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(EE) GAME V2.0 file format additions

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There are no EE-specific additions listed for the GAME file format yet, so here they are:

GAME V2.0 Header:

Offset    Size              Description
0x001c    2 (word)          Use active area from party member (0=Player1, 1=Player2, ... 5=Player6, -1=Not in party). This overrides current area at offset 0x0058.
^^ This applies to original BG2 as well.

0x0080    4 (dword)         Zoom level (in percent), 0 or 100: default zoom level, >100: zoomed out, <100: zoomed in
0x0084    8 (resref)        Random encounter area set by script action ForceRandomEncounter() or ForceRandomEncounterEntry().
0x008c    8 (resref)        Current worldmap
0x0094    8 (char array)    Current campaign (e.g. "SOD" for Siege of Dragonspear)
0x009c    4 (dword)         Familiar owner (0=Player1, 1=Player2, ..., 5=Player6) <- used by IWD:EE
0x00a0    20 (char array)   Random encounter entry set by script action ForceRandomEncounterEntry().



Thanks, added. I can confirm the first one, as Avenger added a note in 2012:  "in ToB this is named 'nPCAreaViewed'". :)

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