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How To Prevent Certain Spells From Being Replaced

Guest Wody

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Hi. I want to disable a certain spell. When I open the file spell_rev/setup-spell_rev.tp2 with a text editor and search for the spell in question, I can't find any spells. Was wondering if someone could help me figure out how to prevent certain spells from being replaced?

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'R-lly `?

As of spell_rev-v4-beta18.exe ... open the file with Notepad++ ...

.tp2 files content:


main_component.tpa file's content:



and it continues a lot.


And all you got to do to edit the spell out is to prevent it from being copied, and to do that you just take the copy command and you wrap it up with /* copy_command_etc */ like it results into this: 


Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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