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[Solved] Widescreen patch fails on GNU/Linux


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NOTE: THE PROBLEM WAS just that the "widescreen" folder has to go directly into my game install directory. Not "widescreen" contents, but the folder itself. Then "weinstall" will find everything it needs!



Hi there,


I'm trying to apply the widescreen fix, latest version, on GNU/Linux, but I am seeing this:

manuel@hp15db0:~/Downloads/bg$ weinstall widescreen
weidu --log "setup-widescreen.debug" "widescreen.tp2"
[weidu] WeiDU version 24600

Choose your language:
 0 [English]
 1 [Francais (Isaya & Lothringen)]
 2 [Spanish (ghildrean & Ancalagon el Negro)]
 3 [Russian by Prowler & Njkzy (arcanecoast.ru)]
 4 [Italiano]
 5 [Portoguese by Felipe]
Using Language [English]

Couldn't open the readme: file not found.
ERROR: No translation provided for @26
Continuing despite error.
ERROR: No translation provided for @1
Continuing despite error.
ERROR: No translation provided for @1
Continuing despite error.

Install Component [UNDEFINED STRING:   @1]?
[N]o, [Q]uit or choose one:
ERROR: No translation provided for @26
Continuing despite error.
ERROR: No translation provided for @27
Continuing despite error.

I am using the GOG version of BG1 ( wich includes the TSC expansion.


Any idea on what's going on?

Edited by vanfanel
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31 minutes ago, vanfanel said:

Any idea on what's going on?

Your widescreen folder does not contain tranlations to the strings it should, aka try to extract the archive again so that the widescreen folder is actually in the game folder, so that the translations aka the strings with @number actually say real things.

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19 hours ago, Jarno Mikkola said:

Your widescreen folder does not contain tranlations to the strings it should, aka try to extract the archive again so that the widescreen folder is actually in the game folder, so that the translations aka the strings with @number actually say real things.

My widescreen folder DOES contain the translations. And it's on my BG+TSC and BG2 install folders:

manuel@hp15db0:~/Downloads/bg$ ls
 baldur.exe    dialog.tlk                                      linux.ini          readme_patch.txt                 sounds
 baldur.ini    eula.txt                                        luaauto.cfg        readme_totsc.txt                 style
 bgmain2.exe   gameuxinstallhelper.dll                         manual_addon.pdf   readme.txt                       support.ico
 bgmain.exe    gfw_high.ico                                    manual.pdf         readme-widescreen-french.html    temp
 characters    goggame.dll                                     map.pdf            readme-widescreen.html           tra
 chitin.key    gog.ico                                         mconvert.exe       readme-widescreen-spanish.html   unins000.dat
 config.exe    ie-ddraw-fix-bg.cmd                             movies             save                             unins000.exe
 copying       keymap.ini                                      mpsave             scripts                          unins000.ini
 core.tpa     "launch baldur's gate - the original saga.lnk"   music              setup-ddrawfix.debug             unins000.msg
 data          lib                                             override           setup-ddrawfix.exe               weidu.log
 ddrawfix      libsmall                                        pixel.mos          setup-widescreen.debug           widescreen.tp2

manuel@hp15db0:~/Downloads/bg$ ls tra/
english  french  italian  portoguese  russian  spanish

manuel@hp15db0:~/Downloads/bg$ ls tra/english/

As you can see, everything is in place and tolowered. So that's not the problem at all.


What *could* be a problem is this weidu.log file that the GOG version og BG1+TSC includes:


// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~DDRAWFIX/DDRAWFIX.TP2~ #0 #0 // DDrawFix -> Force DirectDraw Emulation: v1.0



Maybe the problem is that the GOG "complete" versions come with incompatible patches applied??

Edited by vanfanel
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