7, but did not get Shocking Grasp or Deafness until level 8.  The cleanest way to handle this may be either detecting what level the ranger gets spell slots at install, or just specifying what character level the extra spells are added to the Mage Hunter's spellbook.  The Mage Hunter did get both new level 2 spell slots at level 10 and the additional spells.  The same was true for level 12 when obtaining level 3 spell slots and the additional spells.

  • The saving throw bonus wording isn't quite right.  You probably want to specify the exact levels they get the bonus (1, 5, 10, 15) or just say gains at level 1, level 5, and every 5 levels thereafter.

  • The Mage Hunter does not receive HLAs.

Edited by Caedwyr
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How does this sound for the Arcanist's "Prepare Spells" ability:


Change Memorized Spells

Use of this ability will enable the Arcanist to change which spells are prepared for the  next day. Upon using the ability, memorization slots will become available in the Arcanist's spellbook, and spellcasting will be disabled. After deciding which spells to memorize, the Arcanist must rest for 8 hours. Upon waking, spellcasting will be re-enabled, and the Arcanist will be unable to modify the contents of his memorization slots until the next time this ability is used.


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13 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

How does this sound for the Arcanist's "Prepare Spells" ability:


Change Memorized Spells

Use of this ability will enable the Arcanist to change which spells are prepared for the  next day. Upon using the ability, memorization slots will become available in the Arcanist's spellbook, and spellcasting will be disabled. After deciding which spells to memorize, the Arcanist must rest for 8 hours. Upon waking, spellcasting will be re-enabled, and the Arcanist will be unable to modify the contents of his memorization slots until the next time this ability is used.


Slightly revised version below:


Change Memorized Spells

This ability allows the Arcanist to change which spells are prepared for the  next day. Upon using the ability, memorization slots will become available in the Arcanist's spellbook, and spellcasting will be disabled. After deciding which spells to memorize, the Arcanist must rest for 8 hours. Upon waking, spellcasting will be re-enabled, and the Arcanist will be unable to modify the contents of his memorization slots until the next time this ability is used.


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38 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

That sounds like more than just a mod interaction.  PROFSMAX.2da should look like this after installing the SoB proficiency component:

  Hide contents


2DA V1.0
                    FIRST_LEVEL OTHER_LEVELS  3          6          9        
MAGE                	1          1          2          3          4       
FIGHTER             	1          4          2          3          4       
CLERIC              	1          3          2          3          4       
THIEF               	1          3          2          3          4       
BARD                	1          3          2          3          4       
PALADIN             	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE        	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_CLERIC      	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_THIEF       	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE_THIEF  	1          3          2          3          4       
DRUID               	1          3          2          3          4       
RANGER              	1          3          2          3          4       
MAGE_THIEF          	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_MAGE         	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_THIEF        	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_DRUID       	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE_CLERIC 	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_RANGER       	1          3          2          3          4       
SORCERER            	1          1          2          3          4       
MONK                	1          3          2          3          4       
SHAMAN              	1          3          2          3          4       




The game should not be letting anyone put more than one pip in any weapon at 1st level.  This could be some kind of bug, or your PROFSMAX.2da could be different, or it could be something to do with how EET works (since it is technically BG2, even though you are starting a BG1 campaign maybe the CharGen proficiencies are acting like it is SoA?  Not having played EET, I'm not familiar with its quirks.  I would hope that it respects PROFSMAX.2da, though.

I ran a Change-log on PROFSMAX.2da


[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 24600


Mods affecting PROFSMAX.2DA:
00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~SCALES_OF_BALANCE/SCALES_OF_BALANCE.TP2~ 0 122 // WPO - Systemic Proficiency Changesv5.23

Here are the contents of Profsmax.2da in my override folder:

2DA V1.0
                    FIRST_LEVEL OTHER_LEVELS  3          6          9        
MAGE                	1          1          2          3          4       
FIGHTER             	1          4          2          3          4       
CLERIC              	1          3          2          3          4       
THIEF               	1          3          2          3          4       
BARD                	1          3          2          3          4       
PALADIN             	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE        	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_CLERIC      	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_THIEF       	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE_THIEF  	1          3          2          3          4       
DRUID               	1          3          2          3          4       
RANGER              	1          3          2          3          4       
MAGE_THIEF          	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_MAGE         	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_THIEF        	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_DRUID       	1          3          2          3          4       
FIGHTER_MAGE_CLERIC 	1          3          2          3          4       
CLERIC_RANGER       	1          3          2          3          4       
SORCERER            	1          1          2          3          4       
MONK                	1          3          2          3          4       
SHAMAN              	1          3          2          3          4       

I've seen some other kit mods (the specific ones are commented on in earlier posts in this thread) that got random 3 pips available in Dual-Wielding, but it hasn't been consistent from what I've seen.  It might be the Fighter-Thief kits.


43 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

More or less, yeah.  It is an Archer, but in the F/T class (in my mind sort of a 'favored class' for halflings), and with the halflings' favored weapon, which regular Archers cannot use as well.  (Note, halflings get a racial bonus with slings on top of the kit's bonuses.)  As you can tell, these are all just minor variations on the Archer kit.  The vanilla Archer is a Robin Hood-like forest warrior; the Marksman is armored and more like a traditional soldier focusing on ranged weapons; the Slinger is a unique halfling warrior; the Sniper is a thieving sharpshooter; and the Elven Archer adds some minor fey-themed magical abilities.  But they all play more or less the same role.

The kit ability table says:

ABILITY3    GA_SPCL311  ****        GA_SPCL311  ...

SPCL311 is just the normal Ranger's Charm Animal innate ability.  I just give the innate to the Slinger as a freebie for the halflings out there - it may not be a ranger kit but it can still be a little ranger-ish.  Whatever happens right-clicking that ability should be the same as what happens when you right-click the ranger's innate.  Glancing at the ability in unmodded BG2EE, it does have a description, so I think it must have been modified by something else.  Do you perchance have aTweaks "Ranger Charm Animal Improves with Levels" installed, or something like it?  If so it may be wiping out the right-click description of that ability.

I suspect your Slinger has a higher INT score than the Marksman - 17 or more.  This is  down to SoB's "Revised Stat Bonuses" component.  (Or maybe it's in the Proficiency Overhaul... conceptually it bridges the two components, and I can never remember which one actually contains it.)  Warriors with high INT get as many as 3 extra proficiencies at 1at level (but only for gaining bare proficiency - the yellow ability), and up to 3 extra pips as you level up  (the green ability).

My main aim with the comment about the Slinger looking like a weaker Marksman was mostly just that there was a lot given to the kit which was undocumented.  For example, the kit description doesn't make any mention of the thief abilities, nor the additional innates and it really should.  It's all about the polish and documentation to make the modded entries indistinguishable or superior to the base game kits in presentation.

On the other points, it is likely that I had higher INT which is why I got all the extra proficiencies.  I need to make sure to just CTRL+8 and adjust stats to a standardized value when rolling up test characters.

On the missing description, yes it was aTweaks.  Thanks for the troubleshooting..

On the Missing Multiclass Refinements HLAs for the Slinger, there's this line in the readme-refinements.htm found in the refinements directory:


This version of Refinements has been updated by Subtledoctor. I tried to make the HLAs modular, so that you can install HLAs for one class but not for another. This way you can mix 'n' match Refinements with different mods like Rogue Rebalancing, Faiths & Powers, etc. These HLA components have been tested and install correctly on BG2EE v1.3... but I have not done much playtesting yet. Consider this EE compatibility to be a beta. For the moment, the multiclass HLAs do not install... I think I have a way to make them work with this new modular design, but it will take some time to do.

Furthermore, the HLA table according to LUABBR.2da is "Ra2" however, LURA2.2da is not present in my override folder.  LURA0.2da (Psypher and Ranger Barbarian both use this HLA table according to LUABBR.2da) is present, but none of the other Ra# HLA tables are present (Ra2 = Slinger, Ra3 = Mage Hunter).

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1 hour ago, subtledoctor said:

Sure.  (Don't expect 40 kit descriptions to be rewritten, though - I am doing triage, here.)

If you don't mind, I can do some of the rewriting and let you pick and choose.  I'm not going to get everything (I'm only testing the stuff in my current install), but it will at least provide something you can ransack to improve a portion of the kits if you like what I write.

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6 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

the HLA table according to LUABBR.2da is "Ra2" however, LURA2.2da is not present in my override folder

It’s not in /override but it is in your game - simply unmodded. However, it’s still an oversight on my part: it should have been changed to LUFT0.

(Refinements handles multiclasses just fine at this point, that quoted bit is out of date. Need to remove it.)

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9 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

I have vague memories of horrible things being done with Regular Expressions to patch portions of text in descriptions, though it may be that cleaner ways have been discovered to do this. @CamDawg.

No, it's sadly still regexps. While Tweaks does have a couple of examples, it's not really something you can generalize since each text replacement will likely need their own, unique (and complex) regexp.

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9 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

Here are the contents of Profsmax.2da in my override folder:

That looks correct.  In the vague recesses of my memories of 2016/2017, I have an inkling that there may be an engine bug here... and I note that BG2EE (and thus EET) is on patch 2.5.16 while BGEE/SoD/IWDEE are on 2.5.17, and there are definitely some differences there that BG2EE never addressed (like damage animations on zero damage, for one that I specifically recall).  it's possible 2.5.16 doesn't respect PROFSMAX for multiclasses... or for kitted multiclasses...?  Maybe?  I recall a bug in older patches (2.0 or 2.3 or something), where multiclasses didn't interact properly with CLSWPBON.2da, and that tangentially touches some of the same systems... eh, I'm grasping at straws here.

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